
Even Photorealistic Visuals And A Profound Story Cannot Top Creative Gameplay

Haris from eXputer: "A good gameplay system can compensate for below-average narrative/visuals but the vice verse is rarely possible in video games."

isarai62d ago

LMAO 🤣 bro this is a dumb comparison, like comparing monster hunter to ninja gaiden

rlow162d ago

Not sure if you read the whole article but the two games shown above are briefly touched on. The article mentions many games and systems. Really driving the point of how important gameplay is. To me the question should be, does anyone really need to be told this? If you been a gamer for even a short bit, you already know gameplay is king.

H962d ago

I think yes they do, the age of handholding and going Hollywood have dominated the industry for a when now

S2Killinit61d ago

What does “going hollywood” mean? Are you saying if it has a good story, its going hollywood?

The whole point is that gameplay is necessary but that isn’t mutually exclusive from a good storyline.

H961d ago

Good story? 99% of Hollywood style games, which are cinematic games that have stories and dialogue that would work with the average Hollywood audience, have actually bad stories or unimpressive safe stories, to me it's the exact opposite those Hollywood stories are a low point in game storytelling!

Of Course they aren't mutually exclusive but when you want your game to be a movie instead most of the times you gonna create something that simply doesn't work in game format!

Armaggedon61d ago

What he means by going hollywood, is presentation. Games focused on presentation have been the meta for awhile now, ever since the last of us dropped. Games with exceptional gameplay have been the outlier

FinalFantasyFanatic60d ago

If you mean the hoard of cinematic games instead of diverse genres, I would agree with you. Hollywood itself is creatively bankrupt, It's a big surprise when something like Dune, Top Gun or Oppenheimer comes out and wows us.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 60d ago
jwillj2k461d ago

Everyone needs to be told this. Otherwise the gaming industry wouldn’t be fapping over stupid shit like ray tracing and reflective puddles.

DarXyde61d ago


When it comes to actually scoring games though, it's tricky. How much weight should narrative be afforded in reviews? Personally, I think it shouldn't be allowed to hurt a score because the gameplay could be phenomenal. On the other hand, a good story should be rewarded in reviews. Games like Quantic Dream titles rely pretty much entirely on narrative.

Different genres should take them into consideration on a case by case basis, but perhaps the best approach is to rate games on "motivation to keep playing". Whether the game is just fun or the narrative keeps you hooked.

No idea, but I do agree that I much prefer a fun game over a narrative masterpiece. You've got games that balance both beautifully like Naughty Dog titles. I play them and it feels like I'm immersing myself in a great book.

I broadly agree, but I will also say "it depends".

FinalFantasyFanatic60d ago

I'm sure there's leeway for personal tastes, personally I score story/characters pretty highly, I can make do with mediocre gameplay as long as I have a good story/characters, but I might struggle if I have good gameplay and not very good characters or story to go with it.

Sciurus_vulgaris62d ago

The Horizon Games have very stylized realistic graphics. They are not photorealistic, nor was photorealism a visual target for the series.

H962d ago

"A good gameplay system can compensate for below-average narrative/visuals but the vice verse is rarely possible in video games" on point, well done

MeteorPanda61d ago

Isn't horizens combat shoot arrow at part. basic button spam for melee with dodge?

Like the combat isnt why you play horizon, the graphics isnt why you play a hack and slash with customization in ronin either?

PitbullMonster61d ago

You can break down every game into simple gameplay loops. Isn't Elden Ring just dodge and attack? Isn't Helldivers2 just shoot? Isn't RDR2 just horse riding and shoot?

phoenixwing61d ago

completely agree. horizon has good gameplay actually and it's fun imo. also when it first came out it was quite a refreshing way to take down bosses when everything was an fps out there with bullet sponges and little else.

Armaggedon61d ago

Lmao. Good point. All of these games can broken down to a very fundamental level

nitus1061d ago

The best way to play HZD is to use sneek combat by laying out traps and luring the enemy into them. Personally I found the whistle to be much better than a rock and it is very easy to play the first few hours of HZD on the hardest level and not get attacked although that changes during the "proving".

As for shooting an arrow you have nine different types and three different types of bows. if you select and shoot the wrong arrow you are as good as dead if you are on the hardest difficulty. As an example say you are attacked by Glinthawks it is best to use a fire arrow not a more powerfull one. Of course you could fire a Corruption Arrow but they are useless against a corrupted machine.

Of course there are other weapon types you can use later in the game (eg. machine gun during the "proving") but you still have to be carefull.

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ZeekQuattro10d ago

Gotta get back to this. I took a break for a while.

H98d ago

I started this yesterday, it's like Ghost of Tsushima but with a actually fun combat, I don't like the Assassin's Creed world design in both tbh

EnViiDisnuCCa8d ago

Ain't nothing like ghost of tsushima rise of the ronin is way different from ghost

H98d ago

Same open world design which is the biggest chunk of the game, the biggest difference are the combats which is great and the souls style interconnected dungeons

Elda8d ago

I just beat the game & it does remind me of Ghost Of Tsushima. It has some Ghost Of Tsushima influences, though Rise OF The Ronin is its own game.

notachance8d ago

I had a blast with it, AC style open-world with Nioh gameplay, and the combat was way easier than their past title so you can actually chill while playing it and not raging all over the open world.

Demetrius8d ago

I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game, it felt like fromsoftware made it, it would be nice if most devs knew they don't have to copy souls game for success, cause most of every game that copies them I rarely hear about those titles again and people I've talked to rarely know about em, but they know of darksouls, elden ring, can't beat the originals, not saying ronin a bad game I'm just not into souls like games I like for devs to be creative and copy less, it's so many ideas games could use nowadays

Einhander19728d ago (Edited 8d ago )

"I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game."

You can change the difficulty and make it more like a hack and slash. It doesn't need to be a stressful playthrough.

Psychonaut858d ago

Good to see them continuing to support it, good game but definitely needed some love.


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purple10110d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10110d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO10d ago

The new update is so good...


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