
Far Cry 3: Should Release Delays Be Outlawed?

Or should developers just delay announcing games until they are actually near completion?

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SavageKuma4467d ago

Well they have to say something for the industry but keep their mouth shut for us the consumers. I do not mind the delay, what I do mind is when they delay a game and it still turns out like crap, which sucks. Great post.

KMCROC544467d ago

Too worlds 1,2, too human, to name a few.

slaton244467d ago

sad thing is no matter the game if its cod,ffv13,or many others someone will find something wrong with it and complain...nothing is perfect i got too worlds 2 and i like it delays are to help fix bugs they have found or to add a new game mode for example.....i hope that made some since im half asleep...lol

Army_of_Darkness4467d ago (Edited 4467d ago )

I prefer delays over DLC.
But when they pull shit like a delay, followed by a DLC, I'd say F@#K you.

HK64467d ago

Test Drive Unlimited 2 is a great example of a delay not helping the game at all. The MP didn't even work until months after release on TDU2.

zeal0us4466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )

Two worlds 2 was an improvement compare to Two Worlds 1.

Amy and Alpha Protocol could be added to that list though. Both had some hype behind them, got delayed and both fail to succeed.

Brink is one of those games that should have been delayed and beta tested

interrergator4466d ago

i thought too human was fun :)

Neo Nugget4466d ago

Same, but the death scene really was a gamebreaker for some people.

Gaming1014466d ago

The only reason anyone got upset over a game being delayed is this one - you have no life, and nothing else to do than play videogames. Blame yourself.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4466d ago
360ICE4466d ago

Really? I felt rather sure, after reading the first paragraph that surely this must be a joke article.

First of all, his first idea is a macro idea, that without macro-control (or as we would have said "a governing body") would be subject to individual judgement. Should developers do this for the sake of consumers? Yup. Will they? No, as we clearly see. So it's not really that interesting.

The second idea is just too awful. A governing body would control release dates? False advertising is one thing, little does he know that if you do have money on a delayed game you can demand it back, or sue for false advertising. If you think it's annoying that a game is delayed, then send an angry letter. Don't demand the establishment of an institution that fines (really?) companies that are already in a problematic financial situation.

Believe it or not, companies do lose money on advertising a release date that later reveals itself to be false.

Nitrowolf24467d ago (Edited 4467d ago )

The thing is many devs feel confident enough that they could push a game out on time, when in fact there is still work left to be done. That leaves plenty of room for error to occur during that time.
A release date now a day is really used to keep people interested and hopeful for that period of release. It brings hype, which increases sales even with a delay. I'm not bothered with the delay TBH.

I prefer having a release date and a delay occur than rather a game with no release date (FF VS 13, Last Guardian, GTA5, ect) cause at least I know it's coming.

I like when they announce release dates. It prevents the developers, for the most part, to slip away with their game and never be heard of for years. Youknow what should be outlawed? Announcing a product that isn't heard from for years. Agent and FF VS 13, WTF are you guys.

SavageKuma4467d ago

Honestly I agree especially games that turn out to be vaporware which means they never come out like Starcraft Ghost. Why mention something as a teaser and do not produce?

360GamerFG4467d ago

I think they should hold off on announcements until the game is months from completion. Forza 3 was announced a mere few months from release and look how well that game was recieved (sales wise for those that believe 2 years to create hype and pre orders is necessary).
This not to say that should the game NEED more polishing that they should release it anyway. Far from it. But don't announce a game and 3 years later we wondering if it still even exists, yes I'm looking at you Agent.

theDECAY4467d ago

Forza was always going to sell well. Not really a great comparison.

raymantalk14467d ago

yeah forza 3 was so great when it released it had millions of bugs in it they should of not released it and fixed all the bugs then released it who wants to buy a game and then have loads of bugs in it ?

and forza is always going to sell well since on the 360 there is no other exclusive racing games on xbox worth mentioning anymore.

hopefully when forza 4 comes out they will of learned from the past 3 games and fixed all bugs.

neoMAXMLC4466d ago

Do you read what you write??

dumahim4466d ago

Are you posting from the past? FM4 already came out.

FrightfulActions4467d ago (Edited 4467d ago )

Delay announcing a game? No, announcing the game, even years in advance (though such lengths are excessive), helps spark hype to the consumers and will result in more press and potentially better sales. Not giving out an actual release date until it's dead set? Totally.

Would be nice if an actual date wasn't given to the public until say, 2 months prior. There would still be 'insiders' leaking it to the internet though, but at least it wouldn't be 'officially' announced as the release date. It'd probably be something like Amazon, Gamestop or Walmart 'accidentally' adding the release date to the preorder.

DwightOwen4467d ago

Games should be announced once they hit Alpha, along with a release date, so that the only thing left to do is polish it up and rake in the sales while hype is at an all-time peak. This waiting 1-2 years is pure bullshit. It only serves to create an unreal level of expectation which many games then fail to live up to.

annus4467d ago

You do realise that a huge amount of games are announced around alpha time right? I'm assuming you don't actually know anything, and are just throwing around the word alpha.

Also just so you know, alpha is just a RUNNING version of the game, it doesn't even have to have good graphics or physics. The time between alpha and going gold CAN be over 2 years, go look at Diablo 3 if you want a good example.

