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Three Years Later - Why is PlayStation 4's [Lack of] Backwards Compatibility Still So Bad?

Exploring the frustration around the lack of retro games on PlayStation 4 and Sony's poor approach to Backwards Compatibility.

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ziggurcat2890d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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Adds nothing of value that hasn't been posted on N4G before
moegooner882890d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
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There is no backwards compatibility on PS4. Sony have even stated as much.
ziggurcat2890d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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More junk, and untrue journalism? i guess you only want real honest journalism if its pewdiepie? N4G your policing of the WB articles as given yourself a precedent, rubbish like this should now no be allowed
madmonkey012890d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
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Christopher2890d ago
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Community2890d ago
joeorc2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Here we freaking go again with this:

It's very freaking simple..unlike the previous xbox360 processing chip inside emulate the PS3 cell processor, and its CellBE token ring Bus, Sony already knows it is just not viable to do at this point because of costs involved to simulate at a price point cheap enough to do such at a price point low enough to be viable in this market.

With Microsoft, xbox360 processor it's far more viable to do such with the Xbox one , than it is for Sony with its PS3's chipset on the PS4.

All last cycle, oh the PS3 was lambasted for being $599.00, it was Memed, all I've seen on gamer forums last generation was lots of talk about the $599.00 price point, and snide back handed statements..oh I did not buy my new console to play old game's. Where are the new Gamez Sony..or PlayStation Has no Gamez, which continues even today..remasterstation, indie station..

Well , this remasterstation indie station is selling pretty well, due despite many seeming to want to claim it's selling based on slight power over its competition, or that it's games are over hyped and under delivered..

It's clear, that maybe it's selling better for more reasons than just backhanded compliment reasons.

The Cell processors EIB is 204GB/sec bandwidth alone , to get that in simulated mode would require a very compute heavy processing or add in the freaking CellBE into the PS4, both of which would increase the overall cost of the system.

The days of selling their PlayStation systems at a Loss are over.

Null2890d ago ShowReplies(15)
Corpser2890d ago

Whether it's technically possible or not has nothing to do with it, it's a business decision, don't tell me you think ps4 can't just emulate ps1

Bytor2890d ago

Where is the original Xbox emulation.

SmielmaN2890d ago

I just don't understand why it's a big deal to play old games. If I wanted to play PS3 games, I would put the disc in my PS3. I bought a PS4 to play new games. If they want to go back and "remaster" games for a double dip on the consumer then hey it's your money.

But I could care less about playing PS2 and PS1 games on my PS4.

Godmars2902890d ago

Its not technically possible, at least with physical games, because Sony didn't include a CD read on the PS4.

They could likely do software emulation and DDL since software emulation is what they did for the PS3.

UltimateMaster2890d ago

Still, I could put Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag PS3 edition and for 10$ I got the PS4 version as well.
The PS4 could easily read games from PS2 and PS3 discs.
Developers could get them out with a 10$ charge for the upgrade rather than a full 60$ Remastered or in most cases Re-release.
They're ways to get them accross the new platform if Sony were to spend time and effort.

Loktai2890d ago


The early ps3s I think did it in hardware? And later ones only worked for digital downloads? Is that right?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
-Foxtrot2890d ago

Yeah...but lets be honest the PS1 games should be on the store by now. At least half of them and we don't have one.

I want to download my games I bought on the PS3. For Europe it took us nearly an entire gen just to get Spyro and when we did the next year the PS4 was out.

It feels the same is going to happen again. We'll get the PS1 classics when the next gen is around the corner.

GrimmyReaper2890d ago

Fine but that still doesn't excuse the PS2 and PS1 bc.
It would be nice and should be possible. PS2 emulation works even on my shitty 5 year old laptop

Harkins17212890d ago

Again it was to keep costs down.

joeorc2890d ago

@GrimmyReaper27m ago
[Fine but that still doesn't excuse the PS2 and PS1 bc.
It would be nice and should be possible. PS2 emulation works even on my shitty 5 year old laptop]

Here is the thing, the emulation for PS1 & PS2 being able to be built on the PS4 is again not the problem. It's the License deals that have to be made so as Sony can do so..many of the IP rights to the PS1 & PS2 games do or does not belong to Sony..

That means Sony has to get permission to get them...not to mention a PS2 Emulation program made for the PS3 would not work on the PS4 base code thus rework the emulation program again!

Emulation on PC works because you or I as consumers do not need to get permission on each and every game...Sony on the other hand has no such luxury.

