
Dragon's Dogma 2's Microtransactions Are The Least Of Its Problems

Huzaifa from eXputer: "Dragon's Dogma 2 got panned on launch for a swath of microtransactions, but its real issues are more deep-dyed."

anast69d ago

I was so hyped for this game as I thought the first one was better than Skyrim, but now I'll pick it up when it hits $9.99, or if ever.

franwex69d ago

It’s Capcom. So maybe in a couple of years. Same here.

CrimsonWing6969d ago

Capcom’s bad now? I’m so confused by the “it’s Capcom” comment 🤷‍♂️. They’re maybe one of the most consistent in the industry that delivers bangers after bangers.

just_looken69d ago


Banger after banger ummmmm

SO last 4 years remake of a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake re4 goty baby right because it was altered for modern audience?

Or do you mean dragons dogma 2 basically the first game even down to the framerate but the first game was for the xbox 360

Oh you mean street fighter 6? a game with so much monetization you need a dam map to find the start button and the core fighting to barley be a improvement?

Or perhaps the re reverse?

The i see 6 switch games that are port job's?

Or the mid 60 metacritic titles that never made a profit?

I had to reply to this comment its one of 50 i seen today that praise getting fisted

franwex68d ago


Oh please. We all know that Capcom game tend to be super cheap in a couple of years. Stop pretending to be all confused.

isarai69d ago

It's better than the 1st in every way shape and form, so i don't get your point

anast69d ago

How? The first one was a complete game with more content, which is still fun to this day.

isarai69d ago (Edited 69d ago )


This one is also a complete game, and no it doesn't have more content. Everything you can buy in the store you earn super easily in the game. Sounds like you never bothered to actually look into anything and are instead just hopping on the bandwagon. And trust me i hate MTs with a passion, i would've easily cancelled my pre-order if i didn't already pick up my copy when the news hit. But immediately after starting you would never even know there was any because they aren't any mentions of mt anywhere in the game, only on the store. Also DG1 launched with the same set of purchasable items on the PS3 store

anast69d ago

How is a game better with MTs than without? This is your argument.

Wretchedstain68d ago

Whats the point of Microtransactions if you can earn them in game. Oh hang on... the endless grind... and why do that manufatured systemic madatory gameplay, when I can buy them now... GOTCHA.

isarai68d ago (Edited 68d ago )


Not only did i not say that at all, but They both have mt, and have had them since day 1, so if you didn't notice or mind them in the 1st one, this one is exactly the same.


Again, sounds like you two never bothered to actually look into the game. Within 4hrs i quite literally earned everything you could buy, there is no grind to get those items, hell even the rift Crystals are earned passively in bulk, you just give you pawn missions and next time you sleep you get like 300RC

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 68d ago
Reaper22_69d ago

Sometimes you shouldn't listen to others opinion and play the game. It's a really good game. Better than the first.

Einhander197269d ago

The biggest issue that I have is that this game got higher review scores than Rise of the Ronin which is actually the much better game.

ROTR feels polished and finished while DD2 feels like a janky PS3 remaster, and the fact that ROTR got criticized for it's graphics which look way better that DD2 which was praised for it's graphics for some reason...


kythlyn69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Eventually people are going to realize that despite a good first impression, the game just lacks enemy variety and main story content, and quickly devolves into a tedious experience with way, way, waaaaay too much backtracking. Or they'll be hardcore fans and not care. Either way, the meta scores are very inflated.

isarai69d ago

Whats super weird is i bought both on launch and have the exact same opinion but for the opposite games 🤣. Do t get me wrong ROTR is dope af, but if any game looked like a ps3 remaster and was the most repetitive out of the two, it feels obvious to me at least that it's ROTR

Ironmike69d ago

Ronin feels polished u joking it has framerste problems as well except g4aphics are early ps4 game has pop in clipping terrible face animation pointless choices that don't effect nothing in game u keep swapping sides gave enemies one mission then they want to be friend next game not terrible but its not polished and dd2 got reviewed better because it is I own both

Aussiesummer69d ago

ROTR is fugly! looks like a borderline PS3 game.

