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Red Dead Redemption's Success On XB1 Is Another Knock Against PS4's Lack of Backwards Compatibility

For a company that started this generation as vehemently anti consumer as Microsoft with the Xbox One, they are sure doing a whole lot of things the right way right now, things that are definitively in the ‘pro customer’ camp.

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glassgannon9093000d ago

id rather worry about the lack of new exclusives on xb1 myself....but thats just sure people are buying it in doves to play 360 games.

Nyxus3000d ago

Having backwards compatibility is certainly a nice feature, but the reason I bought the XB1 was to play new games.

poppinslops3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Inside and The Banner Saga 2 are pretty great, but yeah - we're currently right in the middle of the yearly 'drought' on all platforms, not just Xbox... 'Below' and 'Cuphead' are supposedly due out soon, but the only solid looking upcoming games with actual release dates are No Man's Sky and Deus Ex, neither of which will release until august.

Which is precisely why Red Dead's backwards-compatibility is doing so well... that, and it's one of the best games ever made.

Kingthrash3603000d ago

Yearly drought of xbox games?? Man name me 3 AAA games for the Xbox so far this year....
You got....quantum. ....then....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm.....that's it.
inside is a awsome game....short but very worth its price and I thoroughly enjoyed it.....*banner saga2 isn't a xbox game* but why would old games we've beaten already be a knock on the ps4?
I say the lack on xbo games force xbox players to replay 360 games is a knock at the xbo.
May as well had kept a 360. We play it's games more than anything

GottaBjimmyb3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

@king As I said below, how is MS releasing their exclusives mostly in the second half different from Sony releasing theirs mostly in the first half? It is probably the most poorly-thought arguest I have ever heard from fan boys of anything, but especially games.

Especially a poor argument when backwards compatibility is not a replacement for new games, it is an addition. People aren't playing last gen games because they have nothing else to play, they are playing because they like the games and already own them. Many times actually it is nice for those who can't afford new games, but have a lot of old ones, or even a few old ones that they like.

Basically your argument misses on every single front.

TheCommentator3000d ago

@king thrash

You're so right! I mean, MS makes me feel horrible by forcing me into a free service full of the best and most loved games of last generation by giving away two BC titles a month. I wish they had an overpriced streaming service, missing major features of the retail releases so I could make the choice to play them of my own accord. Remasters to repurchase would also be a great alternative to a free service that let's me play the games I own already, or get cheap from Gamestop preowned. What a bunch of bastards those guys at MS are!!!


RosweeSon3000d ago

Yeah exactly why I've not bought one... yet!! I will at some point but if I wanted to be nailing 360 games and nothing wrong with that there were some great games but I'd just get my 360 out of its box again I wouldn't go and buy a new system just to play the games from last gen I can already do that. Give me a console that I can already play games not on elsewhere. As its stands majority of stuff is better played elsewhere.
Inside looks pretty cool but a system seller? Sure it'll get a port like limbo at some point also.
Sunset overdrive and Quantum break are a couple I'm interested in got halo collection and rare replay, tomb raider I'll get on ps4 other than that Xbox really isn't doing it for me this gen but always check out all consoles just wasn't willing to go day one on Xbox or even year 1.
I'll grab an Xbox one S nail it for a few months and make a decision in new year once nailed those select amount of games as to wether it's worth me keeping it, a new yearly gears/halo/halo wars/forza/F-Horizon FIFA cod etc ain't gonna do it for me, let rare make a banjo 3 or something that resembles a proper game they can clearly do it rare replay is filled with them. Microsoft just suck on the games front 3rd party deals etc fine but there games line up is average at best this gen they haven't got all the big 3rd party exclusives this gen and it's hurting them hard.

thekhurg3000d ago

Exactly. Playing old games is fun sometimes, but when it's the only thing going for your console - you have a larger problem.

remixx1163000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )


But where your argument falls flat is that where you claim that Sony is launching all its games in the first half of the year.

Sony has
gravity rush 2,
the last guardian,
no man's sky,
gran turismo sport,
king of fighters 14,
etc etc all lined up for the second half of the year.

They had exclusives every month up until may and they begin again in August with the only "drought" months being June and July.

MS only had quantum break for the first half of the year and nothing else and now you guys are finally waiting for cuphead? The whole years been a drought on Xbox.

I do agree BC is a great thing with no negatives but don't try to poke a hole in kingthrash's statement using another false argument.

BattleAxe3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

@ Kingthrash

Where were Sony's exclusives last holiday season? Oh that's right....all they had were advertising rights to Black Ops 3, Star Wars Battlefront, and they had the Uncharted Remastered Trilogy. You people haven't got a clue!

This year so far, PlayStation has had Uncharted 4 and a Ratchet & Clank remake. And since we can't call games that also release on PC 'exclusives', then I guess Street Fighter 5 and The Witness don't really count, and lets not forget that No Man's Sky is also being released on PC, so that doesn't really count either.

ULTp0ltergeist3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Xbox does have exclusives. If you're the typical consumer gamer (majority) and you just enjoy playing games and consoles is the only convenient item you won't be playing any Xbox exclusives. At least that's how Microsoft sees it and has some relevancy to it.

Sony can only wish to increase their capacity for consumers without producing limited margin hardware just for it's customers to purchase it's exclusives. Considering this I have no doubt Microsoft going heavy on digital distribution we'll see more exclusives and new IPs than Sony will ever come close to.

Industry is maturing into the midlife cycle and there is a ton to be announced. Gamescom is around the corner, we might be revealed more.

DLConspiracy3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

So weird to me that people don't appreciate old games anymore. I own a pc that's more powerful than both my PS4 and my XB1 combined and I'll still play the original doom, wolfenstein, turok and many old games on it all the time. Exclusives are not the only games you can play on these consoles. Thats just a console war argument people use to act smug and elite to other gamers. Real gamers play games old, new, exclusive or not.

Regardless all the people in the comments are moving the goal post to make a consumer friendly practice look bad. A practice that people touted was worthless but now it's apparent that people like it and it's making money off 6 yr old games.

