
PS4 games may start off with $70 price points, says EA

If you thought games were expensive this generation, just wait until PS4 games are available for sale. According to EA's current investor call, prices for brand new games during the PS4 era may be slightly higher compared to previous gaming generations.

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jidery4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )


Sony said that PS4 games will cost between $0.99 and $60.


Knowing EA though, they will find a sneaky way around this...

LessThan2Tflops4085d ago

What's stopping EA from making their games $70?

a_bro4085d ago

us, the gamers who would boycott the hell out of them.

Wingsfan244085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

a_bro, sadly N4G isn't the majority of gamers out there and with all the hype surrounding the PS4, and with it releasing during the Holiday season, people will probably be willing to spend $70 on games.

Can't really speak for the consumers who don't follow game news as closely as the people lurking the internet everyday.

MikeMyers4085d ago

Aren't EA games already $70 or more with all the DLC they tack on that could have been included?

Cupid_Viper_34085d ago

@ PockyKing

But that's exactly why I'm rooting for the PS4 with all the social features it has implemented. We, the more informed gamers, will have a stronger voice in the industry and can let our friends know what's going on.

When you're streaming your game to a bunch of people on the PS4, you can also use that opportunity to talk about important things like this.

dcbronco4085d ago


You would think people aren't willing to pay $60 with all of the complaints about blocking used games. I'm not sure how would pay $70. They would have to include more stuff. Maybe the extra ten be the financing for All or most DLC.

Wingsfan244085d ago

DcBronco, I'm honestly not too worried about the price point being set at $70 for the start of the next-gen. I mean, I kind of expected it. With new hardware comes expensive start up point. Computer tech sees it, new generation of iPod and iPads and so on. We'll just have to wait and see what happens when prices are finally posted for pre-ordering purposes.

HammadTheBeast4085d ago

$70 with all DLC I'm fine with. Maybe even half of all DLC.

Hydrolex4085d ago

yea EA go ahead and bump your prices to 70 and we will watch you apply for bankruptcy

PeaSFor4085d ago

whats forcing us to buy EA products?

MikeMyers4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

"whats forcing us to buy EA products?"

Nothing but when you create a monopoly by signing exclusive deals it does take away the competition does it not? How many PGA games do we see? How about NASCAR, NHL or NFL?

That to me is not a healthy industry because it will lead to stagnation. Just imagine if only Nintendo had a gaming console or only Sony or just Microsoft? No matter who you think does a better job they actually do better when there is competition.

Nate-Dog4084d ago

@a_bro: Nice sentiment but gamers aren't exactly the smartest consumers around. People talk shit about Activision and Call of Duty yet still buy the games, and even for those that don't they still sell millions year in year out. Won't be much different with EA.

DeadlyFire4084d ago

NOTHING. They could make it $120 bucks if they wanted. Its up to them. Its hard to see value in paying that much for a game if the next one is only 12 months away from getting released.

I am surprised people bought the extra editions of games for $60 bucks in the time before PS3/X360 launched. That likely is the reason they pushed games up to $60 bucks a piece. No doubt some will try $70 a piece, but considering that digital might be in the background as well. Anyone buying digital gives them 100% profit so it kinda hinders the thought of $70 games.

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Root4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

They already have, like most developers, cut content out of a game then sell it to you later....making you pay for a full game.

With the games you buy plus the DLC you spend on it later how much money altogether have you really spent

Some DLC is worth it and harmless...others is less more forgiven

yeahokchief4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

This guy is right. If you buy DLC then you are usually already spending more than $70 per game.

I buy all Rockstar games and they are $90 each with DLC. I don't mind. Rockstar games are always awesome and worth it.

I started boycotting EA games after the lousy Battlefield 3 port. Too bad for them. I spent around $1,000 on games last year. No more EA for me.

I hope they raise them higher because it doesn't matter.

In fact, raising prices on games would be good because it would cause those people who buy every Call of Duty re-release and every Assassin's Creed re-release to really question why they are buying the same game every year for so much. It doesn't increase your development costs when you add a few skins and a couple miniscule features to last years game.....

Seriously people start applying logic.

classic2004085d ago

LOL that is sony but if Ea want their games higher its there move.

