
Bushnell: Xbox 720 will win next-gen

Atari founder Nolan Bushnell bullish on Xbox 720, saying Microsoft's "strong software tools" will allow devs to make compelling software faster than on PS4.

Atari founder Nolan Bushnell has chosen Microsoft to emerge victorious against Sony in the next-generation console race. Speaking on GameTrailers' Rollin' With Nolan, the industry veteran claimed Sony will be held back by "lame" and difficult-to-understand software tools.

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Cocozero4047d ago ShowReplies(2)
Nitrowolf24047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

So he's pretty much putting it on good faith, since Sony with all three consoles have made tools that are much easier for Japanese than American developers to follow.

Isn't that in a way kind of a very tiny factor to base who will "win" next gen? I mean looking at this and last gen, studios still developed for both platform. I understand that the PS3 had development issues, but sounds like the PS4 is a walk in the park in comparison.

Software tools will be easy to learn after the first year, heck even today the PS3 isn't called doubt as much by developers for tough development as it was before.

I said as much, I remember left and right we had stories of developers saying how bad it was to develop for.

The xbox 720 will have a PC structure, least it should. My comment was only pointing out that easier development tools shouldn't really matter this time around, it'll have a small effect if anything. Multiplatform devs will still develop multiplat games.

Neonridr4047d ago

Bethesda may have a word or two about that.. Oblivion anyone?

The PS3 with it's unique architecture made developing for the PC based 360 a hundred times easier for developers. That's why multiplatform games almost always ran smoother or looked better on the 360, deveopers understood it easier.

Now you are correct with the PS4 being a developers dream, but that's because they based it on PC architecture, something you can bet the 720 will be based around.

It's too hard to guess at who is going to win next gen, but Sony obviously has come out swinging. You know that Microsoft isn't going release a console that isn't at least equal to, if not better than the specs of the PS4.

Cannot wait for the reveal though, at least it will make up my mind finally on which other console I will own to go along with my Wii U.

Captain Qwark 94047d ago

you prob should have just skipped the wii u and got the ps4 and 720. thats my plan lol

4047d ago
silenius4047d ago

How there is not even an official announcement of the next Xbox or its actual final specs, and yet you find articles like this one being "approved" by people.

You are getting a prediction by a person that his company failed in every way to keep up with technology (software and hardware wise). AND he claims to help you be/find the next Steve Jobs with his book.

Sounds LEGIT to me!

darthv724047d ago

I would have preferred sony stick to their roots by developing their next system (PS4) to their specification. Not to cater to industry developers.

I know that sounds odd but it would mean that those who are serious about coding for the machine need learn to use it right and keep the riff raff out.

Making it an easy to develop for platform....well i guess we can expect ET type of games for it soon enough. And how well did ET turn out for you Nolan????

sorry, that was in poor taste. I have no doubts that "sony" will deliver, its all the other companies that i worry about seeing as its the 3rd parties that make up the lions share of any platform.

Hopefully (and this is really being hopeful) that development cost will drop due to familiarity of programming because the PS4 (and possibly 720) will be more akin to PC's. that way these companies can put in the effort of making good games instead of cheap cash cow ones.

With things the way they are, i doubt any of these platform holders have the gumpshin to turn away a game because it doesnt meet their standards, if they try and enforce standards at all.

Jobesy4047d ago

Well Sony bested MS last gen and they edged out MS this gen yet again. What would make next gen any different?

gamertk4214047d ago

There are things called trends which can help predict where we may end up. Are they always accurate? No. But they can be telling.

GameNameFame4047d ago

Has easy dev kit for US developers.

So that destroys his entire premises?
Thats a very weak argument.

NewMonday4047d ago

"Microsoft's strong software tools will allow devs to make compelling software faster than on PS4"

guess that's why Durango will get games like the Witness first.. oh wait

KillerBBs4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

I was wondering why my PS3 was better than the xbox 360 but just didnt look as good.

Colonel Sanders is a stud. I found what he said to be very educational.

He nailed it!

As a PS supporter I truely hope that sony takes note of what he said and improve your system.

Why are people so sensitive about constructive criticism.

KillerBBs4047d ago

Oh, why keep score...
MS blasted us out of the water... I take no pleasure in lying to myself.
do you?

MaxXAttaxX4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Is he speculating based on what was said about the PS3 a while back?
Maybe he should listen to what actual game developers today are saying about it.

Also, multiplatform games are released simultaneously.