P_Bomb3000d ago

I was playing Yakuza 5 last holiday season and it was my second fave exclusive of the entire year, so...

antz11043000d ago

RDR still plays better than most games now, and even after 6 years it still looks beautiful.

morganfell3000d ago

If all that can be done is to attack a few months last year when Sony wasn't pushing out exclusives hand over fist then your argument amounts to zero. Maybe you should look at the lack of Xbox titles since the console hit the market, particularly this year. You ignore the vast drought of Xbox exclusives, a drought which will now be permanent. Its pretty bad when one of the few titles playable on the Xbox this year that isn't coming to the PC is a six year old game.

Red Dead eh? You have a game that is on the Xbox One that a vast number of gamers have played on two other platforms years ago and is now on three platforms. Then you have No Man's Sky, a game that is on two platforms and no one has yet to play. Attacking Sony for No Man's Sky invalidates this entire article, you realize that do you not? Gamingbolt is utterly absurd. I cannot wait for their "No Man's Sky Success On PS4 Is Another Knock Against Xbox One's Lack Of Titles" article.

The fact is there are too many new games out and coming, many of them real 100% Sony exclusives for me to worry about a game I beat years ago and still plays fine on my PS3. Maybe my house is bigger than I think since I still have room for a last gen console. And the current load of games I am playing is pre PSVR. That is really going to add to the pile.

Sony is now hitting their stride in game production for the PS4. True, real exclusive titles for the PS4 that run the gamut from smaller fun titles, to VR, to gigantic platform selling exclusives and no laughable jabs about a very few months last year when Sony brought major blockbusters to the table can make up for the fact the Xbox has had almost no exclusive titles this year - you know in the present. And now thanks to their brilliant insight and unequaled marketing strategy they will never have another exclusive first party title.

JackStraw3000d ago

reading all these salty xbot comments. you kids are so pathetic.

donthate3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Lots of salt is flowing due to BC, but that is a testament to great software design and great engineers that understands software. That is why you are seeing a consistent flow of new features monthly, and massive updates.

In the next 7-months Xbox One owners are getting

Gears 4
Forza Horizon 3
Sea of Thieves
Halo Wars 2

So yeah, plenty of quality games to play there and I'm ignoring games like Cuphead, We Happy Few, Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust and State of Decay 2.

XanderZane3000d ago

Yup and that's what I'm doing. Playing Inside, Ori and Blind Forest, The Banner Saga 2 and soon it will be Sea of Thieves, Recore, Cuphead, Below, Forza Horizon 3, Gears 4 and more. Having B/C for Red Dead Redemption, Beyond Good & Evil, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Saint's Row IV, Mirror's Edge, etc... is just the icing on the cake.

butchertroll3000d ago


You're so wrong about PS4 games for 2016. What a fail, man!

darthv723000d ago

BC is a very nice convenience. I personaly dont just play new games. I play old games and being able to minimize the connect / disconnect of multiple systems is a plus. Its why i generally just keep the ps3 hooked up (for ps3, ps2 and ps1 games), 360 (for 360 and xbox) and wiiu (wiiu and wii).

I honestly dont see games as being old or new i just see them as being games. Many of which i have beaten numerous times and still play them. Others i have started and never finished.

Having the ability to play more games from previous generations on a newer system is a convenience that should not be scoffed at. I would not say its a selling point but a convenience that i certainly make use of.

3xkrazy3000d ago

Exactly. I just can't wait until this gen is over so that we can get XBOX ONE and PS4 remasters next gen. Huge disappointment from both sides.

starchild3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

The inflated importance given to exclusives is tiresome. The reality is that they make up a tiny percentage of the overall games market. And the number of exclusives that will appeal to any one gamer is even smaller still.

I played Uncharted 4 a few months ago and before that I would have to go back around a year to when Bloodborne released to find another exclusive I enjoyed on my PS4. Oh, I guess there was also Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection about a half year before Uncharted 4, but those aren't really new games, as I played them all already on my PS3. (I just really enjoy the series and wanted the better framerates and enhanced graphics.) Now I have several more months of waiting until The Last Guardian releases.

This idea that either console is drowning in exclusives is just laughable. In reality, they are relatively few and far between. Especially if we are talking about the number that will appeal to any given gamer. Obviously nobody is going to magically love every exclusive that comes out any more than they would love every single multiplat.

IamTylerDurden13000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

3 years into the generation and a catalogue of spectacular current gen games, and ppl want to play old 360 games? Have u already played Bloodborne, Witcher, Uncharted, R&C, DOOM, MGSV, Ori, Transistor, Inside, Driveclub, Forza, Halo, Sunset, Infamous, Salt n Sanctuary, The Witness, Firewatch, Alienation, Dark Souls 3, Enter the Gungeon, LBP 3, Tearaway Unfolded, Fallout 4, Resogun, Tomb Raider, KI, SFV?

morganfell3000d ago

In the next 7-months Xbox One and PC owners are getting

Gears 4
Forza Horizon 3
Sea of Thieves
Halo Wars 2


nveenio2999d ago

I have two working PS3s. I don't need backward compatibility. If I want to play an old game on PS4, I'll get the remaster.

ULTp0ltergeist2999d ago


I have one console and I play not only my current favorite games but I also play old games on my profile, I love backwards compatibility. People wouldn't be saying that otherwise if they had such a feature available right?

TheTwelve2999d ago

I read this comment and decided I didn't have to read the other 391. Thanks and have a nice day!

morganfell2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

"MS had:
1st half - quantum break and inside
2nd half - forza horizon 3, gears 4, recore, and dead rising 4"

Try reposting that without multiplatform games. And if it is on a console and the PC it is multiplatform.

Avoiding previously used categories of X1 and PS4 in lieu of the terms MS and Sony to obfuscate the facts does not alter the truth of said facts.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 2999d ago
Relientk773000d ago

Exactly, playing last gen games, because no new games to play

Maybay3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Um.., what!?

Backward compatibility is something a lot of gamers want. The Wii U had it since day one, though missed out on third party support in general (which is why it floundered in sales). The Xbox one has support and it allows owners to go back and play their recent favorite games.