Crows9069d ago

It's actually the only problem it has

Ironmike69d ago

It's not terrible game its a 7 but it has massive problems framerate graphics boring open world lifeless npcs

Crows9069d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Yes and those are inherent to the design decisions made for the game. I don't see that as a "problem"

Fps tank because optimization isn't prioritized...easily fixable and common but doesn't actually detract from if a game is good or not.

gold_drake69d ago

eh no. it has framerate issues among other stuff.

Crows9069d ago

Bad optimization is par for the course in gaming lately. Sure it is a problem but to say it's a problem bigger than mtx ....hell no.

I hate journalists trying to steer attention away from the biggest menace in gaming.

gold_drake69d ago

sorry to spam you, but ur wrong.

microtransactions are, yes, an issue. but they are optional. the game doesnt rely on those to get through the game.

framerate issues are way bigger than optional stuff.

Michiel198968d ago

so you think they didn't make fast travel and the other items more expensive to make their mtx more attractive? Their argument was, travel should be fun, meanwhile they are selling fast travel in the store. If it's so fun why sell fast travel at all?

They are optional yes, but I can guarantee that the ingame cost of them is massively inflated because they sell it in the store.

isarai68d ago


Yet again someone forming an opinion based in sensationalized headlines rather than actually olaying the game. Bro 4hrs in i had 6 fast travel stones aka rift stones, and almost 50hrs in ive only ever felt the need to use one. There's actually two ways to fast travel just fine in the game if you bothered to look, the ox carts are extremely efficient and have gotten me everywhere no problem when i didn't feel like traveling on foot, exact same fast travel system as RDR1. Also they're not expensive, ox carts are like 100 gold, i haven't seen a single job that pays less than a few thousand, hell dead bodies guve you like 250 when you loot them

SoloGamer168d ago

i really dont understand people taking the word of sponsored game journalists. Play the game for yourself. The game is amazing. I hasnt sold almost 3 million copies for nothing, and as an average score of 85 on metacritic and 88 on open critic. The microtransactions are OPTIONAL. you can earn all that stuff IN GAME as you play. These articles are ridiculous.

Michiel198968d ago

cyberpunk also sold 9 million at launch or some crazy number

melons68d ago

Who's sponsoring this journalist?

RavenWolfx68d ago

I am having a friggin' blast with this game. The exploration, enemies, different abilities, it is fantastic. I haven't had any frame rate drops or crashes.

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Dragon's Dogma 2 Gets DLSS Frame Generation: 77% FPS Gain with Broken Shadows

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has received a new title update that adds Frame Generation for NVIDIA RTX 40 series users (only). Unfortunately, the vast majority of gamers on RTX 30/RTX 20 and Radeon GPUs will have to keep waiting for an FSR 3 implementation of frame generation. There’s another tiny issue with the update.

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EternalTitan11d ago

Capcom kind of fumbled with this game.
This could have been GOTY 2024 but no.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Has Sold 3 Million Units In 2 Months

Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom's latest JRPG, has reached a new sales milestone, rolling over 3 million copies in a span of two months.

isarai15d ago

Hands fown my game of the generation so far, definitely has some flaws and buggy quests, but damn is it good, and surprisingly flexible in how it allows creativity and different approaches to resolve quests and reacts accordingly.

banger8815d ago

I just picked this up for PS5. I'm going to hold off playing as long as I can though, in case they decide to add a new performance mode. I don't want to play this at 30 fps unless I absolutely have no other choice (PC isn't a choice for me). I have a dozen other games in my backlog so I'm good.

VincentCastle14d ago

I have it on ps5 and pc and it plays as actually pretty well on PS5. The uncapped frame rates works best for the game then the newly added Max 30fps version.
The only town that gets the frame rates down between 25-35 ish is the first big city, but you won't be that much in it to be fair - I spent from 50 hours about 3 in the city and the rest exploring and the second main town which has better fps.

-on pc with my 3080 and 10700k CPU, the fps outside is better for sure as it can do stable 60fps... But it's the same or worst for the main city. I had fps between 20-50ish and the drops were really noticeable. But the same, most time was spent outside.

Nerdmaster15d ago

Really tried to like the first one, started it like 5 times, but it didn't click with me.
I'll try the sequel someday, but I'll wait for a good (like 50%) discount.

