
NieR: Automata Director Comments on 2B's Butt Uproar; Praises Gravity Rush 2 and Danganronpa V3

Taro Yoko talks about the massive amount of fan art showcasing NieR: Automata protagonist YoRHa 2B's charming bionic rear end, also commenting on Gravity Rush 2 and Danganronpa V3.

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bouzebbal2671d ago

This game is really good..
I hope they give us Vanquish 2 at some point. That game was so amazing!

joethetimelord2671d ago

I won't die happy if I don't fight cyber Putin. Vanquish 2 needs to happen.

InTheZoneAC2671d ago

I never did beat Vanquish, but it was fun. What I found annoying is how often the main character smoked, like why do they waste time with this?

UnHoly_One2671d ago

There was a smoking button when you were in cover, and when you tossed the cigarette away the robot enemies would target it briefly.

It was an actual gameplay mechanic, besides just something for show in the cutscenes.

latinlegend812671d ago

I agree. Very underrated game. Alot of people I know never heard of the game but they really missed out.

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2671d ago
Majin-vegeta2672d ago

SJW offended again??

\_____/ Safety space for ya

Eonjay2671d ago

No one... was actually offended. He was refering to the massive fan art.

majiebeast2671d ago

Oh you should see the SJW's on Neogaf. Now that is a site that has gone to complete shit.

MyDietEqualsGames2671d ago

Yeah. Thought Police. I used to like GAF.

majiebeast2671d ago

Mydiet everyone did till they let SJW mods/lunatics run the place and ban everyone who doesn't agree with their SJW agenda. GAF has been dropping on the Alexa charts since atleast July going from 2000 to 2600. Place has become an echo chamber and everyone that disagrees gets a swift ban.

sampson31212671d ago

problem is, i can't seem to find this so call "uproar" anywhere. false uproar is free media for the devs i guess. plus they have the sheep, you people, to help with the false narrative. congrats!

ginganinja2671d ago

And this cesspitt is ranked at around 7000 and falling. What does that tell you?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2671d ago
Princess_Pilfer2671d ago

I hate that term. Social justice should be something everybody wants.

It's idiots trying to censor everyone and thing they don't like that are the problem.

Diffraction_Fos2671d ago (Edited 2671d ago )

"It's idiots trying to censor everyone and thing they don't like that are the problem."
Isn't that the whole point of 'social justice' though? A vocal and influential group within a community gets to dictate what is appropriate for all the others. Isn't that where censorship comes from and why many are rejecting it nowadays?

bluefox7552671d ago

The problem is, who gets to define what social justice is? The social justice warriors feel like they do, and they believe that everyone (except white guys of course) should have their feelings protected, many of which advocate for criminalizing "mean" speech.

Princess_Pilfer2671d ago (Edited 2671d ago )

No. Social Justice shouldn't be about having feelings protected, feelings are irrational and cannot have consistently enforcable policy based on them, and everyone is upset by different things. In the interest of equality, either everyones every irrational feelings are protected or nobodys can be, anything else is arbitrary favoritism. Advocating for laws or censorship based on that is *fundamentally* different than pointing out percieved flaws in something.

I can talk about how it srtikes me as ridiculous that a large majority of female characters in AAA games could pass a super models or how male characters are usually allowed to have a wider range in age and level of attractiveness or how a disproportionate majority are white, and how maybe these things could use some change, while also acknowledging things like men (and white people) are the people who buy more AAA games and men tend to like attractive women, and women are less likely to care as much about physical appearance, thus even if it does change you're still going to see an abnormal concentration of very attractive women, a wider range of male character levels of attractiveness, and mostly white characters, and that isn't a bad thing any more than it's a bad thing when any other industry or work of art caters to the preferences of it's audience. (which is to say it's not.)

Put another way: I have a problem with Call of Juarez being intolerably racist and sexist (and also being a bad game) so I don't play it. That doesn't mean I want to stop you playing it. If you don't care that it is those things (or like those things) and you like the gameplay, you go right ahead. I like Bayonetta, which other women sometimes find intolerably sexist, I find it to be an awesome sexy power fantasy and think the people calling it sexist are dumb, and that's fine too. As long as it isn't doing demonstrable harm to other people (and the portrayal of characters in Call of Juarez and Bayonetta is doing no such thing) then it's fine. If I don't like it, I don't play it, I argue my case for why so issues can be addressed effetively if developers are so inclined, and I make a point to ask for/buy games I do want.

