
Editorial: Is Gaming a Men's Club Only? [GAMINGtruth]

Recently Aisha Tyler had to go on her Facebook and defend her love of gaming. GAMINGtruth contributor Jamie Lynn O'Dell believes that it's time to stop pretending girl gamers are some sort of myth.

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SirNintend04426d ago

I think most people view female gamers as a rare breed. Maybe your girlfriend comes over and you are playing a game, and she joins in for a minute. Most of them won't stick around for the marathon nights though. Interesting article though.

user54670074426d ago

Well it really depends how you look at it

I'll try to word this correctly as I know one slip up and I'm going to have a ton of people taking what i say the wrong way.

Anyway, I think it kind of is because thats how gaming started out. Consoles, gaming in general have always been targetd towards a male audience because of the steroptype back then of "Geeks" loving computers and video games. Even how it was marketed showed it was targeted for men I mean look at the PS1 for example, grey, bulky, ugly looking...not something you would show off to get a girl interested. I'm not saying Girl gamers back then didn't exsist there just wasn't as many as there were of male gamers. As I've said gaming has pretty much always been targeted to men and I'm pretty sure more gamers in the world are male, hell even the online is a boys club. Boys calling peoples mams, calling each other names, bigging themselfs up to make them look cool because they know theres no way they are going to be beaten to a pulp...it's the reason why I think girl gamers get way too ofended when they go online because they can't handle the enviroment...although it dosen't help in some cases where most girl gamers yell out that they are a girl and make it so cringe worthy obvious.

Which brings me to my next point...the thing about girl gamers is that in this day and age where thanks to the Nintendo Wii making gaming more casual it's hard to actualy find a real girl gamer who's REALLY interested in games. Most girls on this site will obviously be real girl gamers because...well lets face it they obviously like them so much to make an account on a gaming news website but there are a lot of fakes out there who do it for a number of reasons.

Some do it for social reasons, the ones who try and fit in with male groups or mainly try and fit in with their social crowds...the "geek" stereotypes these days has evolved into a cool thing rather then a un cool thing if you get what I mean....theres facebook memes about it I'm sure you've seen them.

Some do it for boys attention or only do it to prove that girls are just as equal to boys, like as I mentioned, the ones who at the start of a COD online match would yell out that they are a girl gamer. "GIRL GAMER HERE..COMING THROUGH, A GIRL IS GOING TO OWN EVERYONE OF YOU GUYS", where she will be torn to pieces by hurtful comments only then to b*tch about how the online is immature even though it's her own fault.

Finally you have the ones who just lie because they think that playing on the big talked about games like COD, Halo, Skyrim for example makes you a gamer. Yet if you asked them if they watch E3, the VGAs, the TGS or talk about non hot topic games franchises at the moment which arn't in the media spotlight at the minute such as Half Life, Thief, Final Fantasy Versus, The Last Guardian or Eight Days they wouldn't have a clue what your going on about.

As I've said it's hard to get this across but it's the best I could do. Please don't take offense to it I just think deep down that theres more likley to be gamers who are male then female. You have to understand why it's hard to come across a female who is actually interested in games, not just the talked about culture that surrounds it


World of Warcraft developers form wall-to-wall union at Blizzard Entertainment

The new unit comprises over 500 developers representing the entire World of Warcraft development team.

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2d ago
XiNatsuDragnel1d 21h ago

Unions in gaming are necessary fr fr

montebristo1d 10h ago

I used to be anti-union, it kills productivity, investment and turns product mediocre. Their games suck anyways though so what was lost? Might as well get their people paid until they are dissolved.

shinoff21831d 10h ago

Unions are necessary regardless of how you feel. You know how fked the working class would be without them. As if we're not already.

montebristo1d 9h ago

No they aren’t, regardless of how you feel. Unions make zero sense for skill based labor. They are for people who press a button every 10 seconds on an assembly line. “working class” is a made up term. I don’t care about corporations or developers, I just want good games lol. Killing your incentives to appease the lowest common denominator doesn’t lead to great games imo

montebristo1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

I wasn’t trying to be offensive if I came off that way. The Union is an old mentality and I can see their usefulness but also the danger. We’re in the age of AI and robots and skill based labor. Unions can be dangerous these days. You could replace your entire workforce in one move. Checkmate. Look to the kiosk replacing workers in the 20 dollar minimum wage era.

Well run businesses don’t need unions. If you need a Union that business won’t survive anyway. Unless it’s propped up by the government with corporate welfare (which is the real issue). If you’re not going to spend some on your workers (Amazon, Google) then your welfare is cut off. No tax breaks. All you put together don’t match their wealth and resources, the union is a traditional memory at this point and counterproductive with this new enemy we face. They need a flying elbow from the top ropes. And by “working class is a made up term” I just mean we’re not a class system and even CEO Bobby Kotick puts in a days work lol. Or did.. It’s just a vague term that doesn’t mean anything no offense lol. People say “middle class” but that can change quick right? Up or down. That’s not a “class system”.


The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

Modders have cooked up something pretty special – a Wii console which is small enough to fit on your keys. A wee Wii.

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Humble Games Lays Off Entire Team

Another studio has held layoffs, this time its Humble Games letting go of its entire QA team according to social media posts.

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aaronaton2d ago

Why QA a game when the general public do it now....

anast2d ago

They will rehire cheaper labor during the restructuring. The stupid thing is that they are struggling and the first thing they do is lower the quality.