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Unlike Sony, Microsoft [Is] In A Better Position To Take More Risks With The Xbox Brand

"Now, however, Microsoft is a revitalized company, on the back of its services offerings, and Windows is rebounding from the failure of Windows 8 with the success of Windows 10. The Xbox business, meanwhile, has suffered at the hands of the PS4 in recent years- all of which is to say that the importance of Xbox to Microsoft overall has diminished, and it has started a lot to feel like its own thing again."

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As per the PewDiw Pie censorship, Citing good journalism as an excuse This sort of, inaccurate, clickbait should be removed.
madmonkey012991d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
this is pure clickbait.
ziggurcat2992d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
Maybe the writer should do more research before he makes such claims.
Rimeskeem2992d ago WhoDisagree(4)Agree(5)
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Christopher2991d ago
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Community2992d ago
SpaceRanger2993d ago

It doesn't matter how much MS makes from its other assets. No smart person, no matter how much money their company makes, would want to lose money in any division. If MS truly didn't care about not being profitable in the Xbox portion of their hardware, they wouldn't be trying as hard as they are to be competitive against other successful hardware.

"MS has billions, they could just buy out the developers or the licensing for the game". I'm 100% sure that MS will not and has not ever dumped any of its billions (made from actual profitable assets) for exclusives on its own hardware that is not profitable.

DrierofLeaves2993d ago

The article isn't about that at all, and it even addresses the point you are raising.
The article is simply saying that given Xbox's relative insignificance to Microsoft overall, compared to PlayStation's significance to Sony as a whole, Microsoft can go more nuts with Xbox than Sony can with the PS4. That's all. That's it.

Aloy-Boyfriend2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

And yet Sony has way more 1st party studios making games for it and investing pretty hard on them. Those AAA games ain't cheap to make. And let's not forgrt their 2nd party relationships making 1sr party content for them

Where are the 1st party studios Microsoft?

MS needs to take the risk with Scorpio to gain momentum and try to beat Sony with the PS4. On the Other hand, Sony is also taking the risk with Neo while investing a lot of money with all those AAA games they showed. They got less to worry about MS because they are on the lead, and yet they got PS VR which is a huge risk

If Sony was as doomed and poor as the haters say, how is it that the PlayStation division is so strong?

MS having other succesful assets is not helping Xbox at all. On the contrary, their Windows10 division is taking the games from Xbox. Sony struggling with their other business is not having any effect on PlayStation. So tell me Gamingbolt how gaming being significan/unsignificat to either company has anything to do at all with taking more risk? I would think that if gaming is not important to MS like you say, then they wouldn't be investing into it. However you have spun it into something that it isn't

darthv722993d ago

They both take risks. I think sony takes a bit more because, unlike their other products/services Sony is the holder of, the playstation is their most promising consumer oriented line. So they want to ensure it is getting as much funding and support as they can muster.

MS might not take the xbox (and gaming) as seriously as sony but to say they are in a better position to take risks is a bit misleading. Like kurata said below, no company likes to lose $$. MS has done many neat things in testing but their timing usually always gets overshadowed by another product that beats them to the punch. I can remember Gates demoing the original surface touch screen at a trade show long before there was such a thing as the ipad but it wasnt quite ready to be shrunk down (it was the size of a table after all) and when it was ready, the ipad had already become a huge hit.

Same with their zune media player. A great little unit (anyone who really used it would likely agree in comparison to the ipod) but it came out after the fact and trying to be an alternative to the ipod just doesnt work out. It didnt work out to the various number of portable media players from sony, creative labs, archos... the ipod was THE thing to have in spite of it also being a bit restrictive when compared to others on the market.

Consumers go where the popularity is because they feel if all these other people like it then I should too. With sony taking more risks than MS is why they are getting the PSVR and have secured various studios to provide content for their platform. I'm sure "Xbox" wants to take more risks but it is "MS" that pulls the strings. At least Sony is allowing Playstation to succeed (or fail) on its own merits. And it has been nothing but a success. Xbox should just concern itself with releasing some original games (like Sega had to do back in the day) to compete with the likes of ones that may be similar on other platforms.

