
The Mortuary Assistant Arrives to Haunt PCs Everywhere

Alex David Johnson from NoobFeed writes - Brian Clarke, the mind behind The Mortuary Assistant, describes the experience of developing a game solo as "deeply personal... it's exhilarating and terrifying". His worries have been eased by a demo for the game receiving a positive reception in October 2021, with hype building at PAX East 2022.

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anast681d ago

This game actually looks scary.

camel_toad681d ago

Yeh agreed. I'll have to keep it on my radar.

Somehow it kind of gives me the Undying vibe if anyone remembers that old pc game. Man it was scary.

I hope this turns out scary as hell. Looks like it has that slow build up of slow creepy scares and eventually big scares.


Best Games to Scare the Pants Off You This Spooky Season

From more traditional spectral haunts to sci-fi horror fests guaranteed to make you jump out of your skin, read on for a list of some real frights that you can buckle down with this spooky season!

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Review - The Mortuary Assistant (PC) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Heidi Hawes: "The Mortuary Assistant is truly something special. I haven’t been captivated by a horror game like this in a long time. It has such creative and unique ideas that make it stand out from the countless other games in the genre. This game just proves what I’ve been saying for years, that you don’t need a massive budget and nonstop jumpscares in order to make an effective horror game. The Mortuary Assistant succeeds where so many others have failed because of its use of subtly and cleverly subverting your expectations. Even though the shifts might be short, there are multiple endings, several of which require multiple playthroughs to unlock, so there is a ton of replayablility here. On top of that, the scares are randomized, so you’ll never get the same experience twice. Despite its flaws, I cannot recommend The Mortuary Assistant enough."

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Review: The Mortuary Assistant – I See Dead People | GameLuster

Despite my hefty experience and love for horror games, nothing could really prepare me for The Mortuary Assistant. Developed by DarkStone Digital, The Mortuary Assistant has been best described as Five Nights at Freddy’s meets P.T. You play as Rebecca who has just completed a degree in mortuary sciences and…

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