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The Surge Dev On Xbox Scorpio Price Concerns,Flexibility In Choosing Better FPS Or Resolution,& More

With the Xbox One Scorpio due out next year, it is an exciting time to be following the console gaming market, no matter which side of the divide you fall on- whether you're a customer or a developer o video games, the Scorpio is something that you want to keep your eyes on.

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ziggurcat2896d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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BossBattle2896d ago

No concerns for me. I don't expect the same level of mass production for the Scorpio as with the regular Xbox One. It's more for enthusiasts that don't mind paying for the best performance on consoles.

BlitzKing2896d ago

Gotta point but still this machine will sell. It won't matter. Still, either it's PC or Scorpio...hell even NEO the companies want your money!

BossBattle2896d ago

I'm definitely getting a Scorpio day one before it's hard to get my hands on one.

donthate2896d ago Show
ShowanW2896d ago (Edited 2896d ago )

Project Scorpio will be like Xbox Elite controller. aimed toward enthusiast, and early adopters.

Microsoft will only produce so many and gauge things from there...

donthate2896d ago

Surprisingly, MS sold over 1 million Xbox One Elite controllers!

That is one expensive controller that sold very well.

ShowanW2896d ago (Edited 2896d ago )

@donthate... That's the point... I purchased my Elite Controller as soon as it was showed at E3...
But you saw the same post that we all saw, numerous post that read something like "Too expensive" "Nobody is going to buy $150 controller" "Phil is teh stooooopid"... etc

Phil &team did not expect the demand for the Elite to be so astronomical...
I think he's going into Project Scorpio with the same mindset... Early adopters/enthusiast want the latest and greatest...

i honestly believe everyone wants a Project Scorpio, but I also realize that there is a ton of people (some my own family & friends) who are cautiously waiting on a price point...

I'm a gamer and a tech nerd (which is going to do me in one day) and if GOD's willing, I will have a Scorpio day one..

medman2896d ago

6 teraflops and 12gb of ram from a console? Sign me up.

RegorL2896d ago

$1000 ?

you gave no price limit... but seriously how much would you be willing to pay day one, $599 more/less?

medman2896d ago

Will pay. But the Scorpio has to deliver on what they promised, which to be honest I'm skeptical of. If it can legitimately run native 4k, even if it's locked to 30fps, I will buy....even better if Microsoft allows choice, so we can run 1440p@60fps all day if we choose.

If it has to upscale 4k, I will probably build out another pc....I'm still waiting for a single card 4k@60fps solution. Will see what the new Titan will do, no doubt it will hit that with ease, but for a heavy price.

Goldby2896d ago

the choice for how the power is used is decided by the devs, and in most cases it will be just resolution upgrades.
although games that support dynamic resolution to maintain higher frame rates are apparently going to be like gold for Scorpio, the game automatically prioritizes the 60fps and the extra power just brings up the resolution

jb2272895d ago

The ram hasn't been confirmed yet. The assumption is that it'll be 12 but it could end up being 8 w/ a bunch of eSRam for all we know.

Bottom line is we just have a lot of PR talk from MS. They haven't even built the box yet, so it's a little disingenuous to call it the "most powerful console ever" at this point when it doesn't even exist in any form.

Going by what this dev & others have said, they will still have to target the vanilla XBO & PS4 content wise, so the only options on third parties will be fps or resolution, and MS has already alluded to the idea that fps will be locked across the board for mp purposes. If they are shooting for a unified platform, they can't have a game running at 30 on XBO & 60 on Scorpio w/o giving a huge advantage over to Scorpio & PC. The most likely scenario is that Scorpio can only use that extra power for resolution purposes on any online content, unless it gets its own exclusives shared only w/ PC.

