
Nintendo won't pay to have exclusives to their platforms

Nintendo won't join Microsoft and Sony and pay developers to make their games exclusive on Nintendo platforms, the company has said.

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NYC_Gamer4381d ago

It's because Nintendo doesn't have deep pockets like MS&Sony..

ChickeyCantor4381d ago

You do realise that MS and Sony don't draw money from different divisions just for exclusives( I'm assuming people have this believe that Sony and Ms are up in the billions for games because they sell other products as well).

Nintendo surely got the money, they simply don't do it. They rely on their own software...It's Hard headed Nintendo we are talking about.

NYC_Gamer4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

I know MS and Sony aren't just about video games...That doesn't change the fact Nintendo can't afford to get into some bid war with MS/Sony over software......It's also doubtful that Nintendo would spend millions of dollars to create first party games like Sony....

dotwithshoes4381d ago

Why is it doubtful that they would spend money to make a game? I'm sure Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 only cost them a couple hundred thousand to make.

ChickeyCantor4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

You missed the point there.
I'm saying that just because they have more divisions doesn't mean they can spend THAT money on games.

"It's also doubtful that Nintendo would spend millions of dollars to create first party games like Sony...."

Sony doesn't make games directly. They buy game-companies to do it for them. Nintendo has in house gamedevelopers ( Miyamoto ? ). And in addition they have developers like Retro Studios, Camelot Software ( Golden sun ). Their projects sometimes expand to ~5 years. Also, a lot of money goes to R&D. And if you payed attention to Nintendo's history, game ideas are basically born there.

Army_of_Darkness4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

Microsoft however..... lol!
Besides, Mario might get offended if nintendo used his hard earned money on 3rd party exclusives;-)

Hisiru4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

This article says you are wrong:
Source: http://nintendoeverything.c...

Nintendo has a lot of money and they could even lose money for more than 40 years and still play in the gaming business. Take a look at this part:
"enough for it to take a 20 billion Yen loss (£163/$257 million) every year until 2052"

They have the money, but they don't want to use it or buy exclusives.

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4381d ago

I think both NYC and Sidar are right.

In my understanding, every division of a company is granted a certain amount of money at the beginning of the fiscal year.

They have to budget with in that time and the following the year they are awarded more or less depending on there needs, performance, and justifications.

If Sony has this same business model then they are able to allocate a healthy sum to the games division and R&D.

guitarded774380d ago

From article
"According to Satoru Iwata, Nintendo is “open to Wii U exclusives”, but they are not willing to pay developers for it. Iwata told gaming trade publication Gamasutra that they do not wish to enter a costly bidding war with the likes of Microsoft in order to get a title exclusive to the Wii U console. However, Iwata did point out that Nintendo is very interested in partnering with third parties who have a “very unique use of the Wii U functionality”. But the company won’t flat out pay just to make a game exclusive. This might also explain why some of the recent Wii U games like ZombiU and Rayman Legends have been rumored to be in development for other platforms."

I think Nintendo's point is deeper than the initial headline and understandable. Nintendo does invest money into exclusives from their developers, but they aren't willing to pay for stuff like timed exclusive DLC, which I can appreciate. Also, Nintendo is willing to work with third party devs to bring exclusive gameplay experiences to the Wii U. Not really much to debate when you look at it as more than a headline.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4380d ago
shackdaddy4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

Actually Nintendo is extremely wealthy. They have about $10.5 billion in the bank alone...

Plus Nintendo has 0 debt.

TenkoTAiLS4381d ago

I don't understand how you are getting disagrees my friend. Both points you made are fact backed up by financial analysts and yearly reports. You didn't even slide a personal opinion in there or anything. Disagrees for facts that are proven and true is like disagreeing that the world is round >.<

miyamoto4380d ago (Edited 4380d ago )

The original title of the articlre was: "Nintendo not interested in buying Wii U exclusive titles"

a slight change in wording " Nintendo won't pay to have exclusives to their platforms" made it sound arrogant.

nintendo can make their own multi million units seller no doubt but they have to make sure wii u is 3rd party friendly as well & this title ain't helping that goal.

PopRocks3594381d ago

Or maybe they just don't want to get into the same shit fest that Capcom keeps getting themselves into with timed exclusivity.

Nintendo's business model has always been different. I don't see the difference between them paying for exclusive titles when they can work with developers to make games for their platform instead as oppose to simply paying a developer to make a game and keep it on their platform. The former seems just as efficient and more cost effective to me at least.

TenkoTAiLS4381d ago

Can't afford to? How so? It's been proven time and again with financial reports and analysts write ups that Nintendo has more money in the bank than both Sony and Microsofts game studios. $10.5 billion to be exact, which is enough to take a $257 million dollar loss for the next 40 years and still be in the black. Also counting the $6 billion they reportedly have on site and in investments etc, they have plenty to spare. They also have recently had their first loss in 30 years as of last financial year.

Not sticking up for them, it's just financial facts. Nintendo isn't going anywhere any time soon, and they certainly have more than enough money to out bid the other two for exclusives. They just don't, and never really have followed that business strategy. The last time I can think of was when they had Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 0 made for them exclusive on the Gamecube.

