
Sony: 'Of Course' PS4 Can Do Cloud Computing

Shacknews writes: "Microsoft has been keen to promote Xbox One's use of the cloud. Xbox One's official website, for example, states that "thanks to the power of the cloud, Xbox One will keep getting better." Cloud computing supposedly makes Xbox One four times more powerful. It also justifies why Xbox One is effectively an always-on console."

"But what about Sony's next-gen machine? Sure, it can stream games via the cloud-powered Gaikai. But can it also follow Microsoft's step in offloading computation to the cloud? "Of course," Sony's Shuhei Yoshida said."

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iGAM3R-VIII3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

So I guess this is another thing that PS4 has matched the X1 with, well then One can only assume that the PS4 will annihilate One product...


^gif seems appropriate...

US8F3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Consumers first, Gaming second, and everything else last, that would be the reason for PS4's success. Xbox One, well, they got it all backwards.

Destrania3974d ago

Consumers/developers first

Army_of_Darkness3974d ago

Is it really necessary to chop off xbone's last leg to stand on??! Do you really need MS to crawl it's way to Next Gen?? :-D

abzdine3974d ago

This is where gaikai will show the world how cloud really works.

Greatness awaits

SonicRush153974d ago

I think shuhei wouldn't have said anything about cloud unless some one asked lol

fr0sty3974d ago


That's because he knows that offloading computation to the cloud in this day and age is so limited in use that it is pretty much worthless. Where people do have the bandwidth to perform limited computational tasks, it isn't always steady. Rural areas do good to get 3mbps with terrible latency. Why hype features only a percentage of us will actually get to enjoy? Why hype them beyond what they are actually capable of? I know why... He knows the hardware in PS4 is more than adequate. He doesn't have to blow clouds of smoke up everyone's ass to make us think PS4 will hold it's own. No smoke and mirrors, just simple math. 4>1.

dcbronco3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

So we've gone from the cloud being a marketing gimmick to it suddenly being a viable tool. I guess it doesn't exist until Sony says so. At least fosty is consistent.

FITgamer3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

@dc did you even read the article? He just said it could be implemented. It's not like SONY is banking on the cloud like M$ going around spreading BS saying their console will be 4x as powerful because of the cloud. The PS4 will be more powerful than X1 because of hardware and no one can deny that. Even the author said it's all still "rubbish" at the end.

Hicken3974d ago

Slap yourself.

Sony saying they're capable doesn't make it any more viable. And, frankly, nobody's saying that it does.

Well, except you.

ABizzel13974d ago

I've been saying this for the longest since it's what Gaikai and Onlive were doing to begin with. The PS4 has the benefit of having Gaikai as it's service, because they can follow the same method Gaikai used. Run all the games on top end PC's and stream them to the consoles.

That prevents the need for cloud computing to begin with if you can simply stream the game for a PC that runs the with higher settings. The cost is games will likely on run in 1080p @ 30fps streaming and may have suffer from lag depending on your connection (which will also effect cloud computing).

PS4 has the advantage technology wise with the cloud, the advantage X1 has is the sheer number of servers they'll have, but this will become less of an issue now that PlayStation 4 gamers are required to purchase PS+ to play online (which will likely increase Sony's server count, but they still have to play catch up with MS who has 8 years of XBLG backing them).

dcbronco3974d ago

I don't need to read the article. I'm commenting on fake people that claimed it wasn't possible. That is until Sony says they could do it too. It's just like every other made up complaint.

MS makes you pay twice for your game because of charging for Live. Oh Sony's doing it too. It's not a big deal. I understand it cost a lot money to run servers and provide those services.

I like that game. No longer a Sony exclusive. It doesn't look that good, I'll skip that one.

thereapersson3974d ago

The difference here is, Sony isn't charging to access things like Netflix, et cetera. MS is the king of making you pay twice just to access services you are already paying for. Someone who never plays multiplayer on PS4 will never have to sign up for PlayStation Plus if they don't want to, nor will they have to keep a persistent internet connection active.

Ritsujun3974d ago

It hurts to watch MS slapping themselves.


MRMagoo1233974d ago


None said it wasnt possible ppl have just been saying and showing with evidence that it wont work the way MS keeps saying it will, it wont increase the power of the console by 4 times thats a fact, the only reason they came out with this crap was because sony revealed a more powerful console than they where expecting so they had to make some BS pr to dribble forth and hope ppl eat it.