Peppino74047d ago

Maybe if Sony and Nintendo remove themselves from the race.

morganfell4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

The only predictor of the future that beats an endorsement by Bushnell would be a Michael Pachter vote of confidence. Ooops too late.

Reportillo44047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

i was planning on giving you an agree until you said you had a wii u :(

Tito084047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

@ darthv72- I agree. It was for the most part western PC devs that have being complaining about hard coding, ever since Microsoft started this gen with the 360, most PC devs started getting on board, & now they act like if they're the ones that only matters in the development world.

It's funny how John Carmack wasn't very pleased with the PS3 but praised easy development on 360, yet his company made Quake 4, Enemy Territory & Rage, totally horrible games. These devs demanded PATCHES for their games, while console devs, such as Kojima & others, didn't really need any of that, Portal 2 turned out pretty good on PS3, in other words, they didn't really have any excuse, you prove to be a great developer based on your skills, not based on easy tools because obviously, there are games that were done on the easiest platform & still sucked. As much as people love Bethesda, the made 3 or 4 games that came out for PS3 as well, so they really didn't have any excuse with Skyrim at all.

So they complain about PS3 being hard to code for, but then we look at Demon's Souls, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, God Of War, GT5, Journey, Little Big Planet, plus 3rd parties like Vanquish, Castlevania, MGS4, MGR, Tekken Tag 2, SF x Tk, Yakuza, & LA Noire. All those games started development on the hardest-to-develop-for machine, even Criterion Games liked developing games on PSs due to the PC-less architecture.

Also these guys were talking crap about the Japanese taking too long to finish their games. Well, they forgot there was Starcraft 2 & Duke Nukem Forever(Yeah it took almost forever to be done) each took over a decade to be finished. While I don't know how StarC 2 turned down, DNF will forever be a big floppy & commercial failure.

All of this reminds me of both the Saturn & PS2. Saturn was hard to code for & sold poorly, but was one of the best consoles in regards to 2D games, especially the fighting games looking true to the arcade, good technical advantage over both PS1/N64 at the time. While PS2, also hard to code for, but had great selection of games, & it's by far the world's best selling home console, so I could careless about those industry/PC devs, as I don't buy consoles for their games.

To Nolan Bushnell, well, you could be right since Microsoft does smart business & has a lot of money to defend their strategies like you tried to imply. But you might recieve a taste of your own medicine in the form of Mark Cerny, your ex employee, working on the PS4, & seems like his influence in the console's development won over most developers, & that speaks volumes.

NateCole4047d ago

@Darth. Good points but i think it would have been suicide for Sony to ignore devs gripes come next gen.

@gamerTk421. Trend you say?. Sony had everything to loss this gen like Nintendo did back in the PS1 era. The difference though is Sony completely took all the oppertunities they were given and decimated the competition. MS didn't do that this gen. Infact when all is said and done the PS3 will reach 100 million and MS is in last place.

Coming into this gen Sony had most of 3rd party exclusive and market share to loose as everyone started from zero. Infact MS had all the current marketshare to themselves for a year.

In the PS1 era Nintendo the prime console holder going into the 6th gen lost virtually everything by the end to Sony. There was no parity as it is the case now with Sony and MS. Even 3rd party titles that use to be on Nintendo became exclusive to Sony unlike this gen where most just go multi-plat.

My point is it really hard for the top dog to stay at the top because they have everything to lose and the underdog has everything to gain like it was the case with Nintendo and Sony in the 6th and Sony with MS in the 7th.

This gen is the best MS can do against Sony as such i doubt they would be able to do any better.

joab7774046d ago

MS may win next gen but I think PS will be more popular with hardcore gamers. And it will have nothing to do with its ease to build concerning big budget games. Does he forget that the ps3 was a nightmare and that its online didn't compare and yet they have sold similar numbers of consoles. Its the wii that sold near 100 million. So yeah I think MS will sell more consoles because of its target audience but PS will thrive because of its target audience...us. aThere is still room for 2.

sikbeta4046d ago

In US+UK it's a given :D

pixelsword4046d ago

Totally Baseless.

This is a waste of time.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
aceitman4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

I don't think he saw the ps4 announcement , maybe he didn't get invited , ps4 is made for easy development . and what has Atari done lately. and sony has done fine with software on the ps3 ,so imagine how it will do with the ease of developing on ps4 .

negative4047d ago

what has atari done lately lol

typical response

y u mad?

Qrphe4047d ago

"y u mad?"