EddieNX 2890d ago

Here, have a like for successfully using the word lambasted.

pcz2890d ago

if nasa could send man to the moon in 1969, im sure playstation backwards compatibility in 2016 is achievable.

RememberThe3572890d ago

Yeah nasa also had post war American cash flow, of which no private company could hope to equal.

RJ920092890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Right they did that.... but how they get threw the van Allen radiation belts...? Also what about project fishbowl? Remember the game tell phone as a kid? Well that's history for you key word story... You drink to much cool aid(tap water);)

Imalwaysright2890d ago

"All last cycle, oh the PS3 was lambasted for being $599.00"

And what does that have to do with PS3 BC? At the time the PS2 chip cost $27 to produce and the PS3 was produced for $800 total.

joeorc2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Again, as I pointed out..trying to emulate the PS3 on the PS4 is just not feasible for with performance hits are going to be too great..

Do people not get the Design of the CellBE processor EIB is 204 GB/S..that Ring Token Bus is how the software data is moved in direct DMA transfers.. The PS4 does not have a 204GB/S ring Token Bus, nor the DMA of the ring Token connection of Rambus connection to in and out from I/O

And as for the CellBE being included into the PS4, would require a new design template and fabrication line to have done just for adding it in..

The cost for investment, and maintaining Backward compability on PlayStation with the licences costs , for Sony is far larger than that of Xbox..

There is a big difference between the two..many PS1 & PS2 games would need an emulation program, is again not the's the licences needed.

Imalwaysright2890d ago

Again... what? I said nothing about PS3 games being played on the PS4! I said nothing about licensing Ps1 and PS2 games on the PS4! What does your reply have anything to do with what I wrote?

destroyerz12890d ago

PS3 architecture was a nightmare for Sony. I'm still amazed how Rockstar Games did magic with GTA V.

Loktai2890d ago

Sony did many magical things with the cell... the reason that Rockstar did so well was they had years and years to make the game engine and optimize it while they created all the content, and since ps3 was it's biggest user base on the initial release they really wanted to focus on it. It runs very well on 360 also, just a general great job by the rockstar guys, AND IT'S FUN. Heh!

MoveTheGlow2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

You lost me at "remasterstation." I thought for a second that there was a Retron-esque PS3 indie console on the market! Sigh, that would be nice.

donwel2890d ago

Plus they'd have to look into some major cooling solutions, the cell could put out some serious heat.
I still have my PS3 phat and the fan on it sounds like a jet engine preparing for lift off.

ninjazfistz2890d ago

Lol. Wait til you try the ps4s fans out. I admit the original fat ps3 was loud but nothing compared to the ps4.

donwel2890d ago

@ninjazfistz Actually I think my PS4 is fairly quiet. That may be because I'm used to the PS3 ones though :)

DragonbornZ2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

How about you read the article instead of just the title next time? Lol. You started a false narrative in the comments.

The author knows all that. They touch on Sony's other solutions like PSNow and classics.

rainslacker2890d ago

Maybe the author of the title shouldn't ascribe the wrong concept to the subject matter he's trying to discuss, and then people may be willing to read it. If the title is flawed on basic principal, is there really any reason to read any further?

DragonbornZ2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

True. The article could've been titled better.

"If the title is flawed on basic principal, is there really any reason to read any further?"
I'm not sure. It's a well detailed article with a tired title. Sometimes maybe.

Usually there are at least a few who risk the click to inform others. I didn't see that, and the discussion took a huge turn away from the authors points, so I just wanted to let him/her know.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2890d ago

When was the PS4 ever backwards compatible?

PS Now is available on multiple devices, which means it's a game streaming service not backwards compatibility.

What a stupid article.

rlow12890d ago

Obvious you didn't read the article. Plus what about people that bought digital copies on their PS3? they get to pay for them all over again. If you have a nice big library of ps3 games and wanted to play them on the ps4 you can't.

kevnb2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

sony wouldnt do it even if it was easy. Last gen they removed ps2 bc on newer models even though hackers were able to re enable it on even slim ps3s through custom firmware. This gen, they are so far ahead sales wise and dont seem to be losing any steam by not offering bc... so why would they bother?

Chevalier2890d ago

You know Sony said that 1/3 of the PS4 owners are new to their systems. In reverse that means 2/3 of their customers owned PS3's more than likely. So why do people keep on harping on this subject? If people want to play PS3's to play those games they can on theirs. Did you think people bought their new system to play old games? Seriously you drop money on the new system to play new games and experiences that are unavailable on the previous gen. It seems one camp thinks playing old games is more important. I guess with so few new games throughout the year it would make sense. Love how Death and everyone here complaining are software engineers that know better than the actual ones and how easy it would be to implement. Got to love armchair engineers and developers.

