
The State of the Xbox 360: Is it still a must-buy?

In the second of a three-part look at today's consoles, a critical eye is turned to Microsoft's online gamers' paradise. Is it the one must-have console, or should you consider the alternatives instead?

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thebudgetgamer5597d ago

i just to get the denero first


Danja5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

well for ppl who are looking for a great selection of games and willing to pay 4 good online play then i'd say yes it's a must buy..

overall it's a great console....so why not buy it ?

lol @ dis-agrees..

CommonSense5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

none of the consoles are must buys. this console gaming generation has just been more of the same with little advancement. and scaling up resolution isn't enough for me to consider any system a must have. it's the games that make these consoles good and a ton of the really good games are on pc, and they look and player better on here. farcry 2, fallout 3, left 4 dead, bioshock, etc...

in my opinion (and obviously nobody offers much other than their opinion, which is all this stupid article is), the best value is a pc. i got a 360 with about 15 games, and ps3 with about 5 games and i rarely touch any of em. online gaming is better on pc and generally free (unless it's an MMO), new content is usually free, there's tons of user content (LBP's only real selling point was that it would have free user created content...and to everyone who's a pc gamer, we thought this was laughable because we've been churning out user content for over a decade), almost all games have dedicated servers, the games look better and play smoother (if you have a decent comp). add all this to the cost of multiple consoles and 10 dollars extra for each game, AND the cost of an HDtv largely outweighs a decent PC and the PC will serve more needs than just gaming and movie watching.

and one more huge thing about pc...it doesn't the void the warrenty when you open it...and in fact, you can build your own. and if you build your own you're just as well off as if you buy from dell. there are no game exclusives for dell or hp and so on.

there's just a plethora of reasons why gamers should shift back to pc. console gaming is getting so big because it allows the corporations to increase control over the consumer. that is bad. and in the long run, if console wins out, we're going to be paying for games by the hour. if it's racing game, you'll pay by the lap. and you'll pay real money for paint jobs, and new tires, and whatever for you car. if it's a shooter, real money for guns and ammo.

i can't wait to see the next generation of xbox and playstation. i hear they are going to come with built in ATMs and credit card swipers.

thor5597d ago

I disagree that all the good games have been on PC. I also disagree with your statement that LBP's only real selling point is its user generated content; as far as I am concerned it's a great game simply because it's a blast to play with friends - one of the most fun couch-sharing games I've ever played.

But I agree with your overall point. Consoles have become proprietry PCs with their own exclusive games to get you to buy them. It's like having another video format (no, not blu-ray, a standard-def one) that has films not available on DVD; your DVD player would be perfectly capable of playing the films in the right format, but you need to buy another device to play them instead. "Convergence of technology" doesn't mean we're going to have one device that does it all; it means we're going to have hundreds of devices that ALL do almost everything, but we need each one to play a certain type of game or film etc.

Consoles nowadays have ALL the drawbacks of PCs. The only difference, as far as I can see, is that of standard controllers for games. But there are plenty of wireless controllers available; you can even use your 360 controller, and then attach your PC up to your TV.

You are absolutely right that it's about control. If you've got a small laptop you can type your work out on, and you've got a console you can play games on, do you need a gaming PC? Then you've lost complete control over the system you game on. You HAVE to buy games for that system, and they can implement whatever they like such as pay-by-the-hour as you mention. You lose all control over your system; you can't change parts yourself, or upgrade yourself, or fix problems yourself, write software for it yourself, or download freely available software for it.

I would be a lot happier if consoles went away and then I could play ALL my games on my PC.

CrazzyMan5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

Or 10%(every 10th), or whatever, even 5%(that`s still every 20th console).

Nothing personal, x360 has some good(for some people - GREAT) games, but a must buy.. come on.

EDIT: yeah, RROD does not exist. Even on this site, just write in search RROD or Red Ring and you will get over 50 articles about it.
STOP defending faulty hardware. Even 5-10% is A LOT.

SaberEdge5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

Nothing game related is a "must-buy", but if you enjoy HD gaming I would say the 360 is an excellent choice (so is the PS3). Great lineup of games and fantastic online service make it a truly stellar console that any fan of games would enjoy.

If you can't afford both consoles, you're just going to have to ask yourself which features and games are most important to you and make your decision from there.

