
Halo Infinite Review - Gives Me Metroid Prime Levels of Visual and Lore Satisfaction | Zyro-EG

Jason says, "Was everything better in the old days? Nope. Is everything new terrible? Nope. Most moments the game manages to balance this out, but in other areas not so much. Primarily, it exceeds in the gameplay arena by keeping the controls feeling old, yet new and taut. It then faulters in (hopefully temporary) netcode issues, seriously missteps in the content arena for everyone NOT on Game Pass, and disappoints in graphics for current gen standards of Xbox’s biggest franchise. The good news is that it feels so good and smooth to play and gives me serious Metroid Prime levels of visual and lore satisfaction."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Hope you all got some good videogame presents for Christmas!


It is excellent...disagrees in 3.2.1

XbladeTeddy899d ago

Here's your first disagree because PC performance is a joke. Enjoy!

XbladeTeddy899d ago

Curious on the disagrees with the PC performance. Digital Foundry has shown it's a fact with actual solid evidence, just watch their video on Halo.

TheDoomedGuy898d ago (Edited 898d ago )

Some people are really huge Xbox fans and completely disregard and disagree with any negative comment regarding Xbox games...understandable since they haven't had any big titles in many years

If halo isn't regarded as the best thing since toast then they'd have to face more years of a nothing burger. Halos mutliplayer is good. And yes the PC performance is questionable considering it's an Xbox one game.

899d ago
899d ago Replies(1)
MetalProxy899d ago

That score is a bit high for a unfinished product

CaptainHenry916899d ago

The PC version is the unfinished product

Orchard899d ago

It’s unfinished and ended up being one of the best games of the year? Imagine if it was finished!

ChubbyBlade899d ago

Yea it would have been much better if the multiplayer was included, forge and co op were there, the cosmetics didn’t get ripped out, there was more than 1 biome and it didn’t run terribly on my pc.

Still a solid 8.5/10 but I gotta remove marks for those above mentioned issues.

ChubbyBlade899d ago

While I really enjoyed the campaign, the package as a whole is easily the worst value of all the games. 3/4 of it is missing either “coming soon” or got tossed into F2P to be monetized to hell and back.

$60 just for the halo campaign is a joke.

Good thing I got gamepass.

TheDoomedGuy898d ago

That's the good thing about gamepass. The few exclusives that get released you don't have to pay for

TheDoomedGuy899d ago

Well the whole description nails it on the head regarding the gunplay. But it's funny how it doesn't mention the campaign at all which is my issue with it.

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Putting on PS5 is another step in the right direction so the player base can grow.

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How many years has it been?


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