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There is Another Xbox 360-Inspired Wii U Controller

Kotaku: When I first saw Nintendo's official Xbox 360-ish Pro controller I thought, "You know, I would probably like this better if it featured the same controller layout as the 360 one." Apparently Mad Catz feels the same way. This is the FPSPro, a third party Wii U controller developed completely independently of Nintendo.

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dangert124398d ago

Lets not give all the cred to the xbox the 360 pad looks like a dream cast controller + bumber buttons and 2nd

darthv724397d ago

what matters most is will it be comfortable to hold. Obviously MadCatz holds a license to create 360 controllers and as such they can use their design license to create controllers for other platforms. There is even a 360-ish controller for the ps3.

I prefer the layout of the 360 controller to the ps3 (personal choice) and when i saw the pro controller i thought that nintendo chose the design right. It is a nice comfortable fit in the hands (especially if you have big hands) and all the buttons and the sticks are easy to get to.

Im sure mad catz will sell huge amounts of these over the official ones. Especially to those who like the feel and button layout of the 360.

dangert124397d ago

Lol joking you're right i agree

MaxXAttaxX4397d ago (Edited 4397d ago )

Layout and comfort(shape) are slightly two different things.

360 controller may be more comfortable to HOLD for some, but I find the PlayStation controller is more comfortable to PLAY WITH personally.
Might have to do with the D-pad and buttons just being too awesome or something :P

" all the buttons and the sticks are easy to get to"
And what controller doesn't do that? lol

Gazondaily4397d ago (Edited 4397d ago )

The 360 controller, in my opinion, is a lot more comfortable to HOLD and PLAY (what a stupid distinction) because of the layout and feel of the analogue buttons, the much more responsive triggers and overall shape. The d pad on the original controllers let it down though unless of course, you have the new version where you can toggle the d pad so it protrudes out.

sikbeta4397d ago

That's a third party controller compatible with both or what? because that right there is an X360 controller with the face buttons well placed unlike the u-pad...

LAZL0-Panaflex4397d ago (Edited 4397d ago )

Theyre both good controllers i like the xbox controller for single player ist and third person shooters but for multiplayer i prefer the ps3 controller for 2 reasons:

Reason 1: alot of people in the xbox community switch the bumbers to the shoot buttons instead of the triggers so they can press the shoot button 3-4 times as fast as the triggers and creates an unfair advantage in a game like call of duty

Reason 2: i prefer the left analog stick on the ps3 controller for sprinting

For fighting games and button mashing games like god of war, or danres inferno, i prefer the size, buttons, and dpad of the ps3.

Racing games: its a tie

Spiderman games feel better with an xbox controller

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jacen1004398d ago (Edited 4398d ago )

Yea pc's were about long befroe the xbox and i was using this style of control pc gaming before any console came out with this style

MacDonagh4397d ago

Here's what I don't understand. A lot of gamers complained about the WiiRemote not being for the core gamer. When Nintendo then release a pro controller for the core gamer; it's just copying the other pads. LULZ EPIC FAILZ!1

Seriously, what's up with that?


and your point is?

A wii controller that plays a lot like the other guys' controllers is exactly what "core gamers wanted. how is that funny?

MacDonagh4397d ago

Just highlighting the hypocrisy that some folk have just because they dislike Nintendo so much.

dennett3164397d ago

@MacDonagh...what? You say hypocrisy, how do you know it's the same people doing the complaining?
I see this all the time, vague mentions of 'they' used to create an imaginary slight that you can then complain about, as if 'gamers' are all a single hive mind with the same opinion.
And that's excluding the point that mentioning Nintendos controller looks like a 360 pad isn't that big of a deal in the first place, and certainly NOT hypocritical even if it WAS the same person making all the statements you claim. Hypocrisy in your case above would be that person slating Nintendo for abandoning the casuals with the pro controller, not commenting on it's look.

MacDonagh4397d ago

@Dennett316 Instinct. Most gamers look down on Nintendo because of their efforts to expand to a casual audience. It's a popular preconception that Nintendo doesn't cater to the core crowd because of it's babby games and focus on bringing in people who've never had an interest in gaming. Even if Modern Warfare was going to be released for the Wii U, people will still think it's for the casual gimmick machine. Then again, it's not as if either Sony or Microsoft have ever tried to do that with under-cooked peripherals or similar concepts right? ;)

InTheLab4397d ago

I don't think it's Nintendo hate. Certain N fans scream how innovative N is, but when faced with something like this....ITS TEH HATERZ

The only hypocrisy going on here is how much of a big deal a 360 style game pad for the WiiU is while NO ONE had a problem with the PS3 style Controller Pro released for the Wii.

