
Blast Em Bunnies Review — The Cube

Zack H of The Cube gives his opinion on the newest indie shooter to hit digital store shelves this week


2016: Five forgettable games

Games Asylum: "Compiling this feature was a tad tricky as we’ve seen far fewer stinkers in 2016 than years prior. There were plenty of average games – Alekhine's Gun, Carmageddon: Max Damage, Mighty No. 9 and TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan spring to mind – but nothing truly terrible. We’re talking Ride to Hell: Retribution levels of awfulness here.

While the five games featured reviewed poorly, mostly gaining scores around the 4/10 mark, you could probably still squeeze an hour or two of play out them before tedium set in. That’s the biggest offender here – tedium. These games are either basic, boring or both, hence why we’ve opted for the title ‘Five forgettable games’ for this piece"

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Blast ‘Em Bunnies Review - The Video Games

Peter at TVG writes "Sometimes gamers just don’t know what kind of title they are in the mood for. Do they want to immerse themselves in a deep narrative experience, a grind play session to upgrade weapons and level up or just a fun distraction to pass away the time?"

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Wiiwarewave Reviews: Blast 'Em Bunnies (3DS eShop)

Ichigofan Reviews Nnooo Studious Arcade Shooter title Blast em Bunnies for the 3Ds Eshop

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