Loktai2890d ago

Exactly... Sony never once promised it would play ps3 games, psnow and the ps2 classics are just gravy.

2890d ago
0to1002890d ago

there is a ps3 emuator for pc's, but needs work but it's definitely possible. Sony won't put money towards something that isn't profitable.

Loktai2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Now try playing a game smoothly on 1.6ghz PC with integrated graphics through that emulator.

Do you know the clock speed and number of cores in the ps3s cell Cpu? Read up. How do you think you'll emulate that on a 1.6ghz cpu... and name me one other instance where a higher clocked "out of order" processor is succeasfully, fully and smoothly emulated by a lower clocked CPU with a similar number of cores...the Xbox can do it because the 360 had only 3 cores to emulate and they are in-order execute cores... you can emulate it with 6 cores(1.6ghz or greater) as long as the game specific configuration is telling the cpu what to expect or acting as a hardware abstraction layer. Out of order 3.2ghz cell count can't be emulated at 1.6ghz.. however NEO may be able to. That remains to be seen.

JasonKCK2890d ago

Yet PC modders don't seem to have a problem with the cell, or the devs/pubs selling all those remasters on PS4. The cell is a tired argument and is not correct.

Xb1ps42890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Paragraph 1

Considering how in love the members of n4g members are about the PlayStation, are you implying that maybe ms has been the company about gamers? I get the implication that bcb isn't a big deal to many on here but considering that Sony has been at this console gaming so much longer yet they haven't considered bcb? Instead they considered psnow?!

Paragraph 2 just inforces my first response.

Paragraph 3.

Well think about it don't had it right at first with bcb yet they decided to take it out? Now why is that? Sony decided to go a completely different rout with its processor that didn't exactly blow the 360 away then decided to cut what made the PlayStation brand, it's games from last gen..

Remasterisation is Sony response to what it can't do bcb...

It's selling better because ps4 was what gamers are used to and it wax cheaper plain and simple, gamers are Avery fickle bunch and don't like much change unless it's a grand slam.

You last paragraph makes me ask and dhould make all of you ask, was Sony ps4truly about the gamers? Or did they just capitalize on something ms failed at presenting?!

conanlifts2890d ago

I agree about the ps3 aspects. But sony leaked ps2 compatibility, fans got excited, then they said it was ps2 enhanced versions and you need to pay. They should have done ps2 emulation as originally hinted at.

2890d ago
leoms2890d ago Show
SonyStyled2890d ago

I don't understand the fuss over lack of PS4 BC. But then again my PS3 can play every game on the PS1/PS2 so it's hard for me to care about the lack of BC on PS4

GregoryRasputin2890d ago

Whilst you are right in regards to PS3 games, your post has no bearing towards the article that is written, which talks more about PS1 games that we already own on PS3, the Cell is not needed for them.

Drithe2890d ago

Why? Because Sony is making money off the old games by selling them again. The ps4 is by FAR the worst of the Sony consoles.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
OC_MurphysLaw2890d ago

Sony chose to charge for BC and they have the hardware lead ..... there is zero chance they change that model. They do charge via PS Now because they can...and they will continue to do so.

_-EDMIX-_2890d ago

Playstation 4 doesn't have any backwards compatibility at all

you are not able to take a game that you have previously from another generation and have a compatible with the PlayStation for the actual definition of backwards compatibility so I have no idea what you or even the author is actually talking about as nothing the PlayStation 4 defines or constitutes backwards compatibility even slightly.

Loktai2890d ago

And it never ever claimed to... PSNOW is the closest and it's still not sold as backward compatability... it's actually not just a ps4 thing it also allows VITA to play for instance. All for one price if you happen to have multiple platforms

.. but seeing as its one of the only few things the xbox can claim it has (mind you still at a limited capacity 3 years after launch) that the PS4 doesn't people will beat that dead horse for all its worth.

Death2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

If there is no backwards compatibility possible, how do you think Sony is streaming all of those PS3 games? Do you think they have a bank of PS3's that fire up every time you want to play a PS3 game on PSNow? You are correct when you say there is no such thing as backwards compatibility on PS4. It is a feature Sony does not offer. They do however offer remasters, PSNow and are slowly offering up PS classics to be purchases again.