"But they have no games to play!" Pot calling kettle black? I always read comments on how people wish the PS4 and Vita were more backward compatibility friendly; why are you hyping up the Crash Bandicoot remake?

I'm all for opinions and having the right to voice them, though being bias and not acknowledging a "good thing for the gaming community," makes those not in favor, seem petty and envious (extremist fanboy traits).

GottaBjimmyb3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

I don't yet your point. They aren't removing games from production in lieu of backwards compatibility games, they are additional to that. So I don't see how you guys spin that to a negative... secondly.

MS had:
1st half - quantum break and inside
2nd half - forza horizon 3, gears 4, recore, and dead rising 4

Sony had:
1st half - SFV, mlb, the witness, and UC4.
EDIT: Also Ratchet and Clank
2nd half - the last guardian and no man's sky.
EDIT: Also Gran Turismo Sport

I realize there are a few eastern games and indies I may have missed on each side, and maybe one or two big ones that aren't coming to mind, but I hardly see how releasing all their games in first half is different from releasing them in the second half...

Do you think that PC owners only play old games like tf2, dota, skyrim, mine craft, etc because there are no new games? Or maybe because they like those games and bought them? The reality your comment comes off as not only childish, but uninformed.

@scw yup, forgot about it completely. It had almost no presence at E3 and won no awards, so slipped my mind. Added above.

@trouble sorry, I said I was probably off here or there. Going from memory. I played ratchet and clank PS4 and thought it was great, also I didn't leave GT off the list because it got no awards, I left it off because I forgot it. I forgot it because it had NO public presence at E3 at all, including awards.

@Brazz I am not including every single game you can find in a wiki that happens to be exclusive/console exclusive. If that were the case I would have to add about 3 indies each week, 4 free to play games and about 10 eastern or minor titles. I thought I was clear on that. Not to mention you are only addressing one part, of one argument. I made at least 4 other points which you ignored completely because it didn't fit the narrative.

sammarshall1023000d ago

I'm currently playing Halo 5, Witcher 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Killer Instinct, Alan Wake (BC) Red Dead (BC) Dead Space (BC)

SCW19823000d ago

You really are gonna leave Gran Turismo out of that list. Ha ha

Brazz3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

@GottaBjimmyb you have no clue about ps4 2016 games.

your 2016 list for x1 is rather complete, about 1/2 of all x1 exclusives games lauching 2016, but the thing is...
you are clueless about ps4 games. you even listed bloodborne in 2016 lineof games!!! your ps4 list doesn't have even 1/5 of all PS4 games coming.

A list of +30 games exclusives on ps4 in 2016, this list is inclomplete, there are more games on ps4 2016:

Gravity rush 2, hell blade, Last guardian, No man's sky, Ni-oh, the king of figthers XIV, guilty gears revelator, street figther V, world of final fantasy, the witness, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness, I'm setsuna, death gambit, uncharted 4, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Ratchet & Clank, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, MLB the show, Firewatch, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven,Assault Android Cactus, Valkyria Chronicles, Gravity Rush Remastered, Alienation, Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls Collection, Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, Megadimension Neptunia VII, Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book, Grand Kingdom, Salt and Sanctuary...

trouble_bubble3000d ago

Way to fail at list wars. Bloodborne was last year lol. You clearly don't PlayStation. Say you left off GT because it didn't win any awards? Bias much? It's not out yet! What awards did Gears win? Most disappointing beta?

Left off Ratchet and SFV because why not. Coulda included high scorers like Odin Sphere and Guilty Gear but didn't. Says Inside is first half when its second half. Calls someone else childish and uninformed. Wtf

remixx1163000d ago


Once again you show your ignorance.

Bloodborne launched last year.

The first half of 2016 for ps4 was
the witness
MLB the show
Ratchet and clank
Uncharted 4
Street.fighter 5.

Refer to my reply above for the second half of the year.

Don't try and make an argument comparing both consoles if you don't even know half of what released on the console you don't own.

MS is doing great with BC and the games are about to start rolling but don't act like sony has been skimpy this year when they have been knocking it out of the park.

Imalwaysright3000d ago

So why is Sony remastering PS2 games? Why did Sony remaster TloU, GOW III and the Uncharted games?

ONESHOTV23000d ago

Relientk77--- that's true even though my rig is more powerful than the ps4 and xone i still enjoy old games such as yakuza 3-5 i have dont so many play throughs i have lost count i dont know why some people on this site is saying playing old games is not fun or cool come on man take your head out of your a-s-- what would someone say if i said i love playing baldur's gate and torment diablo and many older games that came out before some of them were even born. i dont like this trend that's going on what do you think the highest selling game on your console is is it and exclusive or a third party ? some of these guys need to wake up exclusives are second to third party in sales most people buy console for third party games. that is one reason i build my pc i want the best out of the third party games that comes out exclusives are a second though and nothing more

rainslacker3000d ago

@Gotta, in your response to Brazz

I'm sorry. You seem like you want us to take you seriously. But when you say what you did in reply to Brazz, you openly admit to being very selective with your list criteria....even going so far as to say that those are the only games you could remember(thus not really showing you care for PS games to begin with), and that you are unwilling to actually do any research on the topic before discussing it authoritatively.

In lieu of the fact that your selective process leaves out more than 90% of the exclusives coming to PS4 this year, it's not hard to see why so many others are calling you out for a biased viewpoint.

@In response to the rest of your comment

You didn't miss a few eastern games, you missed all but one of them.

No one here thinks that gamers only play the newest games available, but realistically, Xbox owners seem to be diehard in their assertion that every single X1 owner is all about the BC and awesome new titles coming out, when MS own statistics on the service seem to indicate it's not quite as utilized as is promoted on these forums. But to figure that out, one would have to extrapolate information, and look at things in a broader scope, and lately, Xbox fan boys seem to be going off the deep end in their misinformed assumption. I think MS broke them to be honest, as I've seen more levels of stupid with the Scorpio announcement than should ever be considered normal....but that's another topic.

