
5 PlayStation Exclusives That Need to be Revived

Jaydyn Spisak: Everything old is new again and we take a look at what PlayStation exclusives gems that have been lost to time deserve a remake.

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Jin_Sakai1220d ago (Edited 1220d ago )

What I’d like brought back. No specific order.

1. Resistance
2. Jak and Daxter
3. Syphon Filter
4. Jet Moto
5. Warhawk

bondsmx1219d ago

Every time I see one of these, I always say Jet Moto! Lol

bouzebbal1219d ago

Tourist Trophy
Mark of Kri
Legend of Dragoon
Modnation Racers

1219d ago
Darkborn1219d ago

What about rrrrrridge racer?

Magog1219d ago

I would love to see another Ridge Racer. Sadly that meme killed the series.

Kurt Russell1219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

I'd like to see some non-sim racers back.

Ridge Racer

I had a blast with all of these.

*Edit* Vigilante 8 also

toxic-inferno1219d ago

I was only thinking the other day how great a true remake of the PS3s Warhawk would be nowadays. I feel that game was ahead of its time (for a console game - I realise there were lots of similar PC games before it).

It had some of the best large-scale multiplayer maps I have ever seen, each of which pushed a completely different style of gameplay. The different weapon and vehicle options were extremely well balanced, and the graphical style was the perfect blend for a semi-casual online shooter. Looking back, I think it was probably one of my favourite games of the PS3 era. So many great memories playing splitscreen and online.

I also totally agree with Resistance. And Jak and Daxter is my all-time biggest request. Heck, just rerelease the first game on PS5 - I'll buy it again just to support this franchise.

Amplitude1219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

Just wanted to point out Warhawk still has a decently large community playing every day!
Come join us!

You just need to change some numbers in your PS3 network settings once and it works 100% of the time forever. Stats were recently brought back too (ranks are reset though)

jukins1219d ago

You didnt put warhawk number 1!!!!!! Bit at least you have it on your list lol

CaptainHenry9161219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

I would also say Socom and Mag

UltraNova1219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

MAG is primed to return and dominate these days. Sony should take notice.

Godmars2901219d ago

Warhawk as it was released, originally proposed, which was a first person real time strategy opposed to multiplayer shooter, or the very original adventure-flight sim?

yeahokwhatever1219d ago

Wasn't halo also an RTS in concept? I remember looking at screenshots in a magazine about it coming to PS2 before it launched and being excited because it looked sweet for an RTS.

Livingthedream1219d ago

Would rather have Killzone and Socom over Jack and Jet Moto

yeahokwhatever1219d ago

Swap Jak and Daxter for Twisted Metal and we're gold.

Parasyte1219d ago

I would not have a problem with any of those!

ABizzel11219d ago

Top 5 AAA

1. Killzone: Resistance (Killzone Gameplay, Resistance Weapons and Multiplayer, Chimera vs ISA and Helghast)
2. Legend of Dragoon Remake (AAA JRPG)
3. Demon's Souls II or Bloodborne II
4. Heavenly Sword (Expand on the lore, make it more open and more Adventure-like, Give it old GoW gameplay)
5. The Order 1886 (1887, Vampires, Wewevoles, Witches, etc..., 12 - 15 hours, separate co-op mode)

Honorable Mentions:
Warhawk II (90% Warhawk + 10% Starhawk, make it F2P and give it a good artstyle)
Heroes United 2 (Jak + Sly + Ratchet)
PASBR 2 (An Action-RPG with a new PS protagonist, going through the PS verse like Kingdom Heart, keep the fighting game mode)

Top 5 3rd party funded exclusives

1. Konami Remakes (MGS1 AAA, Silent Hill AAA, Castlevania, Contra, Gradius, Suikoden, etc...)
2. Final Fantasy 7-II (a full direct sequel not a remake)
3. Jade Empire Remake
4. Vanquish 2
5. Sleeping Dogs 2

