
Game Developer Explains PS3/360 Difference In The Best Possible Way

"When we asked Hilmar whether they found any advantages for the PS3 over the 360 and vice versa, he replied in perhaps the best way possible."

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Chaostar4152d ago

“Both consoles have their advantages and disadvantages. On PS3 we use the always existing hard drive to minimise the loading times which will lead to a smoother gameplay experience. On the other hand is the better graphic chip in 360. We could render some of the effects in higher quality because we are not forced to calculate many things in half precision. We try our best to get best out of both platforms but at the end their will be some slight differences.”

How is this the "best way possible" to explain the differences it's just a vague observation with no regard to some of the subtleties that can arise with console development such as offloading GPU work onto SPU's (with PS3).

Generalized comments like these don't give a full explanation of what is really going on under the hood of todays consoles and gives rise to the general ignorance surrounding the technical aspects of software development that is so prevalent on the internet.

wishingW3L4152d ago

he really doesn't say anything. XD

4152d ago
MikeMyers4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

Funny how people are still so fixated on the small differences in peak performance between the two consoles yet don't really talk about how much better the PC can be.

It's like two kids arguing back and forth about how my Ford Focus is faster than your Honda Civic (or the other way around) while ignoring the performance of a Porsche. For years now we've witnessed the two sides going at it and in the end what was accomplished? Absolutely nothing.

crxss4152d ago

shouldn't we all know the differences by now? there have been tons of articles like this since 2006

knowyourstuff4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

Wow not another back water developer not knowing that to take full advantage of the PS3's GPU 550 MHz NVIDIA RSX 'Reality Synthesizer' in post processing is to throw all post processing on the CPU 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine with 1 PPE & 6 SPEs, making the GPU much more powerful than a 500 MHz ATI Xenos.

SilentNegotiator4152d ago

I'm glad that someone from a developer with zero completed 360/ps3 titles has finally set the record straight.


SilentNegotiator4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )


And like the kid that brings up how the expensive car his dad bought him is better than sensible cars......no one cares.

decrypt4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )


Except by now even a PC costing 500usd is multiple times ahead of consoles. Thats not the difference in price between a Porsche and a honda Civic.

Not to mention every game bought on console is more expensive. In the long run that Honda Civic costs more than the Porsche lol mind boggling isnt it?


Console gamers.. Dont care about graphics.

They only quibble over brand names they hold loyalty over. Even though the differences by today's standards are quite piddly to non existent.

MikeMyers4151d ago

SilentNegotiator, "And like the kid that brings up how the expensive car his dad bought him is better than sensible cars......no one cares. "

Actually all his friends care because he's the one with the hot chick in the passenger seat.

They do care about graphics only when it can be used to make the competition appear inferior.


So tell me again what the big deal is between the PS3 and Xbox 360 when on the PC you can actually see the differences?

RavageX4151d ago

No Mike, they don't care about that either.

If we wanted to talk about a PC then we would. This isn't about PC so there's no reason to talk about it, so it kinda ends up being more like...

That guy who comes around and talks about trucks when everyone is having a discussion about cars.

Really though, it seems that this article is here just to get people riled up over something that doesn't matter.

SilentNegotiator4151d ago

"Actually all his friends care because he's the one with the hot chick in the passenger seat"

That DEFINITELY doesn't translate to the PC example.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4151d ago
lilbroRx4152d ago

Indeed, people seem to prefer these generalized opinion that don't say anything as absolute answers.

There are some fundamental difference that what each console can do. They have different peak in various attributes.

I doubt any developer would actually say what they are out loud though.

zerocrossing4152d ago

"Game Developer Explains PS3/360 Difference In The Best Possible Way"

For morons.

Pushagree4152d ago

PS3 is the proven system to develop on if you want the best quality game for both systems. We saw what happened to GTA IV when it was developed as lead on 360 and now we can see what GTA was meant to be when developed for ps3 as the lead console.