Edit: Where are you coming up with this 33% to 50%. Even the 33% was just an estimation by journalists based on one repair center's numbers and that was only for the first batch of consoles. So, even the 33% was never confirmed. It was just a number thrown out there and people ran with it. Now you are trying to push that to 50%? Why so dishonest and fanatical?

thebudgetgamer5597d ago

because i want a 360 in my collection of consoles?
or because i need the denero first?
i love video games allways will and the 360 has a huge library of budget priced titles that i want. i am still weary of the tech issues it has but as a gamer i owe it to myself to put a 360 alongside my ps3 on my main tv.


and some will say you can get those games on pc. dont have a pc dont plan on getting one (i love my mac)

DragonWarrior465345597d ago

It a must have for me right now. I have one already, but my ps3 just took a crap on me about an hour ago, so its all I got now.

kevoncox5597d ago

The 360 is a must buy. You are missing out of tons of great games if you don't have one. Honestly, my Ps3 feels a bit too much like my ps2.
I play it but online is no exsistant. The best games on the system don't have excellent online options.

I think the best game this gen has been on the 360. Mass Effect. Anyone that missed on on this game is doing themselves a huge dis-service. It is an awesome game. I also think that Too human was slept on. When i first picked it up I thought it was terrible, however after the 2nd play thru on the demo, I realized what everyone was so hyped about. I just haven't had anything like this on the ps3. I loved MGS4 but everything else fails to stand out. I got board of R&C halfway thru it. Sony needs to bring out the big guns.

callahan095597d ago

"Honestly, my Ps3 feels a bit too much like my ps2.
I play it but online is no exsistant. The best games on the system don't have excellent online options."

Ridiculous. Have you even attempted to play Warhawk or Resistance 2? Play Call of Duty 4 online on your 360 then on your PS3. What you'll notice is that the experience is identical. Only you can do it without paying a premium on PS3. PS3 feels too much like PS2, that's the funniest thing I've read all week.

Graphics Whore5597d ago

Kevon, every time you type something my brain begins to ache.

caladbolg7775597d ago

PS3 for your console experience.
PC for the MUST-HAVE XBOX360 ports and Multiplayer experience.


kevoncox5597d ago

The reason I said the Ps2 feels a bit to much like the ps2 is because of the lack of actual communication during the game. There are too many people without mics. So yes, Playing only with the ps3 seems like a detacted gaming experience. There are some ass holes online with the 360 but atleast people can communicate. What fun is COD4 when no one is using any tactics at all. That's the issue.

I guess if you don't have a 360 and that is all you have, it may feel like a complete experience but I stress to you that the community that the 360 provides is missing on the ps3.

Graphics Whore5596d ago (Edited 5596d ago )

"I guess if you don't have a 360 and that is all you have, it may feel like a complete experience but I stress to you that the community that the 360 provides is missing on the ps3."

I find those who game on the PS3 are more solitary people than those of Xbox Live I play on both and I rarely use my mic to communicate, I just don't feel the need to, especially when you hear some of those most trivial and asinine sputtering online it doesn't really encourage me to help endure the stupidity.

caladbolg7775596d ago (Edited 5596d ago )

I've never felt that the 360 was a must-buy.

When the XBOX360 was first released, I thought long and hard about purchasing one. Ultimately, I decided that my PS2 was console-enough for the time being.
As "GOTTA HAVE" titles started turning up left and right on the 360, I'll admit that, again, I contemplated purchasing the console. Again, though, ultimately I decided against purchasing the 360 and instead opted to upgrade my PC to play both the MUST-HAVE 360 titles in addition to the MUST-HAVE PC titles.
Then, about five months ago, I decided that it was finally time to make the switch to "next gen". When weighing the options, PS3 vs 360, it really was a no-brainer. I already had a powerful-enough gaming PC to enjoy all of the 360-to-PC ports. The only experiences I was lacking was those exclusive to the PS3. I purchased a 60gig PS3 w/Emotion Engine off of E-bay in August 08'.

The ability to watch Blu-Ray moves has certainly been a perk.

SL1M DADDY5596d ago

And that is the gamer. The folks that want to play games, not consoles. If you can afford it, buy the consoles to play the games and if you are like me, you want to play all games despite what console they are on so yeah, if you are a gamer you should consider buying the 360. It still has some great games to be played and some good looking titles coming out in the next year or so.

caladbolg7775596d ago

I don't agree, SL1M. You can find many of the "great" 360 titles on PC, which pretty much trumps the argument of "do eett 4 teh gamez!!1 lolz."

Shadow Flare5596d ago (Edited 5596d ago )

In 2009, i must buy an xbox 360 for.........um....for.....hell , someone help me here

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ppthedipshit5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

Whats the point of a Sh1tbox 3-Fix-Me when i already have a PC and a Heater?

