User Review : Saints Row 2

  • From Character to Cribs to Cars, the customization is superb in variety{Knows when to be humorous and knows when to be emotional{Side Missions long enough to satisfy gamers long after they finish story mode
  • Graphics are poor and are inexcusible for this generation{The lack of the original SR might alienate players during emotional scenes{Technical problems that include some inconsistencies with the game

Saints Row 2 "is" much more "fun" than Grand Theft Auto 4

I've always heard from certain Xbox 360 owners that Saints Row was equal to the GTA franchise, of course with bold statements like those I could have only imagined what they meant. After playing Grand Theft Auto 4 and Saints Row 2 I may have understood what those Xbox 360 owners meant when they got a taste of the 360 exclusive Saints Row.

Saints Row 2 has you play as a notorious gang leader who apparently was a high ranking officer in his gang when the original Saints Row took place, after being caught in an accident he was sent to an island prison in their medical center. The game opens up with a lengthy conversation between two unimportant characters that puts people up to speed to certain facts that would allow people who've never played the original to more or less understand the story. After waking up from the coma he meets a member of his gang he does not know who further briefs the story and through this encounter the main story begins to develop on its own as the player then takes it upon himself to re-establish himself and his gang in a city where they are forgotten. The aspect of the story is divided into five different forms, from the first mission that establishes your gang, the missions that would lead to the ending, and three sets of missions that provide the most entertainment of the game. The stories for each set of missions have been divided in terms of style where the Ronin are more action packed, the Samedi feel laid back and in a way creepy and the Brotherhood storyline which felt mean and vicious, with each style different it will come to a surprise that all provide enough humor and excitement to satisfy anyone’s single player needs. The story itself is unrealistic which has proven the lack of realism isn't really a bad thing rather it has shaped this game. Still the lack of the first Saints Row does not help in allowing the player to fully be immersed in the characters relationships with people he used to work with and the emotional moments (although few) that happen.

The graphics are nothing special in fact it looked like a Playstation 2 game or a launch 360 or launch PS3 game at best. Not only are graphical inconsistencies a staple in the game but the textures were poorly made and the character models didn't prove itself to be up to standards. The sound in this game is good, I felt that the chosen soundtrack used for the radio were a hit and miss factor but the voice acting was better you can tell in the emotional aspects that happen in certain missions that shows that the chosen voice actors are great at what they do. The immersion you feel is present in the environment the explosions, the trains and the civilians that populate Stilwater, the game does a good job in attempting to place the player in the world of Stilwater.

The game allows you to create your own character from body build to gender, from hair color to race and from posture to taunts, the character creation tools are so broad in what they can do it is in its own enjoyable. The game is not only broad in its character creation tools but it is also broad in its missions, aside from the main missions there are loads of side missions that can allow the game to extend past its story. Customization is further emphasize in cribs and cars the latter being just as fun as the game since only a handful of cars are not allowed to be customized the rest can be customized. The gameplay is action packed the lack of a cover system keeps you in a run and gun mindset keeping the adrenaline high especially when you get in trouble with the police and the gang members. The weapons range from strong weapons like Shotguns to quicker weapons like the sub machine gun which like certain other small weapons can be dual wielded and even goes to lengths to include a weapon that’s fun in the sense with it you can kill others and revive them the weapon known as the defibrillator.

The game may not have the serious story or graphical power of Grand Theft Auto 4 it is definitely more humorous and more fun. This game is what I'd call a Grand Theft Auto San Andreas sequel. Why? Because of the sheer fun that comes with this game far outweigh that of Grand Theft Auto 4. Overall it might be more fun than Grand Theft Auto 4 but it being better will be based on your opinion.