I also don't do stupid **** like join an internet hate mob to harass some poor scientist (whos achievements we should be celebrating) because he wore a shirt with anime girls on it.

xwabbit2671d ago

SJW are the killers of fun

sampson31212671d ago

lord knows not having a cheek shown in a game kills all fun for that game right?
you do know there isn't any uproar over this right? it's called herding the sheep, which is what they are doing. we're talking about it and it's free media.

xwabbit2671d ago (Edited 2671d ago )

That's how simple minded you are if you think that my comment was only referring to this article and not the SJW movement as a whole.

sampson31212671d ago

simple minded? you use the term "SJW" when there is no facts to back up that anyone complained about this? you think i am simple minded? ummm? ok?

Angeljuice2671d ago

Bandwagon jumpers are worse than SJW's. Like those that jump on the anti-SJW bandwagon and bang on and on at every opportunity.
You guys have become worse than those you persecute.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2671d ago
2671d ago
loverlink2671d ago

how about you read the article. Im tired of people commenting and not reading the content.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2671d ago
2672d ago
isarai2672d ago

Sweet response, really hate it when devs cave and pander to SJWs, stick to your vision, even if that vision includes superbly defined rumps

sampson31212671d ago

still trying to find this so called "uproar" about this. can you send me a link to the hundreds of people crying about it please, or are we just falling for the false claim that there is an actual uproar?

Ravenor2671d ago (Edited 2671d ago )

I asked the same question in the other article. There were no examples or links to where the uproar is at, so it makes me kind of think that people who are on the other end of the spectrum are guilty of jumpingat the slightest hint of "uproar" or "controversy.

Just checked this article and no examples of "uproar"

nicsaysdie2671d ago

I don't have a link, but my wife's facebook had a few complainers complaining about the fact that you could actually make out the browning around B2's butt hole. Which I found comical because the only way you could see it was to do an up skirt shot while she was climbing a ladder. So one would have to be looking for it to see it, in effect giving said one exactly what they were looking for, and thusly no reason to complain. Dumb.

Angeljuice2671d ago

Give up, you can't educate BWJ's they don't care about facts, they just want to get in with the "cool kids" on the hate train.
(BWJ = Band Wagon Jumpers).

Pantz2671d ago

when something smells it's usually the buttz

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Yoko Taro Passes Respect; Says Stellar Blade Is "Much Better" Than Nier: Automata

Stellar Blade's creative director, Hyung Tae Kim, has also claimed that the game is deeply inspired by Nier: Automata.

shadowhaxor17d ago

I feel like Yoko is downgrading Automata because he has expressed multiple times he'd like to revisit the universe, but Squenix hasn't been keen about it. We know he loves 2B and would love to take her out for another spin, so maybe this is how he gets the company to think about it.

gold_drake17d ago

u do realise that Square made Nier a franchise after Automata right?

Taro is downplaying it cause hes not a snob like most of the directors that think their games are gods gifts to the human race.

he said the same thing when being interviewed during the development of Automata too, that he couldnt have done it without the devs.

hes just a humble guy rly.

shadowhaxor17d ago

I mean, Neir existed before Automata with both OG Niers and Drakenguard. I don't count NieR Replicant, since it's a remake of the OG games. Sure, we have Reincarnation, which is still stuck on mobile devices (quite a damned shame). I just remember Taro saying he'd love to revisit Automata if Square Enix lets him. I do recall there was supposed to be a sequel to Automata, but it wasn't confirmed and I'd imagine it was just for Reincarnation.

Enjoy Taro, he seems like a cool guy, who loves the ladies and is humble. But damn, don't put down one of your masterpieces.

Cacabunga17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I really liked Automata and cannot wait for Stellar Blade

isarai17d ago

I get he's giving them some credit, but i strongly disagree based on the demo. I honestly don't think any aspect of it feels good, it's not bad, it's just kinda ok but definitely a little jank. Also the souls like formula it is adopting does not help it imo. I was looking forward to this for years, now im just kinda let down honestly 🫤

fsfsxii14d ago

Its not a souls like, its a dmc-ish game with rpg elements. Any game with a third person camera and a sword is souls like to these buffoons

H917d ago

Man exputer can you stop putting words like that after someone's name, i read Yoko Taro Passes and just went blank

Snookies1217d ago

Same... Awful way to word that title's beginning.

exputers16d ago

Whoops. Sorry to startle you.

