
Rumor: Pokemon GO Makes $1.6 Million Per Day, Just on iOS, Just in USA

According to app revenue estimator ThinkGaming, Pokemon GO makes $1.6 million per day on the iOS store just in the USA. Although this number is unconfirmed, previously Tatsumi Kimishima, the President of Nintendo, has stated that online estimates for Miitomo have been pretty accurate. As a result, it is likely that these numbers are at least ballpark accurate as well.

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Maybay2884d ago

So now Nintendo will focus all their casual software efforts towards smarts phones, nice! ;)

-Foxtrot2884d ago

Then the same people who bought into this crap and have most likely stopped playing it after a few weeks will moan that Nintendo is not supporting hardcore gaming

This is going to be fun

naruga2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

^^damn exactly ... it s also a demo of Nintendo 's IPs unbelievable potential and appeal ..even crap with Pokemon name on are profitable....this is completely against Pokemon fans, as generally a common demand between fans is at last a proper open world quality RPG Pokemon game with current gen visuals ....this little crappy mobile game is just worsening things for fans who wait such a game even from Game boy era

jcnba282883d ago Show
-Foxtrot2883d ago Show
xMANB3ARP1G2883d ago

no they can not the casual crowd turned their backs on nintendo during gamecube if you wernt there then your not needed now thanks for ruing nintendo games fo the rest of us you jack asses.

The 10th Rider2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Ingress is actually a played by a lot of hardcore players. People take it crazy seriously. Just read the reddit about it.

Also, many other companies make video game tie-in apps to expand their profits and widen their IPs appeal, case in point: https://play.google.com/sto...

Yet, Nintendo does it and it's like the sky is falling down. I really doubt anyone is worried about Nintendo focusing on casuals with their console games after the stellar showing of Breath of the Wild at E3.

-Foxtrot2883d ago

The 10th Rider

Oh yeah bring Sony into this...well done.

Sony did an Uncharted game on mobile...so? They have plenty of hardcore game support and continue doing that unlike Nintendo where the support for the Wii U is dead in the water and god knows what the NX will be like.


Lol...are you just following the crowd and saw someone else say that about it....complete bullshit.

When I make an everyday comment you could see as standard or positive...no one bats an eye lid, yet the negative ones are constantly noted. Please...I'm a realist, not a sheep like the majority of gamers out there who only moan until it's too late to change anything.

The 10th Rider2883d ago

Lol, I also mentioned the stellar showing of Breath of the Wild at E3, which is hardly a casual game.

As of now, we don't know what they've got coming for NX. Your claims of them abandoning making serious console games for mobile is completely unfounded. As much as it stinks, of course there's not much more coming to Wii U because everything's been pushed to NX, so there's no point in raging about Nintendo abandoning hardcore gaming until we see what they've got coming, which won't be until the NX is revealed.

Sony was brought up because they made games for their popular franchises available on mobile to expand profits and IP awareness, just as Nintendo is trying to do. Yes, Sony is heavily supporting the PS4 still, but we don't know what Nintendo is planning until the NX is coming out, as said above.

gamerb62883d ago Show
fr0sty2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Nintendo finally takes one tiny baby step into the realm of being a third party developer, and look what happens. They always made better games than systems, the company should have gone this direction long ago.

NewMonday2883d ago

its a good thing if this convinces Nintendo to let go of hardware and just be the biggest game developers and publishers in the world

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2883d ago
Segata2884d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Nope. Just money to help publish Bayonetta 3 and Beyond Good and Evil 2 ;)

GrimmyReaper2883d ago

"and Beyond Good and Evil 2 ;)"

Just ... Just what? What does Beyond Good and Evil have to with any of this?
It's not Nintendo Exclusive and it's from Ubisoft

Monster_Tard2883d ago


It's rumored to be an NX exclusive funded by Nintendo.

Concertoine2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

I don't think Nintendo is publishing Pokemon Go. I see people walking around GLUED to their phone playing this all the damn time.

Segata2883d ago

But they do get money from it. They are one of three owners in the pokemon company.

pcz2883d ago

i personally think its a really smart app that utilises the pokemon franchise well, in the context of a phone app.

it gives the 'player' the experience of being a pokemon trainer, hunting for pokemon, in 'reality'.. i think its cool.

but of course there is a danger nintendo could be distracted by the popularity and start shifting their focus on more similar 'games', moving even further away from traditional gaming

susanto12282883d ago

Yep say goodbye to nintendo console games....but then again.....no wonder nintendo keeps getting called for kiddie games.

wonderfulmonkeyman2882d ago

Thanks for saying that.
By looking down your raised nose at Nintendo's games that way, it makes you a stand-out example of a Sony/Microsoft fan who would never give Nintendo money for games even if they went third party, and further supports the fact that going third party is a death trap for Nintendo that they should avoid at all costs.

At this point I might as well start a name list to keep track of all the people just like you that I run into on the internet on a daily basis.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2882d ago
italiangamer2884d ago

Holy shit, just on iOS and just in America. Holy shit again!!

uth112884d ago

Yeah but that number will decline quickly.. you know, they way it kills off its players and all... /s

BrandanT2884d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Pokemon definitely has a stronger and more lasting than miitomo. Miitomo was kinda boring in my opinion.

WeAreLegion2884d ago

Good news for Nintendo's future. And I'm enjoying it when it loads.

Fullmetalevolust2884d ago

Let Nintendo make that money so that it funds the NX proper, if that's how it works, lol. Not sure if the mobile division can fund console development.

oof462883d ago

All that money goes in the same place...the Scrooge McDuck vault. Cha-ching!

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