
Rainbow 6 Siege's Single-Player Game is a Training Mode Called Situations

Rainbow 6 Siege single-player mode is a thing that exists, though it's a solo training mode rather than a fully fledged single-player story campaign. See for yourself and discover the details in this new Rainbow 6 Siege single-player gameplay.

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Clown_Syndr0me3155d ago

I hope to God people don't support this game. So disappointing after the long wait since Vegas.

Spenok3155d ago

I agree, when I found out they took out the SP in favor of strictly MP (and this mode), I was severely disappointed. Not the mention the Beta didn't exactly fill me with joy.

Clown_Syndr0me3155d ago

That bugged me but wasn't the bit that turned me off completely.
The gameplay and graphics sucked, and the news of micro transactions.
I was always sceptical after they said the cover system was no more

Spenok3155d ago

Graphics mean nothing to me as far as a purchase decision goes, and never will. I care about fun gameplay. Single player is very important to me, as I love story modes. Also, I will never understand why people get so worked up over micro transactions. 95% of the time they are entirely optional, and you can unlock what they offer by actually playing the game. And if you can't they don't give any sort of benefit to the player, just looks etc.

If someone wants to buy something the developers are offering, why not let the developer make an extra buck, and the dude spend his money? I don't know, they don't bother me. I've been playing games for so long, not to mention cell phone games. and EVERY one of those has micro transactions, and guess how much money I've spent on those.... ZERO, and it will stay that way. If a game is designed for me to need them to continue, I just stop playing. Even if it strongly encourages you to buy them by making you weak or useless without them, or makes it EXTREMELY difficult for you to unlock stuff through natural progression in the game, then again, I stop playing it. Clash of Clans is a perfect example of this. Either way, they aren't required, they don't make them necessary in any way, so just ignore them like they don't exist and move on and have fun.

Clown_Syndr0me3155d ago

I see your point and sometimes I don't mind. It's too early to judge on this game as it isn't out but my worry is this.
For a primarily multiplayer game, micro transactions have the potential to make it pay to win. If day one, all the guys with extra cash,in their pockets have bought all the best weapon/equipment there is a possibility that they are going to have a huge advantage.
You say you can just stop playing, well yeah sure but if you have just spent £40 on game you should rent really going to want to just not play it.

xenz3155d ago

I was HOPING that they would drop a Single Player bomb on us right before launch, and this is what we get. I'm very disappointed and will not be buying this game. Rainbow Six has always been a single player experience for me. I hope they change their focus after this disaster.

alfcrippinjr3155d ago

and in another mission you will get bored as hell with the game

the next mission your be turning it off for good.

should had not got rid of the story mode

lazy gits

not going to support this crap if others people do
then this is what going to happening in games.

no story no campaign.

Kyosuke_Sanada3155d ago

Have they forgot the praises Rainbow 6 Vegas received!?

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Rainbow Six Siege Major Manchester - Boos, Booze and BO

"Rainbow Six Siege Major Manchester event was a showcase of Siege play and underdog spirit - with a few boos, some boozy chanting and a sweaty atmosphere."

- Stuart Cullen, TechStomper

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Rainbow Six Siege Optional Monthly Paid Subscription Sparks Community Outrage

The new monthly paid subscription for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege has sparked an outrage among the game's community.

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senorfartcushion16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Paid subs are coming, and every company is investing heavily in them. From Microtransactions to this type of stuff, the community has been vocal about the issues surrounding ripping customers off, but we are being let down by influencers and journalists in trying to fight off these abhorrent business practices. Influencers and journalists don't say enough about how bad this stuff is. Meanwhile th soft buyers in the general public are getting more outraged by the day and whales are being exploited to pay too much of their own money for pointless crap.

A paid sub is partly why I think Xbox can throw Black Ops 6 on to Gamepass day-and-date and still think of it as "good business."

ElaBosak15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

What's bad in this exactly? Explain in detail.

senorfartcushion13d ago

Paid subs and microtransactions are bad.

ElaBosak10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Not my question. What's bad in this exactly? Explain in detail.

senorfartcushion10d ago

It's going to cost you and I more money and we will have less opportunities to play the games we want to play, as well as purchasing games we want to purchase.


ElaBosak9d ago

How is it going to cost you money if you ignore it and don't pay for it?

senorfartcushion8d ago

Because studios are aiming to have this as a mandatory thing. They want people to pay monthly for their experiences, like what you do for Netflix. They don't want single time purchases.

So says a friend of mine who's heard their execs say it for real. And they iterated that EVERYONE wants it.

Stop being stubborn.

ElaBosak8d ago

Wait, so you made some hypothetical scenario up and just got mad about it? This is unhealthy.

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Shikoku16d ago

So PC gaming kills subscriptions model, now they want to bring it back along with season passes, MT, dlc and whatever else they can think of. 🙄

ElaBosak15d ago

What do you mean PC gaming kills subscriptions? PC gaming is what started gaming subscriptions in the first place.

ElaBosak15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Actually a good model. More games should do this.


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