I dont think sony could do what MS says they are gonna do either. There is way to much involved for MS plans to work the only things it can benefit is static things in games that dont need real time calculations.Even in 10 years from now they wont be doing what MS has claimed they will do.

badz1493974d ago

the PS3s around the world has been taking part in the Folding@HOME project which is a derivative of cloud computing to assist in research for disease and cancer early 2007! the PS3 has done cloud computing like 6 years ago, so why doubt the PS4? like they said...OF COURSE PS4 can do cloud computing!

jon12343974d ago

it should be developers first, because if they get treated right, we get good games :)

wellard3974d ago

lets discuss the ms business model.

Shareholders, NSA, NFL, PBS, ABC, BBC, ITV, Sky, Kinect shovelware, Developers then games and
gamers. I dont understand why its getting so much bad press /s

Baka-akaB3974d ago


Do you even lsiten to yourself ? Any online machine can do cloud computing technically . The difference lies with the claims and BS about what's realistically possible with it .

One dropbox or sky drive account , and suddenly now everone is an expert in an old tech with a new coat of marketing mpainting geez ...

Kleptic3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

^i see what you're saying...but cloud storage and cloud processing are two completely different animals...

My opinion, mostly because i work for a cloud processing start up through Cisco...this is NOT relevant to gaming...yet...

I almost guarantee there isn't a single person on this website that has access to a residential connection that can utilize any degree of cloud processing in a real time environment...cloud processing is currently a great way to mimic a rendering farm, not a real time 'super computer' that will quickly interact back with you...

and before people start up the 'my ISP has 100mbps down!!!'...not relevant...thats a peak download speed, and doesn't address anything in terms of network latency...residential connections are not built for this...ISP's like the control of slowly dealing with 'requests' (an uploaded packet from your devices), but then quickly plumbing what you requested back to you (like streaming a video)...No current ISP's handle requests and pushes the same, which creates a situation where your device is extremely slow to be heard, but then given what it wants relatively quickly after...the conversation between your device and the 'cloud' is extremely lob-sided...even with a 'fast' connection...ISP's have fundamentally built their infrastructure this way, there is no secret way to fix this without fully rebuilding it...which, oddly, is something both MS and Sony have side stepped when talking about it...

and this is simply why neither Sony, nor MS, are anywhere close to a cloud processed real time gaming environment...no way to spin that in any positive way...MS loves saying 'well the cloud will process the fog in the back ground' or some shat like that...if the cloud is doing it, it will be such a low priority bit of processing that it won't be noticeable...and could've easily been done by better optimization to begin with...

Sony and MS may be ready for it...but your, and my, ISP isn't anywhere close...and they aren't going to budge on this situation any time soon...

MWong3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

^ good bit of info there Kleptic and it makes sense.

@ badz149 ... I copletely forgot about that, when they had that E3 conference and everybody was like WTF Sony.

I would assume anything the XBone can do the PS4 can do. Sadly anything the PS4 can do the XBone cannot do. I was planning on getting both consoles agin this generation, but M$ has truely shown me they don't give a damn about me as a consume.

If I don't have internet I should keep playing my 360, that right there shows me your head is so far up in the clouds you don't give a damn about me.


dcbronco3973d ago

@Baka-akaB and your comment sounds like you know a lot. Maybe you have the ability to read a book and remember how some things work, but I have a feeling you lack vision or the ability to push technology forward. You're one of those let's stay in the cave, keep moving no food will grow from those seeds people.


Well reasoned argument. But I think from the wording of some of the comments that MS has something different they are doing. And looking at Some of the patents they have filed. You seem like a smart guy so I'll throw this at you. They filed a Patent for a system where two GPUs wrote to the same scene. Would it be possible to have part of the game rendered and streamed from the cloud and then have the consoles GPU produce more urgent code handled itself and then added to the stream? Basically like a green screen effect. Kind of like a proximity rendering for the console and the cloud rendering for everything else. I also think they have made some new compression techniques. I believe the move engines and ESRAM might be more about the cloud and less about bandwidth. That is why I believe they are so determined to have it always connected.

Kleptic3973d ago

^thanks man

Well i should've first said, the company i work for does nothing with graphics rendering...but does do a lot with modeling. I'm a DB admin though, so i don't really know the ins and outs of the actual coding...just what boxes to put them in haha.

But, i have seen that patent listing, and that does relate to what MS used as an example with 'fog being rendered by the cloud'...On paper that does seem entirely possible...however, in my experience, having two lines of gpu related instructions that out of sync with each other (one would be nearly instant, the other would be WAY behind it, and there for need to be requested WAY before it...if that makes sense) will create a procedure for doing it that would be more work than necessary...on the developer side i mean.

So what i'm getting at, that from where i'm sitting, the cloud would only be able to do processing that was so simple, and so out of touch with anything real-time, that i just can't see how it would be any real benefit.