I guess they rely on their own 1st and 2nd party exclusives to differentiate themselves from the competition rather than dumping a whole lot of cash into a game or two for timed exclusive release etc. Their strategy seems to be working too, or they wouldn't have so much in the bank.

neogeo4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

Nintendo has WAY more money in the bank then Sony. (not MS)

How many people have any clue how big Nintendo is?
Nintendo is bigger then:
The list goes on.



Thatguy-3104380d ago

Nintendo is like Sony. They will rather invest on its own IP that's developed by one of there many studios.

corrus4380d ago

Actually they have but they love money that's why they don't want to give it i have heart they have 10 billions

avengers19784380d ago

That is a fail, shell out the money, and give people more of a reason to buy your system... I know they have there own exclusives, but sony and MS make there own games but still, pay for third party exclusives as well, and nintendo def has the money.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4380d ago
Elderly_Cynic4381d ago

I appreciate their integrity, but it's a questionable decision from a business standpoint...

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34381d ago

Yes, your name explains it all.

Pedantic914381d ago

But i remember reading somewhere about a Sony spokes person (i think) saying that they don't pay for exclusives, that they'd rather try to earn the 3rd party devs respect or something.

Back on topic: I wouldn't know how this works out in a business standpoint but Nintendo themselves make a lot of exclusives for their own hardware so imo it makes sense.

DaThreats4381d ago

SONY doesn't pay
It's just M$

hellvaguy4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )


Your coompletely dillusional if you think sony doesnt pay for exclusives. Let me explain a common sense concept to you about something called a profit. A software company isnt going to just make ther game for system A out of the goodness of thier hearts and politely pass on making 50 million dollars but not releasing it on system b.

Common sense (well not so common it turns out).

CGI-Quality4380d ago

What exclusives (games - not exclusive DLC, which has a minimal impact overall) have Sony payed for? They've put the majority of their money into their own exclusives (or IPs they're publishing - such as Beyond: Two Souls).

Maybe during the PS1 era when they were trying to establish themselves in this industry did they "moneyhat" 3rd party titles, but these days, the only money (I imagine) going towards any games are their own. How else could FFXIII, GTA IV, Tekken 6, & Ace Comabt suddenly become multi-platform? Sony didn't throw money at them to keep them exclusive.

hellvaguy4380d ago

lol @ CGI

Fanboy pretending to know where and how sony spends thier money. Do they consult you before any business decision, so much failure. Your ignorance is kinda puppy dog cute.

humbleopinion4380d ago

A few examples from the PS3 era:
- Yakuza series
- Metal Gear Solid 4 exclusivity deal
- Quantic Dream games (Heavy Rain started development as a PC game before Sony payed for it)
-LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule was still an independent developer back then).
... You get the idea.

Similarly, Nintendo also pays for exclusive games, be it from external developers working on Nintendo franchises (the last Metroid from Team Ninja) or third party publishers (The Last Story).
The only thing they said is that they will not go on a bidding war - which is a good strategy if your pockets aren't deep enough. But they will pay for exclusivity if they think the content is right and the asking price isn't too high. The entire headline here is misleading.

Roper3164381d ago

the only one of the 3 that pay for exclusives ( most of which are timed ) is Microsoft. Sony has stated that since the PS3 first released and they were getting crap about all their PS2 exclusive franchises launching on the 360. Sony & Nintendo can make their own games and MS can't and that is the bottom line.... Why pay someone else to do what you can do yourself?

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phoenixwing1d ago

To be honest I'd rather know stuff is in the works but other ppl throw fits over it so it's whatever

porkChop12h ago

I'd rather they announce a game when it's like 3 months away. Quick little advertising campaign, round of interviews, gameplay deep dive, and a launch trailer. That's all you need. Cheaper marketing rather than wasting resources trying to maintain hype over like 4 years.

SimpleDad12h ago

Also, it's more likely that people will be hyped up and make an impulse purchase, or a preorder if the release date is announced.

Hotpot12h ago

Not announcing too early also contributes to better work environment. I’m in IT and there’s just too many crunch happened because some higher ups set a hard deadline way too early down the line.

franwex11h ago

Yeah. Fallout 4 announcement was great. Announced during the summer and it came out fall of the same year.

stalnox8h ago

The same thing happened with Witchbrook, its been multiple years and nothing. No updates at all, really. It's nice to know something is coming, but waiting for 5+ years for info isn't really fun

Demetrius1m ago(Edited 0m ago)

Ikr I agree tho, in the ps360 era games were shown in trailers and they'd release within a couple months, plus cutscene trailers are so days of the old I don't get hyped off of that, they used to show gameplay footage, screenshots in the game informer magazines they had confidence back then creativity was at a all time high folks weren't copying souls games like that or call of duty, nowadays we get shhi like 2023/2024 trailer with a damn fall 2026 type of release day like really bruh tf by time that come out yall sure ya gone get sales from folks who been


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