
This week's new UK releases

What's out this week? Just a few Wii budget games, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Tony Hawk's HD, says GamesAsylum.

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The PS5 Needs Another FlatOut Or Wreckfest

Get Wrecked.

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128d ago Replies(2)
dumahim128d ago

The most AI cheating game I have ever played. I won't even call it a racing game since the AI's sole purpose was not to win the race, but to get in front of you and slow you down.

Stuart5756128d ago

Many hours spent tearing my hair out over that exact thing. Good old days when I had time...

dumahim128d ago


Yep. My 2 most rage inducing examples:
I think the semi had the worst (or 2nd worst) speed in the mud and I was driving something that was great in the mud (not a dirtbike though) and I used my boost perfectly out front and shut it down at the right time to avoid blowing up. But as soon as I let off the boost, a semi came flying by which shouldn't have been possible.

The other one was I was up on some ledge next to a rock wall in a truck when a dirt bike came up between me and the rock wall. I do what anyone would do. I ram the bike into the wall and boom! I blow up, bike is fine.

EnViiDisnuCCa128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

I would love a remaster of Destruction Derby that was ps1 days

Barlos128d ago

Nah it needs another MotorStorm.

Ikheetwilliam128d ago

Bring me another Blur .. that would make one happy!

darthv72128d ago

Personally Id love a Motorstorm remastered collection. And then maybe even Motorstorm VR.

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Dream Drop Distance Derailed Kingdom Hearts in Style

While very flawed, DDD highlights why the series works as well as it does. Between a willingness to innovate and consistently strong character writing, Kingdom Hearts is never boring. The plot can derail itself off the tracks completely, but there’s still substance within the main cast.

Gameplay can be unrecognizable from title to title, but that’s exactly what keeps each entry worth revisiting. DDD is better than just another KH title. It has a strong identity and knows exactly what kind of game it is, for better or worse.

Dream Drop Distance didn’t have to derail Kingdom Hearts as hard as it did, but doing resulted in an unforgettable experience– a bridge to Kingdom Hearts III that’s as essential as it is eclectic.

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The 'Teen Years: A Look Back at Kingdom Hearts over the Past 10 Years

As the decade ends, let’s look back at many of the biggest moments in the Kingdom Hearts series. From games to merchandise, there was something for every Kingdom Hearts fan to enjoy.