
The Dumbest Game Names Square Enix Ever Inflicted on Us

Wired: Today is the North American release date for Bravely Default, a fine role-playing game with a terrible title. What does it even mean? How is someone supposed to remember it to ask for it by name at a store? This is simply the modus operandi of Square Enix, a Japanese software publisher that used to give its software elegant English monikers like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest and now just strings a bunch of English words together with no thought for how they will sound to native speakers.

Bravely Default is pretty bad, but it’s not the worst. In celebration of the release of this (again, really good) game, we present the 7 dumbest Square Enix game names so far, in ascending order of stupid

SteamPowered3738d ago

Those are all pretty terrible names. But damned if they dont grow on you. We must miss quite a bit during translation.

KonsoruMasuta3738d ago (Edited 3738d ago )

Wait? How was Final Fantasy X-2 a bad name?

MoveTheGlow3738d ago

You have to click on the fullscreen button to get their reasoning. For X-2:

"What's the name of the sequel to Final Fantasy X? Final Fantasy XI? Ha ha, that's just what a simpleton like you would say! No, the sequel to Final Fantasy X is of course Final Fantasy X-2. This of course introduces confusion: Is the character X a Roman numeral 10, or is it an ex? This is not nearly as difficult a conundrum as what awaits, though."

This was the first time they did that, but I think they proved with later numbered sequels that it's a fine naming convention.

Actually, I think that's the only good thing XIII ever did for RPG's. Solidified sequel naming conventions. Congrats, XIII.

Tsuru3738d ago

X-2 is correct. its not confusing. This is what the hyphen is for. Final Fantasy 10-2. 10 is X thus X-2. How is this dumb or confusing? Its exactly as it should be.

MoveTheGlow3738d ago

Hey, at least they had the brains to remove "Flying Fairy" as a subtitle - for a while, we thought we were getting "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy," which to me is kinda like saying "The Last of Us: Ladders," or "Bioshock Infinite: Anachronistic Songs."

NarooN3738d ago

Call of Duty: Gunfighting Men

Detoxx3738d ago

Mirrors Edge: Running & Jumping

Ilovetheps53738d ago

That was a terrible list in my opinion. I can't even believe they said Bravely Default is a dumb name. If they have played the game, they know the meaning behind the name. It's rather clever when you play the game. Birth By Sleep is a good name as well as 358/2 Days. I'm also not sure what's wrong with Final Fantasy X-2's name. It's a sequel to 10 hence X-2. I just don't understand most of this list.

MoveTheGlow3738d ago

Their argument has more to do with the initial enticement of an audience, not what it means later on - and in that way, I think it works.

They had said "Bravely Default sounds like something a person might say as they are having a stroke." I'd rather argue "Bravely Default sounds like a bad option someone has when they pass their student loan grace period," but whatever, Wired.

Nerdmaster3738d ago (Edited 3738d ago )

Dude, I love(d) Square, but we must admit that the names they create are terrible. Even if they do "make sense" for the game, it doesn't make them less bad. I love Theatrhythm, but even I admit that this is an unpronounceable and terrible name. And even if you love Kingdom Hearts, you have to admit that 358/2 Days is also a terrible name.

And even though I loved Bravely Default's demo and I'll buy it today when I get home from work, I didn't care about this game at all because of its stupid name. I only decided to try the demo and whatnot after I discovered that it's a 4 Heroes of Light "sequel" without the Final Fantasy name.

Kashell3738d ago

...is this a joke? FFX-2? IU? Kingdom Hearts: BBS?

And, fun fact, Bravely Default actually makes sense for the title. You can chose to Brave or Default in battle. So, yeah.

Irishguy953738d ago (Edited 3738d ago )

But can you choose to bravely default??

What does that even mean? Something is defaulted in a brave way?