The fog thing for example. If a gpu in cloud was processing that, you immediately lose any dynamic nature it might have. It would have to be just a back drop with its own sets of physics and procedural wind or something, that could not be changed by any of your actions. Scripted situations like that are not taxing at all. Current gen consoles can already do many effects like this locally without much trouble (killzone 2 for example), so i just see it as a complex way of doing something that isn't all that resource heavy to begin with.

They also said the cloud could do 'lighting', which would impose the same problem. If the cloud is doing it, completely out of sync with the real time local rendering, you'd have to compromise the dynamic nature of it. It could only do a global lighting system that slowly changes through a written script, not lighting that has dynamic nature, like firing a weapon and the related muzzle flare, or explosions, etc...the cloud would have so much latency with that, they couldn't sync it with your actions...

but we'll see...i'm no expert...its just i find this heavily laced with marketing, more than concrete technology that is ready to be implemented...

dcbronco3972d ago

Thanks for answering Kleptic. I understand what you explained. I just have a feeling this is more than a marketing campaign. It's like many said streaming a movie wouldn't be possible. Then it was a HD movie at today's speeds. I believe they have something up their sleeves. But I respect your expertise. We'll all see in the coming months and years.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3972d ago
jmc88883974d ago

The cloud is vastly overrated.

But xbox has nothing to stand on, so they breathe some fumes, get delusional, and start talking about the cloud.

OC_MurphysLaw3974d ago

Overated? Is that why Sony is launching Gaikai sometime in 2014....a service 100% dependent on the cloud?

Hicken3974d ago

Gaikai is meant more for streaming content than computing, though I imagine it could be set to the task competently enough.

The difference is that MS is banking much of their system's future and potential on the supposed capability of the cloud to compensate for what their console lacks.

MRMagoo1233974d ago

I think jmc8888 should have phrased it , the way MS says cloud will work for games is BS not overrated.

first1NFANTRY3974d ago

All these features and the ps4 still manage to be cheaper than the xbone

TheFamous13974d ago

Probably would be the same price if Microsoft wasn't so dependent on including the Kinect.

3974d ago
BattleTorn3973d ago

Just putting this out there - anyone else wonder if the price point reflects the fact that a few most ago Sony had its' top 50 execs give up their bonuses?

DOOMZ3974d ago

Except their cloud is nowhere near the size of Xbox one's!

sonic9893974d ago

did you believe that 300,000 server marketing stunt
btw virtual servers are very common these days

JamieL3974d ago

@ sonic
Well if they're so common then why is that 300,000 number just a PR stunt and so hard to believe? Also $499.00 is "ridiculous", what was your view when the PS3's price was $599.00? I’m sure that was well worth the money right? Everyone likes to hate on only 1 company here. I hate to see such close minded people spreading bullshit like their opinion is law. We still need to see MS implement and prove its plan, but at least they have the BALL'S to try something new. All Sony is doing is perfecting their already existing formula(not that that’s bad), just doing the same thing better, but it’s still the same thing. Last gen Nintendo had the balls to try something new, and we see who won that. Sony is pretty much cloning what made the 360 successful. If you disagree with that then you are an average n4g user, but the friendly architecture, check, reaching out to indie developers, check, charging for MP, check. I am excited to see what Sony comes up with, and to be honest I feel the always online thing on the XBone will ensure the PS4 will dominate sales this gen no doubt, but MS, if they do it right, could change and move gaming forward. They could very well crash and burn, but they are bringing something all new to gaming without a doubt, It may be good, or it may be bad, but at least they aren’t stagnate. I just don’t wait to SEE what happens instead of hating so early in the game.

Kleptic3974d ago

'their cloud is nowhere near the size of Xbox one's!'???

the company i work for has a cloud processing network of over 5 million dedicated machines/servers...NOT ONE OF THEM connected to a residential ISP...These are work machines networked across the North East US, all connected through commercial broadband with a 1/4 of the latency compared to the average home broadband connection...

and as a company...we're no where near capable of real time rendering and interaction as a 'whole' to any degree...It would be an incredible system for making a pixar movie, as a complex rendering farm...but having all these networked machines talking back and forth at the speed you would need to have a real time environment, where requests are heard at the same speed as information pushing...all with total latency underneath roughly 100ms (which would still be bad from an input lag stand point)...its simply not possible...

Do you guys even understand what has to happen in a cloud processed situation? You have to send input from a controller to your console (which alone has roughly 50ms worth of latency, some games much worse)...it then has to leave your machine as a request, pass through your router with any of its firewalls, get to the ISP...queued into the environment as a request while the request server figures out where it wants to go...leave the ISP to yet another ISP which is handling the cloud processing system, be queued...again...finally hit the cloud processing system, the request is then carried out, pipe it back to the back end ISP, back to your ISP, downloaded to your machine through the same router and everything...get processed by your console, converted into video, shot through HDMI to your TV...and you finally see it in action...

remember...any latency over about 60'ish ms total...and you'll notice it as lag in which things on screen aren't happening in relation to your inputs...multiplayer games fix this with gimmicks to make it not as noticeable, as your toon isn't where you think it is in relation to other players...but there is no way to fake it when it comes to input lag...if it doesn't happen nearly immediately, its deemed unplayable...

thats keeping it as simple as possible...and even the most hopeless of tech-scared people could see how much of a nightmare that is...

I promise everyone...Sony's cloud thing will be for streaming and extremely simple gaming...MS's is a PR mess...that will have no effect on its 'future power' as a home gaming console...maybe next generation, but even then it won't happen until the infrastructure of residential network providers are rebuilt from the ground up...

koolaid2513974d ago

In order to use the cloud you must be connected to the internet all of the time thats the whole point of the cloud.

jmc88883974d ago

No, because only games that need the cloud require to be online when they want to use that game.

You think they need to use the cloud for the OS?

That's the point. Choosing to be online to play online is not the same as needing to be online to do anything.

Heartnet3974d ago

Just cause it can doenst mean it will.

nypifisel3974d ago

Well for us who knows about computers in general knew that all Microsoft said was PR bullshit. Like they had some magical secret - The clouds are just servers... Anyone could do that if they wished to invest in it. Cloud computing is not feasible today though seeing how the internet infrastructure of the world isn't up to par.

3974d ago
nypifisel3974d ago

Please... -_- Sony isn't pushing the cloud like MS does, cause it's not feasible. WHEN the time comes and the infrastructure is in place Sony could use the cloud for computing as well.. Jeez, read my OP before commenting, makes you look stupid. What Sony is doing in 2014 with the cloud (Streaming) is however more likely to work now (if you have a good enough connection)

christian hour3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

@gameonbro linking to renderman to prove your point just further shows your ignorance towards how these thigns work.

You obviously don't know the difference between using the cloud to boost rendering farms for lengthy CGI rendering hours and using cloud for rendering visuals plus instant user feedback on the spot. Cloud is only useful for one, guess which one it is. Stop being an idiot and do some actual god damn research.

Cloud will not do what Microsoft said it would do, not in this day and age, and especially not with the way internet distribution currently is globally.

The point of this article want "hey sony has cloud, now cloud is cool" it was "Hey people who think cloud is magic, its not, this is what it is, anyone can do it, ps3 does it already, it is nowhere near capable of doing what MS claims it will, not for at least another 10-15 years at the earliest, stop being a blind fan boy, HEY! LISTEN!" but of course if you had actually read the article, you would have realized that. But you didn't, and you also didn't read shit about renderman, or cloud computing, or anything for that matter, because if you did, you wouldn't say silly things like "no one knows what can or cant be done yet" because we do, we do know what can and cant be done because the technology is not new, in fact nothing in any of the nex gen consoles is new technology.

Also your comment about even pixar realizing you can do more on cloud than with one computer... If you even knew what render-farms were you'd smack yourself in the face for that sentence, of course they know that. Every animation company knows that. Thats why theyve been using render farms for over 20 years!

Sorry for the angry rant but your ignorance just hit a nerve I guess.

alb18993974d ago

Of curse they can do it, but not as Microsoft and 300,000 servers.

nypifisel3974d ago

Microsoft doesn't have 300.000 physical servers, they're with most certainty counting virtual servers. And why couldn't they do it like Microsoft? It's just servers - If I had the money I could buy 300.000 servers. Jeez.

alb18993974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

You just said it......if you have the money. You think business are going well for SONY or you are just a person that think that SONY means play station?
I never said that the servers were physical there but how can you be so sure that they aren't?

detroit2cali3974d ago

You must be retarded if you think Sony can't afford servers. You must think Sony means PlayStation because they are doing fine. Microsoft is known for being cheap, that is why people are calling BS on the physical servers. I really hope English isn't your first language because your sentences are terrible.

alb18993973d ago

I'm trying hard with the English!
SONY as a company is not doing well in any of his products but play station.
Sells in computers, tvs, MP3 players, dvd players, blueray players, phones are down.....SONY isn't what use to be.
So yes, I think SONY doesn't have the money power that Microsoft does......do you want to discus about that?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3973d ago
oof463974d ago

My absolute favorite line of the article:

"Both consoles can do cloud computing. Although be warned--it's all pretty much a load of rubbish either way. Hooray for marketing!"