The interesting thing about all of this is Playstation fans brag about not being able to play their old games like it's somehow an advantage. It's not too much of a surprise that they also pretend having the option to play Xbox games on PC is a terrible thing. Backwards and forwards compatibility with the option to play on Microsoft's Xbox One or Microsoft's Windows 10 is a great feature to have.


PSNow has a subscription services that offers up a small selection of games for a monthly fee. To access all games on PSNow you will also have to pay above and beyond the sub fee. The service doesn't offer all games in the PS3 library, it is also limited.

DragonDDark2890d ago

Death: A streaming service is sooo different from BC

WelkinCole2890d ago

@Death. Now I know you absolutely don't know what you are talking about.

PSN Now is a RENTAL streaming service. You don't need to own a copy of the game to play it. YOU RENT IT!!.

BC is the ability to play existing games you OWN on your new hardware.

Two vastly different things.

Christopher2890d ago

***If there is no backwards compatibility possible, how do you think Sony is streaming all of those PS3 games?***

PCs with high-level CPUs in a cloud infrastructure. CPUs that are designed for fast processing and cell-based in design.

BC on PS4 is not possible. The CPU is not capable of handling both the in-game logic and the complex processing required to run an emulator shell that would be required to manage the PS3 coding for the cell processors.

TWB2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )


Yes, they literally made another hardware revision (or more like completely new hardware that is compatible with PS3 games but houses equivalent of 8 PS3s on one chip) to run and stream PS3 games for Gakai's streaming (PSNow)

I think this was even the original article I saw here at N4G reporting about it for the first time

rainslacker2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )


"If there is no backwards compatibility possible, how do you think Sony is streaming all of those PS3 games?"

Might have something to do with that custom PS3 hardware they use to run the servers for PSNow which is then STREAMED to a device which doesn't run it locally. You know....the same hardware, in a custom form factor, used to drive that segment of their service which has nothing to do with the device it's being played on.

Crazy to think I know...but my guess would be that since it's running on hardware akin to PS3's, that would be the most logical answer to your question.

Beyond that, they stream it over the internet. Will provide a link should you need it.

Hope that helps answer your question.

"Do you think they have a bank of PS3's that fire up every time you want to play a PS3 game on PSNow? "

Apparently so.

"The interesting thing about all of this is Playstation fans brag about not being able to play their old games like it's somehow an advantage"

Not sure if I'd call it bragging. More that we keep stating that it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Some do complain about it though. I'm not one of them, because it really isn't that big of a deal to me, and obviously not a big deal overall to the consumer.

Rest of your comment I'll consider a rant, because you're just playing the hypocrisy card using spurious anecdotal examples., but will say you're right in your @Loktai part there. Small selection though is kind of diminishing what is actually there....although limited is correct in context.

List of games available through a sub

rainslacker2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

The Cell Chip used a RISC core, and that in itself wouldn't be that difficult to emulate. RISC translates fairly well to CISC, but more is lost in the interpretation due to RISC actually being more complex on the hardware level, but nothing that can't be made up for given the processing differentials between the two systems. CISC doesn't translate as well to RISC, as it requires extra code, but it's possible given enough processing power to adapt to the RISC code which actually does more per cycle than CISC does.

However, the SPE's on the CELL chip are not easily emulated. In fact, the SPE's could process more data per cycle than the entire CPU's of the current systems in essence, no matter what translation they do, which would add more processing on top of that, the CPU simply couldn't keep up which would lead to choppy games(if they ran at all) as the game code waited for the CPU to process it's data. Best way to think of it is that the CPU would be trying to run like a GPU, processing data it's not actually designed to handle at such high quantities.

The SPE's worked on the same principal as GPU compute, except they existed within the CPU to do CPU tasks, but could also be controlled by the RSX(GPU) to give it added processing when necessary, and was often implemented after about the 3rd year or so of the PS3 generation. Probably the best way to think of it is as kind of a reverse GPU Compute principal, although GPU compute does now use many of the CELL principals to implement how it does such things.

The memory bus of the PS3 also allowed for burst mode transfers, which were higher than the peak theoretical bandwidth of the GDDR5 in the PS4. This means that in the PS4, any game that took advantage of such things would slow to a crawl...if not outright crash, when performing such tasks.

On the X1 side, outside the RISC processor, the actual setup of the system is fairly standard for a typical PC. EDRAM being about the only thing out of the ordinary, but more than compensated for with the ESRAM in the X1. All MS really has to do with their emulator is translate the RISC code to the CISC architecture, and as it stands, since the X1's chip is more powerful, it is able to compensate for the added instruction time.