Cacabunga14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

It will end up on PS+ extra someday.
It is good devs release the game first and release it months later on PS+ to give it a second life.
If it was on sub service day one it would have sold 300.000 Max

ravens5214d ago

Just curious, does this count as successful?

jznrpg14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

For a sequel to a niche game from the PS3 days I would think 3 million is very good. But I don’t know their sales expectations so I can’t say for sure.

EternalTitan14d ago

I . . .dont know.
AAA companies are weird. It depends on their fiscal stuff.
I would guess its successful because the first game sold way less in the same time frame.

EternalTitan14d ago

Knew the game had long legs. It had some disappointing issues like performance, dumb microtracsanctions at the beginning. There is a DLC coming. Wonder what that will add to the game.


Stellar Blade has sold more physical copies than Dragon's Dogma 2 in Japan, despite PS5 exclusivity

By the looks of it, PlayStation 5 exclusivity does not hurt the sales of Stellar Blade in Japan as the game has passed 90,000 sold physical copies.

Hugodastrevas19d ago

Stellar Blade really deserves way more praise than it got, devs have been adding more and more content, for free, since release and the game already was great to begin with!

BrettAwesome19d ago

More than it got? It got tons, by everyone except the sad wankers who's idea of a sex life, is pulling on their dicks while watching big fake cgi titties 😂

gerbintosh19d ago

Don't see the difference between cgi titties and fake boobs. Also no difference to wanking it to either one of them since both aren't physically there

RiseNShine19d ago

Salty that the game is doing well hm? ;) I suggest some cheese with your whine.

Skuletor18d ago

So you're saying the people that like watching CGI tits didn't praise the game? An educated guess is you meant the opposite.

BrettAwesome18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

What the fuck are you talking about? I think it looks like an awesome game. I don't get the sentiment that it didn't get as much praise as it deserved. The only ones who's been shit talking it, are sad wankers with no sex life. Am I whining? How? 😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18d ago
Cacabunga19d ago

I think we can safely claim that Stellar Blade 2 is confirmed!
I got it day one, i have some backlog due to RDR2 i just platinumed.. i will get to Stellar Blade in the near future

shinoff218319d ago

Same but I'm hitting yakuza right now. Stellar blade looks cool though.

neutralgamer199219d ago

Capcom really dropped the ball with DG2. They had easy success on their hand but instead with their stupid decisions ruined the games success

Stellar blade is an amazing game and deserves all the success. For all the artificial hate it got from people who had no interest in the game to begin with this shows if you make a good game it will sell. The so called 1st party drought from PlayStation has meant 4 exclusives in 2024 so far. Other companies need to learn how to run a business and plan for the future

H919d ago

Stellar blade is performing very impressively there, DD2 didn't do well because word of mouth destroyed it's reputation and not about the Microtransactions or performance, bad word of mouth about how the game lacks so many things that were in the first one

Redemption-6419d ago

DS2 sold 2.5M in a little over a week, what the hell are you talking about?

H919d ago

"there", that's Japan, this article is about Japan, the bad word of mouth is about Japan

Hereandthere19d ago

Exclusives matter. No matter what bumbling phil and bond try to say, exclusives is why you buy a console.

The_Hooligan19d ago

How dare you speak common sense!!??

YourMommySpoils19d ago

Cause Hellblade 2 really matters?

jznrpg19d ago

It would if they added a lot more combat and didn’t focus on graphics

XiNatsuDragnel19d ago

Stellar blade is great excited for 2

anast19d ago

They dropped the ball with dogma. SB is a solid game, it just had to weather the social storm.

shinoff218319d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Said that dd2 was missing things the first one did,like mass effect 2? I haven't played it so I'm really asking.

spss1119d ago

I've played both and I have no idea what people say when they claim it's "incomplete". I've only noticed new things in comparison to DD1 (I would give a list but spoilers). Sometimes I wonder if some people actually played DD1 or maybe they remember it differently. Anyways, if you liked the first one and want more of that, you'll probably like DD2.

anast18d ago

Yeah, the content, combat movement is slower, less vocations, the armor system, it's more simplified, and dungeons are lacking. It's like they rushed it out or something, but didn't forget to add in youtuber pawns and micros. At least ME 2 upped the content.

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