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Nintendo thinks Xbox 360 SmartGlass is “flattering”

The moment Microsoft announced the SmartGlass functionality for the Xbox 360 at their E3 conference earlier this month, people started comparing it to how the Wii U and its controller connect and work. Nintendo’s also doing the same, in fact doing on to say that it is flattering to see that people are following them in adopting technologies so quickly.

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Patriots_Pride4370d ago
TheGamingArt4370d ago

Wow, way to mislead the consumers. Tech like Remote Play and Smart Glass aren't created within a year (aka the time the Wii U was announced). It's ridiculous to think that they are 'following' in Nintendo's footsteps with this. Arrogant pricks.

ronin4life4370d ago

I kind of think the Gaming applications of SG shown at e3 were thrown together after the wiiu was unveiled. Otherwise, one would think there would be a little more there

nintendojunkie284370d ago

It's quite obvious it was thrown together.GamingArt is just in denial.

live2play4370d ago ShowReplies(1)
live2play4370d ago

nintendo has been "flattered" alot

modnation racers
little big planet karting
ps allstars
touchsceen on the vita
AR on vita and camera

yup very flattered

Skateboard4370d ago

When I'm competing with someone I like to beat them at their own game : )

Hicken4370d ago

The Move concept is as old as the Wii concept, if not older(and Sony actually owns the patents, instead of just licensing it like Nintendo). And the Kinect is more based off of the Eyetoy than the Move.

MNR and LBPK are kart racers. So? Both provide the type of customizable experience Mario Kart never has, and likely never will. I'm also fairly certain Mario Kart wasn't the first kart game, and it being "best" is arguable.

Likewise, PS All Stars is inspired by SSB, but SSB is not the first game in the genre. It's already gotten old that people still try to argue this.

SmartGlass seems far more like AppleTV with Wii U functions than the other way around, and such things have been in development by various companies for years before the Wii U.

The Vita's touchscreen is more an answer to smartphones and tablets than to... what, the DS and 3DS? The one-touch function of the Wii U's controller is a step backwards, in this respect, as I seem to recall even my DS being able to track multiple touch points at once.

Nintendo is also not the first to do AR, in gaming or otherwise, so I don't see why the Vita's use of said feature would be flattering to them.

It's nice that you support Nintendo. But if you're going to attribute things to them, make sure it's something they actually DESERVE recognition for.

Salamander4369d ago

You Raise good points Hickzy, but regardless of whether or not they created it first i reckon they made some of those mainstream-

Motion Gameplay
Mario Kart
and quite possibly screens on controllers.

Which Makes me wonder if not for Nintendos successes would we have even seen the likes of MNR or PS all stars or even perhaps, PSP.

BitbyDeath4370d ago

No they really haven't

Wii motion controls - Eye Toy (PS2)
Mario Kart - Professional Go-Kart (Commodore 64)
Smash Brothers - (Will give you that one)
Wii Tablet - Gran Turismo HD/Formula 1 (PSP)
Touchscreen - Mobile phones
AR - Eye of Judgement (PS3)

These are just some examples and likely go back even further. I like Nintendo as much as the next guy but stop making stuff up.

Skateboard4370d ago

Nintendo fanboys calling everyone a copy cat. Its getting really annoying.

CrazyOrange4370d ago

Last time I checked, Sony did this first with the original PS3 and PSP.

Skateboard4370d ago

Inbe4gamecube and gba. Anyone whining about this needs to not take it so personal, LOL.

live2play4370d ago

hahahs skateboard i wish you had more bubbles

Wintersun6164369d ago


I wish you had less bubbles. Looking at your comment history, all you do is hate on Sony. And you don't even try to hide it behind attempts of forming long sentences and using logic like that other troll with 5 bubbles does.

shackdaddy4370d ago (Edited 4370d ago )

Actually gameboy and the gamecube did it before the psp and ps3 even existed...

Edit: @skateboard No one is whinning. Hes wrong....

yabhero4370d ago

Ugh... I'll admit the idea is not original but I can tell you now, neither the PS3/PSP combo or the PS3/Vita will be as advanced or get the same support. I love Nintendo AND Sony but people need to stop pretending this novelty PS3 feature is going to compete with a dedicated controller.

Vickistheman4370d ago

In other news, Apple and Samsung think the WiiU gamepad is pretty cute.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie12h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Moving In My 30s Made Me Nostalgic For Physical Games

GL: "Staff writer Shaz reflects on his small library of physical games he's kept throughout the decades, and how a recent move made him nostalgic."

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Sciurus_vulgaris7d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle6d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21835d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.