
30 vs. 60 FPS: Can Your Eyes Tell The Difference In Gameplay?

GearNuke: Can you tell the difference between 30 vs. 60 fps gameplay?

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Kingthrash3603645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

next question.

protip: i'm no "i wont buy a game because of the fps count."
but i could tell the difference when playing the game...u can sorta feel the difference in movement n stuff like that. at least thats me. i remember playing rage (i think it was rage) and was like dam it moves faster and looks better that i thought i would. it was later that i found out it ran at 60fps.

Visiblemarc3645d ago

Yeah, I agree.

How can people even be asking this absurd question in 2014. The idea that "the human eye can't see the difference" is such a dated myth. It's embarassing at this point, really.

I certainly play and enjoy 30fps games, some with even lower fps, have ranked among my faves, actually, but I can obviously see a difference and clearly prefer a higher fps when it's available.

Naga3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

A much better question is whether people can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p.

The answer is going to still be a definite yes, but at least then there's room for some additional variables to be considered such as viewing distance, screen size, etc.

As it is, this is just a silly question.

Gazondaily3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Wtf? The difference is huge. Jump on COD or TF and you can tell the smoothness of 60fps vs 30fps easily. This isnt like the resolution debate, which the difference (even though its noticeable) it isn't as obvious as frame rate.

Steady 60fps vs 30fps makes a world of difference. Someone post a link pls of a video showing the difference.

Im sorry but this topic is ridiculous unless you're Stevie Wonder.

4Sh0w3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Well I always swear Forza and even COD seem better to me because when I play them the 60fps helps the gameplay alot, but I swear I literally watched those vids 5 times and I just can't SEE a difference at all. I don't wear glasses and I have perfect eyesight.

It makes me curious if they mix up the labels and did a live session asking 100 people to pick which is which what the numbers would be.

Naga3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

What I think would actually be a question worth asking, is at what FPS range does the human eye stop detecting a difference? I've heard the limit is roughly 60fps (hence the magic number), but I've also heard otherwise. Either way, THAT would be worth writing an article about.

DemonChicken3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

* sorry wrong news (window rather lol), post here by mistake, n4g won't allow self destruction of comments =p

Nerdmaster3645d ago

Actually, the article was just a way for them to say "hey guys, now we can show 60fps video! here's the proof below!", as anyone can see for "Thanks to this brand new site, we can compare 30 fps gameplay side-by-side with 60 fps gameplay".

I think it's funny how people seem to be offended.

fr0sty3645d ago

Telling the difference between 30fps to 60fps is easy, even with pre-recorded video. Telling the difference between 720p and 1080p is easy, for those with larger screens (or smaller screens you sit close to) and good eyesight. However, framerate is far more important than dropping a few pixels. It will get noticed first.

Anthotis3645d ago

The difference between 30 and 60 fps is blatantly obvious.

DVAcme3645d ago

@Naga: I think 60fps is a reasonable number, cause my bro was playing Metro on his beast machine at 120fps and I honestly could not tell the difference between that and 60fps. And honestly, if you can't tell that difference, it's a good idea to cap it at 60 for better performance, since it doesn't really make a difference.

Then again, I do have a theory that 120fps is a better framerate for VR systems like Rift or Morpheus, since it probably helps with immersion on account of trying to replicate you actually looking like your using your eyes instead of looking through a TV set.

Army_of_Darkness3645d ago

If my girlfriend can tell the difference after showing her a comparison, then I'm sure any actual gamer could also.

Darkstares3645d ago

Interesting how resolution and frame rates have become a huge topic this generation with console gamers. They used to scoff at pc gamers who talked about this sort of stuff and called them elitists.

starchild3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

It's like asking whether you can tell the difference between PS2 and PS3 graphics. The difference is super obvious.

I can tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps very easily. I can also very readily tell the difference between 60fps and 120fps.

You can SEE the difference because the temporal resolution is higher and things are much clearer while in motion (which in games is almost all the time). You can also FEEL the difference since higher framerates result in less latency and better controller response.

Syleros3645d ago

I both agree and disagree.


photoreceptors have an integration period, which varies based on receptor type and light levels. They respond to any signal during this integration period, as long as the photons received are above noise level.

