User Review : The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 "Faith"

  • Great storyline
  • Clean gameplay
  • Dark comic-art
  • Videos can't be skipped
  • Have to watch the whole scenario again if you reload the checkpoint

A fairy-tale, narrated with a dark twist!

THE WOLF AMONG US... Our childhood fairy tale characters brought together with a dark twist. Another masterpiece by telltale games! Totally set in a 'noir' setup, its an intriguing journey.... and keeps you hungry for more after every episode!

The Wolf Among Us is a point-and-click adventure game, where the player, in control of the protagonist Bigby Wolf, can move about the environment and examine and interact with other characters or objects. It is similar to Telltale's previous game, The Walking Dead, in that the player may make choices in their actions or through conversation trees that will influence future events in the story, including events in future episodes. These include major decisions, such as deciding which of two culprits to chase after while allowing the other to go free. Like The Walking Dead, these choices are recorded by Telltale, and general statistics on the major choices are presented to the player after completing each episode to allow them to compare their take on the story to others. Telltale has worked to make some of these choices affect parallel events within the narrative, such as choosing which of two people to help first, and later learning from the second one that their help could have been used before.

Plot: You play the role of BigBy Wolf (The big bad wolf), who is the sheriff of a town called Fableland, which is set around the middle of the 1980s, 30 years before the events of the first issue of Fables. For years, many of the magical and mystical lands described in myth, legend, and folklore (known colloquially as "the homelands") have been occupied by an enigmatic tyrant known only as the Adversary. To escape the Adversary's marauding armies and totalitarian regime many creatures and characters known as "fables" fled to the mundane world and created an enclave known as Fabletown in colonial America, now located in modern-day Manhattan. To mask their presence from the native humans (referred to as "mundies") all non-human fables have to purchase an enchantment known as a "glamour" which allows them to appear human, or be relocated to a rural community known as "The Farm". But dark incidents begin to occur. Death, which hasn't occurred in Fableland for decades, and its up to Bigby to solve the case. But as he gets deeper into the situation, the more unpleasant and cryptic the case becomes, and he finds it hard to differentiate between friends and foes, unraveling many dark secrets on the way...

Its a perfect mix of suspense and action, and unexpected twists at every turn. This is one series we wont forget for quite a while!

Its the same setup as The Walking Dead : A telltale game series.
Good environment.....keeps the suspense going
Its the same setup as The Walking Dead : A telltale game series.
Fun Factor
You will NOT get bored.
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Community3753d ago
e-p-ayeaH3750d ago

graphics - Its the same setup as The Walking Dead : A telltale game series.

80´s esque New York City looks quite diferent than a post apocaliptic esque setting last time i checked.


The Wolf Among Us – Episode 1 Review

Peter Starr from Bit Cultures writes:

"I’m no stranger to Telltale Games’ work. Having played through Season one of both The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, I’m well aware of the kind of experience Telltale delivers. Personally, I really enjoy spending time with these games. They definitely have their issues, but I admire Telltale’s attempt to further blur the line between videogame and film. Having just finished episode one of The Wolf Among Us, not only am I already enjoying it more than their other offerings, but I now also have an even stronger faith in Telltale’s upcoming take on the Batman."

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BC-SocialLink2959d ago

Is It Possible To 'Convert' An Anti-Gamer In 30 Minutes? [Video]

Kotaku AU: We like to believe there are games out there for everyone. There’s no such thing as a “non-gamer” — just people who haven’t discovered their particular bag yet. To put this theory to the test, we enlisted the skills of technology writer, cosplayer and gaming veteran Rae Jonhston to “convert” Mia: the most rabid anti-gamer in our office. It proved to be a very bumpy ride.

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Pozzle3440d ago
DarkOcelet3441d ago

Mia looked a bit like Anita lol, thought it was her at first, That was an interesting video but still its really hard to make someone a gamer especially an adult , i tried that 4 times with 4 different people, it never worked. They were interested in watching but playing just gave them headaches or so they said haha. I am so glad i am gamer from since i was 5 years old.

SniperControl3440d ago

Yeah, my bro's the same, he would rather have a kip on the sofa than play games(he is 54 though) lol.
Ironically, my bro was the person to get me into gaming when he bought home an Atari 2600 all those long years ago, been gaming since i was about 10(i'am nearly 40 now).

3-4-53440d ago

* If you purposely are trying not to like something....good luck actually enjoying it.

The reason some people discover a ton of stuff they like is because they are positively open to it.

* I'm open to trying things but it doesn't mean I'm going to like the thing I'm doing.

* If I TRY not to like it....I WON'T....

* You have to actually attempt to try and "get into" the thing your spending time dong.

* More importantly is the Correct game for that person.

* One game will please just never know which game that will be.

* Did you know you were going to like all the games you did, at the level in which you did ?

3440d ago
PeaSFor3440d ago

i wouldnt even waste my time in front of "anti" attitude to beggin with

I_am_Batman3440d ago

Well if you go in with such a biased attitude into anything new you won't enjoy it no matter what it is. She started complaining right from the start searching for reasons to dislike it. A more open minded person would've at least try to understand why so many people like video games so much.

ameliabaz3440d ago (Edited 3440d ago )

On one hand I agree. But on the other hand I think some people just aren't wired to like certain things.

I once had a housemate who hated video games. She just didn't see the point of them at all and thought they were a waste of time. But she loved tacky reality shows and even had the entire Kim Kardashian series on DVD. Personally I don't see the point of such boring trashy TV and thought watching it was a waste of time. I don't think of open-mindedness would make me want to watch something like Honey BooBoo or Big Brother. My housemate probably felt the same way about games. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

I_am_Batman3440d ago (Edited 3440d ago )

Agreed. But you can't really compare a whole medium like video games to a very limited genre of another medium (TV).

Not everyone can get into every hobby but I think it's important to be respectful even if you don't share the same hobby. The thing that annoys me the most is not that some people don't understand games but that they are ignorant about it pretending to know better than you and not willing to have a rational discussion about it (this doesn't nessessarily apply to the person in the video).

quiddd3440d ago

Get the right game for the person.

HeMan763440d ago

I will make my wife watch this.She is the worst anti gamer in this planet I guess.

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The Wolf Among Us: Episode One- Faith FULL Playthrough takes you through the first episode of The Wolf Among Us

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Stevefantisy3630d ago

Sweet now I have something new to watch

ROQFrost3630d ago

Yet another game I haven't played.

Jacktrauma3630d ago

No worries dude, I did it for you, tho how your going to play is probably different than how I played it, but it will give you a good idea of how it works

jollygoodchap83630d ago

I remember playing this episode while my GF watched. The story hooked her and she watched til very end of the episode...She was absolutely in shock of what happened at the end of Ep.1.

Ah good times lol.