Infamous -> Electric zapper
Halo -> Shoot jump
Gran turismo -> Drive Drive
Final Fantasy -> Active time battle

Names should be named from well, what is a good name that suits the game? Not elements of the combat system

MoveTheGlow3738d ago

It is kinda like *actually* calling Megaman "Jump n' Shootman" instead of Sequelitis doing it as a joke, but I'm still fine with the title.

Hicken3738d ago (Edited 3738d ago )


In any case, I rarely have problems with titles. Now, if they've got NOTHING to do with the game, I have a problem, but I can't think of any that come across like that right now. This list isn't that, at all, in my opinion.

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FFX and FFX-2 Do Not Need a Sequel

As a complete duology, Final Fantasy X and X-2 just do not need a sequel. These games provided us with satisfying conclusions to the characters' journeys and meaningfully wrapped up their arcs. And after the terrible way -Will- presented its narrative, feeling more like an attempt to capitalize on the previous game's success than a well-crafted and meaningful sequel, that's all the more reason to just let FFX be what it already is. Any further attempts to force a sequel will only diminish the legacy and impact of Final Fantasy X and X-2.

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Snookies12337d ago (Edited 337d ago )

If they do another one, I'd really like to see more of a focus on the connection to FF VII. Since it was confirmed that they take place in the same world. Let's just keep the pop star element out of it for the next one... I really enjoyed X-2 as a game, but man that decision for Yuna and Rikku's character direction wasn't the right choice.

shinoff2183336d ago

The connection to 7 would be dope af. I can even begin to think how'd they do it. I mean storywise and stuff I know about the Shinra stuff and everything. I'd be down with a 10 3

-Foxtrot336d ago (Edited 336d ago )



It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously

"This story is a bit of a joke. When we created FFX-2, we wanted to create something, a totally new world. Except that when I created it, I realized that it looked a lot like FFVII ... But without realizing it. Afterwards, when it was officially said in Ultimania, it took a completely gigantic proportion when it was just an anecdote"

Thank God anyway

It's better when each FF is a different Universe

Snookies12336d ago (Edited 336d ago )

Except, it is canonically connected in the VII Remake. There's a Shinra character in X-2, who is actually shown in a picture on the wall in the Shinra HQ in Remake. Meaning at the very least, X and VII share the same world in the Remake version.

CrimsonWing69336d ago


I thought they said that was just a joke:

―It’s a sequel to VII?!!
Kitase: “No, that was halfway a joke. However, in FFVII’s ending, Holy was supposed to settle things, then it’s suddenly ‘500 years later,’ and there’s been nothing like a sequel for it. There’s room to fill in that gap. There’s room for imagination. Since Nojima-san and Toriyama-san have worked together since then, talk that it could be possible with those staff members built up for a moment.”

―So, how did talk of it as a sequel to VII come up?
Nojima: “I felt that VII and X had a relatively connected feeling, that VII has an essence there.”

―Ehh, so VII and X are connected?
Nojima: “No, there isn’t much to it. For example, what happens when people die is fundamentally the same in my mind. I wrote both stories following the same idea. At times, other thoughts pop up, though. Pyreflies are green here and there, and other colors besides.”


I think they were just having fun and making a gag out of it.

Name Last Name336d ago

@Snookies12 those are just easter eggs

-Foxtrot336d ago


Easter eggs man nothing more

Like I said it's better for them to have their own Universe then being connected

I mean think about it...FFVII and FFX are completely different outside of those small little things, the worlds are like Night and Day

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 336d ago
Flawlessmic337d ago

Nope but I sure would love a remake of ffx, my fav ff game along with 9.

JokerBoy129336d ago

Oh man, never thought I'd see someone with the same favorites as me lol. We're supposedly getting a remake of 9 at some point. I'm hoping we get something new from the FFX universe.

shinoff2183336d ago

I cannot wait for the remake of 9. It's got me pumped and it's not even official. Ff9 is damn near perfect imo

Abnor_Mal336d ago (Edited 336d ago )

I just saw a video about a rumor that Sony may have secured the rights for FF9 exclusivity for some possible remake.


