
Unreal Engine 4 To Be Fully Revealed At E3

During a AMAA (Ask Me Anything About) Session by Geoff Keighley in which the topic was E3, he let slip on what would be happening with Unreal Engine 4 at E3.

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Cyb3r4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

Now I know what Geoff Keighley meant when he said next generation gaming is coming to E3 2012 he was talking about the Unreal Engine 4 reveal.

xtremexx4406d ago

lol, i bet everyone else is annoyed.

Hisiru4406d ago

Is it confirmation that UE4 support is coming for the WiiU or a new console (PS4 or x720) is coming early than we thought?

I believe they said they would talk about platforms in the official announcement.

xtremexx4406d ago

they would probably avoid announcing anything related to next gen, probably heavily pc oriented. maybe even this gen especially if there wont be any next gen announcement til next year.

Hisiru4406d ago

Makes sense and I think they did the same with UE3.

user48470134406d ago

Geoff Keighley is known to overhype everything right before a major event. He is always exaggerating. He and Molyneux could be a great couple.

That said, UE4? I dont like Unreal Engines, Sony should license its Uncharted engine to everybody.

Machioto4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

I want to see a naughty dog version of the Samaritan demo titled the villain And it shows what could be accomplished with their engine,the theme would be uncharted inspired.

@super Could be,I see no reason to show of a new game engine unless it was going to be in an up coming game.

LightofDarkness4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

I'm pretty sure UE3/4 is far more flexible than the Uncharted engine. Uncharted is a very linear, story driven experience with limited interactivity; whereas UE3 has been leveraged to develop everything from FPS games and action games to racers and MMOs. Heck, it's even scalable enough to run on an iPhone 3G with impressive results. I'm not saying ND aren't capable of making an engine like that, I'm saying they simply don't have one right now.

Machioto4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

@light of course you would know because you took part in creating the naughty dog engine./s

@sjaak why not, Sony is a large company,if they wanted to license out one of their in house engine then what's stopping from doing so? they also have the phyreengine that's high level cross platform game engine.

sjaakiejj4406d ago

It's unlikely Naughty Dog's engine is suitable for external use. Even disregarding that, Naughty Dog can't sustain a support department for it.

4406d ago
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SuperLupe4406d ago

This pretty much means the Xbox 720 at E3. No way Epic is showing it off on PS4 and they would want to blow our minds with it so no Wii U either

Hisiru4406d ago

Well, to be fair, we know NOTHING about the WiiU's true power let alone the x720's power. A legit source (gearbox) said the WiiU is much more powerful than current gen consoles. So yeah, we can't assume anything yet about the power of this system.

A WiiU reveal would blow my mind away because it's something that don't expect, it would be a huge surprise for a lot of people.

torchic4406d ago

this means nothing for new consoles. they're going to run it on a PC, maybe Wii U. trust me if Microsoft were indeed planning an E3 showcase of a new console, it would have leaked by now, and I mean proper leaks of info from reputable websites and sources.

also, Square Enix have been showing off tiny bits of their next generation engine, Luminous, for a while. did we see new consoles arrive too? nope.

next generation begins in 2013.

MrWonderful4406d ago

I may be wrong but didn't they say they wouldn't show it until the next gen consoles could run it?

NYC_Gamer4406d ago

It's just gonna be another tech demo with more features

tokugawa4406d ago

that should be enough for n4g then... coz this site exploded with praise when quantic dreams showed their tech demo not so long ago..

vortis4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

The only problem is that it's not all that next-gen looking.

I've been looking at some other engines and they seem to look a lot better than what we've seen of the UE4.

I hope I'm wrong but if the next-gen consoles are running games the way that UE4 demo looks that's not that impressive. Actually, The Samaritan was more impressive...but that's just me.

Fishy Fingers4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

What we've seen of UE4?

We've seen nothing of UE4.

vortis4406d ago

@Fishy Fingers

we've seen the screenshots from Wired. And they didn't look anywhere near as impressive as the screenshots from The Samaritan, again that's just my opinion.

We'll see when the real-time demo approaches if it looks more or less impressive than The Samaritan.

Harelgur4406d ago

Thats what im looking for most in E3 2012.
(now that Irrational canceled their attendance)

ThatEnglishDude4406d ago

I hope you like Unreal Engine 4 because like the one before it, expect way too many games to use it!

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Check out this Incredible Batman 1989 Fan Project

Tim Burton’s vision of Gotham brought to life by passionate fans.

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Gridknac1143d ago

Wow! That is badass. WB needs to make this happen now.

WoodsRatesGames1143d ago

Right? Thanks for checking it out!

Minute Man 7211142d ago

Fans??? This is done by one person

WoodsRatesGames1141d ago

Someone else was commissioned to do the music and another person modelled the batmobile. Links to all involved are included in the article.

Gaming4Life19811142d ago

They should have been made a batman game for the best batman movie. This looks amazing and now I must watch the movie.

1142d ago Replies(2)

Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight Unreal Engine 4 Remake recreates Rimmer's Rest

YouTube's 'ackehallgren' has recreated the Rimmer's Rest from Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight in Unreal Engine 4.

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Unreal Engine 4 RTX Tech Demo available for download

NVIDIA and Epic Games have released an official Unreal Engine 4 RTX Tech Demo.

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Magog1162d ago

Am I crazy or is there an Unreal Engine 5 now? Why promote old tech?

1162d ago Replies(2)
waverider1162d ago

I really dont understand either? isnt the Unreal Engine 5 already available for studios? arent they already working with it?

masterfox1162d ago

UE5 Is for PS5 only, deal with it! :D

***runs away from this thread with pride!**

Tacoboto1162d ago

UE5 is not released yet and developers for years will still make UE4 games because that's where their tools and customizations are.

Mortal Kombat still uses UE3. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is also still UE3.

Magog1162d ago

That more of an embarrassing indictment of those devs than a reason to promote old software.

Tacoboto1162d ago

Embarrassing indictment? You know nothing of software development then.

Spenok1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

Because a ridiculous amount of the industry still uses 4, and because no, 5 is not out yet. They said it would launch later this year.

AuraAbjure1162d ago

Companies still use Unreal Engine 3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1162d ago
Tghood851162d ago

Really impressive tech but I don’t even notice all of these benefits in real life, never mind being chased by zombies in a video game. Rather devote resources to resolution and frame rate.

Magog1162d ago

If you suddenly stopped casting reflections in a mirror I think you would notice.

Amplitude1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

Edit: i misread this.
N4G really needs a delete comment button lol

Einhander19711160d ago

Yes after seeing the Unreal 5 ps5 reveal, I thought that's where we were heading. But saying that I have read various articles that suggest its easy for developers to still work on Unreal 4 and carry everything over to Unreal 5 when needed, we shall see.