MRMagoo1233974d ago

that sums up all the cloud computing BS MS are spinning, anyone that thinks the xbone will get any kind of extra power via the cloud are dreaming, its not gonna happen.

3974d ago
oof463973d ago

@gameonbro: I did not say I believe or don't believe in cloud computing. I said it was my favorite line of the article.

alittleshakey3974d ago

Has anyone bothered to ask Sony how many servers THEY have to back up that claim? That's what I thought. Just taking their word that "sure we can do that".

NeoTribe3974d ago

I can taste your tears.

tarbis3974d ago

You truly believe that M$ have 300k servers? I pity you.

rainslacker3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Even assuming that MS has 300K physical servers, they won't all be dedicated to the X1. Azure provides hundreds of services to thousands of companies.


Dedicating 300K physical cloud servers to the X1 would make the X1 the biggest money sink in gaming history, far surpassing the loss Sony took on the PS3.

There's some good info in that Wiki for those interested in how it works, and how it's deployed around the world.

Of particular note, and more on topic to my comment, note the amount of power that the dublin data center uses(witch MS claims to have 100K servers). Now figure out how much money it costs to run one of those things for a year, and my point should be clear as day. For comparison, the average home uses about 16,000 kWh(note the k) per year(you can do the conversion, I'm tired). Now imagine all the maintenance to hardware and professional staff that has to be employed at each one.

Of more particular note. Each data center uses between 1800-2500 servers. 300K physical servers means they would have 120 data centers globally if you take the top end 2500 per location. Now figure out how much that would cost to run...just for X1?...no way in hell.

Edit: Scroll to the bottom of the wiki...they provide some "significant outages" over the past year or so.

wellard3974d ago

Just like Microsoft im willing to bet that they dont have anywhere near 300,000 servers.

People who are trying to justify this MS cloud rubbish really need to sit down and read up on a few server related subjects. ie: Virtual servers and latency. So far all weve seen "the cloud" actually do is is race your profile against your friends profile while your offline. Now not to be petty but why would i give a flying fluke, i dont give a rats bottom about racing my profile while im offline. Its not going to give me any advantage in the game at all. Name 1. Yeah so they say you will earn rewards while your sleeping. Well so will everyone else, which means that in game prices will be adjusted to reflect this so theres no benefit at all. Its a gimmick.

If this cloud stuff worked and it could make the console 4 times more powerful dont you think ms would have released proof, especially considering all of the bad press they have been facing since the reveal?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3974d ago
wastedcells3974d ago

Sony has been all about the games but I think people will be super surprised and happy when they start to show what else they have planned. Especially when it comes to cloud services. There is a reason why they invested so much in this technology. Personally I think Sony has a lot more to announce and show. They have played this really smart. We will see a lot more games as well. We still have gamecon (the European E3) and the Tokyo game show coming before the PS4 launch.

Christopher3974d ago

A phone can do cloud gaming....

showtimefolks3974d ago

its just funny hearing from MS that its Marathon not a race well sony has been saying that for almost 2 decades now lol

now matter how MS or its fanbse spin this fact is ps4 will sell very well and xbox one will struggle, xbox one will do fine in the states IMO but world wide its gonna be a big struggle

JamieL3973d ago (Edited 3973d ago )

So, if that's the one thing they copy good. I think it's funny that people like you are praising the PS4 to no end (which, for the record, I think is praise worthy) after a whole gen of bashing the 360. You know all Sony is doing is cloning what made the 360 a success. I know no one on here will look at it objectively otherwise they would see this. Again I say friendly architecture, check, reaching out to indie developers, check, charging for MP, check. You all bashed the 360 to no end, now can’t keep your tongues in your mouths when Sony does the SAME THING. Now MS has the BALLS to try to bring a new concept to gaming and it’s right back on the hate wagon. LOL now MS does have a lot to proove, and I’m not saying the XBone will catch on, or even be good, but one thing you can bet on is if it is successful Sony will copy it, then it will get some N4G love. I’m excited to see how they implement the new capability’s.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3974d ago

But that means you need to be online to take advantage of the PS4 cloud. LoL.. which then means needing to be always online to take advantage of it.

Ya, some people will say I won't use that.

