
Ghost of Tsushima PC has 84% positive reviews and a peak online audience of 72 thousand people

On 16 May, the long-awaited release of the PC version of Ghost of Tsushima took place. And the game proved to be a great success on the first day.

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PrinceOfAnger37d ago

all-time peak 3 minutes ago.

thorstein37d ago

Nice. It's really cool that PC players get to play this masterpiece.

PrinceOfAnger37d ago

It has surpassed spider man now
it's 71k+
game did this with way shorter time than spider man.

itsmebryan36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

I'm confused. Does that number mean total players at one time playing like a snapshot
or total sales? If it's the former that's not very accurate because I know I'm not the only person that buys games and plays them later and that number is not included.

RNTody37d ago

Great, I loved this game. Definitely think it's Sucker Punch's best work to date!

rippermcrip37d ago

Is this going to be the new thing thing? Articles about Steam reviews? Which of course was in response to the false article about the review bombings in the first place.

Christopher37d ago

Hey, just a heads up that the new owners did open news to Steam updates, but we try our best to not allow them to go on daily updates unless relevant to some other news. I understand this isn't everyone's cup and tea and sympathize, but the door has been open. If you feel it's 'too much' please do PM me or submit a ticket to the mod team. Thank you.

37d ago
shinoff218337d ago

I came here to post this link in that specific article. 84 perce t is pretty good. How many bad reviews were there like 5

GamerzElite37d ago

This is good game and Ghost eliminate all fake outrage.

CrimsonWing6937d ago (Edited 37d ago )

I always get confused by this, but is 72k good sales numbers for a game? I keep seeing games fail at selling 2.5 million and that they need to be on multiple platforms but is an additional 72k adding much?

Fishy Fingers37d ago

Im not sure how its confusing :\

72k actively playing. Not 72k sold.

A good example is Helldivers 2, 6m sold, 450k (at its peak) active players.

But how many swords swung is what we're all really waiting for.

shinoff218337d ago

Lmao. How many swords swung. I was hoping for how many steps

wesnytsfs36d ago

And its how many years old from initial release.

Crows9037d ago

72k is concurrent
...that is not the sold figure.

Michiel198937d ago

for one they already had a huge launch on the playstation, they don't need to sell 5m to make the porting to pc profitable and as pointed out below that number you see is just the people playing it at this moment.

Plague-Doctor2737d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Also from the insomniac leak we know these PC ports are a quick turnaround and budgeted around $2-4 million. At 100k sales they break even including Steams cut. They may not sell millions but they are a great ROI

elazz37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

72k concurrent. That is a global number. People who bought the game are not playing at the same time because of timezones, working schedules, holidays, events... There is no good rule of thumb but you can extrapolate based on other games that also released sales data. Then it is clear that the PC release alone accounts for at least 500K copies sold on steam, maybe closer to 700-800K. Probably will sell over a million this extended weekend.

According to steamspy and other data gathering sites games like Days Gone, Spider Man, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn have sold 2 to 5 million copies on Steam. So I expect Ghost to reach similar numbers. Probably even surpass it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 36d ago
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Europe software sales | May 2024 | EA FC 24 #1, Ghost of Tsushima #4, Hellblade 2 missed 'Top 100'

"This is GSD figures, which tracks all digital game sales from most major publishers (Nintendo data is absent), and physical game sales in all major European markets."

"The No.1 selling game in May this year was EA Sports FC 24, followed by Grand Theft Auto 5. F1 2024 races in at No.3. The PC release of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut sends the PlayStation game up to No.4."

"11.6 million PC and console games were sold across European markets in May. Compared with the same five week period in 2023, that's a drop of nearly 17%."

"Hellblade 2, System Shock Remake, and the Rogue Prince of Persia all missing out on the Top 100."

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Einhander19729h ago

I need an xbox fan to explain to me how Hellblade didn't even enter the top 100 since Game Pass doesn't effect sales and you guys are all just using the service as a trial to buy the games later.... /s (for sigh)

Also tell me again how 3.5 M sales first month for FF was bad...