Tctczach4152d ago

HAHAHAHAHA SKyrim worked out so well for you guys.
These articles are from some very prominent developers proving you have no idea what you are talking about. Thanks for trying though!

DigitalRaptor4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

@ Tctczach

Did you not read what Pushagree said? Clearly not. He said "PS3 is the proven system to develop on IF YOU WANT THE BEST QUALITY GAME FOR BOTH SYSTEMS".

He said nothing about which console a developer finds easier to develop for.


L.A. Noire, Vanquish, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy XIII saga, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 1 + 2, Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing, Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden 3, Dead or Alive 5, Homefront, Armored Core 5, Hitman Absolution, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Burnout Paradise, Dead Space, Battlefield 3, Mirror's Edge, all other EA games, and many more.

All lead developed on PS3 for consoles, and rumour has it GTA V is the same.

torchic4152d ago

didn't Rockstar come out and say that there is no "lead console" for GTA V? they just said that they're developing both versions simultaneously if I remember correctly.

nukeitall4151d ago


"Did you not read what Pushagree said? Clearly not. He said "PS3 is the proven system to develop on IF YOU WANT THE BEST QUALITY GAME FOR BOTH SYSTEMS"."

Which really translates to, we start with the most restricted system and it will work on all other systems more flexible.

It's not to say, each doesn't have it's own advantages, but from an engineering standpoint you start with most restricted. It's just common sense.

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starchild4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

Although he doesn't go into a ton of detail, he is basically saying the same thing that we have heard from other developers.

The 360 has a more powerful GPU, while the PS3 has a more powerful CPU. The PS3 has a hard drive in every unit, while the 360 has more available RAM due to less OS overhead and the extra eDRAM and a better RAM architecture in general.

The best-looking games on either console--Gears of War 3, The Witcher 2, Halo 4 on Xbox 360; Uncharted 3, God of War 3, and Killzone 3 on PS3--are very close.

In any case, the biggest differentiator between the consoles and from game to game is always going to be the developers themselves.

sandman2244152d ago

Dude are you serious. The ps3 exclusives look better than 360's. are you on drugs son!

DOMination-4152d ago

He said they are very close which i think is right. The ps3 games may have the edge but there's not a particularly huge gap.

A lot of the big websites said Cross 2 on 360 is the best looking game on consoles ever. Not saying i agree with that as i haven't played it but it shows that both consoles are pretty much the same.

Archfiend724151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

Halo 4 destroys any console fps period in terms of character animations, polygons and HDR lighting, even over killzone 3 which it's characters were 10,000 polygons, http://www.pixologic.com/in...

forza 4 smashes any racing game with it's 700,000 to 1, million polygon cars. http://oi47.tinypic.com/2d8...

disagree with the facts, but they are always going to be there.

neoMAXMLC4151d ago


That was nothing but PR bull. The Forza games swap car models on the fly and actual gameplay is nowhere near 1 million polygons per car. That Halo vehicle isn't even playable and only available in Autovista mode...

Recheck your facts please.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4151d ago
Shnazzyone4152d ago

This is also top news. God damn this site sucks.

kevnb4152d ago

any further than that and people wouldn't even understand.

showtimefolks4152d ago

so basically both systems have their pros and cons? well i been saying that for a long time lol.

i think next gen wise both ps4 and xbox720 will be very similar since both will be using off the shelf products.