That's not the point though. If you want to use the cloud and what it offers, YOU NEED TO BE ONLINE. It's so amusing.

dennett3163974d ago

Yes, and consumers who don't want to connect - or can't - have the option of ignoring the games that use the cloud on PS4.
With Xbox One, there is NO option, you HAVE to be online at least once every 24 hours. See the difference yet?
Personally, I hope no game ever has cloud functions as standard, because the second your internet connection drops, your game is screwed. Funny how this so-called "future" that MS seem to be rushing towards has so many more points of failure that will hurt the end user in the long run...almost like they don't give a damn about their customers so long as they are able to force control upon them.

Cinuous3974d ago

yea you'll need to be online to use cloud, but for people with no internet connection there's offline gaming, what dont you get about that?? your so quick to try and prove a point but fail to understand where people are coming from about being able to play there console if they dont have an internet connection, online isnt a requirement for the ps4. your complete lack of understanding....its so amusing.

Malice-Flare3974d ago

Folding@home says hi...

Demon's/Dark Souls also say hello...

Kaneda3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Can PS4 does 4D like PS3 did? and 1080p 120 fps like PS3.. That was some of the marketing points when PS3 was launched... :)

SatanSki3974d ago

"Linking, matchmaking... there are already many computations being done on the cloud side,"

Yoshida was mumbling again like he didnt know what kind of cloud computing he was asked about. This guy is annoying me more and more

Fishermenofwar3974d ago

"You're deceptive" Ralph Wiggum voice

BallsEye3973d ago

My phone could do cloud computing, also my handwatch and a tv coz all it needs is internet connection to do so BUT IT WILL NEVER BE DOING CLOUD COMPUTING. Why? Because it requires a huge server power, amazing software and to be designed for it from scratch to be able to fully use it. Eventho PS4 is a preffered system it will not have cloud abilities like XBOX ONE do and you are a sheep if you get fooled so easily by few well written words.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3972d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3974d ago

They are talking about cloud computing but really not pushing it like MS.

Enemy3974d ago

Lol they'll push it when they need to. Sony already has the most powerful console ever created. It's the last thing they care about right now.

Skips3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Pretty much. 50% MORE RAW POWER.

7GB of much faster and efficient RAM used for games compared to only 5GB of slower and less efficient RAM for games.

Not only that.

But stack the MAJOR power gap on top of Sony's 1st party devs such as SSM and Naughty Dog who push each game to the max and probably have more talent than most of Microsoft's 1st party combined.


jmc88883974d ago

Actually it could be higher.

Remember folks 1.8 vs 1.2 is 50 percent greater.

If they downclock it....

1.8 vs 0.8 = 125 percent more raw power.

So depending on what they actually release...and remember time is now a factor as well, the PS4 it seems will be between 50 and 125 percent more powerful.

imt5583974d ago


Yes, they did downclock the GPU. You know why? Because they play XO games on PC at E3. They didn't have XO ready for E3.

a_bro3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

they paid $400 million for Gaikai for a reason, and it wasnt only for just streaming.

at the end of the day, this cloud computing stuff is just is all BS..

Enemy3974d ago

We've seen a couple developers call out Microsoft on it already. I can't help but crack up whenever I see them bring up "cloud computing" because they don't even know what it really means, lol.

Heartnet3974d ago

Cloud is basically the future tbh... Shifting some of the games reliance on the system to servers and allowing the developers to update things in real time is just crazy and a whole new experience..

Sony is still stuck in the past and they need to focus on more than just streaming games via gaikai cause as with OnLive that will fail...

a_bro3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

As I said, there's a reason why they paid $400 million for gaikai alone, and it isn't just to stream games, it goes far beyond that.

That's why multiplayer is behind a paywall.

PS-Analog3974d ago

@ Heartnet
Streaming games has one huge benefit, play a demo of a game without a huge download. Play a demo in seconds not hours.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3974d ago
Qrphe3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

"but really not pushing it like MS"

Thank god

Blackdeath_6633974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

what has MS pushed they talk about all this cloud computing nonsense but didn't give a single example of it. sony atleast has gaikai and clearly stated what it will be used for i.e you can stream your games via the cloud. the only example they showed was drivatar in forza 5 but that is nothing new the idea of having a ghost AI that replicates your movements has existed for a long time tekken on psp had a system where you can record your movements and upload your ghost so that it can fight against other people you were also able to share and download and fight against other peoples ghosts. that game did not require the cloud there are whole forums set up to share other people's ghosts so to me drivatar is nothing new almost a complete rip-off

SniperControl3974d ago

Driveatar! That cracks me up. Lol. Driveatar........