If Microsoft didn't buy the developer this could have been a multiplatform game and if they wanted they still could have got it day 1 on Game Pass.

If I worked at Ninja Theory I'd be sprucing up my resume right about now.

MNRC235h ago

Why are you more concerned about Microsoft’s financials than Microsoft?

Cacabunga26m ago

Here we go.. too much barking about EA CEO getting a big bonus when the same ones are buying his games. So pathetic


PS5 Dominates, Sales Drop for All Consoles - Europe Hardware Estimates for May 2024

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in Europe

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GaboonViper10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

PS5 = 300,126
Switch = 158,473
Xbox Series = 68,592

Brilliant sales for PS5 and Switch in her twilight years.
Utterly appalling sales for Xbox, my God.

Xeofate10h ago

Xbox Series X|S sales are down by 49,961 units (-42.1%) YoY.

fr0sty1h ago

Bout to be eXBox if this trend keeps up.

neutralgamer19927h ago(Edited 7h ago)

It will also be interesting what a potential switch 2 will do to current generation consoles. That's why maybe there is the rumored PS5 Pro. I think MS should have released an updated version themselves especially when they are asking $600 for a 2TB version

Ms should just do their next Xbox as a open platform Pc and charge premium like steam deck. Just do Xbox brand PC's. Xbox as a brand is at its least valuable point. So many of their future games are coming to Playstation too I think once Phil finally decides on halo and gears flood gates will open. Just release a gear of war collection before the next one comes out. Your gamepass users are happy to have the games day one and other platforms pay full price so MS generates more money

mkis0077h ago

That is a rumor going around so maybe. It would make sense with their handheld rumors too.

Einhander19727h ago

"I think MS should have released an updated version themselves especially when they are asking $600 for a 2TB version"

The One X sold 6 million or less and the SX is way underperforming the the One by significant margins at this point. A mid gen xbox console would have absolutely been a money flush. Power is not going to sell consoles for them if a 40% advantage failed so badly. And their most popular console by far is the series s.

I would prefer if xbox stopped making xbox hardware and just became a publisher and stopped doing everything they can to make things worse for PlayStation gamers. I am so tired of the near daily B.S.

They started the console war from day 0 of xbox with the goal of bringing down PlayStation and it can't end until they leave. If there was no xbox people could actually talk about games again and not try to destroy anything that isn't on a platform.

Heck the whole reason we even have these articles about sales numbers is because Microsoft wanted to brag about the 360, no one talked about sales before that and no one wanted too except for Microsoft.

They simply aren't doing anything that is making gaming better for the consumer or the industry.

SimpleDad4h ago

Switch 2 could make serious damage to PS by being capable of running all third party software going forward.
Publishers really like Nintendo platform cause software there makes more money.

jznrpg3h ago

@SimpleDad I can not see a Nintendo handheld being able to be as powerful as a PS5 and meeting a price that Nintendo wants to be at.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3h ago
dveio10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

PS5 only 9% down year-on-year is arguably thanks to their recently released and well-received 2nd and 3rd party line-up.

• NSW down ~57%.
• X|S down ~43%.

Year-to-date, PS5 now has a 5.2:1 sales ratio compared to X|S in Europe.

That's boxslaugther.

S2Killinit7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

300 divided by 68 = 4.41 PS5 consoles are sold per 1 xbox.


Insane? Is this even possible?

Destiny10806h ago

i can understand nintendo sales declining because fans are holding out for the switch 2
i can understand playstation sales declining because fans are holding out for the PS5 Professional
i can understand xbox sales declining

SimpleDad4h ago

Xbox sales declining by pushing subscription model only. Basically Gamepass or nothing.

Hofstaderman4h ago

Those numbers for XBOX...and even after a strong games showcase....damn.

sagapo2h ago

You need good games, not just a good showcase.

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NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

Einhander19722d ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name2d ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander19722d ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

romulus232d ago

I try to avoid them at all costs, why should we do a cashiers/clerks job without any training and without being paid for it? Comparing people losing their jobs to A.I. to people from the 1800's shooting peas is hilarious, good try though.

just_looken1d 20h ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.