Some people like playing older games, or are happy to go back and play a game they enjoyed in the past, or try out a game they never got a chance to play. I mean, that's obviously the case, because remasters tend to sell well also, and BC runs on the same principal, except that some people may already own the software.. But Sony wasn't wrong when they said it was a feature that very few people use. MS comments on the topic, if extrapolated among their user base, would indicate only a small percentage use it, or they don't use it very long when they do use it.

Anyhow, you are right, MS isn't removing games from production to support BC as far as I can tell. There is no reason to criticize them on that. But like with Scorpio news, it's not the groundbreaking feature that will make X1 the go to console. It's a nice feature to have and some people will use it. Take it for what it is, and leave it at that.

3000d ago
Why o why3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )



Watch out for the 'doesn't interest me' derogatory comments that are used as a last resort by some when faced with facts they can't take.

Sonys release schedule isn't perfect but they rarely ever do gaps like ms have become accustomed to. I remember that people on this very site were lauding exclusives earlier this gen and the premise of a better or comparable output to sonys... I remember people championing what phil spencer was saying when he pretty much acknowledged what many knew and others were trying to ignore ...

Despite all that, BC is a noteworthy feature that I wished I had the option to use but claiming its 'another knock' is a tad dramatic especially when you look at the achievements of the consoles in question and the actual plus points that have created such a difference in sales and perception.. . .real knocks

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3000d ago

Funny how certain individuals are favoring buying last gen games just because it's backwards compatible, but mock a game if it gets remastered. What the hell is the difference?


Geoff9003000d ago

I think having BC, is a pretty good thing you pay hundreds of dollars for games why shouldn't you be able to play them on the next console you buy?

Before you state the usual, 'you can keep your old console' isn't that just a good thing for you as a gamer? Play your new games and past games on the same machine.

Utalkin2me3000d ago


They did for new Playstation owners, which are exclusive to the Playstation.

nitus103000d ago

While it nice to be able to play older games on occasion most gamers prefer to play newer games and the odd old game for nostalgia reasons.

Since the PS4 does not have backwards compatibility and most people who purchased a PS4 knew that. So many PS3 owners who purchased a PS4 and still wanted to play their old PS3 or PS1 games kept their PS3. Some still kept their backwards compatible PS3 which will play PS2 games as well.

Yes, backwards compatibility is a nice feature but for most gamer's it is not essential.

jrshankill3000d ago

Yet if it was on PS4 you'd be claiming its an awesome feature

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3000d ago
S2Killinit3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

I would say the fact that they are talking about the next xbox already and we havent had a single exclusive rated above 89 is a major let down. I mean where are the quality/masterpiece games??

Backwards compatibility is nice but definitely nothing to brag about considering that (1) I really dont play last gen games anymore and (2) there are so many remasters/remakes already.

Maybay3000d ago

You shouldn't base games on the opinion of others (most of the time anyway). Over at Neogaf; there's threads on how Uncharted 4 isn't as good as the second (Uncharted 2), yet it received overwhelming praise by critics. I personally thought Rise of the Tomb Raider was a better game because it focused more on gameplay instead of visuals (it's a great looking game nonetheless), which is something I prefer but maybe others don't.

Quantum Break; a new IP with good physics, abilities, and awesome gameplay - rated 77 over on metacritic.

Microsoft has been seen as "the bad guy" throughout the Xbox one's reveal - and now - they're correcting their mistakes. Having the choice to play Microsoft's exclusives on their gaming hardware or PC, is a very welcoming feature for gamers.

sammarshall1023000d ago

A game has to be rated over 89 to not be a let down?

More games is never a bad thing I'm loving backwards compatibility

SCW19823000d ago


You think tomb raiders gameplay is better than Uncharted 4. The gunplay and traversal alone sucks compared to UC4. Gunplay in UC4 is extremely solid.

rainslacker3000d ago


Problem with QB wasn't that the game play wasn't solid, its that it was extremely repetitive. There was only one way to approach any given situation, with the only difference being you could choose from a few powers to use before you kill your opponent. It replaced cover shooting with a unique shooter element, which was interesting, but after a while it just got old. I don't even recall many of the reviews saying the game play itself was bad, just that it didn't sustain itself throughout the game.

UC on the other hand, had multiple ways to approach any given fight sequence, and several ways to perform those approached within that section itself. It was also solid game play, and didn't get old, except maybe in some of the platforming sections, but that's part of what UC is, so it was overlooked more.

As far as ROTTR, its game play was really good. About as solid as one could expect. But I wouldn't call it extremely varied, and its mechanics worked just as well as UC did. You may have preferred ROTTR more, and in some ways, I did too, but I wouldn't call it better than UC4, when UC4 was more technically advanced, and rock solid from start to finish.

MS has been seen as the bad guy long before they ever made the first Xbox. They're correcting mistakes, but knowing MS, they will make more. It's just in their nature, and one only has to look outside the gaming front to be able to recognize it, and once recognized, you can see them doing many of the same things with the Xbox.

MS has a lot of great features on the Xbox. I won't deny that, and I have no problem with them making games on PC as well. What I don't really care for is this blind fanaticism which some Xbox fan boys use to express the impact or desire of the features in relation to the console itself.

And before anyone says it, I'm well aware that the other side can blindly discredit good things as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3000d ago
BigGamersSmallTalk3000d ago

Well I mean as an Xbox One owner, I've had numerous exclusives. Halo 5, Gears Ultimate, Rare Replay, Forza Horizon 2, Forza 6, Sunset Overdrive, Killer Instinct, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, State Of Decay, Ori & The Blind Forrest, Quantum Break ect

Looking forward to picking up my Xbox One s this year and playing Gears 4, Dead Rising 4, ReCore and Forza Horizon 3 this holiday.
EA Access has also been a huge plus as an Xbox One owner, getting Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, Need For Speed and Unravel. Also getting to play full games a week before anyone else. It's nice that Microsoft gives gamers options, and backwards compatibility is another great option. I'd not played Red Dead Redemption on Xbox 360, so it's a nice option, and having it on sale for $7.50 the week it goes on BC is a great treat!

