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User Review : Beyond Good & Evil HD

A Blast From The Past

Beyond Good and Evil first debuted back in 1994 and while it generally got good reviews, for whatever reason the gamers didn’t take to it and it did not sell very well. However, as time went on it gained a bit of an “underground” following and became a cult classic of sorts. Eventually it did enough to garner a sequel which is in production as of now. Ubi Soft decided to touch up and slightly remake the game using HD features which allow for a smoother looking world and faster loading times. Upon first glance at the world it looks like an upgraded Nintendo 64 game. Even the dungeons look a lot like Zelda or Mario and function much like them. Simplistic but will throw in a few puzzles or areas to give your mind something to think about.

You play as Jade, a 20 year old orphan who interestingly enough runs an orphanage for the animal like beings that inhabit the world. Jades’ father’s best friend Pey’j has taken care of her and will be one of your companions on your quest. The orphanage is attacked by an alien forced called the DomZ and while the Alpha forces are supposed to be the good guys and fight off the DomZ; things aren’t always what they seem. You begin your journey looking for answers which soon will lead you to an underground resistance force called ISIS (I-SIS) who want to recruit you for their cause. In addition to being a resistance member, Jade is a photojournalist and is asked to take pictures of as many creatures/inhabitants as possible. You will be rewarded with credits which can be used to buy various things during your quest. Even better than credits are the elusive pearls which you will need to find to unlock some of the more important items in the game such as upgrades for your hovercraft.

There are a lot of things to like about the game. Personally I thought the world layout was nice to look at because it is very serene and colorful. Even though the game is based around war things seem peaceful on the surface. The action is simple, hit X to attack and use your joysticks to control your character. The controls are really easy to learn/pick up as each button does just one thing. The music is fantastic and maybe my favorite part of the game thus far. The piano introduction is nice and simple but it’s the fact that you enter a Jamaican body shop for your hovercraft and hear reggae playing or Arabic chanting in another area that really sets the game apart. Also, for $10 you get a pretty long game. I have already put in 4-5 hours and I still have a ways to go so you are getting great value for your buck. The game has a bunch of small funny bits such as dialog between you and your companions and even tiny things people may not notice off the bat. If you are looking through your camera lens and put Pey’j in the shot he will raise his hand and wave at you. It is small things like this that really makes a game stand out from others in its genre and we all enjoy a good chuckle or smile.

There are a few things that will no doubt frustrate the heck out of a player, the biggest and worst probably being the camera view and controls. You will use the right joystick to rotate and control the camera but at times you don’t actually have full control or it gets kind of stuck and you have to move the character or rotate it the other way and try to wiggle it free. Much of this game is based around stealth which will have you in a crouching walk which slows down the game a tremendous amount. Personally I don’t like the slower pace of a game outside of its main story. If I see a game such as Ghost Recon or something with stealth in its title I know what I am getting into. Action RPG’s or action adventure games shouldn’t be slowed down to the extent of this game does in my opinion.

Overall this is a very enjoyable game despite the camera issues. As long as you can take things slow and/or are patient at times you will enjoy it. The graphics are solid, the music and sound are top notch and would compare well to even today’s games. I highly recommend it to anybody interested in the genre as it will not disappoint you.

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Community4908d ago

Beyond Good & Evil HD free to download on Xbox One and Xbox 360

Neil writes "Need a new game? Don't fancy paying for it? The Xbox Games With Gold scheme has got you covered with its latest freebie."

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Community2962d ago
fenome2962d ago

Where's number 2?! They show a cinematic teaser and then it just falls off the edges like it never happened. I liked this game and I want to know that the sequel still exists..

2962d ago Replies(1)
freshslicepizza2962d ago

not sure what happened to #2. rumor has it there might be a deal in place with nintendo.


Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for August 2016 any good?

Neil writes "We're here yet again with the latest free Xbox One and Xbox 360 titles ready to be thrust upon us. But in a period that sees few new games released, the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for August could well be the big hitting feature that Xbox One and Xbox 360 players looking for a new game rely on. That combination therefore leaves the door wide open for the scheme to deliver a cracking set of free titles."

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Community2977d ago
oKidUKo2977d ago

I already have WWE but for my taste it's a great month. Not for everyone though.

lxeasy2976d ago

I like this months options, I don't any of these games.

