
Magical Beat Review: Falling Short of Puzzle Greatness | GamerTell

From the review, "Being a rhythm based game, you’d expect Magical Beat to have some great tunes right? Well, yes and no. There is a wide collection of upbeat J-pop-y tunes and dance beats, much of it featuring Vocaloid vocals. The track being played does affect the gameplay noticeably, and the music fits the vibe of the game quite well. I personally don’t think the music is all that great to be honest, but it performs its job well, which in a game like this is more important than actually being “good”."

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Magical Beat Review | IlVideogioco

A sensational experience combining drop-down puzzle with beats. The main BGM is composed by the Nico Nico celebrity and sound creator, 'Kikuo'.

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Magical Beat Review (PS Vita) - punkandlizard

P&L writes:"But just because you’ve played such puzzlers before, don’t think you’ve been there and got the tee shirt. Oh no, things are slightly different around here; this is not your average Tetris."

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Magical Beat Review – An Original Falling Block Puzzle Game? | Rice Digital

"Where did puzzle games begin? Not with video games, certainly. Wikipedia tells me that jigsaw puzzles were created in 1760 as a fun Geography teaching tool. But puzzles go back much further, obviously. There’s mahjong, which was invented around 500 BC. There are probably more puzzles even further back too. It’s crazy. Luxor was a deadly game played in Ancient Egypt, much like Yu-Gi-Oh! But what about “falling blocks”?" - Rice Digital

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