DragonDDark3000d ago

Almost all of the games you mentioned were released last year, bud.

Jaw1love3000d ago

lol PS4 literally has nothing to play. PS4 gamers are the Republican voters of the gaming world I swear. Just constantly going against their own best interests.
Tell me ohh glassgannon909 what PS4 games have you been playing? "Umm have you heard of Uncharted" yeah that's it, that is the only game that has been on the PS4 since it launched worth playing.
"but but but, we have a few games coming out in 2018"
Xbox has by far the better game lineup, they have since the consoles launched but somehow PS4 fans have convinced themselves that it's better to have a PS with 1 maybe two games worth owning.

Saito3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Yeah that's not true at all. PS4 got more interesting titles than XB1 at the moment. Been pretty dry for Xbox for awhile @jaw the ol what am i playing list well to sum it up for ya just about every 4 exclusive out and multiplatform titles that you can get on other platforms. you seen the PS4 lists dozens of times on the site. doesnt it get monotonous now? cmon bruh be forreal

Jaw1love3000d ago

So then tell me what they are bro. What games on your PS4 are you playing

StormLegend3000d ago

Well that's a lie we had Ratchet & Clank, MLB 16 the show, Uncharted 4, tons of anime games and now No man's sky is releasing early next month. When will Xbox get something new?

Jaw1love3000d ago

@travis ohh man MLB the show. I'm sure that gets tons of play time on your PS4. And anime games! Wow I'm gonna go buy a PlayStation right now. UC4 is dope. R&C looked dope too. But that's it. Since the PS4 came out only those two games have looked remotely worthwhile.
While Xbox has a huge diverse lineup since it released. When does Xbox get anything new? Recore comes out in Sept. Gears 4 in Oct. horizon 3 somewhere in there. But have fun with MLB until 2018 when PS4 gets another game

S2Killinit3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Your comment is simply incorrect. I mean its incorect in every sense and from every angle.

Jaw1love3000d ago

meh no it's not. If it was you would correct me. But like every other PS4 gamer aka rural republican voter you can't actually tell me where I'm wrong so you rely on silly statements like yours. It's always the typical non argument argument from you guys.
I say "what games are there actually worth playing on PS4?"
And you say "wow you are so dumb PS4 is teh GOAT"
But you can't actually answer my question or refute what I'm saying.

trouble_bubble3000d ago

holy #%^* stop being lazy, skim past your hundred Xbox bookmarks on your phone, turn off the jump in ringtone so you're not distracted, click on google or bing in your case, and look it up yourself. There's only a dozen other people in this thread who've already answered this question for you.

Jaw1love3000d ago

Thanks for proving my point

objdadon3000d ago

Lol, ps4 players aren't the ones playing old games, just sayin

P_Bomb3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

[Quote]lol PS4 literally has nothing to play. PS4 gamers are the Republucan voters of the gaming world I swear. Just constantly going against their best interests.
...what games on your ps4 are you playing? You can't actually answer my question or refute what i'm saying.
...Have fun with MLB until 2018 when ps4 actually gets another game [/Quote]

Propaganda much? I've played and enjoyed UC4, Ratchet, Bloodborne, inFamous Second Son and First Light, Tearaway Unfolded, Kllzone Shadowfall, Until Dawn, LBP3, The Order, Resogun. I'll be buying Odin Sphere when it's on sale, Last Guardian in a couple months. Waiting for another Gravity Rush sale as I missed the last one.

Other people have enjoyed Driveclub and are probably looking forward to Gran Turismo Sport this fall. MLB the Show is quality whether you like it or not. Fighters like Guilty Gear & Street Fighter 5 are there for those fans, ya got indies like Salt&Sanctuary and The Witness. Dragon Quest Builders this fall will be a first for that game in the west. I could go on but you games to play.

CernaML3000d ago

lol PS4 has nothing good? It actually has several exclusives rated 90+ on Metacritic. Xbox One has ZERO.

S2Killinit3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

why you keep calling playstation gamers "typical rural republicans"? lol I'm liberal man, if anything. But what does that have to do with anything?

Its not a non-argument, I don't get into it because there is no point naming games. Its a mute point. Its not close enough for us to argue. Looking at the bigger picture, there is just more on Playstation, period.

What I can tell you for sure though, is that there is a huge disparity in exclusives. PS4 has by far more exclusives, and also they have the highest rated exclusives. These things are facts not opinions.

rainslacker3000d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

And what games on X1 since launch have been worth playing?

I'm extremely curious as to what is so great on Xbox, but somehow any number of games on the PS4 can't live up to the X1 games that are worth playing.

From what I've seen, and based on what I've played, I haven't seen that much that is "worth playing" on the X1 either. QB was the most interesting title they had, and that failed to live up to the hype. MS best exclusives are the smaller 2nd or 3rd party indie type exclusives they manage to get....and that's about least going by some arbitrary standard of what's "worth playing".

I can't speak for others, but the games I'm playing, or have played since launched, in no particular order(and I'm going to assume you mean exclusive titles since multiplat doesn't make sense to your comment)

Infamous:SS + FL
UC:NDC(since I'm sure Halo:MCC will be one of your "worth playing" games)
TLOU:R(see above or throw in rare replay)
Guilty Gear Xrd
Until Dawn
Gravity Rush Remastered
MLB The Show(last year, skipped this year)
Samurai Warriors 4
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Natural Doctrine
Nitroplus Blasterz
Omega Quintet
Steins Gate
Tales of Zesteria
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered(a definite must play game for anyone)
Digimon digital story cyber sleuth

And then I'll throw in Bloodborne since it's well received, but not my cup of tea.

Now, I know, given the nature of your comment, that you have a very narrow view of what's "worth playing", but to seriously say that in that whole list, that only UC4 was worth playing just shows that you are really trying to make others believe that what you say is true, because I can't imagine you can come up with a better list of games to play on the X1 using just exclusives.

