
Hawken’s Mech Warfare Will Make You Cry With Joy

No vistas or tropical paradise here, Hawken gives us a war-torn urban landscape to feast our eyes on. And it is most certainly a feast. Adhesive Games looks to be crafting the perfect setting for mech warfare.

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Fans Resurrect Hawken For PC Platform

Expect the game to only work offline right now.

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AuraAbjure1405d ago

It's pretty inspiring when the community does this kind of stuff.


Where Do Games Go When They Die?

As we trend ever deeper into a world of games that require servers maintained by the developer or publisher, we see more and more games disappearing from the world. What happens when these games are shut down? What does it take for a game to survive beyond this point?

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NecrumOddBoy1720d ago

Alamogordo, New Mexico "RIP E.T."

ApocalypseShadow1720d ago

I was going to say that. Lol!

Actually, "Just ask Atari where ET is."

But basically the same joke.

vikingland11718d ago

It depends on how good they are :-)

Profchaos1718d ago (Edited 1718d ago )

Most modern games that have online components like destiny rely so heavily on co op between players that even if you had a full disc version popping it in and playing won't be a fun experience as you can't play the actual game after hitting a wall with difficulty levels of they even boot

But classic titles like vice city will still be the same in 2049 as they were in 2001 provided you play on a disc not stripped down digital versions that have the soundtrack cut out ten years later

Traecy1718d ago

They don't die,they just become irrelevant. Multiplayer games are another story.

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Hawken Servers Closed on Steam, Staying on Consoles

Hawken, the free to play mech shooter has had its servers closed on Steam, but it will remain live on consoles.

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2355d ago
ClosetRebel2354d ago

I didn't even realize this game was removed from my Steam library. Bummer.

2354d ago
gangsta_red2354d ago

The game was a UI mess and when I actually played it was an even bigger mess

Blu3_Berry2354d ago

This is exactly why only online multiplayer games won't last very long. It's important to have a single player campaign (a good one, not a throw-away trash story) or some kind of offline multiplayer mode.

sampsonon2354d ago

it's doing well on console mostly because xbox gamers haven't had a good game for a few years.

DialgaMarine2354d ago

I’ve played some great MP-only titles, so needing a SP isn’t really an issue, so much as it’s the developers needing to make the game good and offer content to keep people coming back.

Blu3_Berry2354d ago

Hmmm, I think you hit the nail on the head right there.

Elit3Nick2354d ago

When it's fighting Mechwarrior Online, another PVP mech game from a franchise with an established fan-base, it couldn't really compete. While MWO does have its issues, it has solid combat with a very generous F2P model, unlike Hawken, which forced you to use a starter mech and then buy every other one.

NotanotherReboot2354d ago (Edited 2354d ago )

PUBG does not need a sp campaign. Never let me catch you speaking such rot again.

Vegamyster2354d ago (Edited 2354d ago )

Hawken was never a very popular game, i think its peak concurrent user count was a little over 8k. There is plenty of other popular old MP games, heck the original Counter Strike has a pretty large user base lol.

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Xack2354d ago

I have always been tempted to try this but never gotten around to it.Should I?