
Price Reductions Available Now on the Digital Xbox 360 Store - Closing July 29, 2024

Xbox 360 launched 18 years ago and was a generation-defining console that invited many people to jump into gaming for the first time and connect with friends around the world. We’re thrilled people continue playing their favorite Xbox 360 games on Xbox 360, or on newer consoles via Backward Compatibility for supported titles.

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Einhander197235d ago

"we believe in game preservation"

Remember the media reaction when PlayStation wanted to shut down the PS3 store (but then kept it open)... where is that reaction here?

CrimsonWing6935d ago

What are you asking? Like, if people got pissed at Sony for that? Because they did. We also got pissed at Nintendo when they did it.

You’re getting a chance to buy what you want before they close it. Moving forward digital stores should work like Steam. It’s just in this beginning they made it platform specific and closed off. A hindsight in their part and it sucks, but what is the percentage of people buying anything off these stores and what is the cost to keep the servers up?

I get it and yes making strives so this isn’t the case every gen we go into is absolutely a must. I mean PSN on PS3 is so convoluted to buy anything since you can’t use a credit card. Vita store is gone. It’s going to go away eventually.

Einhander197235d ago

"What are you asking? Like, if people got pissed at Sony for that? Because they did. We also got pissed at Nintendo when they did it."

My point is when PlayStation did this every website under the sun was writing articles talking about how "anti-consumer" it was yet I haven't seen anything like that happening when it's xbox doing it, in fact mostly what I see is praise from media when xbox makes obviously false claims about game preservation while they close down their store and xblig and push for digital only consoles streaming and subscriptions.

What I am asking is for everyone to be criticized or praised equally.

I mean look at the way the PS5 Slim's detachable disk drive was reported, it was super critical. Even though in reality they made it easier for people who initially buy a digital only console to move to physical, it was actually a step away from digital only. But did it get reported like that at all... no.

And you can still buy stuff on PlayStation you just need to add money to your account on the website or a PS4/5.

Tacoboto35d ago

That reaction isn't here because you can still play Xbox 360 discs of supported BC titles on Series and Xbox One, and you can still buy BC titles on the current Xbox Store.

It still sucks losing access to non-BC titles but don't act like it's the same situation. Let me know when PS5 actually supports my PS3 library.

Einhander197235d ago (Edited 35d ago )

How are you going to play those discs on your Series S (which 75% of xbox owners have) or your adorably all digital Series X?

And keep in mind that BC on xbox is an extremely limited selection of games, it's less than 25% of retail releases, and way less than the entire catalogue.

It's not a solution for the future, this isn't how "game preservation" looks, it's the fake PR that makes it that much worse.

Tacoboto35d ago

I'm not getting an all digital Series X so bark up someone else's tree, creep. I have my Series X for that disc support and functioning old hardware I still buy discs for (Bought Sudeki, Super Paper Mario, and 3D Dot Game Heroes a few months back - one for each old platform).

Fact is there's a mechanism that exists for Xbox OG and 360 BC physically and digitally. PS has none for PS1 or 2 or 3. If you're gonna bring PS into an Xbox article, at least know what you're talking about.

Einhander197235d ago

"Fact is there's a mechanism that exists for Xbox OG and 360 BC physically and digitally. PS has none for PS1 or 2 or 3. If you're gonna bring PS into an Xbox article, at least know what you're talking about."

I understand that, I'm making commentary on the fact that xbox is moving to digital only (and that the vast majority of current gen xbox owners do not have a disc based option) and not towards preservation as they claim.

And obviously people can play games on the original hardware for as long as that lasts, I have hundreds of games from "retro" consoles, I own nearly 200 PS3 discs alone.

Is there some reason, you feel the need to make personal insults in every comment, I reply to what you say without insulting you. But you know whatever, it says more about you than me...

And for the record "you" was being used colloquially I wasn't speaking you directly.

shinoff218335d ago

It won't as far as emulation. The os3 was built different.

I am in agreement though. I wish Sony would sell like an ultimate console. Have it where you have to order off their site and make it have real bc. Like the og ps3 had ps2 inside so to say.

Tacoboto35d ago

@Ein You're a creep because of your obsessive comment history making everything revolve around Sony or how awful Xbox is to a point that you're now just throwing irrelevant things in any way you can.

And don't try to make "you" colloquially now just because you're wrong about me and your feelings got hurt.

Einhander197235d ago

Whatever, keep insulting me, if you think that is going to make me change my opinions or what I say you couldn't be more far from the truth.

How you choose to treat other people only reflects poorly on you. (and this time it's not colloquially)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
darthv7235d ago

The PS3 situation may have something to do with no forward way to play those games on newer hardware. Not to mention the PS3 store has been around far less than the 360 store. 360 store closing was expected and they did a pretty good job making many of its digital games forward compatible with XBO and subsequently the Series as well. Ones they could not come to an agreement with are going to be left behind, but here is your chance for last minute deals for you to continue playing on your 360.

Just because the 360 store closes doesnt make all of those games you have (digital/physical) stop working on real 360 hardware. If people have physical 360 games, chances are they also have the means to play them. Just like People with PS3 games having a PS3. It would be nice if all older games worked on newer hardware... but that is not for us to decide, that is for MS, Sony and Nintendo.

Asplundh35d ago

Difference being the 360 games will still be sold on series consoles, while the PS5 only preserved a selection of Ps3 games for premium subs. If the Xbox 360 store closes the games will still be available, if the Ps3 store closes then those games are gone.

