
I thought PlayStation Portal was pointless — here’s why I was wrong

Rory writes: "When the PlayStation Portal was revealed earlier this year, I was fairly dismissive of the PS5 accessory, just like a lot of people were. I just couldn’t see the market for a $199 device designed exclusively for remote play, especially when true portable gaming is enjoying a deserved renaissance thanks to the Steam Deck and the enduring popularity of the Nintendo Switch.

This week I’ve been fortunate to get hands-on with a PlayStation Portal, and I’m here to hold my hands up and admit that I got this one wrong.

Badly wrong."

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jznrpg205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

My young children have been sick and home from school. They want to lay in bed and rest/sleep in their room so I grab my portal and play while they are watching their show or sleeping. I have got a lot of hours to play that I wouldn’t have otherwise and it just came out last week. Going to play right now actually.

darthv72205d ago

i find myself picking it up when I get home from work and just relaxing on my couch. Its a nifty little kit that im quite enjoying.

Inverno205d ago

It's still pointless for those who don't need it, nor see a point in buying something that can be done on so many devices. Either way you aren't wrong in buying it, nor wrong in not buying it.

jznrpg205d ago

Nobody needs video games at all. But I want them so buy what I want because I can.

Ataraxias205d ago

"It's still pointless for those who don't need it"

Literally 99.99% of all products.

northpaws205d ago


Charlieboy333205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

No other portable device can play all your PS5 games at native quality with the comfort and features of an actual dualsense. That is it's purpose and cannot be duplicated....doesn't matter what phone or whatever you have.

Inverno205d ago

Except practically every android device, and Apple device, and every window PC, and the Steam Deck can use remote play, and you can connect your DS to those devices, with the Deck being the exception because it has haptics and can do what the DS can on its own. So you're very much wrong.

andy85205d ago

@inverno it can't though can it? Just because it has haptics doesn't mean it's the same. And the only way it's similar is using a backbone and then you miss out on using a dualsense and you paying half of what the portal costs in the first place. And then your phone is tied up for calls and messages

MrNinosan205d ago

Not a single other way you play Remote Play support DualSense features.
Maybe read up on shit before typing it here.

RAFTECH26205d ago

You are stupid if u buy it.

It is pointless. Imagine playing with a device that is not 1:1 speed and dependant on connection?

Think!!! Use ur damn brain….. instead of trying to justify of how pointless it really is

Abnor_Mal205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

“Think!!! Use ur damn brain….. instead of trying to justify of how pointless it really is.”

Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing? Trying to justify how pointless something is that YOU yourself don’t care about.

Isn’t your phone also dependent on a connection? So is that really 1:1 or no, I’m willing to bet no.

andy85205d ago

Imagine calling people stupid for being happy. This is so useful for many people. Isn't for me personally but I have the brain to see how it is for others

badz149205d ago

man...you must not own any gaming device then? there is no such thing as 1:1 speed as in lagless! there are milliseconds of lags even playing natively on any console.

MrNinosan205d ago

Does this comment have any point?

Inverno205d ago

I literally looked it up. There are ways to get full haptic features of the DS with remote play.

Inverno205d ago

I kept searching, and haptic feedback works while wired on PCs and Macs, and works through Chiaki on steam deck. Steam Deck can also emulate haptics because the hardware has haptics. On Android there is a remote play app which is unfortunately a paid app but also supports haptics through a wired connection. So yes, you can in fact enjoy DualSense features on portable devices besides the Portal.

Inverno205d ago

@Andy and everyone else that doesn't seem to know or wants to play ignorant. YOU CAN CONNECT YOUR DUAL SENSE TO YOUR MOBILE DEVICES AND USE IT WITH REMOTE PLAY AND IT HAS THOSE HAPTIC FEATURES. Stop your fanboy BS, I took a neutral stance and y'all still get butthurt SMH.

MrNinosan205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

No, it doesn't support the haptic feedback etc.
If you had a PS5, you'd be able to try instead 👍

darthv72205d ago

Sure it works for control, but you lose out on ALL the fancy features of the controller. no impulse triggers, no speaker/mic none of the advanced haptics.

GamingSinceForever205d ago

People pay for ease of use (convenience). All the other ways involve setup time which can be a hassle.

hiroyukisanada205d ago

Congratulations @inverno "it's still pointless for those who don't need it" has officially been promoted to the dumbest comment of 2023 🤣 Maybe you were just trying to drum up a response but no one can possibly take you seriously after that statement ☠️☠️

Inverno205d ago

Nah dumb are the people who can't see that I was being neutral. You buy what you want if you see a point in buying it, and those who don't see a point won't buy it. What's controversial about what I said to warrant so many dumb replies?