Skip ahead to the 2:30 mark

Okay didn’t see others already said it

gold_drake337d ago

technically, they already do. in form of a novel and audio thing.

but .. i dunno. ive always wanted a prequel with the three guys.

not sure what else there is to tell about Spira.

shinoff2183336d ago

Sorry for the spoiler if true

Is it true if you complete x2 100 percent tides comes back in some way. I never 100 percented it.

Name Last Name336d ago

Yes, the Fayth ask Yuna if she wants to see him and they dream him up again.

shinoff2183336d ago

Thanks. That pretty much what I read.

dumahim336d ago

Is this article 22 years too late?

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Tri-Ace still uses their old game engine from 2008

The gaming community lately makes jokes about companies making games that look like "PS3" or "PS2" games. While this is such a nasty dig, there may be some truth to this in the case of tri-Ace.

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GoodGuy09339d ago

Sad really. I used to love these guys but man...they just aren't what they used to be.

phallusitator338d ago

According to the this they are exactly what they used to be…

Noskypeno338d ago

The Cod games have been using an engine built in the mid 90s. Nothing wrong with using an old engine if they update it. Bioshock used UE2 and looked better than most UE3 games. Arkham knight used UE3 and looked better than most UE4 games.

Chriswynnetbh338d ago

I would give my left nut for an infinite undiscovery pc port

shinoff2183338d ago

Sh it does suck but I enjoyed star ocean 6 the most out of any game last year. I thought it was solid af start to finish. My favorite game that year.

I'd love for Sony to get ahold of them.

shinoff2183338d ago

To late to edit but I just wanted to add not every game that comes out needs to push a consoles boundaries. Star ocean 6 looked fairly good to me.

shammgod338d ago

Yeah. They definitely squeezed every drop out of that engine for SO6. It was a fun game

nitus10338d ago (Edited 338d ago )

I assume you are talking about "Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness" which I do have and am still playing. IMHO it is a good game but for some reason I still prefer "Star Ocean: The Last Hope" that I played on my PS3.

As a side note I have "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" (PS2 version) which I played on my first gen PS3 but unfortunatly the Australian version of the PS3 did not have full backwards capability like the US version did. I got so far in the game and hit a bug (advancement to a new area between two mountains) that prevented further play.

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20 Years Ago, Final Fantasy Broke Its Biggest Rule — and It Paid Off Wildly

The franchise had been built around each game being an entirely original and unique experience. But that all changed in 2003.

BrainSyphoned412d ago

I remember X2 as the game that birthed the idea in Square that FF13 parts 1-3 and the disastrous FF 13 Versus....I mean FF15 were great ideas. Hooray for continuations paying off wildly to the point of almost not existing.

Harkins1721412d ago

And it still sold 10 million copies. Wasn't that disastrous.

kingnick412d ago

The attempt to make side stories to mainline FF games was another lazy idea by SE to maximise profits while expending fewer resources.

FFX-2 was a good game and I liked the combat system it didn't have the replayability of prior mainline titles. The comedic nature of the characters and story meant I didn't feel as invested in the game world.

ManMarmalade411d ago (Edited 411d ago )

The problem with 13 was actually that it was ported to the 360. Tons of ideas and content had to be scrapped to make room for the game on the 360 which required 3 discs, while the PS3 required only one disc. The battle system had things missing that were in the original trailers too. I tried to like the game when it came out, but I was disappointed and stopped playing around halfway through.

-Foxtrot412d ago

The dress sphere mechanic was fantastic I thought

FallenAngel1984412d ago

FFX-2 was my first game in the series

FallenAngel1984412d ago

I love that game. Beating it multiple times is a blast

sadraiden412d ago

Is N4G trying to astro-turf themselves against all of the current SE hate? Seems like there's a lot of "SE GOOD" posts today in the wake of the Symbiogenesis noise.

Godmars290412d ago

I remember it as middling at best. The first FF I didn't finish.

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