DEEBO3974d ago

lol dude the man knows what he's talking about.how hard is it to understand that MS put all their chips with kinect,sony went with a more powerful system.just enjoy what the xbox has to offer for you.if you want the stronger system go with the ps4,it's that simple.if theres some xbox1 games you want to play,buy the xbox.

rageus3974d ago

I don't think you're allowed to be reasonable or rational on the internet.

jmc88883974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

What's reasonable about forgetting about the DRM and spying?

I'd say forgetting about that is unreasonable and irrational.

Acting like they don't matter, don't exist, or won't affect you is entirely incorrect and doesn't shield you.

Xbox One is going to be a big hacker target. People do have spotty or no internet access. People do have data caps. Kinect 2 will exploit you, just will it be big or small. Bombarding you with ads or making your insurance cost more, ratting you out to school/employment, etc.

And if the gov't wants it, they'll get it, and share it with everyone. Audio/video too.

Anyone that ignores that is by definition not being rational or reasonable.

BallsEye3973d ago



I bet you got that facebook account with all your info and your relatives info...timeline of your whole damn life and twitter account to let everyone know when you make a sandwich.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3973d ago
Belking3974d ago

If they can ever get it working...lol

HammadTheBeast3974d ago

Well, Gaikai has proven itself much more than "300 k servers".

Drekken3974d ago

Yeah, they paid all that money for a service that doesn't work.

The extended time is to get a huge library from psx, ps2, and ps3 games. Plus it needs to be fully integrated into the Sony servers.

Qrphe3974d ago

Gaikai holds the Guiness World Record for fastest streaming gaming service. I'd say MS really has taken up a challenge lol

Machiavellian3974d ago

MS Azure platform runs whole companies, Its Pixar rendering farm for those great looking movies you enjoy. I believe Sony has a long way to go before they are even considered in the space where MS is at. MS cloud platform competes with Amazon and Google, Sony isn't even considered a player.

Stream a game like a movie is no different then Netflix streaming a movie.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3974d ago
TheFallenAngel3974d ago

I thought this was said since they announced it? Sony just doesn't say it for 30 minutes. Xbone is going to be in trouble.

Belking3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Sony doesn't have any cloud computing built into their console and Gaikai isn't cloud computing. It's just a cloud based streaming service. MS Azure is something totally different built from the ground up. No dev has come out and said anything about PS4 titles utilizing cloud computing. Sony isn't a technology company. That the reason why they had to buy gaikai because they know it would take them many years to build their own streaming service.

AznGaara3974d ago

You're still streaming something to your console its still the same concept. Why can't you wrap our head around that? It's actually more impressive to be able to stream full games to the console than it is to stream bits of AI or physics. Also "Sony isnt technology company" please... stop... please.

Belking3974d ago

"It's actually more impressive to be able to stream full games to the console than it is to stream bits of AI or physics"

Sorry buddy, but you're wrong on that one. Streaming a game is similar to streaming a movie in which is already done by Netfix, smart tv and others. Cloud computing is not the same. And no sony isn't a technology company. They are entertainment/electronics company. if they are technology then explain why they had to buy Gaikai to provide streaming? It's because that is not their area.

Heartnet3974d ago

It may look more impressive but the results from what ive seen are less than satisfactory... unless ur runnning a lag free high speed internet connection with alot of bandwidth it offers no advantages.

However cloud computing offers alot more choice and ease of use for teh develoepr and by the sounds of it opens alot more oppurtunites for a more immperssive experience

one2thr3974d ago


Dude Sony is to Hardware, as Microsoft is to Software...

Dont be one of those folks that say "Microsoft makes/manufacture computers", or "Made the first computer"...

When they're not, they make the Software (Windows) that does onto the hardware (computers) Dell,Hp,toshiba, etc =/= Microsoft...

Sony makes laptops, with Windows on them... Do you get the picture?

4me23974d ago

There is a huge difference between streaming a movie and a game. I hope you know that a movie is passive form entertainment, it doesn't change its context because you pressed pause, stop, ff..... once you go to your favorite part it is the same as it was yesterday, is now and will be tomorrow.
That's why you can buffer it.

Games, on other hand, have randomness to itself (even co called linear one), they depend on your input to generate output frame which is different each time you play. I think this why we play them and called them games, not movies. So does running a game in Gaikai/cloud require computation power?????

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3974d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Thank God this guy is telling the truth. Sony would have a massive task building up a cloud infrastructure. This may not be in Sony's budget. Microsoft & Samsung collaborated to build the worlds fastest and most efficient cloud server.

MysticStrummer3974d ago

"Sony doesn't have any cloud computing built into their console"

Neither does Microsoft. You're falling for marketing.