That doesn't mean we see an improved image from a screen flashing twice as fast.

Functionally, our photoreceptors have a flicker fusion rate of 15 - 60 hz, which means 40 fps is just fine.

The fact that anyone would not buy a game because of it being 30 fps vs 60 fps is ridiculous. realistically you are arguing over 10 fps.

miyamoto3645d ago

before they say 720p is better than 1080p
now they say 30fps is better than 60fps?

its really getting dumber and dumber each and everyday ....

ziggurcat3645d ago

@ naga:

"A much better question is whether people can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p."

yes. don't be silly.

MazzingerZ3645d ago

Last gen gamers had super vision as they could tell pixel differences and today 30FPS=60FPS? LOL

shivvy243645d ago

Ratchet and clank used to be 60 but there was a massive difference. In gameplay when they went 30. Wasnt smooth and felt choppy

UltraNova3645d ago

There's no debating over this issue. Make sure your screen is at 60hz and test to your hearts content >>>> http://frames-per-second.ap...

UltimateMaster3644d ago

When you have an HD TV with high refresh rate (240hz and higher) you can clearly see a huge difference.

So if you play your games @60fps, get yourself a quality HD TV (Sony's RR and Anti-Motion Blur is excellent) and you'll get a better experience.

Anarki3644d ago

The difference is as clear as day when looking at it like this side by side. I wouldn't avoid a 30fps game, but I'd certainly buy a 60fps game if it was offered on 1 platform and not the other.

papashango3644d ago

This argument has been floating around the interwebz for years now.

You had pc gamers with low end hardware and casual mmo gamers trying to fuel their side of the argument that 30fps is the same as 60.

last gen console gamers were completely oblivious to this argument thinking that pc gamers went high end for graphics and not frame rates.

It's nice that most of you finally realize whats going on now.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3644d ago
MYDEATH213645d ago

Exactly lol. I can stand it when a scene gets hectic and everything starts to look like it's playing in slow motion

Conzul3645d ago

I don't think it's so much the eyes that detect the difference, but the decision-making centres of your brain. I seem to notice 60fps much better with my "hands", even though I know it's a sort of motor-cortex function.

Visuall, yes, there is a difference too, so this is a dumb question.

MysticStrummer3645d ago

Saying "hands" like that implies you have some kind of prosthetic.

I didn't hit disagree by the way. I just woke up from a nap and thought that looked odd.

: )

colonel1793645d ago

Wow! I guess I'm the only one that has NEVER noticed the difference.

guitarded773645d ago

I used to be the same way until I had more experiences with 60 FPS. You can really tell the game runs smoother when playing.

Watch the visa again, but make sure to pay attention to the scenery and not the car, or fixed position things. You see how smooth the scenery moves along in 60 FPS, allowing for better decision making. The faster the gameplay is, the more important 60 FPS are.

4Sh0w3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

colonel, You too?

Well actually I believe I can tell the difference but I saw another 30 vs 60fps vid a month or so ago and now this one and now I'm doubting whether I really can. I have keen eyesight so its almost annoying me a bit that I can't tell when so many are saying its easy to tell.

BitbyDeath3645d ago

The difference is about movement blur and not frame drops. Or so I was told. Some people are prone for watching out for it, others are not.

As long as it stays above 30 then it doesn't bother me.

oof463645d ago

I forget which year it was, but Madden was 30 fps one year and 60 fps the next. If you slow motioned the replays, you could tell the difference in the jerkiness/smoothness of the players motion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3645d ago
Clunkyd3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

yep, you can see a big difference.

Check this out


Th3o3645d ago

Much better than the videos imo...it honestly felt like they were just doubling the speed of the video:S it didn't feel like they actually were running it 30 vs 60 fps.

That might have been an effect from watching both screens at the same time, but i think I guessed right.

So simulated 30 fps vs 60 fps.

XabiDaChosenOne3645d ago

60 fps is just smoother, no other way to put it. I remember looking at some footage of 60 fps in a game and I thought I had my finger on the fast forward button lol

Baccra173645d ago

I made sure to never learn how to tell the difference.