Reddit, please leave

HammadTheBeast4047d ago


Atari really hasn't done all that much lately.

neoMAXMLC4047d ago

Atari went bankrupt that's what. lol

Freedomland4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Somebody has started the internet buzz train, too many positive articles have been unleashed about xbox720. I think Microsoft is going to announce the box this month.

pixelsword4046d ago

Atari went south ever since the 5200.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
Blackhawk34047d ago

I'll go with the reaction of all my Xbox friends and coworkers and safely claim that they all want a PlayStation next gen. Their words, not mine.

Knight_Crawler4047d ago

So your 50 million friends have decided to get a PS4 instead of a 720...please tell me the name of this fantasy world you live in?

kreate4047d ago


Everyone pretty much wants a ps4 cuz there is no xbox720 that exist.

When xbox720 does get announced, things will change.

The name of his fantasy world doesnt matter.

Hayabusa 1174047d ago

I agree with Blackhawk3. I love my 360 and still play it more now than my PS3, but at the moment I'm thinking of investing my money into Sony.

dedicatedtogamers4047d ago

Just out of curiosity, what was the last successful console, or game company, or GAME that Nolan Bushnell oversaw? Coming up blank? That's because it has been decades.

This article is flamebait from an industry dinosaur who is out of touch with reality. He might be right. He might be wrong. But he's not the one to ask.

MoveTheGlow4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

The Atari Jaguar! "Do the math!"
The Atari Lynx! "I hope you like batteries!"
yeah, no :P

Eyeco4047d ago


the Atari 5200 and 7800 were never too hot either that's 4 generations of failure

rainslacker4047d ago

To be fair, Bushnell left Atari long before those devices came out. He was forced out in 1978 due to disputes over the 2600.

Other than that, I agree with dedicated. The guy has been around a while, and he is an industry icon, but this statement of his does come off as uneducated, particularly since we have numerous developers saying that the PS4 is the exact opposite of what he is inferring.

Interesting fact, unrelated to Bushnell, did you know that many PS3(and likely PS4) devs use MS own visual studio software to create games? Who'd a thunk.

MoveTheGlow4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Yeah. This guy does know who's behind the development of the PS4, right? Ya know, *not* people from Japan, really? You'd think he'd met Mark Cerny before, him being in the industry for so long...

...oh. He worked for Bushnell at Atari in 1982. Way to disregard some of your best old-school employees, Nolan.

"I think Steam has done a better job than most..." Hey, I'm agreeing with you now! "...on the PC side of the world." Ugh...

Go back to Chuck E. Cheese's, Bushnell.

Mikeyy4047d ago

This!! The devil is in the details, Bushnell is just butt hurt that Mark Cerny is still relevant and successfull and 9/10 gamers today don't have a clue who Bushnell is.

This has nothing to do with PS4 or 720, move along.

rainslacker4047d ago

Bushnell left Atari before Cerny worked there. Given the reputation of the two, it's hard to imagine they have never met since Bushnell has stayed in the industry up until this day. Quite honestly though, Bushnell is given way too much credit over Atari's successes, but he did do some good things while he was there.

MoveTheGlow4046d ago

And Mikeyy, the sad thing is that not enough gamers know who Cerny is either. And haven't played Marble Madness. \m/

Nilemonitors134047d ago

I've seen people that think about moving to Ps4 next gen in other sites, ign for example. So I think Ps4 will do great, only in America the xbox has any advantage, but im think that will change soon.

pete0074047d ago

I am with Darthv, at this time we see multiplats run equql on both platforms, and even better on ps3 if its the lead Platform, right now devs have the right Tools to work with, the only ps3´s failure was the rsx, they inicially buold cell having in mind it would handle graphics, then they rushed to nvidia and they got screwed, if they had a top videao card even todays pc would have a hard time catching up,
indeed cell is a monster, now, if they kept to cell 2.0 or powerCell with enhanced architecture and more spu count, up to 5 times faster, and now a lot cheaper too, they would have built a super console hard to beat, even MSFT would think twice before releasing 720

NukaCola4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Bushnell created Atari and they haven't done anything in almost 20 years.

Created touchscreen bar games....oh yeah

Chuck E Cheese....lol

Shut up Nolan. Did you even watch the PS4 press conference? PS4 is more power, more user friendly, created by developers, fully supported by the indi community. You have no clue what the hell you are talking about.