baodeus4151d ago

1.Is SPU is more capable than GPU at handling graphics? Are there any confirmation that SPU are better at handling graphics than GPU? -2.IF SPU is more capable than GPU, then why Sony added a GPU at the end of ps3 development? Why don't they just let the SPU do everything if it is more capable? -3.What is the main function of SPU and GPU, or why they are created and for what purpose?
-Memory issue
1.Anyone can agree that memory is required to do task (if you want to exercise, you need energy to do so, therefore memory = energy) right? -2.Does offloading work from GPU to SPU reduce the memories requirement or it still requires the same amount? -3.If same amount of memory required to perform task, how would the split ram in ps3 affect development or memory distribution? -4.Memory is very important for multitasking so would you agree with the explanation that the Ps3 doesn't have cross chat functionality due to ram issue (it is the only explanation so far on n4g regarding that issue)? -5.So if Ps3 is having Ram issue and can't multitasking (for example: listenning to music, cross game chat, and playing splitscreen coop/MP game simultaneously), how it is that the Ram issue doesn't also impact game development because memories are also mandatory for the graphic work load? -6.Is x360 better at multitasking then PS3? Is the Ps3 better at focusing resources than x360? If you can somehow disabled multitasking on x360, would there be more Ram for handling graphics? Does that mean that both have certain restriction applies to them (because of the way they are designed for)? -7.Do you think that open/sandbox type of game better fit with flexible hardware and linear game better fit for focus hardware? -8.Now, why would developers on console trying to created alternate ways to handle AA (MLAA/FXAA/SMAA) or lighting (deferred lighting) instead of traditional MSAA and dynamic/realtime lighting (HDR as example)? It is because they want to reduce memories usage so that they can do more on console?
-Graphics vs Art Style
1.Does winning graphic awards mean that the game is more technical advance than others? If graphic award really is about tech superiority, then shouldn't PC win like all the time instead of console? -2.Does having lower resolution (example alan wake) vs UC2 indicate that xbox is weaker in term of tech? If it is, then why did MGS4 (sub HD) win graphic awards over Gears (HD) back then? Or It is really about what is running behind the scene (something that people don't see) like Alan Wake running 4MSAA and very complex lighting (you don't see this in many games unless it is racing game because these two are quite taxing on graphics techwise)? -3.Did Okami win graphic award back in ps2 days because it is more impressive in term of tech or it is because of art style? -4.Would you agree that western developers tend to go for realism and eastern developers (especially japan) tend to go for art style? Then would you agree that MS is more western centric and Sony is more eastern centric? -5.Which one seem more appealing to look at, Realism or art style?
-Why it is that I always see people listed games (as evidently shown in every articles, including this one, regarding console superiority topic since 2007) and no explanation on why it is? It is because:
A. You based on LOOKS alone while lacking a strong foundation or knowledge about game development and consoles advantage/restriction.
B. you only have one console so all your knowledge are based on that.
C. You believed that if something is more expansive, it gotta have better quality (for example: sony tv vs samsung/LG, ps3 vs x360, xlive vs psn)
d. you are a fan, and it hurts to admit anything negative even if it is true
e. All of the above.

Chaostar4150d ago

Hi Baodeus, thanks for taking the time to reply but I'm afraid I have neither the time or energy to answer your many, many questions. Nor do I think I'm qualified to answer most of them, I'm actually at a loss as to why you're even asking ME at all?

If you have a specific question that you really feel I could answer for you, please feel free to pm me and ill try my best to answer.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4150d ago
blackbirdi4152d ago

I thought he. Will say something new :/ which we didn't Know before

Qrphe4152d ago

“The development of the console version was a tough experience for our team, because we were developing only PC-games in the past."

Pretty much every developer who went from PC to consoles will find the 360 a better system to develop for. A lot of the times some or many console features go unnoticed by these type of developers.

aquamala4152d ago

Lol no, devs have to put up with the limited power and little amount of memory of the 360 has for 6 years, good thing next gen is coming soon

Young_ART4152d ago

I feel the xbox 360 is the most stable and superior console when it comes to multiplayer online network gaming, splitscreen local offline gaming, and single independent no internet required local gaming. But , this is my opinion, and opinions vary.

Riderz13374152d ago

I feel the PS3 is the most stable and superior console when it comes to multiplayer online network gaming, splitscreen local offline gaming, and single independent no internet required local gaming. But , this is my opinion, and opinions vary.

