
South Park: The Stick of Truth’s DLC Will Be Timed Exclusive On Xbox 360

Like with Tomb Raider, The Elder Scrolls, and Call of Duty, the South Park RPG’s downloadable episode packs will be available first on the Xbox 360.

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Yi-Long4493d ago

... a sure-fire way to make sure I won't buy it at launch!

Pandemic4493d ago

As long as it's not a game exclusive for the Xbox 360, then I'm a happy person.

darthv724493d ago (Edited 4493d ago )

Honestly there has been timed exclusive releases for years. I am reminded of street fighter 2 for the snes. Eventually the genesis got a version but until then it was considered an exclusive to nintendo.

If you only have one system and it happens to be the system NOT getting the timed dlc then you can cry boo.

If you have the system that is getting the timed dlc then you can yell YAY.

If you have both then it doesnt matter either way. Its only a bad thing if your system of choice is getting the sloppy 2nds.

CoolBeansRus4493d ago

Yi-Long, that just means they will add to the game, if it's good why wouldn't you want that?

GarandShooter4493d ago

I took it to mean he'll just wait for a GotY edition. More content, less money.

Yi-Long4493d ago

... I think MS/Sony/Nintendo are wasting money on something as juvenile as that.

I'd rather see them invest that money into new ideas, new IP's, etc etc.

2nd of all, I just really dislike the idea of buying a game that is 'incomplete'. The developers are clearly not done with their ideas for the game, but they release it and then sell you the rest.

It might be a 'complete' experience in terms of story, meaning the basic story is all there, but clearly they still have a lot of content they WANT to put in the game, but they will do so after you already bought the game.

It would be like buying a movie, then the director comes out saying it's not his complete vision, and releases a longer director's cut. I don't buy CUT incomplete movies either. I wait for the director's cut!

InLaLaLand4493d ago

Yi-Long speaks the truth.

CoolBeansRus4493d ago

OK i read what you had to say.

You don't know they left things out on purpose. They could have put everything into it for all you know and then to earn revenue they add little part to the game which extends the games life, would you rather them just release a game and go str8 to the next one, there would be a new game every year (COD ANYONE?) with glitches that would go unfixed. If i like a game, i want extra content after 3-6 months, i don't want to buy the same game a year later with different maps.

All im saying is, i understand what you are saying, but at the same time a bad game with dlc is just that, a bad game. A good game with dlc is a better game.

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theusedfake4493d ago

I have no problem that they're going to make dlc as long as they're not focusing on creating it for a week after launch, it has to be timed right. Can't say I'm a fan of timed exclusive dlc though

JaredH4493d ago

So you're one of the people who don't care what happens behind closed doors as long as you don't hear about it? I guarantee the majority of developers plan out their DLC before finishing their games. Everyone hates Bioware because they revealed that truth...

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Ken224493d ago

Wow the "Timed exclusive" just keeps on coming -__-.

Anon19744493d ago

Wow! Another 360 exclusive! Oh wait...

portal_24493d ago

Ive never bought DLC since the start of this gen - so this affects me not :D

MrDead4493d ago

Well if that’s what Microsoft think 360 owners want them to spend money on more then anything else then that’s fine.

jay24493d ago

We can't take away THE ONLY THING MICROSOFT HAS LEFT!.............

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anast178d ago (Edited 178d ago )

We are going to see a lot of crap South Park products since they sold out to paramount years ago. It's their IP they can sell out, of course; it just means the quality of their show has tanked and other products as well. Nevertheless, they put on excellent musicals, but those haven't been sold to a mega corporation.

cammers1995178d ago

They said awhile ago that Ubisoft holds contract rights to the main flagship South Park games. So like stick, fractured and phone destroyer.

Snow Day was handled by THQ and Question and is a random spinoff. Hopefully Ubisoft is cooking something.

anast178d ago

That's one reason to be hopeful, but Ubi is trending down too.

chicken_in_the_corn177d ago

Loved the RPGs but never played the others. Have to track them down. Still not sure about Snow Day though.


The 7 Best South Park Games

The South Park series has somehow managed to stay relevant for over 25 years, but which are the best games based on the TV show?

cammers1995285d ago (Edited 285d ago )

The only two worth playing are Stick of truth and fractured but whole. The rest were garbage except snow day which I can't say anything about yet. But with that said, unlike stick and fractured which debuted as AAA full priced titles by ubisoft, snow day is a new developer and publisher and has a budget price at only $30 soooo


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P_Bomb405d ago

I see Deadpool made the list. Also saw it in stock at the local game store. Second hand. Might finally pick up a copy.