
Walking Dead Episode 2 Available June 26

Telltale Games has finally announced a release date for the much anticipated episode of Walking Dead!

rbluetank4387d ago

i just want my money worth of dlc i paid for. i already paid for all the current dlc. once i get my money worth of dlc. i am not buying anything like this again. i am done with telltale games.. they sat on their hands with this dlc. they did not communicate to their fans WTF is going on with the second DLC....

Xman12314387d ago

it wasn't there fault they were still wanting for Microsoft to pass it.

jeeves864387d ago

It was pretty much common knowledge that TWD would be episodic content. Pretty sure that this was on the TTG site when the game first release too, and on Steam/PSN/Live

It's episodic, that's the way it works. I agree though that the delay between episodes is a bit too long.

rbluetank4387d ago

the site said monthly drop of dlc. they did not drop anything for TWD last month. the did not inform the fans on when to expect the next dlc. you got to show more respect for your fans.

Colonel_Dante4387d ago

The first episode ROCKED. I didnt think these episodic games can be so engaging. Bought the bundle after that. Ep 2, About damn time!

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No Platinum Trophy In TWD: S2 PS4

The trophy list for The Walking Dead: Season 2 on the PS4 has been revealed and unfortunately there is no platinum trophy. In total there are 40 trophies including 1 Gold, 24 Silver and 15 Bronze. The Walking Dead S2 is expected to arrive on next-gen systems later on this month at both retail and digitally.

A full list of trophies is available below: (WARNING!!! POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!)

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nick3093549d ago

Game never had plat no surprise

NukaCola3549d ago

Season 1 has a platinum trophy. I have it. 500 Days didn't though.

Jaqen_Hghar3548d ago

still sucks though. Couldn't be any easier than season 1 so no reason not to

Jaqen_Hghar3548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Well guess a man will only get for Ps4 now (was going to get for both and plat both so now dev will get less support). Honestly why not have a plat? Your first game had one and it was impossible to miss so it can't be any easier. The Wolf among us for both then and TWD season 1 PS4. Well that's still 3 platinums to add to a man's collection. A man still supports the dev but this makes zero sense. Hopefully BF gets them both down to $20 or lower.

To be clear a man doesn't base any purchases on trophies. A man was going to wait for the PS4 versions of all the games regardless but was going to get the PS3 version as well before re-selling it just to get the plat for little to no cost (after resale cost was subtracted). A man only bothers to platinum a game if he likes it and never does annoying trophies like Resistance 2 10,000 kills despite that being the only one that he didn't have because if they're not fun why go for em?

3548d ago Replies(2)
KwietStorm_BLM3548d ago

Didn't have it on PS3 either. Don't know why, but yea.

Papafynn3548d ago

Dear Game Developers,

Platinum Trophies sells games. Gamers check trophy Lists before they buy a game. An easy or "Onlineless" trophy list could be the tiebreaker if they can afford only one game. Trust me it does. Doesn't make much sense but well.....it's gamers of today. They need to be rewarded. Be it a 100 "Like" on their selfies, 100 "retweets" or 100 other gamers watching them play a game on Twitch.

Give them their Platinum Trophies.

sloth33953548d ago

real gamers don't care about trophies only these fake gamers do. a real gamer plays a game for fun not to get trophies

Theangrybogan3548d ago

But what does a true Scotsman do?

kreate3548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

It's always nice to have trophies. Especially the platinum.

Wish starcraft had trophies and be released on ps4 or x1. I'll play it all day everyday.

Ratty3548d ago

You can care a little, not at all or a lot about trophies and it doesn't affect your status as a gamer at all.

Some people enjoy hunting for trophies. You don't. That doesn't make you better than them nor does hunting for trophies make them better than you. So please ;p

CaptainObvious8783548d ago (Edited 3548d ago )

There's been many a game I've been on the fence about, about because of their stupid online trophies or lack of platinum trophy I haven't bothered.

Dark_Overlord3548d ago

Same here, I avoid near enough every game with ridiculous online trophies.

levian3548d ago

You guys know a game can be fun regardless of whether it's trophies are difficult to get, right? Just because you can't get them all the way you like to play doesn't mean it's not worthy of purchase.

ginganinja3548d ago

I was under the impression it was Sony that determined whether a game could include a platinum trophy.

3548d ago
SonyAddict3548d ago

A true scots man tries to get every platinum that he can get and I know..because I am one!.


The Walking Dead: Episodes 1-3 Android Review - Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid contributor Matthew Byrd takes a deeper look at what may just be the best examples of episodic gaming ever.

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The Walking Dead: Season Two, Episode Two – The Verdict | The Reticule

Steph writes: Having created a (largely) well received opener for its difficult second album, The Walking Dead strides with confidence into an exciting second episode that is packed with memorable moments and tantalising hints of the action still to come.

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