You blind bots make me sick.

bu bu but teh sales!! bu bu but teh highter attach ratez!!! bu bu but dvdz are bettazz!

BLaZiN PRopHeT5597d ago

LOL i smell fear. I think you should just enjoy the game because i doubt believe itll sell over 8 million copies.

To be a halo killer you have to sell more and review higher. i dont see that happening.

Graphics Whore5597d ago

Sell Higher? Only Xbox Fanboy's think sales equal quality. Too bad it didn't stop Gears of War 2 from being glitchy and having an almost unplayable online.

Obama5597d ago

Actually to be a halo killer it just have to reach the consensus that it is a better game. Halo3, just like gta4, is overated.

Bon Scott5597d ago

A lot of you might know this from previous posts already,that I work at the local Gamestop in my town and
we're actually in cahoots with 4 other Gamestops in the area.

LOL,where do I begin.

All of our salesman and clerks are pro 360 guys.
We actually interview them before hiring them and find out if they're
"one of us" hehe.

The 360 IS THE HD gaming system this generation,hands down.
This site is a Sony queerclown fest to say the least.

The PS3 sold SOOOOOoooo miserably this holiday(our biased salemanship didn't hurt that either hehe)in our stores,I don't see why we should even carry them anymore......it's that bad.

We now sell 12 360s to 1 PS3,,,HOHOHOHOHO,,,,Merry fvckin Christmas Sony.

When you arrogant Japenese pr1cks get your head out of your butt holes
and start designing your systems for GAMING and not some movie format......you might gain our support again one day.

I doubt I'll ever actually back another Sony product again.
They have lost their magic.

GiantEnemyLobster5597d ago

You sure have been losing bubbles fast. Only 1 more left to go until you are down to 1 with your idol of jealousy, pp.

Max Power5597d ago

so why won't you support a Sony product again?

Obama5597d ago

since he is a racist dipshit?

Sergeant Osiris5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

this retard even admits to profiling applicants, someone do an IP trace so we can get this clown fired. You dont deserve to be in ANY part of the gaming industry much less responsible for people buying a DEFECTIVE product.

and here is how sad you are:

If Sony had only developed bluray as a format for its games, what would be your argument then? That they are forcing a larger storage format on gamers? cause thats what PS3 owners are benefiting from, MORE SPACE.

aah whats the point of even responding to asstards like this one, stupidity is not a curable condition.

Graphics Whore5597d ago

There's a cure alright, it's called eradication however it isn't a very approachable method.


Graphics Whore5596d ago

F.y.i. Bill Hicks was an late eighties, early nineties comedian, often ending his hitler comment with "I'm also available for children's birthday parties".

It's just a joke.

AngryTypingGuy5596d ago

Graphics Whore, you are one dumb tw@t. You have such a short memory. There were plenty of people last gen on the Sony side who had the sales = quality mentality, when the PS2 was selling unseen amounts of consoles. But now that the PS3 is playing catch up in hardware and software sales, it's a different story. But it is very true that sales don't equal quality.

Halo 3 is an awesome game, with a very high score, and sales that no PS3 game will ever reach. I definitely don't think sales = quality, but I do agree with Prophet that in order to be a "killer" of something, you have to trounce it in terms of both quality and sales. Fallout 3 could be a better game than Halo. The graphics are amazing, that's for sure, so now it all comes down to the actual gameplay. However, will it kill Halo in sales? We both know the answer to that question.

Is the 360 a must buy? Depends on your gaming preferences. I know that for me, Halo and especially Gears of War would be awful tough to pass up. Now that Resident Evil can be played on the 360, the 360 is definitely a must have for me.

The 360 and PS3 really aren't that different, to tell the truth. The PS3 can play Blu Ray, which is a big deal if you care about that. I don't really care. Otherwise, the main difference is in the exclusives. Whichever console most of your friends have makes a big difference too. Virtually all of my friends have a 360, so switching to PS3 would be tough since I would only get to play with two of my friends. Not to mention, those two friends I have that have a PS3, also have a 360.

Graphics Whore5596d ago

So with everything you had to say, was it necessary to call me a tw@t? Nope. It didn't stop me from reading your comment, however with no-to-low amount of games to play how well do you think Halo would have really done? Other than the 93-94 Metacritic rating.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5596d ago
MaximusPrime5597d ago

get a console that suits you.

im staying with PS3 and never consider going back to xbox 360. the thought of RROD and list of MS malfunctioning products is preventing me.