DwightOwen4467d ago

You're right. 'Beta' is the stage I was thinking about, where all the known bugs have been fixed and the developer is preparing to go gold.

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Far Cry Has Become A Shadow Of Its Former Self

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JEECE61d ago

The trouble with most criticisms of this franchise is that they insist Far Cry 3 was the best game, but the things they claim to hate about the franchise are all the elements that 3 introduced.

Deeeeznuuuts61d ago

Couldn't agree with you more! I've always thought that, my personal favourite is two, the whole atmosphere, mystery, adrenaline, my vehicle steaming up because I've crashed too many times trying to escape and then getting in a shootout, having to pull a bullet out my arm while fire rages and bullets fly, can't beat it

JEECE61d ago

Yep, 2 is my favorite by far as well, and one of my favorite singleplayer games of all time. It was probably one of the last games Ubisoft made before they started homogenizing their franchises to be open world collect-a-thons with unnecessary RPG mechanics tacked on. I enjoyed 3 for what it was, but it was clearly an attempt to make the franchise appeal to a mass audience (which, in fairness, was successful).

LucasRuinedChildhood61d ago

That's not the issue. If Far Cry 3 never existed and they just made another 5 or 6 games that were increasingly generic copies of Far Cry 2 instead, would that make FC2 the real problem?

No. It's the lack of creativity and effort that followed that's the real issue.

And there are things that are genuinely different about FC3. Simple example - the story was easily the best. Best main villain by far too but it also has strong themes and wasn't afraid to explore controversial topics. The sequels are much blander.

Comparing the fun and creativity of Blood Dragon to the DLC in the sequels ... also says a lot about how Ubisoft fell off.

-Foxtrot61d ago

Yeah like even Far Cry 4 was decent, not as great as FC3 but they still gave us an interesting story, setting and villain. Pagan Min's random calls to Ajay were pretty funny.

They just got lazier and lazier, pumping them out while making it a little more streamlined each time. I mean Jesus, they gave us a silent protagonist with FC5 which really hurt the main story and are obsessed with pleasing everyone by trying to do two characters, male and female rather than just settling on one to tell the best story they can.

neutralgamer199261d ago

I started FC6 and yes the game works fine but I just wssnt Fun. Do many Ubi games are huge playgrounds but feel empty and doesn't give the feeling of a world which is lived in

JEECE60d ago

I have found that the more recent FC games work better as what I call "background games." Basically what I mean is it's nice to have an active save in one of them going for those times you have 45 minutes to play games and just want to have fun and don't want to get bogged down playing a game online or starting a new game and spending all your time into an annoying tutorial. Like I haven't touched FC4 in years but I know if I had 30 minutes to an hour to play I could hop in and easily be back in the swing of things and attack an outpost and have a good time.

I think a lot of people use big RPGs like Skyrim or Cyberpunk in a similar way.

isarai61d ago

Yes because FC3 executed those aspects better. Every game since FC3 has just been Frankensteined off the bones of FC3 with half the effort.

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Michiel198961d ago

you could say it's a far cry from what it was

wesnytsfs61d ago

Ubisoft gets a lot of hate for their content filling of maps. Personally I enjoy the mechanic when i play an open world game I like revealing hte entire map and doing all the side mission stuff before i go into main missions. Far Cry and the RPG AC maps where a joy to play.

RaidenBlack61d ago

Far Cry 2 was soo unique ... it was ahead of its time and is often misunderstood (thank you Clint Hocking, can't wait for his next game Assassins Creed Hexe)
(yes, FC2 was a departure from from FC1, so in strictest sense, Crysis 1 & 3 are the truer successors)

JEECE61d ago

Yep. Unfortunately there has been so little since then that has scratched the same itch. Really the closest thing has been BOTW, which uses a lot of similar systems (though ironically FC2 came out before Ubisoft put the Assassin's Creed towers in Far Cry, while BOTW had Ubi towers). Obviously it isn't a shooter though. I keep hoping that that some indie dev will put an FC2-esque game out on Steam, but so far I've been left wanting.

Sircolby4561d ago

I actually enjoyed Far Cry 5 and New Dawn. Far Cry 6 was a joke. It was a step backwards in every way. That was probably the worst Far Cry I have ever played.

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Deeeeznuuuts94d ago

It's gotta be Far Cry 2 for me, the feeling of that game I'm still yet to find again, just everything about it, I'd kill for a remaster, I'd even be happy with just a bump in resolution and frame rate, occasionally go back to it, think I'm gunna have to do just that now 😂

porkChop94d ago

A remaster of Far Cry 2 would be amazing, especially with the mods that fixed the broken stealth system and the dumb checkpoint respawns. Include those fixes and it would be a huge upgrade over the original.

JEECE94d ago

Enemies respawn in Far Cry 2? Terrible! It's a broken system! Make me a one-man army who can inexplicably hold an entire region!

Enemies respawn in Dark Souls and Zelda? Brilliant! So much more hardcore! Glad the devs took risks!

porkChop94d ago

The problem isn't them respawning. It's that they respawned after just 5 minutes. Like you'd still be in the area looking for diamonds, loot, exploring, etc, and the enemies would just respawn with you there.


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