Rimeskeem205d ago

Your comment was pointless because I don't need it, my reply is also pointless because no one needs it, someone just had an existential crisis lol

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 204d ago
Calvaro205d ago

It's funny, in a way I think all the negative press totally backfired. It just made people aware of the product who then realized it was really functional as it lets them play all the games they already own so the overall proposition is really inexpensive.

Abnor_Mal205d ago

Funny how no one is in this article which states the reporter was wrong in thinking the Portsl was pointless. Yet the other article that talks about some people reporting lag so bad it makes games unplayable on the Portal. Any one who says they’ve not had any lag so bad that they can’t play are down voted and the Portal bashing continues.

mandf205d ago

Fanboy crap. Notice the negative people will always come in and try to hijack the conversation when they don't even have the game or console.

Abnor_Mal205d ago

I don’t know why but any time I’m on this site and only this site, my phone refreshes every few minutes, if I’m typing something I will then lose it so I tend to have to keep my comments short or continually edit them.

I wanted to add this link to my original comment which I found interesting.


jznrpg205d ago

I started using brave app to browse this site and others as I have the same problem.

Calvaro205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

Just shut the hell up and keep my food cold!

But yea, the guy in the video is spot on 100%.

RAFTECH26205d ago

Go try a rhythm game.
It lags, u feel disconnected.

Get real, this thing is pointless

andy85205d ago

Go get a better connection. My PS5 is hardwired. Remote play is flawless for me. Even in the office.

Grilla205d ago

Rhythm games? Who cares

darthv72205d ago

i know what you mean. In that other article about the lag, i got some major down votes because i said I upgraded my wifi and can play it just fine on my home network. There isnt anyone else in that thread with as many down votes as me. i feel honored in a way as I am enjoying the portal quite a bit. Hell... Ive added a few more trophies to my collection as a result.

Abnor_Mal205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

Yea I saw the downvotes for you and everyone else that dared say a word in favor of the Portal.

Stand tall and proud as you are bestowed the honor and title of The Most Downvotes. I dub thee Sir Down Votes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 205d ago
SavageFlamingo205d ago

“You can do it on your phone”. I can watch TV on my phone too, but a dedicated device is a much better experience.

Abnor_Mal205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

Exactly, I never look at anything on my phone pass a few minutes tops. Then the idea of playing games on such a tiny screen is something I could not do.

I would prefer to keep my phones battery life high in case I actually have to use it for a what it was made for which is to make phone calls, it’s still called a phone after all. Imagine the wear and tear of the battery having to constantly needing to recharge, the battery life of the phone becomes less and less, basically diminishing returns. All just csuse you wanted to play a game on your phone. With the price of phones ranging from $200-$1000 I wouldn’t want to risk something happening to the phone compared to a dedicated $200 PS Portal.

RAFTECH26205d ago

You can do much more with ur TV.
The portal you can’t. It doesn’t even have Bluetooth.

Plus… if I’m not mistaken, you have to use your phone to tether.

It’s an overpriced piece device of what ur phone can already do. So much alternatives than a so called “dedicated device”

MetalGearsofWar205d ago

For dedicated device, it seems to lack some essentials.

Angyobangyo205d ago

Some might say the ability to not use your Bluetooth earphones on the device is a..."feature".

darthv72205d ago

@above, bluetooth audio adds even more lag. Using a set of wired headphones works better in this case.

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PlayStation Portal Selling “Better Than Expected,” Says Industry Advisor Who “Underestimated Demand”

The PlayStation Portal has been "exceeding supply for several months" in the US and doing better than it ever was expected to.

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Hugodastrevas29d ago

Damn scalpers, stopping me from playing Stellar Blade in the shitter!

DivineHand12529d ago

There is no way you will be in there long enough to complete a game session.

Zeke6829d ago

@DivineHand Dont underestimate the power of the shitter! ;)

29d ago
ravens5229d ago

I'm laying on my bed with Eve on my Portal and my skama in tha air. 😶‍🌫️ Chilln. I have been playing it on my big tv though just cause I like to play the main story on there. I do side quests and collecting on my Portal.

ravens5229d ago

Seems like industry advisors and analyst constantly underestimate or straight up talk from their back side

TiredGamer29d ago

Not just analysts. These very message boards were full of people throwing as much shade on the idea as they possibly could. I saw it for what it was, a great authentic and plug-and-play way to access your system from another room (or house). Glad it’s finding success.

DarXyde29d ago

As someone who does a lot of data analysis for a living, I can tell you that these econometric analysts have a tendency to look exclusively at numbers without any attachment to the human element. Anything that is not explained in their numbers doesn't make sense to them, when in reality, any analysis that involves people will always be subject to error (that they never seem to account for).

In this case, the demand was underestimated likely because they built their calculations on declining Switch sales to indicate there was low demand for a dedicated portable gaming device and price sensitivity. I didn't expect it to sell this well either to be honest, but I don't have access to their data either.

In truth, there is so much noise around the data here: we don't know how informed people were about it needing a PS5, how many are scalping it, how many typically purchase the latest tech, etc. All of that does factor in. Even the interpretation of demand is flawed. I have no doubt there is strong demand for it at this time, but I do suspect the numbers are inflated a bit by scalpers, where people become curious and purchase one because they keep selling out.

crazyCoconuts29d ago

Between the Portal, PSVR2, Edge controller, Pulse headsets, and potentially PS5 Pro Sony customers are going to have a lot of hardware purchase choices this holiday

Abear2129d ago

All will likely be sold out this holiday and you’ll pay up to double if you want it. Typical Sony never enough hardware or purposely shorting the market, whichever it is causing shortages I see no end especially around the holidays.

crazyCoconuts29d ago

They don't make more money when others scalp for double. They're not purposely shorting the market

TheColbertinator29d ago

Sony is shorting the market purposely to avoid calling it a flop

DivineHand12529d ago

I don't know about the other devices but PSVR2 is not doing some well. I read a report a while back that sales were so bad they had to stop production.


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The PlayStation Portal Remote Player is back in stock at most retailers now

Want to snag the PlayStation Portal Remote Player? It's finally available at multiple retailers right now.

Neonridr31d ago

we don't know how many they made to be honest. It continued to sell out, but if stock was limited to begin with, then that doesn't paint the entire picture.

That being said, good for those who use and enjoy it.

Abnor_Mal31d ago

Interesting that we don’t have any sales numbers, when Sony said that they will be counting the peripheral as a console.

Neonridr31d ago

@Abnor_Mal - yeah, personally I consider it a peripheral like a controller.

anast31d ago

It means after they sold out of the limited stock there is still demand. Most people weren't expecting the Portal to run through the limited stock. In other words , it sold like crazy.


The PlayStation Portal is finally winning me over

After a few months with the PlayStation Portal, Digital Trends Giovanni Colantonio is starting to see how the streaming handheld fits into our gaming lives.

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jznrpg61d ago

I love it for single player games

blackblades61d ago

It'll probably help me get through some games. Listen to the tv and play at same time. Also people need to stop hating

DogJosha61d ago

I'll stop hating when they go back to being able to connect locally instead of through the internet. Some of us are adults with jobs that take us away from top tier internet service.

MaximusPrime_61d ago

I'm still playing it. Playing GT7 on it has been awesome

MaximusPrime_61d ago

Thanks for disagreeing. I doubt you never seen or afford a PS Portal?

I bought it at launch and it's the best decision I ever made. Well done Sony!

monkey60261d ago

I slipped a disc in my back a short while ago and I could barely move for 2 weeks. A spent a near fortnite on my back and the Portal was a god send

VenomUK61d ago

You spent a fortnight playing Fortnite?

monkey60261d ago

I must type fortnite out more often than I actually use the word fortnight because my phone auto corrects to it. Haha
Nah I've been playing Cyberpunk and HellDivers though

jwillj2k461d ago

You spend a Fortnite on your back? ….

DarXyde61d ago

You back spending on Fortnite?

monkey60261d ago

Cheers JZNRPG!
I'm back walking again. And was out for the first time two days ago. Going to attempt driving today.

jznrpg61d ago

Great to hear ! Back injuries are one of the worst. Good luck with your driving

mudakoshaka61d ago

You spent two weeks in a fort at night?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 61d ago
61d ago
hiawa2361d ago

I was thinking about getting the Portal but my Logitech G-Cloud remote plays my PS5 games, Series X, retro games fine so will stick with that for now. Good to see the Portal doing well.

Tapani61d ago

I wonder which one has better controls or screen. Genuine question.

raWfodog61d ago (Edited 61d ago )

IIRC both have 1080p resolution and 60Hz/fps. The Portal has a 1” bigger screen though (8” vs 7”) and is about $100 cheaper if you can find one without having to seek out a reseller.

Sgt_Slaughter61d ago

The Portal is strictly a PlayStation device and has on-par if not worse connectivity than most phones, so a G-Cloud or even a Steam Deck for a bit more money is a better deal for more options.

mudakoshaka61d ago

Completely agree! Playing PS5 remotely, Game Pass, GeForce Now, some emulators as well for older games. The G Cloud is an amazing device for that price!

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