Sorry MS and their devoted fans.

kewlkat0075597d ago

My console works great and never had issues..an Elite BTW. The 360 has a great Library of games the last 2 years and the best Online features currently, if you wanna pay to play.

If you wanna jump in there is plenty of reason to. Especially with the new Jasper ones, for those, that let rrod strike fear in their little hearts...lol.

MaximusPrime5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

i'd rather wait 4 - 6 months after Jasper release and see what happen.

edit: i doubt i will return. i have been happy with my PS3 since it released in UK March 2007. Still functioning brilliantly.

hippo245597d ago

Am i the only person in the world who bought the protection plan for my xbox?

You see i did this magic thing where i asked a best buy store clerk if they offered protection plans and guess what they said...yes

so I dropped $27.98 on a protection plan for my new $400 xbox and years later when my xbox broke, I took it to the store and they exchanged it (for a new one) in a matter of seconds...are people really this dense.

buy a stupid protection or service plan, and if you don't, don't cry to everyone because your to dense to think ahead.

mcgrawgamer5597d ago

you stated in your previous post you'd never consider going back. waiting to see what happens is a consideration in today's day and age. if your not gonna get value out of a system don't support it. If you are already looking at the situation in a negative light something bad will happen to your console because your looking for something bad to happen. enjoy your ps3 and game care free, and as the other guy said above I doubt your missed. No offense.

Graphics Whore5597d ago

"The 360 has a great Library of games the last 2 years"

Yup, LAST 2 years is about dead on.

rogimusprime5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

a protection plan is supposed to supplement consumer protection in the event of a mishap.

It sounds a little condescending to say "this magical thing" of getting a protection plan when a lot of consumers just aren't that savvy. Let's face it...people are stupid, but others get the system as a gift and had no say in the matter.

It's great that best buy wants to take your money, but wouldn't it be better if MS stood behind the quality of their product from the launch of the system instead of having to get sued into offering a warranty?

I won't even discuss the scratched disc fiasco.

I bought my xbox refurbed from overstock, so I didn't get the option of a protection plan. On the other hand, my 56inch DLP from Circuit City is covered with a protection plan because $1500 is a lot of money to waste for accidentally messing up a TV, but I didn't buy it because the TV might not turn on one day and flash blinking lights at me.

A console with a 30% failure rate should be protected by the manufacturer....no matter what. If it was sony, who launched a year ahead to beat it's competitors and put out a faulty product, people would be crying for the head of Japanese execs...hell, they would have had to commit sappuku already.

The XBOX 360 is where most of my time is spent, but once it goes....I'll only buy games for my PS3

JOLLY15597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

Is it completely covered for 3 years. No other hardware manufacturer period has done that. So, what is the new excuse?

To the little guy b(e)low me, You quoted my question then never gave an answer....clever?

Graphics Whore5597d ago

"No other hardware manufacturer period has done that. So, what is the new excuse?"

There wouldn't be that problem if Microsoft didn't throw money at the FCC. 33-35% rate of failure for product model 1 (1st) gen of the Xbox 360? HOW DOES THAT PASS.

SmokingMonkey5597d ago

at gamestop there is only one item in the whole store that they cannot sell a warranty for...the 360.

or if you want to get technical

the arcade sku
the pro sku
the elite sku
the refurbished 360 sku

everything else is fine

JOLLY15597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

Once Microsoft gave out the 3 year rrod warranty, gamestop reinstated their warranty for the 360.

*edit* Yeah I was right. I just called gamestop amd they said that yes they do offer the extended warranty for all of the 360's. Any other ideas you have?

hippo245597d ago


Why the protection plan is a "add-on" and a good majority of gift givers don't know the details, im assuming most of the people reading this are fairly knowledgeable on the details of a console purchase, and are not going to simply not know about what a warranty/protection plan is.

On the flip side if you are given a gift, or buying a used console, you loose the ground to complain because the reason your getting a free or cheaper console, is because your loosing control over certain factors in favor of a price downgrade.

You actually make a great point, but your statement is geared toward the technologically ignorant, rather then an enthusiastic gamer, who is posting on a gaming site. So a person who is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about games should insure their product, even if it means returning an xbox to buy a warranty, or paying a little more for new over used

In closing you make a very valid point its just the people on this site ARE the exception to the rule

-xbox does have a limited warranty

-xbox's do not scratch discs unless put on an unstable surface or move

If you really hate warranties, go with a ps3, so far I've only heard a few horror stories from them, and my ps3 has yet to exhibit them.

