
An Update on Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Today Skybound Entertainment released the following statement: As of today, we have terminated our contract with Starbreeze Studios and will discontinue all efforts on OVERKILL’S THE WALKING DEAD.

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Traecy1922d ago

This game future isn't looking to bright.

Literal_Cringe1922d ago

No, that's because it's dead now.

This game only lives up to half its namesake "The dead".

william_cade1922d ago

One of the biggest let downs. I saw the trailer and got hyped. I saw the game-play and well it sucked.

Cmv381922d ago

Just make payday 3, that'll save your butts

Blu3_Berry1922d ago

Not surprised, the game was destined to fail the moment we saw the reveal gameplay. It was so disappointing after those amazing CG cut-scenes they made, and its clear that's where majority of the budget went to. What a shame how this game turned out as it had alot of potential.

1922d ago
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10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

Dhruva Interactive Releases Character Art For ‘Overkill’s The Walking Dead’

Overkill’s The Walking Dead is pretty much dead, in spite of Starbreeze’s intentions to try and make it work with Skybound. And in spite of the unfinished feel of the overall game, there are some things that need to be recognized.

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MasterChief36241910d ago

If I knew Steven Spielberg was going to be in it, I would have been more excited to try it out!


What Does Success Mean for Crackdown 3?

Matt, Brendan, Chris and James gather to discuss the biggest industry headlines of the past week on The GamesIndustry.biz Podcast,l.

Chief among them is the arrival of Crackdown 3 and the difficulty it presents in judging its success. Media reviews are mixed, its retail performance (in the UK, at least) has been poor, yet engagement on Xbox One seems to be high, thanks to Game Pass. Is this the first in a new type of release, where the metrics the industry has relied on in the past are ultimately meaningless?

Also discussed are the ongoing troubles of Starbreeze, with the poor performance of Overkill's The Walking Dead continuing to highlight the struggles the Swedish publisher faces. With the company now in a reconstruction period to avoid insolvency, what does the future look like for Starbreeze?

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ApocalypseShadow1925d ago (Edited 1925d ago )

You would hope it would be sales. Product performs well, you make another product. Possibly a sequel.

I don't know how "likes," "looks," and "twitter and mixer watchers" somehow make you money and a return on investment in it unless you are going to fill it with micro transactions, dlc, season passes and advertising. Translation: Gaas. And $2 for 2 months is like giving it away hoping for a long term investment on services that isn't guaranteed to be a success.

But that only works if you have a good product worth playing and coming back to. But media reviews aren't mixed. The majority have put it in the 60% range. That's not "mixed." The cake batter is bland and not representative of the large, sweet tasting wedding cake that was promised.

gamer78041924d ago

it can still succeed in the way Netflix shows succeed. The perform well on that service along and it helps keep subscription dollars coming in consistently.

Fluttershy771925d ago

I feel like with Xbox this gen we always have all these revolutionary measures and parameters to know if they were successful or not...
The game it's a success no matter what because it is on game pass, which is " a new way of deliver"...

Modern Graphics, Sound, level design, actual gameplay, just simple modern controls, are no longer important all that matters it's fun (which is no longer subjective... no! it has become a new objective parameter
It doesn't matter that every single big release on the Xbox has review poorly... Critics! Right?
In any case all these games with bad reviews belong to the old cycle of Xbox Studios development; since E3 last year we know that MS acquire a lot of new studios that are making great games, that will also have great reviews... Hey you have to wait, but here's a trailer of Halo: you can see the Rhinos wrinkles.

The Xbox is successful because it sold millions (new standard practice is not to reveal your actual numbers... We are not hiding the numbers because they are bad, no! Is just that... We think that the... numbers of consoles you sell... no longer reflect if the console is successful or not )
No matter that Xbox lost their number one market to Sony (a market that was previously owned by far)... no matter that the Xbox almost doesn't exist in the rest of the world (because: Who cares about the World! Right?) no matter that the Switch comes like 3 years later and with a failure console on their backpack and still sells like hot cake and is catching up with what... We think... We think... are the Xb1 numbers.
Exclusive now also means "on PC"... The traditional concept of "exclusive to the console" that's just ridiculous!
Of course exclusivity always meant on PC too! Sometimes exclusivity also means... exclusive for like a little while... exclusive at launch, maybe 6 months, but then the rest could have the game if they want: But we had our 6 months! We'll always have Paris...
We want more players to enjoy our games... I mean I don't know who or why someone created this outrageous concept... is not that competition helped the industry in any way... Is not like it's forcing you to try to offer something better for your consumer. No! that's archaic. Competition is bad!
We prefer crossplay that's What all gamers really want. Shame on you Sony for not letting us reach out to your people!
Also in modern gaming exclusives are no longer important, Who cares about exclusives?! Who cares that you have some dormant franchises! Who wants to play Fable, Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake? When you have Crackdown and you can have fun!

Godmars2901924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Between it being offered on GamePass and MS not reporting actual and separate sale numbers, how is anyone outside of MS suppose to judge it or anything on Xbox?

IamTylerDurden11924d ago

If they spin Crackdown 3 as a success then how offensively bad does an Xbox game have to be in order to be deemed a failure?

ILostMyMind1924d ago

I know what Crackdown 3 means for success: nothing.

rainslacker1924d ago

I'm afraid we don't know the answer to this until MS defines what success is for the game. Usually they would have done that by now, but 9 days in, and nary a word. Hopefully in the next couple days, we'll get the official word from MS about why this game is successful, because the Xbox fan boys don't seem to be sure how to proceed in their spin on why this game is successful.

All I know, it's not a good sign when MS isn't saying anything.

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