On the GPU side, the GPU setup is also the same between the X1 and 360, so there really is no need for any kind of translation, as GCN allows for backward compatibility to older non-GCN architectures, and ultimately, processing functions have not been removed from new cards from GPU's since the 360 release, or if they have, the new cards have interpreters which can handle the code.

Edit @ Christopher and off topic.

Are you guys thinking of implementing a policy where the title(and hopefully description) has to reflect the actual content? This is the 2nd such article in a few days this was done.

I know the N4G policies say to use the title supplied by the article itself, but feel if this site sets a higher quality standard for it's postings, it will kind of force higher quality to be submitted or not be seen.

If so, that'd be great. Much better than saying what we as the community should believe or contextualize.:)

nitus102890d ago

You are quite right the PS4 does not have backwards compatibility but neither does the XB1.

All the XB1 can do is software emulation on selected XBox360 games, not hardware emulation which is required for true backwards compatibility.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
_-EDMIX-_2890d ago

Mind you charging for backwards compatibility would mean having a feature that you pay for that allow you to play a game you own in regards to putting the disk inside the system and having it work nothing like that exists on PlayStation 4, having a Game pre-release is not actually any form of backwards compatibility it's merely just having a game rerelease...

Mine's you PlayStation Now was never created for that purpose, it also exists on PlayStation 3 so what you're telling me is they created PlayStation Now for backwards compatibility of a platform that already natively plays the actual games? Ummmm maybe you better look up what backwards compatibility actually means.

joeorc2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

@ _-EDMIX-_


PlayStation Now is not Sony's Backward compability was made to expand PlayStation legacy gaming to things like smartTV's and smartphones and tablets along with small streaming box's or pretty much "smart processing" technology.

Because of how prolifically expanded smartchip technology has became.

Reason being is Sony had to adopt to such, because they make such chips themselves, invested into heavy SmartChip Advanced Operating systems for those chipset..Apple's iOS & Android OS .

And also

A)/smartTV's are the default Generic computer entertainment platform for the living room consoles are great for gaming, but moving forward smartTV's are going to be the default TV that manufacturers are going to build for their TV manufacturing. And game consoles are going to always need a TV or projector of some sort.

B)Many now see how the Smart technology is not just SmartTV's but your Home itself is being Augmented to be more smart centric enhanced designs from homes to apartments, to condominium's.

Sony is And has expanded "Legacy PlayStation gaming into SmartTV's , because it see's market viability instead of trying to concentrate on getting a PC under the TV.

OC_MurphysLaw2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

@EDMIX... PSNow is 100% the option for a PS4 owner to play PS3 games. Yes I do agree that PS Now was created during the PS3 era and was not intended to be a BC solution. However, that is the direction Sony has chosen to go in that ...if you want to play a PS3 game you may own or don't own and want to play it on your PS4... the only option you have to play that on PS4 is to pay for PS Now. Again, it wasn't the initial intention of the service but it is 100% their response and answer to any PS4 owner seeking to play PS3 games. You will pay to play regardless if you own the PS3 game on PS4 and there is zero pressure on them to change that model. .

Death2890d ago

Why does b/c have to be disc based? What if you own a digital copy of a game? Sony sold digital copies of PS2 classics on the PS3. These same games bought from Sony aren't b/c with the PS4 and need to be repurchased if you want to play them on the PS4.

I asked the question above, how do think Sony is streaming the PS3 games anyhow? Any chance you think they are being emulated on the Gaikai servers or do you think PSNow consists of a bunch of PS3 hooked up to the internets?

rainslacker2890d ago


Seems some of the contention exists around some people's pretty liberal interpretation of what BC actually is.

PSNow is in no way a BC solution, because it offers nothing that would be done with BC. Not one thing at all. No playing one's owned games and no digital replacement to accomadate those who own the game. One can't even use PSNow to play games they already own. In all ways, shapes, and forms, PSNow is it's own platform, where the games are only available on that platform. It's just that that platform isn't restricted to one device to consume the content.

Technically, MS doesn't even offer a BC feature. It offers a workable BC solution, run through emulation. It serves a similar purpose, but isn't actually the same, because it requires additional conditions to be able to play one's older games(publisher approval). It's an acceptable solution given the copyright and licensing considerations surrounding BC and emulation, thus most are willing to accept it as BC, but it's really just a solution, not a BC implementation.

Context is important to the discussion, but it would be nice if people would at least not stretch the actual meaning of the term to suit their arguments.