I could of course throw in any number of multi-plats that I found worth playing on the system, but that would just be insulting to you, and I wouldn't want to make you cry using your own flawed logic against you.

So proceed with the discrediting of my list as you see fit. I love it when commentors such as you make yourself look foolish trying to back track on your own logic.

Have fun. :)

Also hate to tell you this, but it's those anime games, and niche games which PS offers, which draw more people into the system, and that's why PS is such a strong brand and is beating know, because it has games that PEOPLE find worth playing. Just because you don't find it worth playing is rather meaningless to others, because you don't provide us with our money or dictate our preferences.

Valkyria Chronicles for instance is an anime game, and it's probably one of the best damn strategy games you'll ever play on consoles.

You keep saying PS gamers are the republicans of gaming...but you're the one trying to dictate to others what they should and shouldn't find worthwhile. You republicans tend to do. Odd.


problem is bing. It keeps relaying inaccurate information to the Xbox fan boys.:)

@you're reply below

So you admit it comes to preference and tastes, but then make every effort to discredit anyone who has tastes different than yours. Classy.

Aenea3000d ago

You can downplay the PS4 exclusives all you like, but you do realise that the X1 doesn't have more exclusives though, right? I mean, there's nothing, not at all, released (console) exclusively on the X1 that's even remotely worthwhile.

See, I can do the same exact nonsense, we both know it's not true, though of course tastes differ. I like shooters and racing games so if I had an X1 I would be playing Halo and the gazillion Forzas, probably try Sunset and QB as well, oh and Ori, maybe Gears too to see what the fuzz is about.

And if you had a PS4 you would check out all the PS4 exclusives too, am sure you would ;)

What I do find a shame though is that I totally expected to get myself an X1 this gen, but there hasn't been much that I feel to be worth it. I know this is personal though and it's not a knock on the X1 at all, well, perhaps it is on the amount of exclusives, I expected more...

trooper_2999d ago

There's no games on the PS4? terribly misinformed you are.

Keltech2999d ago

Maybe you should stop licking Microsofts donut hole and get back on the books. You can start with the letter L and study the definition of "literally", "lack", and "loser" and just work your way down the alphabet

Jaw1love2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Ohh man so much to get at here but not to worry I think I can fit you all in this one.

@S2 seems to be having the hardest time here, especially with understanding how comparisons work but let me explain (again) I didn't say PS4 fans vote republican, that would be a silly thing to say, I said PS4 fans are the republican voters of the gaming world in that they constantly go against, rail against things that would benefit them.
Backwards compatibility - boo that's so stupid I hate playing old games who needs it. Ohh wait hold on let me go preorder this PS3 remaster.
EA Access - boo so dumb who needs a library of free games for 30 bucks a year. I hate that.
Generally speaking whenever MS does something or introduces a cool feature that really has no downside PS4 fans rush out of the bathroom to dismiss it or call it stupid, even though if the brand name was switched they would love it.
I.e republican voters - Free Healthcare for my morbidly obese ass? Booo I hate you I don't want that.
Lol Sony literally turned down EA Access and then said they wanted to provide choices for their gamers. What?

And S2 you still haven't tried to refute any of my points so yeah it's a non-argument.

Moving on @trouble thanks for resurecting the "I know you are but what am I" tactic.

@obj saying PS4 gamers aren't playing old games. Half the games on PS4 are remasters that y'all love paying full price for. But yeah it's much better than being able to play your old games for free. Good one.

That's actually a good answer. Not sure about the propaganda line but good answer after that. That's all I've been saying. "Tell me what games you PS4 gamers play" and you did so that's great. I forgot about infamous which actually looked pretty fun. So thanks for actually answering the question

Jeez. Another meta critic whore. I imagine as soon as a new game is released you rush to metacritc to check its score, feel satisfied if it scored high and then don't actually buy the game. Inside currently has a 92 on metacritc but I'm sure you can tell me why that doesn't count.
It's always good when a game gets highscores. It makes us feel like we are justified in liking something. But in the end those scores are as subjective as the opinions of us internet commenters

Good lord. That's a nice long list you got there but only the first 3 are of any interest to me or probably the majority of people. It's great that you like anime games, good for you, the PS4 is probably a great console for you. I actually had to go and look up the majority of the titles you listed because I couldn't care less about jrpg and teen anime school girl crap. Isn't Valkyrie Chronicles as PS3 remaster.

Anyway here's my list

Dead Rising 3
Sunset Overdrive
Halo 5
Ori and the Blind Forest
Forza Horizon 2
Forza 6
Quantum Break
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Killer Instinct

I didn't include Halo MCC of Gears Ultimate cuz I don't care for remasters generally.
Rare Replay - meh
And I enjoyed Ryse when it came out but meh.
I'd take that list against your any day.

But that's really what it comes down to. Preference and taste as @aena pointed out.
I think Xbox has a better lineup, a better platform, is more consumer friendly and has more games coming out that I want to play.
PS4 has currently two games that i would consider worthwhile. But others have different opinions.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2999d ago
sho0ok3000d ago

Quantum Break just released... Isn't enough? Sea of thieves? We just gotta wait... Sony have more new games.. But they are few years away. Maybe MS don't announce games that early. Who knows.

DragonDDark3000d ago

Those games aren't even exclusives lol

sammarshall1023000d ago

I'd rather have new exclusives and backwards compatibility and that's what I have with Xbox One

ShadowKnight3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

The only reason why I'm keeping my Xbox one is because I have a lot of Xbox 360 games that I go back and play sometimes by using the bc feature. I'm getting all my new games like Gears of War 4 on my high end pc.

rainslacker3000d ago

I'm keeping my X1 just because there were some 360 games I missed that I wanted to play. When I get around to it, I will purchase them to play. Beyond some of the 2nd and 3rd party titles they have which are more indie like, there isn't anything that interests me. Their first party hasn't shown anything that I would care about except maybe Halo Wars, since I heard the first one was good, so I'll probably pick that up.

Forza might interest me, but other than that, the big name exclusives from MS outside of QB aren't my cup of tea.