H916d ago

It's alright brother, maybe I am just slow

Hereandthere17d ago

Thats because Sony had a heavy hand in funding and developing this game.

purple10117d ago

They sent in XDEV one of their traveling support studios to Korea to lend a hand if I’m not mistaken, Sony pulled out the big guns to help this studio

jwillj2k417d ago

(From the demo) Stellar has better direction in terms of stage layout if you like that ninja gaiden type feel. Nier is more polished by far.

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Stellar Blade X NieR: Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim on How Their Blockbusters Inspire One Another

IGN: "We talk to Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim about the ways that Stellar Blade is inspired by NieR: Automata, comparisons between EVE and 2B, and much more."


Underrated PlayStation JRPG Gem Goes 50% Off In New Sale

Gravity Rush 2, a highly rated PlayStation exclusive, is currently available to purchase at $9.99 on the official PS Store.

OtterX67d ago

Gravity Rush would be an amazing series to be reborn on PSVR2. (sure to make the motion sick squeamish! haha) Anyone who has never played them should pick these games up though, they were really fun, unique/wild gameplay w a lot of style. My only complaint is the Part 2 has a really slow start, but it picks up.

shinoff218367d ago

I remember when part 2 came out. Part 1 physical copy worth went through the roof.

OtterX67d ago

Nice. I still have have my Gravity Rush physical copy for Vita, but I only owned Remastered + 2 digitally. Wish I had gone physical though.

jznrpg67d ago

I own all of the games physically for Vita and PS4.

Inverno67d ago

Gravity Rush in VR would most likely kill someone lolz. GR2 and the first Mirrors Edge are the only games I've played where I've gotten horrible motion sickness but just couldn't stop playing em. Really hope that motion capture clip really is a movie cause the series deserves more attention.

OtterX67d ago

Ha, yea it would be a bit like Sairento VR (constant 1st person flipping combat), mixed with Detached VR (360 space thrusters) with all comfort settings off, if you've ever played either of those! XD

Eidolon66d ago

GR1/2 would need quite the overhaul to work in VR. If they do make one from the ground up it definitely would work and couldn't be as motionly crazy as some games I've played on the Quest 2, like that Grapple game.

jznrpg67d ago

Loved the first one Vita and second on PS4. Most VR games I’m fine but the nature of Gravity Rush I am not sure I could handle it or not as it may make me feel sick to my stomach. I’d give it a try at least

GoodGuy0967d ago

Gravity rush 1 I really enjoyed but for some odd reason I couldn't as much with the sequel. It was a good game but the controls were very clunky and a game like that just really needs a higher framerate with how precise you need to be. Also everyone is for some reason just absolutely rude towards Kat which got me too annoyed lol.

The visuals and art style were amazing though. If they were to ever make a sequel, you fix these problems, then GR would be great games.

blackblades67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

I enjoyed and play the 1st one on vita, i enjoyed there. Then I played the remaster with dlc when it came out. Gravity rush 2 I bought long time ago on ps4 but never got into it. I didnt even make it to 1st quarter of it. Its just what it is, I'll try to get back on to it sooner or later.

Rebel_Scum67d ago

More an adventure game than a JRPG tbh

jznrpg67d ago

Second game felt more rpgish but I agree they are more adventure than rpg

Eidolon66d ago

Adventure games are more narrative. Life is Strange, etc... This is Action-Adventure, can even say slightly plaformer, some RPG elements, but of course they will call it JRPG(buzz word) to sell.

DefaultComment67d ago

Gravity rush should be on PC by now. At least that will get tose numbers to raise a little.

DarXyde66d ago

The stupidity of exputer calling Gravity Rush 2 a JRPG aside...If y'all haven't bought the game yet, please do. It's such a great, charming game.

I have been absolutely gutted at the idea that there won't be a Gravity Rush 3, and I genuinely hope people give it a fair shake.

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