
Metro: Exodus announced – First official details, releases in 2018

During this year’s Microsoft E3 conference, Microsoft revealed that 4A Games is working on a brand new Metro game called Metro: Exodus. Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first person shooter that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.

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2547d ago Replies(8)
THamm2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

This and anthem looked great. Although very underwhelmed ms so far has more weird crap and not gearing towards the action hardcore crowd more.. all Sony has to do at minimum now is show more of days gone, death stranding, etc. and it should win the show

THamm2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

I'm all for innovation, but nobody remembers the unique or indie games, nor are they system sellers like the heavy hitters in the action department. Same as past msoft shows where they try so hard to innovate yet the audience is not there, it's the hardcore that will buy Xbox one X. Anyone can downvote, yet this is how Sony is currently winning, and how the 360 was winning until Sony got the hint

Ceaser98573612547d ago

DS is not coming on E3, they gonna be very much focused on development.. So hope to see something at PSX

_-EDMIX-_2547d ago

Absolutely agreed Sony wins by default all they got to do is show One new game and they've already won the entire show.

I seriously thought Microsoft was going to come out guns blazing 😂😂😂 28514;

The best-looking games in their press event we're all games I'm already going to buy on PS4 anyway. Don't get me wrong that's great for me because I get to see more footage of games that I'm going to buy but it begs to question exactly what is the purpose of their showing at this event in regards to Microsoft as a publisher?

None of the games shown is convincing me to buy another platform to play games I could already play on platforms I already own.

As far as Microsoft in the Xbox is concerned this was just an absolutely terrible showing to convince anyone to purchase any of those platforms.

Be like "get ready for the best reasons to purchase an Xbox One" (precedes to show multi-platform games)

Void0002547d ago

Ashen caught my attention for an indie title, too, but Metro and Anthem were the highlights of the show for me.

vallencer2547d ago

Wait wait wait. So now it's a problem that Microsoft showed off games that weren't just the same old same old action style games?? Seriously? I don't understand people's logic. Damned if they do and damned if they don't. I enjoyed their lineup. Even the odd games they had seemed like fun. I'm also excited for what PlayStation shows. Also hope that they just barrel into games and cut the theatrics that they do every year.

THamm2547d ago

Dude, it's the same old action games that win console wars, unless you're Nintendo and have a cult following

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starchild2547d ago

It really did look amazing. Metro Exodus and Anthem are the best looking games at E3 so far.

starchild2547d ago

Yeah, I'm going to get Anthem, Assassin's Creed Origins and Metro Exodus for my PC. They all look amazing.

2547d ago
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The 10th Rider2548d ago

The graphics are insane. This could turn out to be the best looking game available when it's out.

Ashunderfire862547d ago

Best looking game shown! Looks great on Xbox One X!!!

Yui_Suzumiya2547d ago

Looks amazing. I love the Metro series. But waiting awhile to see this! :3

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The Rise of the Metro Series

A look back at 4A Games' admirably consistent post-apocalyptic shooter franchise.

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25d ago

Metro Exodus Sold 10 Million Units in 5 Years, Next Mainline Installment Coming in 202X

Metro Exodus turns 5 years old today, and has now sold over 10 Million copies.

Metro will return in VR with Metro Awakening from @vertigogames
in 2024 - and the next mainline Metro from @4AGames

When it’s ready

Thank you for coming on the journey so far with us.

ravens52106d ago

I still have yet to purchase Exodus. I have to get that. Love this series.


Metro Video Game Series: A Comprehensive History

The Metro video game series started with a humble b-list title, before building a strong fanbase and becoming a pioneer in the industry.

TheBrainZ116d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33116d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast115d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.