Aenea3000d ago

Hmmm, in all honesty are there many x360 exclusives backwards compatible on the X1 that are must plays?

Are there a lot?

I mean, I've been trying to find reasons to get myself an X1 and never had an Xbox console before so I kinda wonder if there's anything I missed out on...

RosweeSon3000d ago

Yeah your not alone options are always welcomed but when the focus of your next gen console is being able to play last gen's games and not even on launch but as an after thought over 2 years after launch its hardly epic as its made out to be sure it's cool can pop your old discs in (used to be able to do this with Wii and Wii U, so it's nothing new) even PS3 let me play ps1/2 games. All of that was on launch tho and then they focused on all the upcoming future games not spent 2 years not long after launch worried about what old games to bring over all the while neglecting current gen games and forgotting that people bought a new console mainly for New games. Hey ho it's getting there and no I'm no fan boy I just don't see why 2 years down the line it's such a great feature would have been loads better out of the box as now they are focussing on that when really they should be in the midst of a barrage of games all pushing their new systems, not waiting for 1 new major game every 3/6 months.

Bruh3000d ago

Good thing Gears 4, ReCore, Halo Wars 2, FH3 are coming then huh, should help lessen the fanboy anxiety you're experiencing. As for the rest of us who game because we enjoy gaming, we like being able to pick up one of the best games made last-gen and play it for nostalgic or fun purposes.

cash_longfellow3000d ago

"id rather worry about the lack of new exclusives on xb1 myself....but thats just sure people are buying it in doves to play 360 games."

HallowedSoul13000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Sad thing is we had ps1, ps2 backwards compatibility and most gamers spit-on it and said we don't want it. Blame the cheap ass gamers on sony giving up on backwards compatibility they asked gamers and they said they didn't need it than they took it away and now they want it. Smh. If Ps3 launch 60gb did better ps4 would have had B/c.

mEATgrinder3000d ago

Don't be a foooool. Backwards compatibility and EA access is making Sony a massive Pony

Muzikguy3000d ago

Having the feature is great and all, but NS should really look at the situation they're in. These articles aren't helping MS save grace IMO. The only reason they're doing all this is because they're so far behind. Did they forget that Sony already did the whole bc before with the PS3? The feature is rarely used, and along with people not wanting to pay for it, is why it didn't last. MS offering it because they're trying to make their console look more appealing and they're offering it for free. Doesn't say much about your product tbh.

I do hope that we have BC consoles though from this point forward. If not, I'm thinking about going strictly steam starting next generation

butchertroll3000d ago

BC is just a feature, who wants to use it, will use it. But i bought next-gen consoles to play games for that platform, not to play last-gen games. I barely used BC on PS2. Even less on PS3. So, i don't need BC on PS4.

Deadpooled3000d ago

"things that are definitively in the ‘pro customer’ camp", Gamingbolt, Rashid Sayed, pro xbox article...

If the previous system was in place I would definitely vote "article quality - WTF?"

rainslacker3000d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Not sure how the games availability is a knock on PS4's lack of it. Seems it's forum goers and a couple websites that actually do the knocking to me.

Happy people that want to play the game have a means to do so. Would be nice if Sony offered something as well, but if they don't, then whatever, I'll can play 3 generations of games on my PS3 without any issue, and if it didn't have full BC, I wouldn't be that fussed about it.

I'm a regular purveyor of older(mostly retro) games, and I can say that between the PS4, Vita, and 3DS, I don't have enough time to play anywhere near the number of games I'm buying for them all....and even if PS4 was my only console, I'd be in the same position. Last thing I played on X1 was QB, and occassionally I try to muddle through the Halo:MCC campaigns to get up to speed, and I'll throw in Rare Replay once in a while. BC doesn't make up for a lack of new games to play, although X1 gets enough multi-plats that it could probably satisfy my new game needs if it came down to it.


How am I a contradiction? I don't own any 360 games, and while I own quite a few of the Rare games in their original format, I still enjoy playing them.

I routinely use BC. Probably more than most people on here if you want to know the truth, and certainly more than the average gamer.

It's not pointless to me, and I'm sure many others, but it's importance as a system selling feature, and the number of people who partake in older games is being greatly exaggerated. Reason I know this? Because I've been playing retro games for a very long time. And I know that most people aren't interested in them.

I never bashed BC, and routinely say it's a great feature. I bash the people who act like it's the best thing ever, or in this case, say it's a knock against another console which doesn't have it.

I think you are putting words into my mouth that I never made, or even implied. Whenever I "down play" the feature, I'm calling people out on their own over-exagerrated hype. Check my history. I was one of the people saying it was a feature that should be included when neither company offered it. I was also saying it's not that big of a factor in a systems success, and that the majority of people won't care either way, and it was understandable why Sony didn't add the hardware in to facilitate it due to that.

lastking952999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

You're a walking contradiction. 2 of the few xbox exclusives you play are remasters yet BC is pointless to you rofl. BC is BC its there to give gamers more options. How you gonna hype up crash, buy remasters and be excited for remake and bash BC? Just give it a rest, is it honestly that hard to admit BC is a nice feature? The damage control is so unneeded and only make you guys look bad and jealous to be quite honest. You're better off not saying anything at all.

Is it a must have? No Xbox gamers was just fine the first 2 years. but is it a heck of a feat to have? Definitely, it stole e3 last year and based off the pop it received i wasn't the only one to feel that way. Stop acting like it's BC title or new game when xbox gamers are getting both. My nostalgia thirst(games i missed out on too) and new gaming needs are being satisfied.

krypt19833000d ago

I'm not worried about nothing we have gears 4 recore and countless other games coming that's bullshit coming out your mouth and classics like red dead can't beat that and it seems like xbox exclusives have longer replay value because only games I play on my ps4 are single player Playstation is the loner system that's why you guys are always on forums while xbox is more community multi player

Trekster_Gamer3000d ago

Well Glass... Ps4 until recently you could say the same thing!

XB1 has great exclusives, and BC is just FREE icing on the cake!

I don't have to rent titles for my xb1 that I already own.

EpicSandwich3000d ago

Inside just came out last week whens the last time a ps exclusive released?

CaptainObvious8783000d ago

If I want to play RDR I can play it on my PS3.

I bought a PS4 to play PS4 games. I understand this might be a radical view to some.

In any case, I hope the RDR BC means RDR 2 is on it's way.

GamingIVfun3000d ago

I want a new Red Dead Redemption. The old one isn't selling any new consoles.

Ulf3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

"id rather worry about the lack of new exclusives on xb1 myself"

Oh yeah, because if there's a generation with new, exciting games, it's this one, and not prior ones! Also, XB1 getting all those "crossplat" Win10 games doesn't count, because we all own a gaming PC and buy Win10 games for it already. Besides, who gives a frap about the other 99% of games released for XB1/PS4, when there are like 1-3 AAA exclusives released each year, and no way could games we *all* played in the wayback possibly qualify as fun in comparison to that.



mark_parch3000d ago

typical. an article about bc success and just loads of salty ps4 fans in the comments section again. nothing new here move on

mark_parch3000d ago

the thing is while xbox one has fewer AAA console exclusives they have more longevity people are still playing forza and halo 5 and ki, hell shit load of people still playing horizon 2. they actually just announced more people are playing halo than last year. then with bc as well there is plenty to play. also xbox has recore,horizon 3,gears 4 and dead rising 4 soon where ps4 has lno mans sky, last guardian and gtsport so imo looking better on xbox this holiday

2999d ago
trooper_2999d ago

Exactly. This is just a poor excuse for the lack of new games. I'm all for backwards capability because I enjoyed it on my old PS3 but that doesn't excuse the lack of new IPs.

Crazywhitie2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Jealous Much.... It's called a Feature of the System.. Sony's Exclusives are nothing Mind blowing.. .Uncharted 4 we all knew was going to be great.. but R&C is the 2nd remake... they remaking it for every PS... X1 is doing what the Fans want where Sony Charges for what the fans want...

Both Systems are fine, if you own Both you get the Best of Both Worlds...

But on Topic I'll rather be able to play Backwards compatible games for free the to have to rebuy them at a 100% markup

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 2999d ago
3000d ago Replies(4)
Gardenia3000d ago

Probably not something to brag about when backwards compatibility is the highlight of the Xbox One. I'd rather had seen a Red Read Redemption remastered anyway

Cohagen4203000d ago

Lmao, they're buying it because they have no new games to play.

JasonKCK3000d ago

Yet they gave release dates of many games coming out this year. Did you just magically forget about those?

TKCMuzzer3000d ago

How does that effect now? Those games are not out yet?

JasonKCK3000d ago

Actually some have. This is a simple case of jealousy over Red Dead and BC. Because there's nothing negative about this, unless you don't have it.

leoms3000d ago

Give release dates then delay for next e3 and give a new release date. Some people likes to be lied to, sigh

GrubsterBeater3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Sony didn't need to have an E3 based on what we already knew was coming out.

You know who had an E3 with release dates for games shown 2 or 3 E3's ago? DING DING! It's MS!

MS really has you guys all brainwashed. You guys keep saying that "at least MS gave release dates"... MS showed allll those games years ago!! What's wrong with you guys?!

objdadon3000d ago

Yeah the same damn games as always

JasonKCK2999d ago

GrubsterBeater release dates are dates. 4 of the games shown at E3 are coming soon and those games didn't say "under development". How is that games with dates are somehow worse than trailers for games 3 to 5 years off? Some of the people on one side say "where are the games?" when they were clearly shown on X1 Wn 10. Meanwhile they keep ignoring the fact that none of the games mentioned on their side are coming out anytime soon. Somehow the promise of tomorrow is better than delivering today.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2999d ago
3000d ago Replies(4)
EpicSandwich3000d ago

Actually last exclusive to drop is inside. They have much more games

Cohagen4202999d ago

and that will be on PS4 later this year, after The Witness, Salt and Sanctuary, Enter the Gungeon, Alienation, have all been played.

SynestheticRoar3000d ago

Gamingbolt you guys are classic.

Maybay3000d ago

Hey; They ain't no Dualshockers at least :P .

OB1Biker3000d ago

completely different 'strategy' to do their jobs. One site promotes love for gaming, the other one promotes flame war and hate. Guess which

TwoForce3000d ago

DuelShockers is better than GamingBolts.

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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Community8d ago
Bhuahahaha8d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Red Dead Redemption's PC Port Confirmed Irrefutably After 14 Years

The official PS Store description of Red Dead Redemption has given away the imminent arrival of the game on PC.

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exputers44d ago
OtterX43d ago

The best part about this no doubt will be the modding community. I'm sure some really talented individuals will give it a proper graphical overhaul.

RaidenBlack43d ago

GTA IV pc port was abysmal ... and RDR1 came just after GTA IV ... I am more worried about the base port job than mod support later

just_looken43d ago

Lets hope its not as bad as the ps4 port job

DaReapa43d ago

I'll be getting this despite already having it on PS3. RDR is one of the few series I'd double dip for.

SwiftyMagee43d ago

If you check the Sony store site, the reference to a PC port has been taken down. So right now there is no definitive proof but I imagine some sort of announcement will happen soon, maybe in the coming weeks. I'm picturing a fall release if it happens in 2024.

Number1TailzFan43d ago

Kind of expecting RTX remix for this

TheNamelessOne43d ago

Finally. I'll double-dip for this one, considering it's a solid port.

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Rockstar Considered Red Dead Redemption & GTA Movies, But Ultimately Dropped The Idea

Rockstar Games had considered making Red Dead Redemption and GTA movies at one point, but had ultimately dropped the idea.

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Community89d ago
porkChop89d ago

Both would make more sense as a series than as movies, though I think Red Dead would be far easier to adapt.

DarXyde89d ago

RDR would be a great movie. If they allowed Martin Scorsese to work on it, I think it would be outstanding.

MajorLazer88d ago

RDR would work really well. From the GTA universe, IV would work really well because of how gritty and realistic the story is.