Raccoon4152d ago

I also feel the PS3 is the most stable and superior console when it comes to multiplayer online network gaming, splitscreen local offline gaming, and single independent no internet required local gaming. But , this is my opinion, and opinions vary.

darx4152d ago

PC for me, will wait for Steam sale, assuming it will be on Steam. Win/Win package & price!

wishingW3L4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

but here we are talking about reality not fiction. Every single multiplat looks better on Xbox while only exclusive look better on the PS3 but those are built on custom engines specially designed for the PS3, with Triple A budgets and huge Team making the game on just 1 platform.

I think is time to face reality and admit that the Xbox is slightly more powerful than the PS3. We are 6 years in and nothing has changed since release.

MysticStrummer4152d ago

@wishingW3L - What you said there is more fiction than reality, and people who believe it are an irrational minority.

rainslacker4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )


Umm...doesn't the fact that exclusives look better on the PS3 negate your first argument that multi-plats look better on the Xbox, at least in regards to your implication that the Xbox is better, thus not slightly more powerful. Isn't that statement just telling that developers don't take the time to optimize for the PS3, thus giving the illusion of the Xbox being more powerful because it's easier to program for?

The Xbox is slightly more powerful in certain areas, but PS3 makes up for them in others.

The only reality to face is that PS3 has a lot of great games on it you can't get anywhere else, and that developers don't care to optimize code for a specific platform, and that engine makers don't want to spend the money to fully support the PS3.

@Original poster

Superior is subjective as they are both roughly equal. Never understood the online argument being more stable, as I've never once been kicked offline while playing a game, any lag introduced during gameplay is going to come from the peer2peer set up of the game, just like on the Xbox system.

TheFirstClassic4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

@wishingW3L um, every single multiplat? Are you kidding? The majority do but not even close to all. What people need to remember is that being superior on xbox usually only applies to when the game is first released, after a few patches the games are almost always the exact same. Even skyrim on ps3 is basically the same as 360 after all the patches.

The argument for which console is better is pointless anyway. They aren't even that different.

neoMAXMLC4152d ago


lol Why must you blatantly lie like that? Final Fantasy XIII never happened right? lolk

DwightOwen4152d ago


Grand Theft Auto IV
Any game by EA Sports
Any Call of Duty game
Crysis 2
Dead Space 1 & 2
L.A. Noire
Red Dead Redemption
and Sleeping Dogs

ALL look better and feature better framerates on the Xbox 360 platform.

Ezz20134152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )


Prototype 1-2
lord of shadows
Saints raw games

*Dead Space 1 & 2*
why you lie like that?!
Face OFF: dead space 2
"Clearly then, with all these incidental factors added into the equation, the PlayStation 3 version of the game is looking like a tempting proposition. However, there is still the PC release to factor in as well. "

*L.A. Noire*
again why you lie ?!
Face OFF: la noire
"In the final analysis, L.A. Noire on PlayStation 3 is the one to get. It's smoother, it seems to have fewer streaming bugs, and of course there's no disc swapping. However, factoring in the enormity of the game, it's a credit to Team Bondi that the Xbox 360 version is as close as it is, and so long as you're aware of the gameplay issues and annoyances that Oli covered off in the L.A. Noire Eurogamer review, it's a great buy regardless of the console you own. "
vanquish(from Platinum Gameswho made Bayonetta)
portal games from Valve (who said xbox is easier to work with)
Hitman Absoultion

ALL look better and feature better framerates on the ps3 platform.

it will always come done to the dev's them self not the console

Oner4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

That "agree" on DwightOwen's comment was meant to be a disagree as it was a mistake (somehow from me) as you couldn't be more misinformed & incorrect.