TheUndertaker852976d ago

Positive side for you is once you get the digital version you can lose the disc plus no download wait

ULTp0ltergeist2976d ago

Last time I played a wrestling game was on Super Nintendo no lie, but with this being gold it looks really fun to try out.

cfc832977d ago

Looks like a very useful month to me. Often i don't bother, but i will this month.

2977d ago
LexHazard792977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Good for me as I've never played any of the games being offered this month.

Edit: that was a lie, I played BG&E on OGXbox.

christocolus2977d ago

Lol, I played BG&E on the original Xbox too. Such an amazing game.

Deathdeliverer2977d ago

I'm going to get some mileage out of everything but Spelunky. I've played that in so many variations. I realized when I started Spelunky World online for PS4 that I simply cannot plant another bomb without blacking out. I have not played a wrestling game since the last wwe game on PS2. I'm excited to see how far things have come. Solid month for me.

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Xbox Live Games With Gold For August 2016

For the month of August, Xbox Live Gold members will receive four new free games - two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360 - as part of the Games with Gold program.

On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate ($59.99 ERP) for free during the month of August. WWE 2K16 ($39.99 ERP) will be available as a free download from August 16th to September 15th.

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Afrokk2983d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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This is the right official source. Bearclawgaming can have the credit url if you want.
Abriael2983d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Emilio_Estevez2983d ago
OldGuyStillGaming2983d ago

I'll take 3 of 4

I have Spelunky on ps4 already

vegasgamerdawg2982d ago

I don't understand people who don't purchase the free games anyway. You don't have to DL to your HD and you'll always have the games in your library. I never know who is going to come over and what games they'll like. I even DL the kids games for when company comes over. To each their own. ON top of that it''s BC on xbox, if you buy a Scorpio it'll be there, no reason not to purchase the game. You don't make sense.

OldGuyStillGaming2982d ago

What don't you understand?

I said I'll download 3 and no reason to download Spelunky because I already have it?

What's the point of downloading when I can fire up my ps4 to play it?

Why does it bother you that much?

TheSaint2982d ago

Because they already own it, what's difficult to understand about that?

andibandit2982d ago

Well it makes sense, if one day your xbox or PS4 breaks down you can still play the game. Another bonus is that if you decide to stop paying for psn+ and XBL, you can still play it on xb1

2983d ago
christocolus2983d ago (Edited 2982d ago )

Nice Selection for the month of August imo.I played BG&E back on the original Xbox and I'm not a big fan of the WWE games but I'm gonna download both anyways also I'm really eager to try out Warriors O and Spelunky.

AngelicIceDiamond2982d ago

I've heard allot from Beyond Good and Evil I'll have to try it. Warriors Orochi 3 and WWE 216 are definite downloads very hot month for me.

christocolus2982d ago

BG&E is a blast. I finished it back then and I'm looking forward to another playthrough thanks to BC & GWG. I'm eager to try out Warriors Orochi 3. I havent played a wresting game in years but I'll give WWE 2K16 a spin.

AngelicIceDiamond2982d ago

I also wanna point out 3 million downloads for The Crew. 8 million now. Hopefully, Beyond Good And Evil gets maybe half that downloads. Im thinking the sequel could possibly get announced next year at E3 using the HD remake to garner attention and hype, but then again thats a looooong stretch. I've never played BG&E and I'm more than willing to give it a try and hopefully turn me into a hardcore fan.

Deadpooled2982d ago

WWE 2k16 is great, much better than 2k15. The Stone Cold Showcase is worth it.

PFFT2983d ago

This is their best free line up yet!

poppinslops2983d ago

Awww YEYAH!!

Just bought a month's-worth of Gold last night - mostly so I could get The Banner Saga 2, but I'm gonna be getting some serious value out of August's line-up... always meant to play Beyond Good and Evil, but kept forgetting it existed and I'll definitely check out the other games - I hear Spelunky's great and it's been well over a decade since I last dished-out a virtual smackdown!

Anyone know if Mick Foley, Mankind or Cactus Jack are still alive?

mrmonkeyhumper2983d ago

Of course....hes the GM of monday night Raw

Deadpooled2982d ago

A great Monday Night Raw judging by Monday's show after Battleground. #BalorClub!

Lukejrl2982d ago

I got to meet him! He did a show in my hometown for the fort mcmurray fires.he was awesome!

Kribwalker2983d ago

He's the new GM of Raw. I follow him on Facebook ;)

Deadpooled2982d ago

If those 8 people are disagreeing based on your question they deserve to choke on a Mandible Claw with Socko down their gullets.

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