Bigger question- why did everyone else learn to tell the difference? Since you've learned the difference none of you guys seem to be very happy. Why would you guys learn something to make yourselves miserable?

Mr Tretton3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

You are quite a silly person. (and are high suspect as the person that is thumbing down every comment here)

I also never 'learned' to tell the difference. I knew, with my own eyes, there was a difference in the way some games performed, years ago, I later learned want technically is happening. I'm very happy with my games performing at 60 fps.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3645d ago

...? Generally dissatisfaction is what leads to innovation and improvement.

Mikelarry3645d ago

ill just leave this here for anyone who says they cant tell the difference


colonel1793645d ago

OMG! i definitely CAN'T see the difference! I've been looking at the comparison for 30 min and nothing!

Tsar4ever013645d ago

Well demonstrated, Mikelarry.

Tsar4ever013645d ago

Short answer, HELL YEAH, You can tell the difference, anybody says you really can't just has poor eyesight. 60fps is more milky smoother than 30fps,

mike drops!!

This doesn't mean that 30fps is unplayable & bad for gaming, it just means that 60fps is superior, the next level up! And if your system PC/Console/tablet or smartphone is capable of running games at this frame-rate, it shows as a testimate to the capability of your system power.

lelo3645d ago

"30 vs. 60 FPS: Can Your Eyes Tell The Difference In Gameplay?"


I prefer a lower resolution at 60FPS then a higher resolution at 30FPS.

3645d ago
Anthotis3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )


JasonKCK3645d ago

The only way you couldn't tell the difference would be on a CRT TV. If you're still playing on a CRT, I'm sorry.

ATi_Elite3645d ago

"Lord Vader can you tell the difference between 30fps and 60 fps

"All too Easy"

The fluid smooth motion of 60fps is so easy to see vs. the jumpiness and choppy motion of 30fps.

just look at the animation or scenery travel and you will see a HUGE difference.

Trust me if you are blind and cant tell YOUR GPU can tell as it has to work very hard to pump out 60fps vs. 30fps.

Rayansaki3645d ago

The difference visually is not a big deal. What every comparison like this always forgets to take into account is the gameplay difference. 60 FPS is more responsive smooth. 30 FPS inserts a lot of input lag.

JsonHenry3645d ago

Yes,especially if you have a higher refresh rate on your monitor/TV than others. The lack of Vsync in most games is horrendous.

Sci0n3645d ago

well said, I was going to say you can feel the difference and see it.

theDivision3645d ago

It has been scientifically proven some eyes can discern at higher fps rates. Though I think our threshold is around 60 so anything above that is too fast for us to tell.

Cernunnos3645d ago

You can very easily tell the difference between 60 and 120 aswell, if you have ever played with a 120hz monitor with a game at 120fps or above you would know. Our eyes are analogue, and there is no definite FPS treshold. I've heard about tests with 240hz screens aswell, and the test subjects said there was a big difference between 120 and 240fps.

Cernunnos3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

I can easily estimate a game's framerate while playing. I've tested myself with PC games, holding a hand over the FPS counter, and said to myself "Now it is around 45 fps", and I am usually quite right, some games are harder than other to notice it in. When a game goes below 30fps, and down into the mid twenties, it really begins to annoy me.

I find movies and TV-shows choppy, and if I watch a movie right after playing a game at 60fps, I notice it right away, even though a movie has natural motion blur to compensate.

MoveTheGlow3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Yeah, even as a kid I was like "Movies seem to run slowly... but the characters are moving fast, so it can't be that... Why can't they just move like they're in a video game?" My parents and friends were like "What the heck are you talking about?"

And then Battle Arena Toshinden 3 happened - yeah, the game was dumb, but you could change 30/60fps in the settings. The 60fps setting looked like a blocky mess on the PS1 (I mean, it was the PS1 after all), but I finally got that this weird difference I was seeing was a framerate thing.

MoveTheGlow3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

I mostly agree, Kingthrash360, but as a gamer who's been around since the 8-bit days, <=30fps instead of 60fps could *definitely* be a dealbreaker for my purchase of a game, depending on the genre. I grew up with fast, twitchy, skill-based games, running as fast as basic pixels could be pushed around a screen, so for me, a racing game or a precise action game (ahem, Devil May Cry) should be running at 60, or usually it's no deal. That's way worse for me than a drop in resolution - although, truth be told, I don't have a huge TV, so it's not as big a deal anyway.

