
Shadow of the Beast Update, New Trailer From Paris Games Week

Posted by Matt Birch on Oct 29, 2015 // CEO and Founder, Heavy Spectrum:

It’s been a great week for gaming news! Lots of wonderful announcements from Paris Games Week, and so many things to look forward to. We’re once again humbled that Sony asked for our game, Shadow of the Beast, to be in attendance amongst such illustrious company.

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jon_snow3151d ago

Looks awesome. Sony should have added this trailer in press conferences even though it was shown in 2014 but showing new trailer would have generate hype for the game..

playtimewilltell3151d ago

I think there's a reason the game hasn't been featured in a conference since its original CG trailer reveal: it's probably not very good and Sony doesn't have a lot of confidence in it.

Honestly, all the gameplay they've shown has been visually inconsistent and the mechanics look underwhelming, somewhat unpolished, and disappointingly basic. I'm referring both to the combat and the environmental traversal, which is ostensibly the two halves of this game, gameplay-wise.

The art can be interesting at times, but overall I don't think we should be expecting much from this, unfortunately.

Yahdaree3151d ago

Use some more out of context big words.

The game looks like a side scroller. So it's looks about as cool as that would, that's all. It's not a big open world game... priced right it should sell ok. $20

Sniperwithacause3151d ago

Looks like a god of war type game to me.

I'm in! More games more experiences

playtimewilltell3150d ago

Yahdaree, if you think I laid the "big words" on thick there, I feel sorry for you. They weren't "out of context"; the context is the game, which I commented on. That isn't out of context.

Secondly, there are lots of amazing, cleverly and beautifully crafted side-scrollers in existence. Just because this one looks underwhelming does not mean we should check our expectations at the door whenever we're discussing one.

Have a super duper day.


Representation of Wales and the Welsh in gaming: Suggestions from Reddit and Twitter

Dragon Gaming recently published an article on Welsh representation in gaming. The article was comprehensive enough – covering big hitters such as Assassin’s Creed IV and Ni No Kuni, as well as some lesser-known games, people and companies. It seems, however, that they missed quite a few neat cases of Welshness in the industry. Many people in the community reached out to them on Twitter and Reddit, pointing them to check out some of the examples they missed, so check out they did. Here’s a little more representation of Wales and the Welsh in video games – straight from the community.

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2675d ago

Free Shadow of the Beast 1989 PS4 Dynamic Theme Looks Pretty Bloody Cool in Action

There’s a free dynamic PS4 theme on the PlayStation Store that UK residents can download at no cost. Lovely stuff, right? Now you can see it running in action - and it looks pretty damn fine.

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There’s a Free Shadow of the Beast PS4 Theme, and It’s Damn Cool [UK]

The UK PlayStation crowd often gets some decent freebies that make their North American counter-parts green with envy.

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masterfox2901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

meh is on brexit side!!!!!