Honorable Mentions:
Bully 2 (with social networking and kids being online, this could be good, or extremely controversial....BOTH)
Chrono Cross / Trigger Remake (A next-gen graphics update, these are near perfect games as is)
GTA 3 Remake: You can to win a console generation

Top 5 Niche games

1. Shadow of the Colossus II (a new protagonist, new colossi, new environment)
2. Bushido Blade (a PSVR first person exclusive mode would be cool)
3. Blur (A great racer of the PS360 era)
4. Split Second (another great racer of the PS360 era)
5. Puppeteer (I loved this game)

Honorable Mentions:
Folklore (A cool and unique monster catching RPG with real-time combat)
Tokyo Jungle (this could be an even bigger cult classic game with a better budget, and marketing)
Hunter: The Reckoning (I loved playing this game couch co-op with my friends and family)

jukins1219d ago

Starhawk i feel could do well with currwny consoles. Was held back so much limited hardware.

jznrpg1218d ago

Yes I’ll take all of that plus some more older RPGs

Teflon021219d ago

Modnation Racers
Dark Cloud
Jak and Daxter (Only if it's like the first game and not like the second and 3rd which are good games but i just prefer the first one)

What I'd need for variety sake and Modnation actually needs to happen immediately. It's main issue was load times, and that's a joke now. About time we get it done!!

1219d ago
ChiefofLoliPolice1219d ago

Agree with this list also i would LOVE a new socom!

Rocketisleague1218d ago (Edited 1218d ago )

I'd like.more genres tbh. More types of games. I really the pc days due to the genre difference.

Majority of first party games are some type of third person action game

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1218d ago
RaidenBlack1219d ago

+ Chrono Break/Cross sequel
& Legend of Dragoon Remake.

Magog1219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

Heavenly Sword was made by Ninja Theory and didn't sell very well so I doubt it will get a sequel.

phoenixwing1219d ago

I disagree for its time it was a great gem to play. And sony owns the ip.

Magatsuhi1219d ago

He's saying it didn't sell well not that it wasn't good.

phoenixwing1219d ago

@maga he edited his comment. Before he said the game was bad.

Livingthedream1219d ago

It was a great game Ninja Theory did a fantastic job with the game.

jukins1219d ago

I would say it sold decent being a new ip at launch. But at the same time they did state they lost money.

But sony owns the ip they could if they wanted put one of their own teams on it remake the first abd launch with sequel

Magog1219d ago

Which of their teams should they pull off of their own IPs to work on a failed Ninja Theory one?

jukins1218d ago

Thats a tough one. Not sure if sucker punch has a b team. Or another idea let bluepoint remake the 1st AND give them an opportunity to produce the 2nd. Im sure theyve done a non remake before im not aware of it though. Honestly would like to see what this studio is capable of outside of basically enhancing previously done games

Lore1219d ago

Just imagine this being given the FF VII Remake treatment

phoenixwing1219d ago

I already want a remake but I'm not expecting one anytime soon. Even though the combat in lod is awesome with the additions system. Even if they got rid of it the game would still be fun to explore world wise

Unknown_Gamer57941219d ago

Ah, yes. I'd rather it not be split into three games, though I'd take it. I'd like to see the unique world of LoD in more detail.

Lore1219d ago

@unknown Agreed i meant just a thoughtful overhaul of how they could modernize the combat and systems, but yes it definitely wouldn’t need to be episodic

jukins1219d ago

I saw socom thouh5 oh this will be a good list. But no warhawk?!?! FAIL. Warhawk could be sonys perfect f2p multiplayer game

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17 Best PlayStation 4 Metroidvania Games

Cut your way across perilous platforms and terrifying monsters in these incredible Metroidvania games on the mighty PlayStation 4.

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SimpleSlave9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Dead Cells is NOT a Metroidvania... Why are people saying as such if baffling. Apart from that, this is an OK list.
Some excellent games missing:

Axiom Verge
Salt and Sanctuary
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
Death's Gambit
The Messenger
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Ghost Song
And Symphony of the Night of course.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something but whatev.