That is where competing really comes into play, but unless MS realizes this then xbox will always be just a tertiary project for MS instead of primary or even secondary.

Silly gameAr2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

And, it's a gamingolt article, so it was made for hits. That's all. That's it.

If MS have more resources and were able to take more risk, then why haven't they throughout the xbox's life cycle? They've played it pretty safe until recently, when they decided to start the next gen earlier then usual.

DarXyde2992d ago

That's...very similar to what Space Ranger is talking about. The difference is he/she addresses significance as profitability. You're literally talking about the same thing with less concise phrasing.

But to address the points here, Microsoft actually can't go more nuts. You need to consider the operating costs of these companies in relation to revenue. I don't have those figures, but it goes without saying that, although Microsoft has more money to toss around, they technically can't. They need to make conscious decisions to keep investors happy. The same applies to Sony. Since PlayStation is very profitable for Sony, it makes great sense to invest there.

HOWEVER, in light of the recent merging of Windows and Xbox, they likely have a shared pool of funds which benefits both. In that regard, Microsoft is doing pretty well. But Sony's also just about finished putting resources into PSVR's R&D which was pretty substantial. All I can say is neither are in a bad position to make moves. How much they have at their disposal is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things because employees at both companies are unlikely to be paid the same, the staff is unlikely the same size, the revenue and operating costs differ, and they're both still pretty prolific as it is.

turdburgler10802992d ago

Correct. If Sony screws up the Playstation they will go bankrupt .

badz1492992d ago

"better position"? more like better financial backing!

Notellin2992d ago (Edited 2992d ago )

So what you're saying is because Sony needs PlayStation to be successful the ball is in Microsoft's hands to take risks?

If anything that means Sony is going to take more risks because they need PlayStation and the market to carry their business.

This article and the reasoning is just pure biased, opinionated trash. I'd say just by looking at things Sony has and is taking far more risks by releasing New IP's and creating it's own VR platform.

Regardless of how you feel about the console war and brand loyalty very few could argue Microsoft is taking more risks.

freshslicepizza2992d ago

"The article is simply saying that given Xbox's relative insignificance to Microsoft overall, compared to PlayStation's significance to Sony as a whole, Microsoft can go more nuts with Xbox than Sony can with the PS4."

this is true. all one has to do is look at how sony is addressing ps4 neo. they don't even want to talk about it yet we all know its coming. sony is so scared to make a mistake in their messaging that they need to analyze the reaction to project scorpio first. they also know they have to get the pricing right and be very clear they are not diving the ps4 userbase. their loyal fans are so vocal that sony is scared of doing anything that might get them some negative feedback which they cannot afford to have because so much is riding on the success of the ps4. the ps4 neo pricing and release date is likely to be announced very quickly before release as they also fear lost sales of those waiting.

sony was also last to announce pricing for vr because again they want to look like the mainstream hero's amd analyze what the others are doing first. that's why next e3 i would love sony to be first for once so thay cannot react.

LabRat2992d ago

Pretty much, but your on N4G, so tread softly.

Geoff9002992d ago

@XiKurapikaKurta Maybe MS is just waiting for their Scorpio, the current Xbox One isn't that powerful, so they need something with more humph behind it.

My honest opinion MS/Sony on the games department is neither are bringing out a lot of new games as much as prior gen, I think mostly because of sheer cost and time.

Both machines have a lot of 3rd party titles, and are heavily marketing them as their own exclusive games, I think we should wait a few years to see what devs are upto, this generation came too quickly and underpowered, and most devs are trying to do what they can with what they have got.

When their next consoles come to market their updated models, I think devs will have a lot more to show by then.

Godmars2902991d ago

The only problem with the line of thought that gaming is insignificant in regards to MS versus their other concerns, than that means they aren't applying the right kind of attention to it. Is the very reason why they failed in Japan and the 360 lost ground against the PS3.

thisismyaccount2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

"The article is simply saying that given Xbox's relative insignificance to Microsoft overall, compared to PlayStation's significance to Sony as a whole"

What the beans are you talking about? Sony is making around $70+ billions annually, of which close to 15 come from PlayStation (~21%). Microsoft makes about 90+ billions annually, of which $10.18 come from the Gaming and Computing Division (~11%). We don´t have any real Xbox only data (without the Computing part like Surface/W10 etc.) only MAUS.

If the other Sony division would make more, PS "significance" would be lower around Microsoft levels. It just shows that MS makes more blingbling with Windows than Xbox since inception. Dunno if true or if the 360 was already in decline from 2009 on but :

"In 2009, worldwide revenue of the XBox 360 totaled about a miserable 2.09 billion U.S. dollars."

Sony since 2008
Microsoft 2012 - 2015 (in case this page is locked behind paywall)

pyroxxx2991d ago

They went very nuts already,.. So nuts in fact, that the xbox brand is globally irrelevant.

freshslicepizza2991d ago


here are the top 100 companies in the world by market value. microsoft is #5, where is sony? if this was prior to 2005 they would be right up there but we all know since then sony has retracted in value and in size.

XisThatKid2991d ago

Your absolutely correct and this is my exact point between MS and Sony. MS has tried to sell Xbox a few times in the past one rumor was Amazon was interested in buying a couple years back. Sony RELIES on PlayStation . At one point or for a while it was 47% of companies revenue. There's much larger space for error on MS part if they need it. MS is going to continue broadening the horizon with Xbox scope with attempted business risks.

jb2272991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

"The article is simply saying that given Xbox's relative insignificance to Microsoft overall, compared to PlayStation's significance to Sony as a whole, Microsoft can go more nuts with Xbox than Sony can with the PS4. That's all. That's it."

...and there is a big difference between "can" & "will". Does anyone see MS as the biggest risk takers in the industry? Have they ever been hoisted w/ that title? The entire issue w/ Xbox is the lack of risks...they've focused in on the same handful of games for nearly 3 entire generations, and they are going back to the well to ideas like BC as ways to "innovate". Playstation just has a longer history of taking risks w/ games and functionality and they continue to hold that crown. Even now we see PSVR, the first & potentially only console VR solution on the market, along w/ huge new exclusive ip's like Horizon & ground up reimaginings of key franchises like God of War.

It's all MS can do to keep pushing out their big 4 (erm, now big 3 I guess after Fable got the ax) and picking up some timed or third party exclusives from time to time. I would give them the benefit of the doubt moving forward w/ relatively new brass in Phil Spencer, but he's already contradicted himself & flat out lied on multiple occasions in order to go back to the old business strategies. As Rise of the Tomb Raider was being released, he's claiming that he "Doesn't want to do any more timed deals" and that he "wants to own his games moving forward", only to announce less than a year later that MS will be pushing out yet another timed exclusive in DR4. This will be their modus operandi moving forward I assume, and it is the furthest thing from risky, I'd just call it cheap & reactionary.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2991d ago
Christopher2992d ago

***No smart person, no matter how much money their company makes, would want to lose money in any division.***

That's the thing, MS hasn't lost money. They've always walked away with a profit at the end of the day.

The question is how much of a profit margin as well as how important that area of investment is to the overall business plan.

To answer that: profit margins aren't high but the arena of video games and closed platforms leading to licensing profits is essential to Microsoft's long-term plans.

Windows 10 is something Microsoft wants to turn into the equivalent of Google Play and iTunes. They want to ensure people have access to it by making Windows 10 free for as long as possible. They then want to make sure that developing for a wide array of platforms is as easy as possible by creating and promoting DX12 development with UWP so that you can port games across various platforms (phone, tablet, PC tablet, PC, console) faster than before.

Goldfinger02992d ago

BINGO! +1 for intelligence

wsoutlaw872992d ago

Its not good for a company like ms to have a division that only makes some profits, the amount matters. The xbox ties up millions, so the profit margin has to be more than they would make just having the cash in simple investments. Ms, as you can see with their original xbox one + kinect reveal and release, want to own your living room and have that device you use every day.

yeahright22991d ago

Strange, you say something and get mostly agrees, goldfinger simply says that he agrees with you but he gets mostly disagrees. N4G community, I love you but you're weird sometimes.

yeahokwhatever2991d ago

"They've always walked away with a profit at the end of the day. " how many billions has the xbox brand lost to date? i know they had a couple of years in the black, after about 10 in the red.. are they still down over 6 billion? did they recoup some of that by recycling unused kinects? theres a reason many on the board aren't happy about the xbox brand, and its because its a money hole.

2991d ago
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2992d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

Sure because losing money💰is an option to any company... Right?

Sony takes a lot of risk as well. They got how many... 12 dev house under their umbrella? That's a lot of considering most, if not all, have over a hundred people working on each unlike MS who closed a handful of them. Sony still keeps pumping money to their gaming division despite the company hanging on a threat thanks to their electronic division. With PlayStation they got more reasons to push it even harder. It is not like they are gonna sink instantly for trying something. And yet, here they are getting into the VR market.

joeorc2993d ago

100% exactly !

how do people think a company that along with crazy Ken took a $3 million investment in 1993, into a asset worth in the billions!

Playstation again is not a "Division" of Sony..its a Held Asset!

The PlayStation as it's own corpus has its own Board of Directors, it does not just get access. To Sony the holding companies money, like Microsoft's xbox Division gets.

Xbox division does not have its own Board of Directors that are separate from Microsoft.

Sony's PlayStation on any its expenditure is always a Risk..reason because it's in Million's.. Yes Microsoft's own Xbox division can be floated by problem, but trying to imply Sony's PlayStation cannot take any risks, well it's ironic..because that's exactly what PlayStation always takes..all the time.


yeahokwhatever2991d ago

fun fact: playstation has to PAY for sony TVs in their offices.

joeorc2993d ago

Direct from the article: claim

[Compare this to Sony- as GamesIndustry rightly points out, the PlayStation is now instrumental to the future, and therefore success, and even survival, of the company. Games, network services, television, VR, media services, software ecosystem, media formats- PlayStation is the vehicle for it all. This means that Sony cannot afford to screw it up with the PlayStation at any point- since the PlayStation is the vehicle that the future of Sony itself rests on.]

Stop..just please Stop..
1st off Sony's Survival as a corporate corpus does not reside in PlayStation for Sony's future Survival.
2nd off PlayStation is the 5th profit generations Whole owned "Subsidiary"

Unlike Microsoft's Xbox [Division]
PlayStation is Not a [Division] of is a separate multiple Subsidiary Conglomerate!
With its own Board of Directors!
That is not the same thing as Microsoft's.
This is the 2nd time Gaming Bolt "opinion" pieces has been passed along on N4G as facts , when you would think those making claims would or should know more about how each companies corporate corpus is set up.

3rd the big claim again how Microsoft is this massive company..Sony employ over 130,000+ people at its company..PlayStation as a Subsidiary Conglomerate has less than 10,000 people employ at its Various world wide locations.

Market just a gauge for stock market to buy stock for cheaper..its based on "perceptions" on what rating agency's rate what a company's stock is worth..never mind the physical assets that the company own may in fact be worth billions in holdings.

Ironic thing is Dan Loeb who purchased 7% of Sony Stock was told to basically take a flying leap on his suggestion to put Sony's entertainment properties for Public forward..PlayStation stock is still private held, no publication c offer is still worth billions , and Dan Loeb and his hedge fund took to its tail between his legs , sold off his Sony Stock.

Microsoft's still trying to put a PC under the TV, "taking Risks"

While Sony just said..screw it..were going to take PlayStation in, to take over the TV itself..your game console still needs a screen to display it's content, well chances are in the near future..Sony's making sure that smart TV has PlayStation software and services. Already on the TV itself..

PlayStation Vue is as a subscription service is on
Smart TV's
PlayStation 3 & 4
Amazon fire player and stick
Google's chrome cast, Android OS Google play store.
Apple iPad, iPhone, soon for Apple TV

While Again Microsoft's still after 38+ years trying to get the PC to be the default entertainment box for the Living room.
While pretty much everyone else is just taking over the TV itself..