I'm and bummed they went with bumpers and triggers instead of buttons. They just don't work for long term use. It gets uncomfortable after a while.



the 360 controller is by far the most comfortable to hold, but hell...i can hardly play with that thing. ive had multiple controllers over the years that develop unresponsive dpads. also, the face buttons just arent as easy to press as the ps3s. far too brittle and tactile. i dont understand why they didnt just take a few notes from the way sony and nintendo had designed their buttons.

jib4397d ago

take notes for buttons? why would they when no one really complains about it

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Welp, Now Nintendo's Going After Sheet Music

It should come as no surprise that Nintendo is pretty protective regarding its IP. Going after emulators, ROM hacks, and reproductions is one thing, but it looks like the firm is starting to aim its sights on something rather surprising: sheet music.

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CrimsonWing694d ago

Nintendo sure knows how to take the fun out of everything.

MeteorPanda4d ago

this reminds me of that nintendo facebook social media question where they asked people what their favourite nintendo song was and people posted yt links. EVERY SINGLE ONE WAS TAKEN DOWN

Knightofelemia3d ago

You want to kill a party fast just invite Nintendo. But we are talking about a company who took down pictures of a strategy guide that has never appeared in the west. You don't see Square taking down music or sheet music to Aerith's theme, Tifa's theme, June Mermaid. Memorable tunes stick with fans to great games. Nintendo games have fans that have been routed since the NES. People have Youtube vids showing how to play Zelda's lullaby on piano, violin or my favorite the harp. Nintendo taking down sheet music or those curious about a Japanese strategy guide makes Nintendo look like an asshole to those fans.

PRIMORDUS3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Torrent and Usenet is the way. Imagine if all these people just share game music, roms, fan remakes in that way instead of on a website. Nintendo would be so helpless and cannot do anything we all win LOL

gold_drake3d ago

its abit ridiculous at this point.


Out of spite those people should now out put all that music in a torrent upload and share it (I will seed for them🤣) Then email Nintendo the link to it lol. Good luck taking down a torrent. Torrents and Usenet is the only way to get around anything Nintendo tries to take down because they can't. This is the way to preserve games and game music, without anyone telling you otherwise.

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Nintendo, Xbox, And PlayStation Have All Now Abandoned Twitter/X Integration

The latest Switch firmware update kills off support for the Elon Musk-owned social media company.

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Jin_Sakai11d ago

Could care less. I use consoles to play games not for social media.

Cacabunga11d ago

Social garbage should be abandoned altogether.. the world is stupid since these things got introduced

senorfartcushion11d ago

I would say YouTube was more to blame for this weird unrest we are seeing at the minute. That platform has given license to some of the stupidest people to build advice channels for kids growing through their formative learning years. It's no wonder there are so many incels around.

z2g11d ago

The world was stupid before that. Social media just let you see it.

10d ago
z2g11d ago

It’s for posting content like game captures, not responding to your boo’s pool pictures.

But F twitter anyway

CrashMania11d ago

And nothing of value was lost, that site is a cesspit.

purple10111d ago (Edited 11d ago )

correction, was a cesspit,

now more of just a swamp / everglades / marshland

gold_drake11d ago

not sure who actually used it in the first placd

Vithar11d ago

Good, Twitter is getting worst than 4chan

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Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

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Community33d ago
Profchaos33d ago

Great news it shows that Nintendo intends to continue developing ports of AAA games to its next gen platform

H933d ago

Buying studios from embracer now is a great deal, they must be dirt cheap at this point, Nintendo is a opportunist, they wait until someone fall so they get their best deal

OtterX33d ago

That is some serious brain gymnastics you have going on there. 🤔

H932d ago

I didn't do any gymnastics I can assure you, honestly I don't know why you think that, not hating I seriously don't see why you think that

ZeekQuattro32d ago

Yeah I don't know where that came from. It's rare for Nintendo to flat out aquire studios. Guess they were trying to be edgy but why flex on this studio. 🤣

Kneetos31d ago

At least they are safer from layoffs with Nintendo then any other company

banger8833d ago

I hope someone buys Piranha Bytes, their future isn't looking good right now. I love their RPGs, they're janky as f***, but they have heart and soul.

Relientk7733d ago

Nintendo saw the Mortal Kombat 1 Switch port and were like, "Yeah, these guys are worth acquiring."

You can't make this crap up lol

Profchaos33d ago

Mortal Kombat 1 was never going to port well I'm sure they told wb it wasn't going to work but wb wants that sweet sweet 140 million install base

In the end wb approved the project cleared the milestones and allowed the product to release

SonOfOsiris32d ago

Yeah this guys ported MK11 which is great, Hogwarts Legacy which is great, and MK1 is now ok, play it every day