SimpleDad9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Steamworld Dig 2, Yoks's Island, Infenax, Lost Ruins, The Cub, Ultros, The Knight Witch...


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor11d ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde11d ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast11d ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows11d ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11d ago
Hotpot10d ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear2111d ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning7710d ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger10d ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Reveals PS2 Sold 160 Million Units Worldwide

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) President and CEO Jim Ryan has confirmed that PlayStation 2 sales reached a staggering 160 million units sold worldwide.

The soon-to-be-retired gaming boss offered an updated figure during a chat on a recent episode of the Official PlayStation Podcast. The conversation saw him covering his time at Sony while talking about the company’s direction for the future.

When asked about what the 2000s brought to mind, Ryan responded with, “The 2000s? That would be, I would say, 160 million, which is the number of PS2s that we sold. A high watermark.”

just_looken76d ago

The ps2/ps3 era so many dam good games and then you got the online im sure i am not the only one with a ps2 network disc that still works and the modem/lan deal for the ps2.

Great consoles all around

Cacabunga76d ago

The same moron Ryan doesn't understand that great games not gaas is the reason why PS2 was so successful

just_looken76d ago

Ryan took charge in 2018 sense then we got the gutted ps4 update that killed simple coms 2 of the main studios dead went from multiple new exclusives on ps4 to the ps5 ghost town.

Crossplay that killed competitive gaming and just simple controller vs controller

Gaas crap like you said

Ps4 ip's just dead

hey were is my ps move support eye toy or even the ps vr support ryan?

The ps vita 2 rip

The horrible ps5 user interface

Sony push into making there games for everyone moved hq to cali now all esg

There psn chat being monitored by ai can not say/share anything now eyes are watching you

That is just the top of my head its just not the games ryan failed to understand under his leadership he killed alot of what made playstation.

blackblades76d ago

Ps2 couldnt even do gaas or anything it was forced go that one route.

Modpeel75d ago

Horrible Ps5 interface? Ya, ok. That's not a thing. At least you tried

jznrpg76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

PS2 was one of the best generations ever if not the best. Imo much better than PS3 gen though there were some great games during the PS3 gen it started out a little slow and finished strong

Shane Kim76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Imo the classic consoles stopped with PS3. Now it's just copy and paste games, online, gaas and dlc's. This is why I really like FF7 Rebirth. Feels like a classic game.

Cacabunga75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

PS3 is my favorite PS console ever, followed closely by PS1.
PS2 was amazing but i haven’t been gaming much that gen.. too busy with schooling and stuff..
PS4 was just copy paste of PS3, like Shane said. Other than bloodborne and VR i didn’t feel there was something truly incredible and worth remembering last gen for.

FinalFantasyFanatic75d ago

I pray that my PS2/PS3 never dies, I have so many good games trapped on them, I know one out of two of my PS2s have died (I was considering opening it up and having a lot inside).

just_looken75d ago

I had my launch xbox die it was the power supply i never knew until i got a new one and after the fact opened my old one that the power supply could be replaced with a few cables :(. You never know it could be a simple ribbon cable

FinalFantasyFanatic74d ago

Hopefully it's something simple, it still powers on, just doesn't output picture/video or sound.

Relientk7776d ago

The game library of the PS2 speaks for itself. These sales are absolutely well deserved. PS2 is still arguably the best game console of all time.

just_looken76d ago

Game library and the features third console to have online mp but it became mainstream thanks to ps2/xbox then you got that sweet dvd player and the console size got so tiny. Singstar/eye toy the portable version oh also that component cable output then the whole sp game after months getting somewhat boring well gameshark it woot woot

FinalFantasyFanatic75d ago

I did main my PS2 as a DVD player when I wasn't playing games, good times.

Sgt_Slaughter76d ago

I just wish the video quality was better on the system since I've got so many classics for it. Yes, it can go all the way up to 1080i for certain games, but even today it's hard to get the right cables and the right calibration to make things look great compared to the Xbox or GC

just_looken76d ago

If you can there hard 2 find but launch ps3 consoles with backwards compatibility are great for replaying ps2 games.