If I was a betting Man, the ones being able to take chances in the computer entertainment marker for the Living room will include Sony as well because as of right now, no matter how hard Microsoft's tried to get rid of Nintendo or Sony to supplement them as the main computer entertainment box in the Living room just not has planned out.

Sony now has monetized the Cable TV user for the PlayStation Subsidiary. Which brings even more money into Sony itself.

Silly gameAr2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

Seems like you should make your own gaming website and write articles. You do a better job at explaining then Gamingbolt, and it sounds like you're actually well informed and do actual research.

Rimeskeem2993d ago

I agree, I would rather read his articles than gamingbolts.

Goldfinger02992d ago

"Sony now has monetized the Cable TV user for the PlayStation Subsidiary. Which brings even more money into Sony itself."

Funny you would mention that as a positive, because when Microsoft mentioned TV the industry blasted them for talking about TV on an xbox. I remember reading the "Tv! Tv! Tv! comments on n4g" Now it's a good thing that Sony is offering a Television service on Playstation? I could have sworn Playstation community stated they bought a console to play games, not watch television smh.

Pongwater2992d ago (Edited 2992d ago )

I could have sworn MS got flack for introducing their new console more as a multimedia box than a gaming device, while Sony simply added multimedia functions to a device that was clearly gaming oriented.


OT - MS is in a position where they have to take more risks, and you better believe it's a risk to throw their millions of console fans using controllers up against the mouse and keyboard PC users in online games.

Goldfinger02992d ago


"millions of console fans using controllers up against the mouse and keyboard PC users in online games"

Phil already stated he wouldn't allow that disadvantage, that's common knowledge that a mouse will destroy anyone using a controller. Since we're discussing controllers, lets give MS props for offering their customers the option to customize any controller they want? Elite controller, or design lab. Wouldn't it be great if Sony offered such a service?


"Xbox fanboys still beating the dead horse?"

Hope you aren't referring to me as a fanboy of anything? I have a psnID, with vita platinum trophies and ps4 platinum trophies. I also have a steam ID with over 200 games, and an xbox live gamertag. But you wouldn't believe that considering you used the word "xbox fanboy", so you're obviously pro Sony anti MS/Nintendo lol

iceman062992d ago

The issue was the first impression. When gamers here about and see a new console, they pretty much expect games. However, the focus that MS chose (for that presentation at least) was focused on everything else. It just wasn't a good look at the time. Most people were well aware that it did, indeed, play games. But, the impression that was left (from that presentation) was that games weren't as important as pushing these other features. Otherwise, they would have been showcased. I heard and saw many diehard Xbox fans that were disappointed by that reveal and it's focus. It wasn't just a Playstation fan thing. (though it WAS part of the munitions used to flame the console wars)

IMO, people welcome features that can enhance the console. However, the games come first. PS3 initially took a lot of flak (mostly media) for their multimedia approach as well. People thought that the cost was driven up by that focus. (blu ray, every card reader imaginable, etc.) They even had games. At that point, it was a trust issue with pricing and the perception that Sony was arrogant for even suggesting such a high one. (even though they were taking huge hits per console)

yeahright22991d ago

Well the core issue there was MS screwed up their messaging. MS did mention that the games were going to show up at E3, and they did. Basically MS approached the reveal as a way to try and increase the size of the market that were interested in an X1 while not giving enough attention to gamers. Basically "TV" was just about all they talked about and fanboys on the other side smelled blood. Where as Playstation walked the line expertly when doing both, media and games. Basically people looked at MS and saw TV, they look at plasystation and saw games and TV as an option.