GribbleGrunger4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Actually this is taken out of context. I took the bait initially over at Gaff but it now looks like they were talking about the PS3 and how they dropped the games from $69 to $59. Of course this could be paving the way for $69 games on next gen machines but they wasn't talking about the PS4 when they made that statement.

edit: Bleeding Gaff, why you mess with my head?

Wingsfan244085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

No, he was speaking about the upcoming generation. He first talked about how development costs have risen about 5-10% and to compensate that cost at the beginning of the generation, we may see game prices in the $69.99 range, but drop back down once things settle.

Edit: Ha just too many people speaking on Gaf at the same time with different takes on the story. I was taking notes all through out the conference, and it surprised me when I heard it as well.

dcbronco4085d ago

No way they would drop down later. Ea is being greedy. As many titles as they put out year after year that use the same engines and assets. And these are titles that sell well. Madden is a constant roster update. Still sells over 5 million copies. EA needs to take some of that money to make their next generation engines.

Wingsfan244085d ago

They did take that money for their next-gen engines though? You can't know what's going on behind the scenes at EA. Until they show off their next set of games, we won't know how many new engines have been made, or what development things have been done. Ubisoft and their "Disrupt" engine is the first next-gen engine I've heard of, and look at everything it does. I'm sure EA has some tricks up their sleeve.

Greedy they may be, but imo their games have been pretty good quality wise this generation and I've enjoyed a lot of them.

RuleofOne343 4085d ago

Hey our Founding fathers said during the writing of the declaration of independence that all men are created Equal, but we all know that didn't happen till our 16 president.

Qrphe4085d ago

Sony games? Probably
EA games? Just don't buy them or wait for price drops.

MelonSaurus4085d ago

I don't know about you guys but I rarely get a game at full price in the current generation. It's so easy to find it for a lower price even a week after the game has been released.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4084d ago
NYC_Gamer4085d ago

i wouldn't be surprised if some games from certain publishers cost 70 bucks

ThanatosDMC4085d ago

Activision and EA.

Ubisoft is more forgivable since they've been churning out high quality games with high content.

Hydralysk4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Not really, Ubisoft has the worst DRM in the industry, and they've started milking Assassin's Creed as an annual franchise.

Their games are usually better, but their business ethics are just as suspect as EA or Activision.

ThanatosDMC4084d ago

I agree, especially with the DRM of 3 changes to your graphics card on Anno 2070, but Ubisoft is the lesser evil and actually has good games with great amount of content. I cant say the same for EA or Activision. Far Cry 3 has more content than anybody expected, remember?

Tapani4085d ago

Well, with the inflation it's pretty much the same as 60$ when PS3 was launched. You didn't think you were going to get your games cheaper than before, did you? :P

MikeMyers4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Well the nightmare will happen when all games are digital and the consumer is left with hardly any option than to pay what they want to charge. That is the goal they would love to be at.

We are already heading in that direction on consoles. All games on the PS4 for example can be bought through the online store. Soon more and more games will only be there to buy. The large AAA titles will be the last to be 100% digital because for those games they want to attract as many people as possible and data speeds and caps are still holding that back.

Tapani4085d ago

In Europe we are entitled to re-sell digital content. They enforced a new law recently to protect the digital age consumer.

To be honest, selling and buying used digital content is easier than doing so with physical ones. You can stay at home and just click a few buttons and off you go!

Prices would of course be the same as in physical market, and even the nature stays unharmed.

This is an idealized situation, of course.

Roper3164085d ago

$59.99 is the max I will pay for a game. If they want to sell them for any more than that I just won't preorder anymore games & wait until their price drops.

febreeze14085d ago

There was a time in Canada that games were $65-69, even though our dollar was stronger than the US. Companies are just too greedy...

Hydralysk4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

That's still a big issue. Mark-ups on goods transported accross the border, especially electronics, are insane.

It's gotten so bad recently the government is reviewing the issue.


Nate-Dog4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

Games in mainland Europe have been around €70 for this while generation, and don't even get me started on Australian prices. $70 is nothing in comparison.

Minato-Namikaze4085d ago

Well then i guess i will be waiting on price drops or Amazon is gonna have to up those credits to 30 bucks

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