The fact remains when you develop a title on the PS3 first you get a better quality of BOTH titles being better than if you did it the other way around. Plus there are many examples of multiplatform titles that are actually BETTER on the PS3 ~

Portal 2
LA Noire (is clearly known to be better on the PS3 unlike your claim)
The Saboteur
Burn Out Paradise
Mirrors Edge
Batman Ahrkam Asylum
Unreal Tournament III
Dead Space 1 & 2 (The same applis to this one unlike your claim)
Street Fighter IV
Devil May Cry 4
Assassin's Creed II
Bioshock 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Fallout 3
Dragon Age: Origins
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Battlefield 3
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Mortal Kombat 9

GTA 4 ~ is a tie as the limitations of DVD on the 360 caused so many pop in issues compared to the PS3 version of the game you can't actually say it's "graphically better"

Lastly, the utterly complete and deciding factor is simply this ~ If the 360 is "graphically superior" than why can it NOT produce titles of quality on par to ANY of these titles ~

Uncharted Series
God of War 3
Heavy Rain
The Last of Us
Gran Turismo 5
Metal Gear Solid 4
Heavenly Sword
Killzone 2/3
LBP Series

Just to name a few...and that's where this "discussion" ALWAYS seem to come to an end because NOBODY can dispute or disprove it.


DwightOwen4152d ago Show
Ezz20134152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )


so that's your answer ?!
you got nothing else to back you up as xbox fanboy
so you run to hide behind pc and insult us
when a few minutes ago you were xbox fanboy ?!

and pretty much evey thing you said is the most pile of BS i have ever seen

god!! N4G have some of the most insecure fanboys

neoMAXMLC4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )


Owned so hard you backpedal like crazy but then come up with even more angry fanboy drivel - this time about the PC - because your 'Xbox 360 is better' argument FAILED. Quite the tool you are.

monkey nuts4151d ago

*Yoda voice* - Quite the tool you are.


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MasterCornholio4152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

I feel the PS3 is the most stable and superior console when it comes to multiplayer online network gaming, splitscreen local offline gaming, and single independent no internet required local gaming with the bonus of free content with plus. But , this is my opinion, and opinions vary.

"Ones got a hard drive, ones got a slightly better GPU. Genius, if only we knew that 6 years ago."

Yep what we should be asking is if the Wii U is a substantial upgrade over the PS3 and 360 or is it just a marginal one.

MizTv4152d ago

Kz2, kz3,uncharted1,2,3 , gow3, mgs4, lbp1, lbp2,infamous1 and 2
Ill take thAt over halo and geow anyday if I had to

MizTv4152d ago

I have not played a mp game on 360 that has played as good as kz2
and I have both systems and played alot of games
So tell me what on 360 can match the 32 player badass game that is kz2???

Riderz13374152d ago

@wishingW3l, Sorry I can't understand you. The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls and God of War: Ascension all say hi to your multiplat games. =)

Dms20124152d ago

Enough with the "sez hi" crap, its annoying.

demonddel4152d ago

Say Bruh why is it every time we talk about games constantly brings up those exclusive as if everyone loves them none of those games gonna be tearing up the charts

kayoss4151d ago

I dont think that Riderz is implying that these games will be tearing up the chart. he is using them as a base for Graphic and performance display. Which this whole entire article is all about. No one here mentioned about tearing up the chart or not. Games with great graphics and performnances doesnt necessary have to "tear up the charts" to be consider a master piece. So your comment about tearing up the chart is irrevalant to this thread.

mr_kubrick4152d ago ShowReplies(4)
Ezz20134152d ago

*looking at Young_ART(Red Ring Of Death)avatar*

"I feel the xbox 360 is the most stable"

oh the irony

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WolfLeBlack3793d ago

Having played the game I have to disagree with this review strongly, especially scoring it a 5/5 for graphics! Did you not see the facial animations? The combat animations? The lack of detail? The empty, lifeless environments?

"multiple endings." It has two.

The review says choices can effect the outcome of the game. Again, not really. There's two endings, and the majority of your choices just amount to a few different lines of dialogue.

Combat is clumsy and revolves almost entirely around button mashing.

In most cases I respect opinions, but in this instance I'm finding it hard to see how anyone could award the game a 4 out of 5 when it has so many glaring flaws and problems.


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