Also important to note is how they're doing it also works to Sony's advantage. MS was just doing a pass through. Basically your Kinect was a remote that used your voice and the xbox gave your directv or dish or whatever box a fresh new UI. And while that's nice and some people enjoy it, What Sony is doing is replacing that box. And with cord cutting fast becoming a viable option, PS vue was the better move.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2991d ago
thisismyaccount2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

Copy&Paste Own Comment/Reply from above:

Sony is making around $70+ billions annually, of which close to 15 come from PlayStation (~21%). Microsoft makes about 90+ billions annually, of which $10.18 come from the Gaming and Computing Division (~11%). We don´t have any real Xbox only data (without the Computing part like Surface/W10 etc.) only MAUS.

Sony since 2008
Microsoft 2012 - 2015 (in case this page is locked behind paywall)

yeahright22991d ago

It's thanks to comments like yours I can decide whether an article is worth clicking on or just click bait. Based on your own and some others, seems this was just written by someone rooting for xbox to try and get clicks.
Thanks joeorc, sorry you had to read through what sounds like a crappy article.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2991d ago
YinYangGaming2993d ago

If anything it seems Nadella isn't being as generous as Balmer was with the Xbox budget this gen but we must remember Sony are more reliant on PlayStation than Microsoft will ever be on Xbox, but as long as they both make money (PSA they're both currently profitable) then Sony and Microsoft are happy

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

Another "Sony is resting everything on Playstation" nonsensical article.

Anyone own a iPhone or Samsung Galaxy? Millions of people do and guess what? The diodes and image sensors in those phones are made by Sony...

Have you ever seen those ads for credit from Sony? That's because Sony is making a profit in international banking.

Ever heard of CAT scans, Xray machines, and other radiology equipment? Yep, Sony makes those and parts for them.

Sony also sells insurance, owns real estate, and has subsidiaries in every major market on the planet. Sony hasn't placed all of their eggs in one basket as the author claims, rather, Sony has merged elements of it's technological and entertainment business interests in order to form Sony Interactive Entertainment. Most of their divisions have always been profitable all except one, the electronics division. Sony kept manufacturing high end electronics that no one wanted, coupled with the global banking/financial crisis of 2008, Sony began losing money year after year until 2013, and losses were averted that year by selling off assets and getting rid of dead weight like Sony Online Entertainment and the Vaio laptop computer brand. A piece of advice to the next pseudo journalist who wants to write an article claiming Sony would be nothing without Playstation:


Kaneki-Ken2992d ago

Don't forget that Sony owns a part of Blu-ray which help create it along with other top companies.

MachuchalBrotha3162991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

Yes thats true, but Microsoft is also part of the Blu Ray association , granted they're not a co founder like Sony. But they are one of the companies in the board of directors for blu ray.

MachuchalBrotha3162991d ago

Dude MS has as much going on in the real world sector as Sony does. Stop making as Sony is the only company to have its hands on everything aside from gaming. Just like MS has contracts with medical, military, NASA, etc. And your friend mentions blu ray....well did you know MS owns one of the codecs used on it. Do some research as well and stop making it like MS doesnt do shit either.

And I really dont care, but it was just funny how you went bat crazy on all the amazing things Sony does aside from gaming yet dont bring anything up for MS.

And still even with so many Sony ventures, MS still takes in more money than Sony as a whole. And thats a fact not made up.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2991d ago

The article claims that Sony can't afford to take risks but everyone who has two eyes can see that Sony is taking all the risks while Microsoft sits back and rides the coat tails of others.

What has Microsoft put out this year that shows any form of risk taking? NOTHING. Meanwhile, Sony releases several exclusives with more to come and PSVR. The article just doesn't pass the snuff test buddy.

yeahokwhatever2991d ago

all of the ignorance related to sony is based off of a couple of years where they had very expensive TVs on the market and at the same time, Vizio mainstreamed cheap TVs that people tell themselves is just as good so Sony's TV market crashed for a couple years and sony felt it. I have a high-end Vizio as a second screen for my PC(i like what vizio did, i just dont pretend theyre amazing sets). Its nowhere near as good as my 5 year old Panasonic Plasma, and it shouldnt even be considered in the same device category as a proper high-end sony tv.

yeahokwhatever2991d ago

yep, and if you want to know what kind of camera iPhones will have in two years, just take a picture with an Xperia.

gangsta_red2991d ago (Edited 2991d ago )

"...all the risks while Microsoft sits back and rides the coat tails of others."

