
Black Myth: Wukong Will Reportedly Offer New Game Plus At Launch, Features Over 80 Boss Fights

Game Science's upcoming action role-playing  game, Black Myth: Wukong, will reportedly offer a New Game Plus mode at launch, and will feature over 80 boss

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savedsynner24d ago

IIRC I think the game is mostly boss fights, like a boss rush mode or Shadow of the Colossus. I would imagine From could do 80 boss fights in a souls game if 90% of the enemies were bosses lol.

Double_O_Revan23d ago

That's what I felt when I watch the trailers. It will be mostly boss fights or sub boss fights. That's still cool. I love Shadow of the Colossus. I don't need a million little enemies. Just the vide I got from the trailers.

gold_drake25d ago


for some reason, i thought it was out already haha

anast24d ago

You might be thinking about "Wo Long Fallen Dynasty".

Double_O_Revan23d ago

I've made that mistake many times. Almost even bought it when it showed up on sale a few weeks ago. Had to look it up to be sure.

potatoseal24d ago

Wow. This is really shaping up to be a special game. Hope that turns out to be true

ThinkThink10d ago

This game looks gorgeous, day 1 for me as well. Time to brush up on Chinese mythology.

anast10d ago

Sounds like a good idea.

TheProfessional24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Happy this isn't vaporware! That is a lot of bosses though I wonder if some are randomly generated?

rpvenom24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

It won't be randomly generated. A lot of it is based on chinese mythology.

They probably reduced the cannon fodder enemies and mini-bosses to hit 80+ bosses.. is my assumption.. but I really hope I'm wrong and we get a action rpg masterpiece. Been anticipating this game for a long time.

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Black Myth Wukong "Non-Pay-to-Win" Microtransactions and DLC Might Be Incoming According to Game FAQ

Black Myth Wukong has no confirmed DLC or microtransactions for now, but Game Science wants gamers to be open to the idea of it.

VersusDMC5d ago

They will maybe sell you costumes and DLC in the future like any other games. Ok.

What surprised me is the base game is 60 on PSN. Kinda inching towards a day 1 for me...


Black Myth: Wukong Physical Version Offers Activation Code Instead Of Disc

The physical version of Game Science's upcoming action role-playing game, Black Myth: Wukong, will offer an activation code instead of a disc.

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anast6d ago

Get used to not owning your games.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

Oh trust me I know thats why once we go full I'm playing emulator decomp and recomps and fan made games I'm going backwards.

Inverno5d ago

I'll never get used to it cause I'll just pirate everything I own, and if I can't pirate then I just won't buy it.

PRIMORDUS5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

This is the way. If buying isn't owning pirating isn't stealing. So when you torrent you own no one has a say if they just happen to pull the plug on a game you bought on a store like Steam, or others. You all can down vote all you want, and just complain that your games can be taken away at anytime, while we (me and Inverno) can just take the game(s) and keep them forever. I do have many PC games physical copies bought in my binder, over many years in my collection, just to be clear I did buy games, I didn't always torrent/usenet.

PRIMORDUS5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

When you torrent you own, that license shit doesn't fly with me. It's too bad EMPRESS is MIA or this game would have been cracked I'm sure. "Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo" He/She cracked Hogwarts very fast. Someone else needs to take up that mantle .😁 Very few PC games I will buy, because I do not want them to have any say of what I can play if that game gets pulled for some reason off a store like Steam, GOG, etc. Sooner or later I will not buy any more PC games and just get what I want, because the future does not look good.

Solitariussaint6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

No physical offline mode = No buy.

Rise of the Ronin > Black wu Kong

gold_drake6d ago

thats gotta be a joke right? tell me it is

-Foxtrot6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

They always have to shoot themselves in the foot when there's so much going for it

Plenty other games out...I'll pass until they sort themselves out

FACTUAL evidence5d ago

That’s a fact. I swear devs just don’t give af about getting our money anymore. When will they learn that you can’t alienate physical on consoles?

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Black Myth Wukong Collector's Edition, Physical Deluxe Edition Contents and PC Requirements Leak Out

Black Myth Wukong Collector's Edition and Physical Deluxe Edition contents have surfaced along with the PC requirements.

InUrFoxHole6d ago

I'm a gaming fan 1st but I prefer MS. Imo MS crapped the bed on this one. Voting with my wallet. Day one on PS5. Super excited

Sonic18816d ago

Finally a open world game using unreal-engine-5. My PC is ready

Tacoboto6d ago

The specs are surprisingly modest - I'd hope they're based on a 60fps experience and not 30 or 40.

Based on all the demos and clips on Nvidia's YouTube I'd also presume there'll be frame gen. Can't wait for it in ultrawide

ravens526d ago

Looks like I will be waiting smdh. The physical edition comes with a code not disc smdh. They're having an issue with importing discs. I'll be waiting until they fix the issue.

Fonsecap6d ago

Is this going to be a souls like game? First time I saw a gameplay it looked and feel like a soulslike.

Charlieboy3335d ago

I'm pretty sure they said they will be releasing a physical version once logistics and financial issues are resolved.