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User Review : Professor Layton and the Curious Village

  • Art style{Control{Many puzzles
  • Steals your time away from everything else

Think you know the answer?

Level-5 is well known for their RPG’s but it is always good to break free from a genre and test out the waters. Lucky for us Level-5 is just a great developer no matter what the genre and this is another pat on the back for there list of great games made. Saying that lets hurry up with some of those RPG’s you are working on ;)

Welcome to the town of Mystere. Where puzzle lovers are found aplenty and Professor Layton and Luke find that most the town folk are a bit off then the norm. It all started when the great Baron died and in his Will stated whoever finds the Golden Apple will inherit everything. Problem is no one has ever heard of the Golden Apple till they read about it in the Will.

Seeing that Professor Layton is a well known archeologist and connoisseur of puzzles the Madam of the late Barons estate asks him for help. Prof who can’t help but solve a good mystery can do nothing but oblige. For this review I’m scoring only if you like puzzle games. If you don’t like to think things over, solve problems, trick questions, wordy math, and optical illusions this game is not for you.

All the folks in there are happy to help you out in your adventure. That is happy to help as long as you help solve their puzzle! There are many multiple kinds of mind bending puzzles to solve. For instance you have a river to cross with 3 wolves and 3 chickens. The raft you have can only hold 2 of them and must have 1 on to move. You can’t have more wolves than chickens on either end otherwise the chickens will be eaten, and solve away.

Others can be moving matches to make a dog change from standing up to what it would look like after getting hit by a car by only moving 2 matches, or flipping a triangle of coins upside down by only moving 3 coins and stuff of that nature. Math can come into play as well, for instance, on his 22nd birthday he asked his father how old he was to which the father replied I am your age plus half of mine. How old is the father?

After helping the villagers with there problems they will give you help on your adventure of solving the mysteries of the town. It all starts out innocent enough of trying to find out where this golden apple is and turns into a murder investigation and missing people! It all plays out very well and the only game play is solving puzzles.

You get a suitcase to hold your solved puzzles so you can play them again or solve the ones you couldn’t before. There are also picture pieces you collect throughout your journey and you must piece it together to see what it turns into. You get gizmo parts that you can use to put together something or another. Along with staying at an Inn that puts you up in the attic you slowly get items to put in your rooms to make you feel more at home.

The way this game saves itself from boredom of only puzzle game play is the fact that there is a story with it. The animations, though few, make great use of the power on the DS. In game it has a nice look to it and all you use is the stylus no buttons needed. The music in it is repetitive but easy going for helping you sit and think. Once again this game is for those who enjoy puzzle games and a good mystery to sink their teeth into. This game is highly addictive and there are so many puzzles to solve it’s amazing they were able to make 2 more after this title. So for those who love to solve stuff this game is a must buy.

Nothing but puzzles but you need the touch screen for many of them
Fun art style and time period
The score is good for relaxing times
Fun Factor
Once you start is hard to put it down
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How Was I Supposed to Know THAT? ~ Obtuse Things in Games - Volume Four

Phil writes, "Today is National Puzzle Day, and it's a day for celebration of all things that twist, melt, bust, or otherwise perplex your brain puzzle-wise. It seems like a fantastic day to bring back an old favorite article series that hasn't seen much action recently. It's "How Was I Supposed to Know THAT!?", where we take a look at those frustratingly obtuse parts of games, whether for progression purposes or just plain ol' devious puzzles that one would have to be an absolute genius of a specialized field to solve. These following five games each have a particularly perplexing part or puzzle in them that possess some kind of masterful amount of outside information or knowledge to get past or solve them."

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Community1698d ago
Nacho_Z1698d ago

Never been a fan of the kind of game design where you need a guide to be able to do it, some might say it's quirky but I think it's dumb.

That's why The Witness is so good, the puzzles are often confusing and very difficult but there's always a logical solution if you think about it enough.

DarkZane1698d ago

It's actually easier for FF IX now, contrary to what the article says. The speed increase makes the game plays at x3 the speed, but it doesn't actually make the timer go faster, so it makes getting there in 12 hours a lot easier.

gold_drake1698d ago

sure sure, but it was neeear impossible to actually get the EC2 in-time on the ps1. especially if you had the European version.

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When copying text from the source article make sure you read over the text and edit it if necessary. A good example is when a site writes "We" or "I" , as this should then be replaced with the site's or person's name, or you can quote the source
FallenAngel19841953d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Tross1953d ago

If Nintendo rolled out VC two years ago like they should have, there would probably be DS and 3DS games on the Switch by now. But yeah, I think DS and 3DS are something they should do.

pietro12121953d ago

It would be nice to see both Bravely titles on the Switch.


Level-5 Professor Layton and The Snack World Finally Coming To The West

Level-5 is known for many beloved games like Fantasy Life, the Professor Layton series and the newest addition The Snack World. Level-5 latest game has only been released in Japan, but according to the website that handles the localization of the game, tells us it will finally come to the west.

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