Belking3974d ago

"You're falling for marketing."

yea, kinda like those Toy Story graphics sony said we would get with the PS2...lol

Rainstorm813974d ago


Soooooo you're saying you know its marketing and you are still going to fall for it??


adorie3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Ignorance can be corrected through teaching, learning, but yours must be ignored for the earlier won't help you come to terms.

Microsoft isn't a software company.

Do you find something wrong with this sentence?

ginsunuva3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

If it has internet connection it can take computations from online.

How do you think websites work? Calculations are done on the server and the result sent to your computer.

The whole "cloud" word has been used recently to fool dumb people into thinking there's something new. Cloud = on a remote computer through the internet.

Heartnet3974d ago

Congratz. But still this is the first time being done on a home console. And its starting to offer more than just calculations lol

Sarobi3974d ago

"cloud computing built into their console"

This alone shows you have no idea how any of this stuff actually works.

Heartnet3974d ago

I know what your saying lol but what i think he means is that Gaikai is just another app whereas Cloud computing is built into everything MS does

MysticStrummer3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

"yea, kinda like those Toy Story graphics sony said we would get with the PS2...lol"

Except Sony never said that. Microsoft did.

Try again, little fella.

Belking3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Yes they did. Xbox wasn't even announced when they said that so nice try.....lol I don't blame you for denying it though. It was such rubbish crap....lol

SITH3974d ago

Actually sony said, "toy story." http://money.cnn.com/1999/0...

Microsoft said, "toy story 2."

MysticStrummer3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

@SITH - Read the CNN article you linked. That's not a quote from Sony.

@Belking - What difference does it make when it was said? Microsoft directly claimed to be delivering Toy Story graphics. Sony did not.

Google it. Sony said PS2 would deliver graphics comparable to "movie-quality 3D graphics in real time."

They never said Toy Story. Microsoft did, for 360 graphics.

MysticStrummer3974d ago

You're holding onto a myth with that PS2 Toy Story thing, so it's not surprising you'd hold onto the idea of the cloud.

Sony said this :

"The quality of the resulting screen image is comparable to
movie-quality 3D graphics in real time."

and journalists turned that into "Toy Story" and even "Jurassic Park".

KentBlake3974d ago

No, they're probably a grocery store.

Come on, stop with the nonsense.

grimmweisse3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Please explain to everyone here what cloud computing hardware is? Because its seems that you are clutching at straws at the moment making statements without backing anything up.

There is no magical hardware for it. The PS4, Xbox One and PC ( yes there are more powerful pcs compared to next gen consoles, before pc elitists rage)are running similar hardware and architecture. So whatever platform you thinking about, cloud based services can be utilitiezed but it doesn't mean they will use them.

And yes, gaikai is cloud computing, It's cloud streaming, you know computations done server side on cloud servers to stream the game data back to the user, tell me if I am wrong.

The same like cloud hosting services like Dropbox where you can host files on cloud servers. Just because MS built a super cloud service with Azure, doesn't mean all other cloud based services are not cloud services. Because it is what you're saying.

And the devs working on the PS4 probably don't need to utilise some cloud service for making their games because I reckon the hardware Sony provided is sufficient enough. If developers were clamouring for such services then it would of been implemented.

grimmweisse3974d ago

Are you backwards or something?

Sony has always been a technology company you tit! Just because they didn't produce their own cloud service doesn't mean they are not a technology company. For christ sakes they produce TVs, PCs&notebooks, mobiles&tablets, sound&audio, gaming, etc... products. What are those....tech products.

The Gaikai accusation was an investment and major companies do it. But I don't think you really know how such things work judging for your lack of reasoning. Samsung, arguably the biggest technological company in the world, INVESTED in Sharp to produce the new Igzo displays for their upcoming products. Does that make now make Samsung a non- technological entity!

But keep spouting your nonsense it provides the comment thread with some humour.

BallsEye3973d ago

90% of people here on N4G have NO IDEA what they are talking about. Gaikai is nothing like Azure. Biggest companies IN THE WORLD use azure for their cloud computing (hello pixar). It's like comparing an old nokia to a smartphone - HEY IT CAN MAKE CALLS SO IT's THE SAME! You guys go learn a little before you cheer to every sony pr stunt.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3973d ago
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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers9d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken8d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g8d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing8d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H98d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola8d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn6698d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle8d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg9d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos9d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola9d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

Read Full Story >>
ChasterMies29d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken29d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga29d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken29d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6429d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long29d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197229d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic29d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
DivineHand12529d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91329d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer29d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91328d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit28d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 28d ago
Christopher29d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6929d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit28d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher29d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken29d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197229d ago (Edited 29d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic29d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2329d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218329d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder29d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts29d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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