
Fall Guys Free-To-Play Monetization Is A Fall From Grace

The integration of the Show-Bucks system clashes with the gameplay loop that the game was originally built on, and it falls short of the past experience.

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Lionsguard704d ago

I'm really glad I'm someone who just doesn't give two shits about costumes..

Welshy704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

That's besides the point, it's a step down from what it was and that's what matters. Simply saying "I don't care/this doesn't effect me" adds nothing to the conversation.

Any form of progression or feeling of being rewarded for your time spent playing is all but gone.

Knushwood Butt704d ago

This game held my attention for about five minutes.

tombfan704d ago

They're just costumes, get over it. It'd be bad if there were p2w microtransactions.

roadkillers704d ago

Right, but it’s a reward system why we stay. The system was fine for me because I got the game when it was $20… but now it’s free-to-play it ruined my game

Jin_Sakai704d ago

How did being F2P ruin the game? The gameplay is exactly the same.

tombfan703d ago

Hmmmm I thought that what made you stay in a game was how much fun you have with it. The rest of it is just and extra.

TGGJustin704d ago

Yeah it really has. I played this game every day since launch and was able to earn pretty much every costume by playing. Now I can't get any of them pretty much unless I dish out money for them. Not to mention that one costume now costs around $10 when they sold costume packs consisting of 3 before for $5. It especially sucks for all the new players as they can't get any of the costumes the rest of us got over the past 2 years unless they spend actual money on them. We're talking hundreds of costumes that you could've earned for free before by buying the game for $20 where now they get the game free but would have to spend hundreds to get the same stuff the rest of us got. It's really sad.

SpineSaw703d ago

Why would anyone have issue with this game? Its F2P and no one is forcing people to send money on the gear and they have to make money somehow its a live service game like all other live service F2P games they need to make $$$.

Sgt_Slaughter703d ago

Because once it became F2P, the progression system was changed. People who spent money to buy the game now have F2P monetary components locking them out of things previously available to them.

DefaultComment703d ago

It's just cosmetics for god's sake! You do not need cosmetics ir order to play and win the game, also you are not forced to PAY if you do not want to.

SpineSaw703d ago

Then this should be a good life lession..... Expect changes at every turn and learn to make good sound decisions so you can avoid disappointment. The game Developers and Publishers are just adjusting so the can make the most $$$ possible which is the reason their in the game business and its the same in every business.

DefaultComment703d ago

I got no complains. I mean I supported them with the $9.99 pack and gave me 2 skins and 1000 currency so I unlocked the season pass which pretty much got me another skin and more stuff to unlock with the grinding. I mean I say it was pretty good for 10 bucks.
Will I keep supporting them a.k.a give them more money? NO, unless of course there is something that really really peeks my interest. Other than that I say the game has been better than before and that's pretty much it.


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