FinalFantasyFanatic75d ago

I plug my PS2 into my AVR, but that seems to be more complicated that I would have expected, maybe I can find a component to HDMI converter at some point.

SimpleSlave76d ago

While I would always consider the OG XBOX as the best system during that generation - some of the games were truly next gen. So much so that the graphics actually affected the gameplay and game design - I still love the PS2. Still, it's clearly obvious that we are beyond spoiled now a days. Where the most middle of the road game has better controls and gameplay that half the PS2 library. Ditto for the Indie scene.

The reality is that the PS4 is the greatest console of all times by a country mile and the PS4/Switch/WiiU/Xbone generation is the greatest gen ever. Not even close. The PS4 physical library is almost ludicrous at this point. Then you add the digital library and there was never a comparison.

Skuletor76d ago

Your opinion isn't "reality".

SimpleSlave76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

@Skuletor - Neither is yours, bud. Still, I never claimed it to be my opinion, it was just an observation based on the quality of titles released for the console. From compilation of classics, to re-releases of classic, to its own unique library of physical and digital games released throughout the 10 years of its existence. All of it counting toward making the PS4 the best console ever released.

If you don't agree then you're more than welcome to chime in with something a bit more substantial. Otherwise, why bother?

mcstorm75d ago

I get where you are coming from. For me I enjoyed the Dreamcast the most that gen and seeing PS2 Vs DC games now I kind of know why with the output being better on the DC. I also owned a Xbox, GameCube and PS2 but the PS2 was my least used console that gan.

I was surprised at the time as I played my psx alot more than my Saturn and N64 I have found each gen my preference has changed. Just like the Xbox one, PS4 and WiiU gen I played more of the WiiU than the other two.

I'm fully off consoles at the moment and own a Rog Ally with a 3080 that I connect it to when docked and I've really enjoyed this console alot more than I thought I would.

That said the sales of the PS2 is impressive and I can see why people like it so much but just like anything in life some of us prefer other things to what is popular.

Just like I've never owned an apple product as they are just not for me.

SimpleSlave75d ago

@mcstorm - I'm pretty much the same way. My favorite consoles are the OG Xbox, the PS1, and the Sega CD with all 5 games. Then it's the PS4. So I'm not even saying this as a number one fan or anything like that.

As you said, some prefer the popular system, and that's fine, I don't see anything wrong with that. I think the problem lies when they make their taste the holy grail of anything. In the case of the PS2, the system was absolutely amazing, and I never even imply otherwise. Some legendary series were either born or expanded on that system, no doubt about it. But I think, when you step back and look at the experiences and games and franchises released for each of the systems, the PS4 is simply at a ludicrous place. And I do believe, only when looking back, people will come to realize this.

People do forget that back in those days, there were actually less games coming out. The gaming droughts were absolutely real and brutal. If there was nothing coming out, then there was literally nothing coming out. Now? There is never really a drought. When people say nothing is coming out, they mostly refer to AAA and popular games, but if you keep your eyes on the industry, you know that a plethora of great games come out on a monthly basis. From AA to Indy games. There's always something coming out and a lot of it is pretty good.

And that's probably the problem. When there is so much good stuff coming out, nothing in particular stands out. So it does seem like no legendary games are being released compared to the PS2. But there are and you just have to look for them, sadly. Especially when a lot of these games are only coming out digitally, so they become even more obscure and difficult to reach. Like I said, in 20 years, people will look back at the PS4 library and be in complete astonishment as to how they miss most of it.

As somebody that collected for the XBOX, PS2 and mainly the PS1, I can tell you there are so many hidden gems in those systems, it's pretty surprising. And as somebody that tried to collect for the PS4? I gave up. I can't really keep up anymore. It's too much. Too many great games coming out that are worthy of having in the collection, but between digital, limited runs, European and Japanese only releases, things got way out of hands a few years ago.