With customizable fighting styles and different actions (human shields, dual wielding, etc.) the game remains easy to play
Poor quality in textures and character detail
Good environment and Quality voice acting are what makes its sound great
Fun Factor
The overall replayabilty is there with the multiple side missions, the main missions, the customization and its sandbox nature make it very fun
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✔ Fixed
Bad spelling
Just needs a quick proofread - "I'v" -> I've
Cat5566d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Irish-Republican5565d ago

hated everything about it, did u see the trailer were they poked fun at gta wat a mistake wen ur sucked so bad

TenSteps5565d ago

And I believe they poked fun at GTA for being too serious, this game however was pretty much the opposite of GTA4.

1. Serious storyline
2. Grounded in reality
3. Amazing Graphics
4. One storyline that ties up everything
5. Nothing much to do after the story besides the sandbox feel and MP

1. Humorous storyline
2. Not constrained by realism
3. Poor Graphics
4. Multiple storyline that can be connected but are in their own rights enjoyable
5. Besides MP and the sandbox feel, this game has everything from customization, loads of side missions, and hidden items.

In the end I respect your opinion but I still think you should play SR2 for what its trying to be "mindless sandbox fun".

Irish-Republican5564d ago

yours to but i have played gta sence the 1st 1 and i luv it and i no gtaiv was a step back but i like playing gta online and i hated saints row2 online


Ten best games from the 2000s you may have missed

The 2000s was a great decade for a lot of brilliant video games. Here are the ten best games of the 2000s that you may not have played.

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Community541d ago
isarai541d ago

You know usually when someone says "you may have missed" it's games that were lesser known, hidden gems, underrated games. These are all super high profile games that sold extremely well.

FPS_D3TH540d ago (Edited 540d ago )

You know the 2000s is 20 years ago too? Maybe, just maybe this wasn’t an article targeted to 30+ gamers? Still says at the very beginning of the title “THE BEST GAMES you may have missed”. Regardless of how well they sold there’s tons of gamers who haven’t touched these older well known games lol.

Welshy540d ago (Edited 540d ago )

It's games you "may have missed", insinuating you were around and gaming in the 2000's and were there to miss them. If it was aimed at everyone else then they missed literally everything, not just the top games.

The original commenter is right, this is a badly written article at best pointless at worst.

Crows90540d ago

Besides only being able to miss it if you were around during that time..if your point stands then this is a horrible list. Tons of better games people may have missed

XxINFERNUSxX541d ago

I would like the original max payne remade in a new engine with ray tracing. 😊

FPS_D3TH540d ago

Remedy games already working on that and I’m so stoked for it

XxINFERNUSxX540d ago

Oh yeah thanks for reminding me I totally forgot they were doing it. Also what the hell happened to Kingpin: Reloaded? On Steam coming soon and nohting from the dev.

MadLad540d ago

Yeah, I was just going to say. It's interesting seeing them back behind the series. Max Payne 3 was amazing, but then Rockstar just sat on the IP.
Well, they sit on virtually anything that isn't GTA and Red Dead now.

porkChop541d ago

What is this list? These are all hugely popular games. I was expecting games like Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Advent Rising, Arx Fatalis, etc.

FPS_D3TH540d ago

the title didn’t say lesser known titles from the 2000s. This is 20 years ago now lol. Big assumption this list was made for older gamers.

Dirty_Lemons540d ago

That makes me feel so old.

Inverno541d ago

I've only played 3 on that list. Part of me feels bad about how little I used all the consoles I've owned as a kid. One bright side is, there's over 30 years of games to experience for the first time.

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SheenuTheLegend1565d ago

Top 10 pages that no one wanted to read.


Gaming is a Drag

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garyanderson2601d ago

I would pay good money for a Rupaul game, haha!

-Foxtrot2601d ago

I's funnily the only reality TV show I like.

Good Luck...and DON'T f*** it up

crazychris41242600d ago

I was a little surprised when I turned this show on and it had nothing to do with actual drag racing.

bluefox7552600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )

Anyone else predict the website for looking? lol

Fist4achin2600d ago

Wait, Gaming is a, or as a,...

DaigotheKing2600d ago

I wish this site was banned on N4G.

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