PSNow is the option for PS4 owners to play PS3 games on the PS4. That option requires a cost of entry. Doesn't matter if they have the software already, because their copy of the software wasn't licensed to play on the PSNow was licensed to play on the PS3 platform. The one people play on PSNow is the copy licensed to play on the PSNow platform wherever it's available.


Maybe go ask Sony that. I'd imagine licensing has something to do with it since as I've stated above, PSNow is it's own platform.

However, it would be something good to harass Sony about, instead of harassing the forum goers about if you actually care about it beyond the console war diatribe.

_-EDMIX-_2890d ago

@Dlacy- " PSNow is 100% the option for a PS4 owner to play PS3 games. "

Thats nice...who said it wasn't?

That still isn't what BC actually is.

Um...Skyrim "is 100% the option for a PS4 owner to play a PS3 game called Skyrim" that doesn't mean PS4 is BC, it merely means I've payed money to buy a PS4 version of Skyrim.

You've paid money to play streaming games on PS4 that are PS3 games. You are not playing YOUR PS3 games on PS4 ie bought PS3 games inserted in PS4.

You are confusing playing a PS2, PS3 etc game on PS4 with BC.

You can play Persona 3 and Persona 4 on PS3's that don't have PS2 BC if you buy them through PSN......that doesn't mean your PS3 is BC, it merely means you bought the ports on PS3. Just like you are paying for PSN Now on PS4...

That is not BC and I fail to get how you are using the term to even justify any of what you've posted. The term doesn't mean that."if you want to play a PS3 game you may own or don't own and want to play it on your PS4... the only option you have to play that on PS4 is to pay for PS Now"

or buy a PS3...

Mind you, couldn't you use this same reasonsing with remasters?

".if you want to play a PS3 game you may own or don't own and want to play it on your PS4... the only option you have to play that on PS4 is to pay for the remaster"

Sooooo would that not mean remasters are really BC to you? lol Oh so all platforms that have a remaster are BC?

LMFAO! The term doesn't mean that, as to all the disagrees you are getting. It is a WILD stretch that just doesn't make any sense. Even PC gamers don't have a proper PS3 emulator up.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
madmonkey012890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

PSNOW is not BC it never was and never will be. you can play PSNOW on samsung or sony tvs without any console in sight what sort of BC is that?

OC_MurphysLaw2890d ago

Its not that its true BC nor even designed with that in mind...its just the only option available to someone looking to play a PS3 game on their PS4. Sony has positioned the service as the option for those who want to play those back titles and don't own a PS3. Its the only option outside of buying a PS3.

oONinjavitiSOo2890d ago

@madmonkey01 don't worry dude. It's a F***ING dumb opinion piece written by morons that are trying to get clicks.....then the equally moronic comments come. Ignore these dumb articles and people. But to the people arguing about BC and streaming can you really not tell the difference?? Also why not play old games on old consoles unless you are a casual or a noob and sell your console each gen..... Personally I still have ever console I've owned since the early eighties. But since they don't have BC on ps4 it's sonys fault you can't play old games that were also never advertised as a feature? Wow! What a dumb argument/discussion.
Basically instead of being helpless crybabies be pro-active and find a way to play retro games instead of relying on a person or company to do it for you.

OldGuyStillGaming2890d ago

Not gonna happen.. I've lost count the amount of times they've said its not possible because it's different architecture.
Although for me it's a nice feature to have, I'm happy having it on my X1 only because I never had a 360 so I'm able to play most 360 games I missed out on.
So it wouldn't be a big deal to me if it ever did come to ps4 since I played everything I wanted on ps3... I know I'm not everyone but I'm just saying.

joeorc2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

It's not the fact it cannot be done, it's being able to do such at a cheap enough price point to make it viable.

Sorry , but Sony is not going to loose money on every PS4 now, when it's being sold for proft even on a hardware level..adding in software backwards compatibility is just not feasible right now due to performances processing hits trying to simulate the PS3's CellBE , never mind that EIB 204 GB/sec bandwidth would also have to be simulated ontop of the CellBE..

Now adding in a physical chip, having to redesign the mobo and production to a smaller nano meter scale would increase the costs even more..

Being able to do it is not the issue, it's being able to do such at a reasonable price point, the license agreements with IP holders asset costs involved deal..and than costs involved in Port processing, because those games were made for the PS3 chipset, not the PS4..anyway you cut it means further increase in costs.

That may mean less invested capital from the PlayStation subsidiaries being able to put more investment into building new games and it's for the PlayStation 4..