He said Nintendo should abandon the unwanted DS? 15 million sold of 3DS and over 160mil DSs...God this is disgusting to watch.
Achievement Unlocked

Pachter Factor: 50g "Reached the ultimate idiocracy of douchebagery"

sengoku4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

This guy sounds just like the DUDE man.

man i got certain information, alright certain things have come to light and eh, has it ever occurred to you that eh, instead of uhh, you know running around uh uh, blaming me!, given the nature of all this new s**t, you know this eh eh could be a lot more uh uh complex, i mean, it's not just uh, it might not be such a simple uh uh, you know??

best charterer ever conceived,
mr. lebowski A.K.A The DUDE!

Campy da Camper4047d ago

Watch it man! There's a beverage here!

Oh_Yeah4047d ago

The next Xbox will be using Direct X while PS4 will be using OpenGL...meaning once again the Xbox will be the lead platform for the majority of multiplats.

Oh_Yeah4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Why the disagrees? I'm not hating on PlayStation.. I'm just saying...direct x is now the standard most game developers use and it comes on Xbox dev kits so they then will port games to PS4 just like this gen, since the ps/xbox structures are going to be more similar...its pretty much all up to how the hardware stacks up against each other to determine which version of a game will be better.

die_fiend4047d ago

Stupid comments get disagrees

Oh_Yeah4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

@die_fiend they are facts though...There's nothing really to argue against, hence your little comment which says nothing..were most multiplats not developed on 360? Yeah they were, partially due to the tools available for direct x compared to what Sony gave in its variant of OpenGL. Maybe Sony has made everything a bit more friendly but still I think most devs are going to go with direct x for the most part since it's always up to date, they're used to it and pc games also use it.

Mikeyy4047d ago

You act like OpenGL is just foriegn to video game developers..

Autodidactdystopia4047d ago

opengl IS foriegn to many Studios, at least most from the last decade.

opengl is a very very powerful api. In fact most corporate level graphic, design suites use opengl by choice. Due to its stability.

Directx as opposed to GL was designed from birth with gaming in mind. Where opengl took the stable route offering stuff like double precision etc; Directx took the speed route not meant to be used for complex computational accuracy, but to push the most efficient yet not always definite (accurate and repeatable simulations) code through the pipe as fast as it can.

for almost a decade gpu manufacturers, have targeted the dx side of their hardware optimization. If you want a good gl optimized gpu then you must buy the quadro or firepro lines of gpu's (and if you think pc gaming graphics cards are expensive....)

top of the line quadro and firepro cards cost upwards of $5000 while offering no better performance in gaming than a gtx580 or 7970

either way, what im saying is. that gl is common in the way that its always been around and is continuously updated, but it is VERY far from the standard to devs, dx is the standard.

may not be for the reasons you want or good reasons at all but it is just how it ended up


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4047d ago
g2gshow4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

i did this i did that an now i'm broke he is being paid off like patcher or what ever his name is sound just like him GAMETRAILERs IS BEING PAID OFF!!

JimmyDanger4047d ago

Say something good about PS4 - of course the truth was said.


princejb1344047d ago

Hardware does not win a gen software does
Sony has many exclusive studios on their side while MS has a few

BABYLEG4047d ago

Wrong software.. He meant software

MYSTERIO3604047d ago

I guess he hasn't been keeping up with all the PS4 news lately.

showtimefolks4047d ago

Let's wait for for news about ps4 and next Xbox. It's hard to tell which is going to win when we know so little, AT GDC Sony went all indi debs Nd showed bunch of games and have programs where the fees are not much to bullish a game for PSN

Sny did everything it could to loose this gen

Expensive console
Came out after Xbox and in Europe a year and half
Very hard to develop for
No software support early on
A brand new PSN service that took some time to make it great
And PSN hack

So lets see all those things yet still on pace to be the most sold console for 3 straight gens. So now with a new console that fixes a lot of those issues now they are suppose to loose?

I just don't get it. I know America is a big market but don't act like Europe and Japan doesn't Matter when that's where Sony and Nintendo have huge fanbase

Bett marketing
Better launch price
More games at launch
Better so with cross gam chat and still free

And now hey suppose to loose

ps3_pwns4047d ago

this gu dont know what hes talking about he was founder of atari? guess what happend to atari it died and nintendo stomped on that tail. he should of made predictions then. hastag game crash of th 1980's

AngelicIceDiamond4047d ago

To be fair MS has shown they have tremendous stopping power. Just like how Sony had stopping power the past 2 gens.

I believe MS has the "potential" to win next gen just like Sony. But the funny thing is nobody really one this gen. Its a tie amongst Sony and MS.