I would love to see a complete collection of the system. I think it'll put stuff in perspective for some.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 75d ago
Sgt_Slaughter76d ago

So odd that the number is suddenly higher than previously thought right as the Switch is closing in on the long standing record.

Crows9076d ago

They stopped reporting numbers so....yeah

ShwaaMan76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

I mean I hear what you’re saying, he did just round up by 2 million, but that doesn’t mean he’s lying either, maybe just updating the official number. The Switch still has 15 million to go to beat the Nintendo DS and another 5 million (approx) to beat the PS2… and it’s in its 7th year now. Also, if it does end up surpassing the PS2 will it hold that record for another 20 years like PS2 did?
A massive success for any of the big 3 is good for everyone, it drives the competition and should be celebrated across the board in my opinion. It makes everyone notice and adapt to the winning formula which is good for all of us. I love my Switch, it’s the first Nintendo system I have owned since GameCube, but they all have their strengths and I love my PlayStation and I have had all of them. Sony caters to my preferences in gaming more than the others. But that’s me.
Fanboys are so odd, what a weird thing to flex. Hey guess what, Microsoft has sold 600 million copies of Windows 7, mic drop?🤷‍♂️

mkis00776d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Whatever your hinting at is stupid; most people assumed ps2 was above 160 million because of the time between last sales report and last console manufactured. Switch is handheld, it will always be competing in that space. Ps2 had a smaller industry as well. Unless you think it would succeed without being a portable? Wii u 2?

Good-Smurf76d ago

IKR, all Nintendo did was they finally made more powerful Wii U portable and that's plays into their strength.
And it doesn't take much to make something more powerful than Wii U even back then.
It would have been a lot lower in sales if it wasn't a Hybrid console.
PS2 was able to do that huge numbers with much smaller industry and without the help of social media and easy access to cheap fast internet.

ChasterMies76d ago

Never underestimate the trickle of sales of old hardware. I’m glad that Sony keeps old hardware (and games for the old hardware) on the market after the new hardware releases.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 76d ago
Gamerscore207776d ago

The PS2 had a phenomenal library of games for every genre. It’s unfortunate we’re never going to witness something like that again.

just_looken76d ago

Too think all those ip's sony just burred out back or tossed to companies like activision on the cheap what a waist.

mkis00776d ago

Its more of how long it takes for games to come out due to dev cycles. Think how fast sequels came out like gta 3-san andreas, god of war 1,2. Battlefront...

FinalFantasyFanatic75d ago

I really don't know why more big budget studios don't do some AA titles in between bigger titles, not everything needs to be a AAA game with huge cinematic and photo realistic graphics.

jznrpg75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Of course we won’t get as many games. It takes 2-3x longer and more money to make a game than it did back then.

rlow176d ago

So he just came up with this fact all these years later??? I wonder if it has to do with the Switch closing in on the PS2 lifetime sales? How convenient.

NotoriousWhiz76d ago

He probably just rounded 155 to 160 million.

rlow176d ago

Could be but that’s a big 5 million stretch. Especially after all these years we were told different

TheCaptainKuchiki75d ago

could you please NOT pretend like you know better than the CEO of said company 💀

rlow175d ago


I do doubt the narrative and Jim has lied before even going as far a lying to the FTC. Heck, he went and visited the London studio and didn’t hint that in two days they all would lose their jobs. While he may be quite sincere and honest about the numbers, something he could have rectified years ago. The timing and his past behavior makes it highly suspicious. So I do question the validity of his statement.

mkis00776d ago (Edited 76d ago )

You people are smoking some bad reefer with this conspiracy stuff. This is not the first time this was known, just the first time it is official. They could care less abou home console 2000's vs portable console 2010's...they are not invested in the school yard bs like you or me.

derek76d ago

@rlow1, it's you that are making a big deal about it. Why would he lie, becuase he's worried the switch will pass that total? Lol. Don't confuse the console war conversations we have on n4g with Ryan's statements on anything playstation. He was with playstation from the start and was apart of their climb to success. He would have the exact number.

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