PlayStation is not a division of Sony, it's a Whole owned Subsidiary conglomerate.. That means it does not get the holding companies has to work within PlayStation conglomerate money for investment, while in the millions and in some case maybe even a couple of Billion here or there at one time..but not on hand all the time.

Sony is not going to do that, it's understandable, many would want this..but I understand the reasons why it's not.

Lon3wolf2890d ago

He didn't say it cannot be done, he said not going to happen, pretty much what you have been saying just not so verbose.

Jon_Targaryen2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Speak for yourself. Id pay whatever they charge for a BC capable console. Funny thing is, people will buy a new and more expensive console just for the 4K gimmick. But God forbid them addinh BC....

_-EDMIX-_2890d ago

Some of these articles need to stop getting approved as they're doing nothing more than trolling.

PlayStation 4 does not have any backwards compatibility whatsoever by the pure definition of what backwards compatibility actually is.

You are not able to put any game inside the PlayStation 4 from any previous generation and have it actually work on the platform.

Death2890d ago

It can't be done the same way Kinect couldn't be shut off with the flick of a switch. As long as there are EDMIX's on the internet saying it can't or shouldn't be done, it won't happen. PS3 games are being emulated on the PSNow servers. Fans are content to spin it though so it's not considered a weakness. The bottom line is if you don't ask for it, it will never happen.

ShadowWolf7122890d ago

They're being run on dedicated servers made of PS3 hardware and streamed to users.

The actual game is being STREAMED. Nothing is being EMULATED, and certainly not natively, unless you actually believe those servers are made up of PS4's. They're DESIGNED to run PS3 games specifically.

It's why even TVs with no console at all can play PS Now games.

joeorc2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

What do you think those PSNow servers are composed of?

[PS3 games are being emulated on the PSNow servers. Fans are content to spin it though so it's not considered a weakness.]

They are? Because those servers are infact custom PS3''s not emulation , it's streaming the games..-> to..not being Emulated..

As I pointed out before Emulation of PS3's without physical hardware for Sony would be expenditure being rather expensive via due to costs and Licences required that Sony would have to pay for.

As exactly as ShadowWolf712 stated.

Silly gameAr2890d ago

Could be because there are more important things to worry about then BC.

wars19862890d ago ShowReplies(7)
pcz2890d ago

yes, like where to store all your obsolete consoles

JackBNimble2890d ago

My wife and kids use my obsolete consoles while I use my ps4.

rainslacker2890d ago

All my "obsolete" consoles are connected to the TV in my game room and stored within a custom built cabinet so I can access them at any time. I currently have almost 30 consoles in there, and am looking at adding 3 more in the near future. All the games for those consoles take up about 600 square feet of my basement in 2 rooms I added in, with another 500 square feet for the game room/bar area, which was a custom renovation, and the other 400 square feet being a shop where I do my woodworking stuff...and about 40 square feet for general storage for things too big to put in the attic.

Since I like to play older games, I keep the means to do so. Full BC PS3 is really nice, as it keeps things consolidated, but certainly not a feature that I would consider to make or break the value of a newer system.

Loktai2890d ago

Unlike other last-Gen consoles ps3 continues to get exclusive releases and support in most regions but... meh you don't care what obsolete actually means anyway. It's not obsolete If you think playing those old games is so important .. is it. There is nothing wrong with backward compatibility but
If people are buying ps4s and xbones to play 3-11 year old games(or 21 if you include the ps1/2 and original xbox)... it would shock me.

nitus102890d ago

Well, I use my obsolete backwards compatible PS3 by connecting it's HDMI cable to the spare HDMI connector on my monitor.

I actually have the best of all worlds a high-end PC with fast switching between my PS3 or my PS4. Actually, my PS4 and PS3 combined are still smaller than my PC case. Also if I wish to connect my PS3 or PS4 to my HDTV it takes me less than a minute to make the switch and the result is still ascetically pleasing.

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FFXIV's Director Responds To Final Fantasy IX Remake Speculation, Clarifies Upcoming Studio Projects

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida has responded to speculation regarding his involvement with the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake.

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Michiel198937m ago

had stated that the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake is real and that it will retain the classic turn-based combat seen in the original.

I hope this is true, that's what I want from a remake. FF7R is actually really good, but not what I was looking for from the remake.

DivineHand1252m ago

I can't wait for it to be revealed and I am hoping it will not be episodic or simply a remaster.


Madden NFL 25 New Gameplay Features for PS5, Xbox Series and PC Revealed, Closed Beta Kicks Off

EA has revealed the Madden NFL 25 new gameplay features incoming for the PS5, Xbox Series and PC versions, as the closed beta kicks off today.