I think Next gen will be just like this gen even. Why should one put over the other?

So far Nolan Bushnell and Michael Pachter believe MS will "win" this gen despite both being industry heavy weights we really, REALLY have to wait and see what happens..

OlgerO4047d ago

Yeah by the things this guy says it is clear to me that he has not been following the news that closely

DeadlyFire4046d ago

My Playstation 2's history says otherwise.

It can't be but so much easier. Sony is offering the same tools on PS4, but they are also pushing to dig under the surface of the APIs right into the hardware. That might get a little complex, but overall it shouldn't be too hard considing how many indie games are already on their way to PS4.

Gamer19824046d ago

"Sony will be held back by "lame" and difficult-to-understand software tools."

I cant get over him saying that... Other devs have already said its a dream to develop for. Also hes not legally allowed to talk about 720 so hes guessing here and no doubt taking experience from previous generation as an example. Even so with harder to use tools and hardware Sony still had the better console (worldwide sales-wise) and it came out second (some places like europe it came out a year later!).

4046d ago
MYSTERIO3604046d ago

Not with all these ''always on line'' rumors swirling around it won't, especially if they're true.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
mushroomwig4047d ago

Basically he's trying to suggest that the American sales markets equals the world. Like nothing else matters, not even bringing up the fact that Microsoft have never done well in Japan.

jizzyjones4047d ago

He's also making out that MS will churn out games faster with better tools which will give them "the edge", yet its Sony who have the wealth of 1st party studios there for its them (like this gen) who will have the edge.

Gamer19824046d ago

Not only that hes trying to say people who buy the games base it on how hard it is to make the games... Erm.. yeah we care about that! We dont care about exclusives, trade in capabilitys or quality of our games we care about if its hard to develop for the developers. Last gen it was harder to make games on the ps3 yet it still emerged victorious worldwide even with an inferior online network early on and over a year head start in Europe.

This is thanks to superior 1st party studios and immense support from Sony themselves and not to mention no xbox live charge. Don't discount that free online.

Prodigy-X4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

If MS don't unveil anything this month and Sony has that full unveil press conference guess what? MS is going to be in bigger trouble by E3.

Disagree all you want but it's the truth

Cocozero4047d ago ShowReplies(3)
Show all comments (232)

Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B5h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv722h ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii4h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast1h ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


Rumored Gears of War Collection tops my Xbox Games Showcase wishlist

The long-rumored Gears of War collection is looking ripe for a 2024 release, and a possible Xbox showcase reveal alongside Gears 6 could not be more perfect.

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Vits3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Even though the games are easily available on Game Pass, a remaster of the original titles would be cool. I believe only the first got that treatment back in the Xbox One's days. As for Gears 6, honestly, it's not that Gears 4 and 5 are bad, far from it. But at this point, I feel just like Halo, it could really take its time, 4 years is already a lot but I feel a couple more would do well for this series.

TheProfessional56m ago(Edited 44m ago)

No, 4 and 5 are bad. I'm a huge fan and Gears 4 is complete trash. The story, the tone, and the new characters were all abysmal. Plus the uninspired robots. Only the wave mode and the weather stuff and destruction were good. 5 had a better campaign but was still medicore overall. Coalition kind of sucks. Same with 343. They need new project leads at both studios.

Or maybe let People Can Fly make another one since theirs was better than 4 or 5.

Inverno3h ago

Maybe if they're given the same treatment as the MCC. I wouldn't buy it cause I've never liked the series, but I do really like collections when they have all games, and touch up the old ones.

ocelot071h ago

They already remastered gears 1 and messed up the online mp on Xbox and killed it in its first week on pc.

chicken_in_the_corn2h ago

I still don't understand why anybody would want this over a new game. I'll be pretty annoyed if it comes before Gears6 .

TheColbertinator2h ago

Gears 3 Horde and Beast modes remade would make me a happy panda.


WRATH: Aeon of Ruin review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "It seems reasonable to suggest most people have a preferred takeaway establishment. The one that you always find yourself coming back to, much to your waistline’s despair. Should that takeaway temporarily close, you’ll doubtlessly have to expand horizons and go elsewhere. Sure, the food from a second choice might be palatable, but it’s never the same, lacking in zest. This analogy can be applied to the 3D Realms published WRATH. It’s powered by a modified version of the Quake engine, and even plays like ID’s masterful shooter at times, but it’s lacking that all important crunchiness. It isn’t completely soggy, but there’s not much bite either."

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