That's the catch 22 that there is no way around. The box won't sell based solely off of a resolution bump to 4k when most people don't have those televisions, so the only way to really move the box will be to give it the exclusive software that MS claims they won't do.

freshslicepizza2895d ago

"Bottom line is we just have a lot of PR talk from MS. They haven't even built the box yet, so it's a little disingenuous to call it the "most powerful console ever" at this point when it doesn't even exist in any form."

but it sure got your attention hasn't it? microsoft shook the hornets nest and so many including yourself can't stop commenting on it and why wouldn't it be the most powerful console when it releases? you think sega is coming back with the dreamcast 2? we all know sony is releasing ps4 neo earlier and we also know nintendo would never come out with a system that powerful for nx. they already said they are not about specs. seems to me you don't like the idea of the xbox getting such a huge boost or something because you seem awfully pessimistic about the whole thing yet can't ignore it.

"Going by what this dev & others have said, they will still have to target the vanilla XBO & PS4 content wise, so the only options on third parties will be fps or resolution, and MS has already alluded to the idea that fps will be locked across the board for mp purposes."

it will be the same case as the ps4 neo, it will have a power boost but will not ostracize itself from the other system.

"If they are shooting for a unified platform, they can't have a game running at 30 on XBO & 60 on Scorpio w/o giving a huge advantage over to Scorpio & PC. The most likely scenario is that Scorpio can only use that extra power for resolution purposes on any online content, unless it gets its own exclusives shared only w/ PC."

why do you have so many concerns and questions about scorpio yet not the same with ps4 neo? they are both designed to offer more power so your concersn wshould be shared with the ps4 neo as well.

"That's the catch 22 that there is no way around. The box won't sell based solely off of a resolution bump to 4k when most people don't have those televisions, so the only way to really move the box will be to give it the
exclusive software that MS claims they won't do."

why are you fabricating your own stories and not doing the same with the ps4 neo? both sony and microsoft have said they will not be alienating the new systems from the current ones. so either abide by what they have said instead of making up your own stories or just go away. you are not helping any discussion at all and seem more geared to driving the system off a cliff than any anticipation for it.

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deadfrag2896d ago

Framerate over Resolution any day please!1080p@60fps with all the bells over 4k@30fps any day!1080p@60fps should be the target until next generation better hardware.

JEECE2896d ago

So if Scorpio users have a better version of the game, should they have to play on different servers?

JackBNimble2896d ago

Why ? That's not how it works on pc. It's not a better version of the game , but better performance out of the hardware .

Movefasta19932896d ago

how many mp games this gen do not target 60?

JEECE2896d ago

Call it what you want; I'm asking if-since devs can use Scorpio (and presumably Neo) to improve framerate-halo 6 comes out and it's 60 FPS on Scorpio and 30 on vanilla Xbone, should the servers be separated to prevent Scorpio users from having an advantage?

Goldby2896d ago


scorpio wont increase frame rate, it wouldn't be fair to have someone in a mp game running at 30fps and someone with a scorpio running at 60 fps

jb2272895d ago

Exactly. That is where the "unified platform" idea falls apart. It essentially means w/ the introduction of Scorpio, either Scorpio will have to be gimped online & shackled by the standard XBO, or it means that XBO versions of games will suffer in terms of resolution in order to get them up to 60 for online play.

Framerates can be increased in terms of campaigns, but Scorpio will be shackled to XBO for as long as this initiative plays out, or until the inevitable day when Scorpio & PC start closing out XBO w/ their own exclusives, and those exclusives proliferate until XBO is barren, then we are right back to the idea of generations that MS claim they are "Beyond".

TheUndertaker852895d ago

No, why should it? PC doesn't and gaps there can be quite large. You've got some playing at 1080p/30, 1080/60, 120, choosing 4K over fps... Both resolution and fps can be quite different for each individual player.

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donthate2896d ago

I hope we get dynamic resolution with locked frame rate on all games moving forward. This will scale well regardless if it is Xbox One or Scorpio and give consistent experience.

Can't wait for my little monster.

JEECE2896d ago (Edited 2895d ago )

I can't wait until the games start coming out where Neo/Scorpio users have a demonstrable advantage in multiplayer matches because the game is running better than on the vanilla systems, and everyone finally realizes how stupid these upgraded systems are.

And yes, I know people play multiplayer on PC where hardware is unequal, but on PC you can alter settings to get a game to run better on a weaker system. Not to mention that equality of hardware is one of the major benefits for console play.

