
Aliens: Dark Descent Review - Chestbursting With Excitement | Twinfinite

Twinfinite: "Aliens is one of those properties that has been adapted into all sorts of games. There’s been survival horror, a third-person shooter like Left 4 Dead, and an underwhelming first-person shooter. Tindalos Interactive sought to try something new by crafting a squad-based real-time strategy game that works incredibly well in the universe."

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The best Alien games to play while you wait for Alien: Romulus

If you've got an Alien itch you can't quite scratch until Alien: Rolumus releases, GameSpew has rounded up the best Alien games to tide you over.

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banger8861d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


Aliens: Dark Descent review [SideQuesting]

A polished, deep, and often hectic point and click strategy game that does a great job of balancing Aliens lore and freedom to make unorthodox choices.

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Aliens: Dark Descent Review - Squad-Based Horror | MP1st

(MP1st) Aliens: Dark Descent Review – Few games manage to recreate the feeling of dread like Focus Interactive’s squad-based tactical gem.