So unless that's a HUGE concern, then buy a protection plan for your xbox and you'll be a-ok.

(my pc has broken down more often then my XBOX but thats not saying much)

El Zorro Rojo5597d ago

Well, that your choice, Maximus Prime.

All I know is that I have a PS3 and a 360 and there is no way in hell that I would be satisfied only playing on my PS3. I would miss out on too many good games and would miss out on my Xbox LIVE friends and the gaming and community that it offers.

SmokingMonkey5597d ago

funny thing...i happen to work for gamestop

so yeah...no warranties on the 360 in SW america

also we are going to stop buying back xbox1 games on feb 8 fact check that sh!t

JOLLY15597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

I called this gamestop 360-757-2745. I asked them if they do extended warranties for XBOX 360's. He said yes. Anyone can call a gamestop, they all say yes. Congrats for trying to lie though. Fail! On a side note, what one do you work at? this can help the people of n4g not buy crap from a gamestop that is cheating customers.

SmokingMonkey5596d ago (Edited 5596d ago )

sorry, but it's sad but true i do work at a gamestop and we do not sell warranties on 360's in my whole district, i won't tell you which one exactly but we are one of the top ranked regions.

I also worked at a gamestop on the East Coast (that's the East Coast of the United States, for the slower N4G members) and they also did not sell warranties on 360's

don't believe me? i don't care. But it is a fact in my district.

Jazz41085596d ago (Edited 5596d ago )

I would like to know what Sonys actual failure rate is. I have never lost a 360 yet but my PS3 is locked up and will not load, and I checked with other sites to see if they could help and I am finding that there is indeed a worth mentioning failure rate. Sorry if I offended anyone but I am just speaking about what happened to my Ps3.

bomboclaat_gamer5596d ago

stop wasting time on N4G and go back to school. so u dont have to work at gamestop anymore. how much do they pay..........like 9 dollars an hour?

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chaosatom5597d ago

people already have the 360 that like halo, and it's not going to drive sales.

Unless 360 can become more cheap, it's hard for them to grab more people to buy their console.

hippo245597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

I agree, I think halo 3 isn't such a driving factor anymore. While i think most xboxs, that are purchased, will have halo at some point and time

I do think the price cut might be a more legitimate claim, but who really cares anyway.

maybe ODST will surprise us though...

SprayandPreycom5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

the year of the ps3

Foliage5597d ago

the year of the 360

...I'm kidding, the 360 never has and will never have "a year". Even when the PS3 and Wii were not around the PS2 was still making an embarrassment out of the 360.

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B3h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7248m ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii2h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭


Fallout 4 Xbox Series X|S Review | TheXboxHub

Richard writes: "Now was the right time to release the Fallout 4 Xbox Series X|S update. It just could have been more."

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anast1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

They aren't going to give more. We are talking about a company that has rereleased an 13 year old game at least 5 times.


Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, Homeworld 3, and More Exciting Games Coming Out in May

Things are heating up in May a bit with Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, the Paper Mario TTYD remake, and a ton of promising indies. We pick the most interesting May games, from AAA to indie, so you can make sense of everything coming out.

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shinoff21831d 21h ago (Edited 1d 21h ago )

Doesn't seem to be that bad of a month. Got a bit of something for everyone.

Please do not support braid anniversary edition. Don't support Phil phish, he's a very despicable person, a a cry baby.

One example


Tacoboto1d 20h ago

Wrong developer. Phil Phish was the developer behind Fez.

Jonathan Blow was behind Braid. If you're gonna cancel culture, don't take down the wrong indie...

CrimsonWing691d 12h ago

Man, I don’t know why, but it also irks me when people try to tell others what to do. Fez was an awesome game, I couldn’t care less if the dev was a douche.

This is just extra cringe since the person actually doesn’t know what they’re talking about 🤦‍♂️

remixx1161d 3h ago

Welcome to the internet crimson

shinoff218321h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I wasn't cancel culturing shit. Phil phish is a complete douche. Did you bother to watch the video? Probably not.

I was wrong but call me cancel culture is just plain dumb also

Also crimson.

As you I'm human and we make mistakes. That was a mistake I mixed the games up. Shit happens. So go cringe yourself

Honest mistake, if you can watch that video and support the guy. Then I guess your in the same camp

Tacoboto20h ago

You were wrong and that's that. Don't be so angry.

And yeah, that is a case example of cancel culture. It was a dozen years ago, he's apologized since, had Japanese developers rationalize with his remark, barely has done anything in the industry since Fez, and yet here you are, not even remembering the one game he made...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20h ago