Still, some of my favorite games aren't ever running at 60 - the original Star Fox (which you'd think shouldn't be enjoyable at that framerate, but it's too good), Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, the PS1 Final Fantasy titles, they were all sub-60.

Having a PC this generation really helps. Maybe I'm not enabling all of the particle effects, but I'd rather the game run smoothly. ACIV at 60 is pure piratey gold.

Kingthrash3603644d ago

i've been around since 4bit days..when nothing but fun mattered...but i wont disagree with you. people have their preferences. i just dont mind what frame rate it runs..as long as its playable and enjoyable.
that said i do understand why some dislike games under 60. this generation that should be the standard anyway. pc has been doing this for a while now.
all in all everyone should enjoy games the way they prefer them , so to you i say GAME ON bro....game on.

MetaReapre3644d ago

Yea, 60 fps does not only makes the animation look more smooth, but you can feel it in the controls too.
Easy way to compare it is Dark Souls 2 on console compared to on PC. You can feel the difference in the gameplay with rolling, attacking and parrying.

I usually don't care too much with most games with the whole 30 vs 60 fps, but I do prefer 60 fps in games where timing and precision is the main part of the gameplay.

Cernunnos3644d ago

And there is actually a very simple reason for why it feels more responsive control vice too. More FPS = lower input lag.

jnemesh3644d ago

I agree! It's not a subtle difference, and a video doesn't convey the impact as much as actually playing a game does! This shouldn't even be up for debate...OF COURSE 60fps is important! The only ones who are arguing otherwise are the sad fools who bought a console not capable of both 1080p resolution and 60fps!

Kingthrash3603644d ago

lol! nice stealth jab lol...but true.

randomass1713644d ago

I can definitely see the difference too and 60fps is always ideal. That being said some games can be good even without 60fps.

Kingthrash3603644d ago

agreed, most legendary games are not 60fps.

BallsEye3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

60 better than 30 fps
30 fps locked better than 30+ unlocked
I rather have stable framerate than one that is 30 at most times but sometimes hit 50

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FITgamer3645d ago

You might not see the difference, but you can definitely feel the difference.

Irishguy953645d ago

You can CLEARLY see the difference. Very very very Clearly.

FITgamer3645d ago

Sometimes when just watching gameplay i can't tell the difference between the two. I know the difference immediately if i'm actually playing. You can feel the difference in how smooth the controls are.

windblowsagain3645d ago

Easy to see and feel the difference.

But some games get away with 30fps without problems.

I love NFS RIVALS and play on pc, it's locked at 30fps, but is very smooth.

Resistance games on PS3 were all 30fps and smooth.

It's fine for alot of games, but 60fps is silky when solid.

I play BF4 on PC @60fps most of the time and it helps.

mcstorm3645d ago

I think windblowsagain is spot on.

It really depends on the game. If you look at Forza horizon for example it did not impact the game in feel or looks but if they made Forza 5 30 fps we would be able to tell the difference.

Also ide rather have a game locked to 30fps than a game that runs at 60fps but drops it fps count like we saw with gt5 as for me this really made the game a mess.

For me I don't care if the game has the best looking graphics, the most fps, or 1080p rez I buy a game because of how it plays and makes me feel when I'm playing it.

Baccra173645d ago

Playing games all my life and can't see the difference and don't wish to learn how to spot it.

Downvote all you want, but it makes no sense why you would want to spot the difference so that you can be dissapointed when a game lacks the framerate that you want. I know people that won't play certain games, even if it's fun and good, simply because of framerate. Whether it is 60 or 30, so long as it doesn't drop and stays stable, and the game is fun, that is what should matter.

randomass1713644d ago

Visually it's pretty obvious. A bad game running at 60fps is still a bad game though. That's why I'm not usually bothered as long as the frame rate is locked and the rest of the game looks appealing and is designed and plays well.