Naturally if Scorpio ends up being just the same performance but with 4k, this wont won't be a concern, so hopefully that is the direction they go.

slappy5082896d ago

Multiplayer games already run on 60fps on base models. They'll just run at a higher resolution on Neo/Scorpio which doesn't give an advantage just crisper graphics.

JEECE2896d ago

Not all of them. And the point of the article and some people's comments here is that it won't just be improvements in resolution, it could be frame rate. So the vanilla users could be playing at 30 fps with dips while Neo or Scorpio users have solid 60fps.

donthate2896d ago

Locked frame rate, dynamic resolution. Problem solved!

Bring on the monster!!!

JEECE2896d ago

So then you don't want Scorpio games to be able to improve FPS? You think it should just be a 4k machine?

Goldby2896d ago


What Donthate is saying is actually true.

Scorpio and Neo are made for 4k gaming. it will take the stanbdard Xbox one games and upscale the resolution. it wont touch frame rate, so if developers use dynamic resolution like in Halo 5, the game itself is putting priority on Framerate over resolution. it will always hit the 60fps even if it has to reduce trhe resolution to 900P. when the Scorpio comes out, added power lets them keep the 60fps but also lets them have more stable resolution as well, hitting 1080p or higher

JEECE2895d ago

You say that (and I hope donthate is right, as I think resolution should be the focus of these new machines) but this article is saying the opposite. Devs can up just the resolution, OR the can improve framerate. And if you look around the comments, that is what a lot of people apparently prefer.

This will probably be more of an issue with Neo (if it's rumored apecs are accurate), since it won't be able to do true 4k output, so framerate improvements are a more likely improvement.

You can say "dynamic resolution, problem solved" but that doesn't mean devs will go that direction.

JEECE2895d ago

Care to elaborate on that?

BrettAwesome2896d ago ShowReplies(1)
2896d ago Replies(1)
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Starfield Crossed 14M, to Get Annual Story DLC; Shattered Space Set on a Planet, Is Far Harbor-Sized

Starfield has crossed the 14 million player milestone and will get annual story expansions. Shattered Space takes place on a single planet.

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AsimLionheart2h ago

Looks like you are looking to start a players vs sales debate.

purple10148m ago

Il join

Here in the uk starfield is available for £12 in the bargain bins.

This doesn’t happen with Sony or Nintendo ‘s big first party games

Oh wait it isn’t first party, they were always going to have starfield anyway, they just brought the publisher and decided not to release on PlayStation

MrNinosan2h ago

14 million installs out of how many GamePass subscribers?
Starfield was supposed to be THE game of the generation, and providing it for free to over 25 million users should imo have a higher install base.

I like Starfield, even bought the game, but it's sadly nowhere near a game of the generation, not even one of the best games last year.

Hope it will make the same turn around as Cyberpunk, FFXIV and No Man Sky 👍

Armaggedon1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

The way people keep turning their attention to it says otherwise. People rely too much on statistics. It doesnt matter if people stopped playing it. People stop playing games

Terry_B1h ago

Guess the game might be good in 2 years.

Reaper22_1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Huge numbers. Congratulations to Microsoft and Bethesda.

ChasterMies21m ago

A $3 trillion company couldn’t do this without your support.

BeHunted14m ago

Sony will wish they had reached 14 million players with Concord

Cockney29m ago

That's a possible revenue of nearly a £billion if sales were your main target

ChasterMies7m ago

These numbers are difficult to parse without context. How do we compare nunbers played on Game Pass with actual sales of games like Skyrim and Cyberpunk 2077? A good start would be achievement data. If we know how many players kept playing past the first few missions, we would have a good idea of how many players considered the game a value addition for Game Pass.


Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Developer Interview - MMO, Switch and Demo

Ahead of Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown's release in September, Game Director, Guillaume Guinet spoke to Traxion. Covered is why it's an always-online MMO, the work that needs to be done between the demo and the release and plans for end-of-life.

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Sakurai Completes Final YouTube Video Amidst Next Super Smash Bros Game Rumors

Super Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai has finished recording his YouTube video series amidst rumors of a new entry in the series.

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ZeekQuattro1d 5h ago

New Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe.