
Panorama View - Cubed3 Impressions

"Nintendo is all about bringing new experiences to the fold, and managed to draw in massive crowds on the Wii and Nintendo DS thanks to titles such as Wii Sports and Brain Training. However, could Panorama View prove to be yet another niche product that appeals to the wider audience, or is it going slightly too far into the leftfield this time? Cubed3 went hands-on with the intriguing piece of software…", writes Cubed3.

corrus4380d ago

To all Nintendo fanboys who not believe that their WII U is weak http://kotaku.com/5920931/t...


Nintendo 2013 Line-Up: eShop Games - Mario/Donkey Kong, Luigi U, Earthbound Screenshots, Concept Art

GG3 continues the onslaught of assets with all eShop digital titles and third party reveals for Nintendo's 2013 line-up. Screenshots, concept art, logos and more can be found for New Super Luigi U, Earthbound, Bravely Default and so on.

Pyro2000x4081d ago

Nintendo Got Milk nothing to see here LOL

RTheRebel4081d ago

Don't make me call Shokio to expose you again lol ;)

MasterCornholio4080d ago

How would you milk Miyamoto?

Motorola RAZR i


Nintendo Granted Patent for Multi-display Panorama View Feature on Wii U

Sarah Silbert:

Nintendo lays claim to one of the more advanced implementations of dual-display gaming; its Panorama View Feature lets you move around the Wii U controller to see a different perspective than what's shown on the external TV screen. The company was just granted a patent for this very technology, and the document goes into great detail about the gyrosensors used to determine the controller's change in position. It's a lot simpler in practice than in theory -- just take a glance at the image above or peek at our hands-on demo of the concept at E3 2012 (embedded below the break).

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gmgarciam4196d ago ShowReplies(1)
MNGamer-N4196d ago ShowReplies(1)
Zhipp4196d ago

A patent that isn't completely retarded. I never thought I'd see the day...

Blackdeath_6634196d ago

i have to say while i don't like the idea of the patent (or patents in general) at least this one makes sense i can understand why nintendo would want to keep dual-screen panorama as a signature feature. lets hope nintendo make the most of it as patents have a tendency to limit a products potential to the creativity of just one company.

specialguest4196d ago

That's actually pretty cool. Knowing Nintendo, they'll actually use this neat function which is what matters at the end.

Gazondaily4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

Precisely. With Nintendo, you can almost always remain confident that not only will they utilise the tech, but also strive to use it in original and innovative ways.

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Panorama View to be Sighted on Wii U eShop in Spring 2013

One of the first concepts that was shown off for Wii U, and which made an appearance at various demo opportunities and expo appearances for the system, was Panorama View. It's a relatively simple app that uses real-life video and allows you to view the action from any angle you desire, simply by moving the GamePad.

It's a clever demonstration of some of the technology in the system's controller, with the ability to enjoy a 360 degree view of scenes such as a flock of birds or a tour bus driving through London. Some wondered whether it'd be a pack-in free with the system, but its absence on day one meant it looked as if it was going to be left as a tech demo. Satoru Iwata has confirmed today, however, that it'll be available from the Wii U eShop as a download-exclusive in Japan sometime in Spring 2013.

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