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Nitrowolf23645d ago

@Ur second response
Depends where u watch ur said gameplay. If its youtube then u cant see the difference due.to.compression locked at 29.99fps
Almost any other video.service though.you can

candy_mafia3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )


Agree...plus on some games 60fps is completely unnecessary. Sports, Fighting & FPS games play way better @60fps.

60fps is nice of course, but when making sacrifices on extremely visually demanding games, then I'd be happy having a steady 30fps.

> Infamous, The Order 1886 & Driveclub just as an example :)

DVAcme3645d ago


You hit it right on the head with some genres being better at higher fps than others. You specifically mentioned fighting games, and that to me is the absolute. Any fighting game that runs at less than 60fps is gonna be a mess because of how much that genre depends on timing.

ABizzel13645d ago


That's because most of the time the gameplay videos are on YouTube, which is 30fps.

mark3214uk3645d ago

so many silly articles about this and "is resolution important",of course they are,xbots are only paying for these articles because the x1 isnt capable of achieving 1080p/60fps

3645d ago
JasonKCK3645d ago

I hate to break it to you, but the PS4 is in the same boat when it comes to fps. If you're looking for constant 60fps you need to look to PC.

BattleN3645d ago

Gears 3 runs fine at 30fps and still manages to look good only time there is slow down is when multiple smoke frags go off in close proximity

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SpiralTear3645d ago

Yes, you definitely can. This isn't like the resolution argument; the difference between frame rates is absolutely noticeable.

randomass1713644d ago

^Agreed completely. Frame rate differences can often determine how smooth the game looks.

corvusmd3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Just my Opinion

Framerate, yes you can tell the difference easily side by side. That being said, if you have a solid framerate at 30 or higher, the game will still look great (true certain game types benefit more from higher framerates). Very few people will argue different frame rates being unnoticeable. Where most people differ is in regards to resolution.

I don't remember the stats exactly, but it's something like, unless your TV is 55in or bigger and you're sitting less than 4-6 feet away, your eyes physically cannot tell the difference between native 720 and 1080. Meaning 900 and 1080 has such a minor difference that I doubt it will ever matter. You can tell by the fact that every time there is a graphics comparison there are so many caveats (side by side, slow frame or still frame, magnified, different lighting all on a PC screen less than a foot from your face...just to notice a difference) just to make it so you can tell. At that point, a controller I like, network stability/mp voice quality, where my friends play and simply the fact of where I'm gathering my achievements/trophies is much more important than any difference in my opinion.

That being said, so far all games on all the systems this gen have looked great, I personally have nothing to complain about any of them graphically. I personally feel that FPS, your TV, and graphics other than resolution are much more important in making a game look great. Again, just one persons opinion.

Dirtnapstor3645d ago

Yep. With respect to what your viewing the games on, size will make a difference. Anything above a 40", you'll start to see a difference between 1080 & 720. Additionally, the type of TV will display for better or worse... LED, LCD, even generations thereof.

candy_mafia3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

We have 2 TV sets in our house, and I've tried PS4 games running @1080p on both...

The 42' LG looks great sitting at a good (6ft) distance away. But our 50' LG Screen shows the best with Infamous SS & MGS 5 Phantom Pain and I sit 4ft away. None of the jaggy old pixels around the edge of everything like in PS3/360 generation.

It really does make a difference if you sit close, that's how you can tell if it's quality :)

psforward3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Exactly right Dirtnapster, wish corvusmd would stop posting his same wrong stats on viewing distance, screen size, and resolution. It make him look lazy and/or like he's trolling.

Evilsnuggle3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

You are a known Xbone fan . This is just more damage control. Because of Xbone's lower frame-rates and resolution. Why are you xbone fanBoys trying to convince everyone that resolution and frame rate does not matter. I don't care what size your T.V is you can see lower resolution and frame rate. Any one who owns a 360 or PS3 go change game consoles interface to 720p on your 360 or PS3. Then change it back to 1080p and tell me you can't see the difference between 1080p and 720p. I have a 30" LCD for my son 360 and it's nite and day difference between the 1080p and 720p. 720p looks blurry and 1080p looks sharper. This is just more P.R SPIN from xbone lovers.

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Terry_B9h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv726h ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii8h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast5h ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.