
Seven Dream Games I Want Announced at the Future Games Show

Kevin F. from Link-Cable writes: "On Saturday, June 13th at 5 PM EDT, the first ever Future Games Show 2020 will broadcast live on Twitch and YouTube. Reports promise that at least seven world premieres of new games will be shown from several listed studios. Here are some of my dream games that I hope might be announced at The Future Games Show. Hopefully at least one (or two) comes true!"

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RaidenBlack1462d ago

I actually want Monolith to announce a F.E.A.R Reboot or F.E.4.R


Final Fantasy Head Talks About The Difficulties of Remaking Final Fantasy 6

"There are many FF6 fans inside the company, and they often ask me 'When are we making 6?'"

shinoff2183358d ago

Come on already square always on about this stuff. Half the game is done the story and all is already there , I imagine they'd take a couple things out. I can't imagine these days they'd leave the dog fighting in. Not that the player bet on it or anything but it was there

CrimsonWing69357d ago

I think because it’s easier to make grand games in pixel art rather than model everything in 3D as well as the amount of espers, spells, cutscenes, animations and whatnot it’d be a huge task to remake.

FinalFantasyFanatic356d ago

I'd prefer a HD-2D remake, but we're not getting that, I probably wouldn't want a remake like FF7R.

Flawlessmic357d ago

Give me ff9 and 10 remakes first and I'll be over the moon!

Those are my 2 personal favourites, although at this rate ff16 is quickly going to eclipse them both, which I mean I knew 16 was going to be good, but game of the gen so far and fav ff ever at this rate I wasn't expecting that.

Just love to see ff back in the spot light big time and it will only continue with ff 7 rebirth

shinoff2183357d ago

10 still don't look bad , I feel that could wait but word is 2026ish for ff10 remake

Flawlessmic357d ago

it doesnt look bad at all and is still suer playable, but more ffx is always a good thing for me, i go through and play it atleast once every 2 years hahaha

FinalFantasyFanatic356d ago

FFX could just use a remaster update with higher res textures and stuff, a remake on that game would be a waste.

on_line_forever357d ago

What about vagrant story & parasite eve ?

jznrpg357d ago

Yes and Yes . Vagrant Story first though for me

FinalFantasyFanatic356d ago

DO IT! They've been re-releasing a lot of their old games though, so maybe we can get a remaster or remake of those in the future.


Hi-Rez To Shut Down Paladins’ Switch Port Due To Poor Performance.

A long history of crashing and worsening performance has eventually led to the game's Switch sunset.

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_Decadent_Descent417d ago

Nintendo really needs to step up in their power game next-gen. I know they opted out of the 'power race' back with the Wii, but they really need to still stay within a certain margin of their competitors.


Nyx & Season 6 Arrive on Paladins

Today Paladins begin s its Season 6 with an update chock full of new content!

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XxINFERNUSxX474d ago

I do like Paladins but I wish they would move over to UE5.