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GamerRN13h ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken12h ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.

GamerRN11h ago

Because there is no competition

just_looken7h ago


There was a CFL game to be tossed out crashed and burned but there is other football games just none are official nfl stuff.

CobraKai56m ago

NFL Gameday and NFL 2K really pushed Madden to be better

badboyz0916m ago(Edited 13m ago)

NFL gamers need to boycott which is very easy with the social media age we live in until than no. EA has a monopoly you want a better product to end the monopoly. get on twitter trending daily to the NFL.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Needs 60FPS Update Before GTA 6 Arrives

Bawal from Tech4Gamers writes "Red Dead Redemption 2 is still incredibly popular today, and it's a shame it hasn't received a 60FPS upgrade for consoles yet."

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ocelot071d 14h ago

Kind of wonder why they can't release a patch for 60fps. I don't expect a native ps5 just a patch to allow the original PS4 version run at 60 on ps5. They did it for the red dead redemption remaster.

Cacabunga22h ago

I just got the platinum a few weeks ago.. I would replay the whole main story in 60FPS if this happens.

ocelot0720h ago

I tried forcing my self to play it on ps5 recently and the 30fps killed it for me I just can't do it.

Played the pc online version and it was just a joy playing it at 1440p 80+ FPS.

Amplitude1h ago

They could. There are 60fps mods for hacked PS5s. They're just waiting for the same reason they're waiting to release Red Dead 1 on PC - staggered hype

isarai1d 5h ago

It needs far more than 60fps, better resolution, fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p, fix the input lag, and fix the wack HDR implementation.

sagapo1d 4h ago

Yeah, the HDR is terrible, made me wonder why the dev’s even bothered.

isarai1d 1h ago

The fact that they've been called out on it by several sources and still haven't done a thing. It's just ridiculous

anast1d 3h ago

The game looks great on my PS5 and PC monitor. You might need to update your gear.

isarai1d 1h ago

Everything i said is proven, documented and demonstrated by several sources including Digital Foundry. I have a $3k 4k lg OLED, and ive been professionally calibrating displays for over a decade. It aint me or my equipment

anast1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

It's too far away from trash. It looks great on my setup. It has to be your equipment or your perception or you enjoy being hyperbolic.

isarai1d ago


Learn to read, you're talking in circles.

anast1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

This is a common trend with you. You seem to not understand the words you are typing. But unlike you, I am not gifted enough to make judgments on the level of your literacy.

"Fix the trash" is being hyperbolic. At least, now we know what the problem is. It's not your equipment or Digital Foundry skewing your perception.

isarai1d ago

You seem to not understand how to read an entire sentence which seems to be the common trend with you. How about you quote the entire statement. "Fix the treash checkerboard rendering" which, yeah if it makes 1440p look worse than 1080p it's somehow not just failing to do it's only job, but actually making things worse. It would be better off thrown trash. Hell even Digital Foundry reccomends forcing a 1080p output over 1440p for a clearer image, and even just made a new video like a week ago bringing up that problematic soft checkerboard rendering again.

All of which you can gather by my very first response to you, that you somehow respond to, but don't actually comprehend. It's like if i told you "hey here's $5 for you a coffee" you would respond "ok but i need a coffee and don't have any money" you ask the question to the answers you're currently replying to, can you not read? Do you not know how to fact check? Do search bars, google, and YouTube not exist for you? Figure it out, you're a whole ass human im not going to walk you through how to use your own damn brain.

sagapo23h ago

Anast, I’ve played Red Dead on my LG oled, it looked better with HDR turned off. The fact however that Gran Turismo in HDR looks superb on the same screen pretty much says it all. HDR in Red Dead is broken.

ocelot071h ago

Sorry but compared to pc even at 1080p on pc it looks like someone has rubbed vaseline on the console versions. Only time only time it looks really good on consoles is during cut scenes.

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Rutaprkl1d 4h ago

Rockstar's gonna do jack s*** about it

Profchaos1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

I've been waiting for this since getting my ps5 I don't think it's a big ask the game sold 32 million copies plus.

There's already homebrew out there to achieve this on modded consoles.

Knowing Rockstar they probably want to release a native version but will delay it over and over like GTA v which didn't need a native port tbh a 60fps patch would of been fine.

I predict however were more likely to get GTA IV remastering ported to PS4/5/switch same as rdr

PhillyDonJawn1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Heck ya Game of the generation

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