You pretty much proved MachuchalBrotha316 point. You went bat crazy explaining what you think Sony is doing but all the while never mentioning or acknowledging that MS has just as much investment in other areas besides gaming. Not to mention saying that MS is sitting back and riding coat tails just proves how you really don't have two eyes to see anything.

"What has Microsoft put out this year that shows any form of risk taking? NOTHING."

Really? So Sony putting out the sequels to the some of their most successful franchises this year and promoting them is more of a risk? Especially on one of the most successful console brand name on its fourth iteration?

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2990d ago

The article is making claims that have no basis in reality. Funny thing is you probably believe this nonsense that GamingBolt calls a story.

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Game Journalism is too corporate to trust

Game reviews have been around since the mid-1970s. Play Meter was the first of its kind. During their time, it was mainly coin-operated machines that were covered, as certain arcade games that many of us consider classics such as Space Invaders were popular. Other publications sprang up, such as Arcade Alley in 1979. From then on, gaming journalism was on the rise. Electronic Games Magazine, Famitsu, The Games Machine, Nintendo Power, and others all gave way to gaming journalism’s growing popularity and importance. In the beginning, gaming journalism was about the love of the games, the history of the product, and giving potential consumers genuine insight. The passion was there. The commitment was there. The insight was there. And most importantly, the trust was there.

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lodossrage1d 4h ago
jznrpg1d 3h ago

That and a bunch of haters have made gaming a big negative cesspool.

lodossrage1d 3h ago

True, that's almost as much of a problem as the gaming media itself

CrimsonIdol5h ago

There's a fair bit to hate about big corporate game companies

thorstein7h ago

They've become nothing more than corporate shills. Rather than speaking truth to power, they're just looking at the latest clickbait no matter how false it is.

The straight up lies are annoying. Then journalists claim that a lie is an opinion. Um... no.

Tacoboto6h agoShowReplies(1)
gold_drake7h ago

yea its been like this for years and only has gotten worse during covid.

they are sometimes worse than celeb. trash news ha.

"you will NOT believe what the DEV of XYZ said"

or and those are my favourites,

"XYZ game gets REMASTER TREATMENT" and you click on the link and its just a god damn mod ha.

Tacoboto5h ago

"XYZ Players are saying THIS about the new update!"

And the article is based on a single tweet from someone with an anime profile image

Profchaos6h ago

The gaming landscape today is full of corporations trying to suck as much money out of us as possible while giving us as little as possible in return that's the biggest problem I see right now and the fact the journos should be the ones calling the gross practices out now suckle at the teat of the publishers to stay in favour and maintain working relationships to avoid being blacklisted for reviews and preview events show their interests do not align with ours.

HankHill6h ago

Consume the new product and don't ask any questions.

Christopher4h ago

Always question change, always seek out facts.

victorMaje3h ago

Hey Chris, not sure if others have already suggested but here’s another idea for N4G, a website trust meter.
There used to be a way to click on the website of an article and downvote or something like that.
It can be like Steam’s rating, all time & recent.
Then the list of journalism website ratings accessible from a subdomain, jowebrat.n4g dot com :)

SimpleDad10m ago

@victorMaje No, this site user opinions? NO. This is not how it works my Victor. Trust meter??? LOL.

User reviews... this is what you have to look for, because games are made for users... not journalists.
Even if something is review bombed... there has to be a reason, something is wrong and you should hold on with your hard earned money.

Game sites are pushing... what they need to push, or want to push, or both.
Yes always seek out facts, right on Chris.


MechWarrior 5: Clans Preview - A narrative heavy sci-fi epic | TheSixthAxis

TSA writes: MechWarrior 5: Clans gives a new jumping on point for players looking to explore the stompy mech universae with a single-player story.

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World War Z: Aftermath's Free Extinction Update Adds New Mode, Mutators, and More

Available today on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 or PC, is the Extinction update for World War Z: Aftermath.

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