How does this contradict what they said about game preservation?

Einhander197235d ago

As far as what I have read that is not accurate, except for a small selection of games that are available through BC.

And even when the PS3 and Vita stores were going to be shut down they still were still going to be available to download if you purchased them already.

rlow135d ago

So you’re asking for equal treatment? That’s not how the world works or don’t you know? Which I can can’t believe you’re that naive. Xbox gets attacked on this site all the time. You have to ask why that was a big deal amongst the PS3 fan base? Because it wasn’t Xbox fans that were throwing up a huge stink. It’s was PlayStation fans and look at the results, Sony gave in and kept it open. You should celebrate it, instead of worrying about who takes it on the chin more.

The one thing I’ve Learned, is these companies don’t need people to defend them. They have all done things worth criticizing, but it will never be equal.

darthv7235d ago

While the 360 store is closing and you will not be able to make any new purchases from a 360..... you can still download content you have previously purchased prior to the closure. The same can also be said about access to 360 games available on the XBO/Series. You will be able to make new purchases of titles that are available on the current store as well as download previously purchased content that is also compatible with the XBO/Series.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
1Victor35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

RIP Xbox 360 digital store and all its games.
It really grinds my gears that they are waiting till 10 days before closing to give the best discounts and the list as of now is 100 or less titles from the massive 360 library

Phoenix7635d ago (Edited 35d ago )

I should have enough points by the weekend to get £25 credit off MS, (hardly ever spend money on xb1), might look at a few of these.

DivineHand12535d ago

The Xbox 360 store was one of the only advantages the Xbox Series consoles had over the PS5. When I got my series X, I spent more playing Xbox 360 games vs current-gen Xbox games since that was the golden era for Xbox and several titles had enhancements such as 4k resolution and fps boost.

Closing this store will now only benefit the competition.

VersusDMC35d ago

The xbox360 store is closing on the xbox 360.

Xbox 360 games are unaffected on the xbox one and series consoles.

Einhander197235d ago

"Xbox will stop supporting the ability to purchase new games, DLC, and other entertainment content from the Xbox 360 Store on the console ->and the Xbox 360 Marketplace (marketplace.xbox.com).<-&q uot;

You will not be able to purchase any 360 games. You will only be able to play xbox discs if you have a console that support discs which doesn't look great for the future of xbox, if it has one.

VersusDMC35d ago


Why are you repeating what i said?

You will not be able to buy digital 360 games to play on your 360.

You will still be able to buy 360 games on Xbone and Series consoles. Go to marketplace.xbox.com, that's the old browser store and not the new one.

Knightofelemia35d ago

Won't be long before Sony pulls the plug on the PS3.

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Red Dead Redemption 1 Isn't As Good As People Remember It To Be

RDR 1 was a great game, but the lack of screen time for some characters, boring horse riding, and lack of mission variety takes away the fun at times.

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jambola21h ago

It's as good as you remember
Feels like one of those "10 HARSH realities of Re-watching" articles

just_looken12h ago

I love how it seems a extreme few remember that red dead redemption is red dead revolver 2.

red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.

I remember all the bugs the game had day one like donkey lady so dam funny

Cacabunga5h ago

RDR1 is a legendary game!!!

Really how to cope with a slow news day…

just_looken4h ago


I know i said that

Oh boy let me guess no one here knows what red dead revolver is

Or you all never played version 1.0 of rdr 1 i bet its that so many on here have the stench of being in gaming for 10 years at most.

Cacabunga2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Stop pretending being superior in knowledge to everyone else..

The article title is about RDR1 and the thumbnail also confirma that. No one (at least i dont) care about what you say about RDRev.

You are the only one who spoke off topic abt another game.
If it makes you glad that you are the only one who knows what RDRev is then congratulations.. just pathetic

“ red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.”

Oh and thanks for the laugh ..

shinoff218320h ago

Junk article. Game was dope and still is. The swimming part sucks though.

just_looken12h ago

It does but the game was made originally for ps2 back after san andreas so for the dev window and timeline it makes sense.

just_looken4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

red dead revolver was back in 2004

after this they were making gta iv and a squeal that became read dead redemption

But you all will hate this because facts are scary

"Red Dead [Redemption] has been in production for six years (mainly because of horrible management/lack of direction due to fear of disrespecting Rockstar NY) and it will never get the money back in sales it cost to create for those six years," claimed another source.

From a 2010 article hmm what is 2010 - 6 hmmm


The swimming in red dead one made sense for the time period and dev hell it was in

Again though it seems alot on here have 0 game knowledge before 2018.

-Foxtrot6h ago

I liked it a bit better because I didn’t think it had many “small nitpicky” things RDR2 had that on its own meant nothing but when a lot built up it was annoying. For example getting off your horse and you had to reselect your weapons again or walking around the camp slowly. None issues but built up with others sometimes it was a little frustrating at times.

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Best Metroidvania Games of All Time

The Metroidvania genre has captivated gamers for decades! Discover the best Metroidvania games of all time.

gold_drake1d 21h ago (Edited 1d 21h ago )

blasphemous 1 for me.

i love the artstyle and how they didnt shy away from their imagery

but symphony of the night is also superb

DarXyde1d 2h ago

SotN and Blasphemous are phenomenal.

RiseNShine1d 20h ago

GBA Metroids and Castlevanias are up there with anything else imho.

jznrpg1d 19h ago

Catlevanias GBA and DS games are the best! But there others that I like a lot such as Hollow Knight, Chasm etc

BrockEmSockEm1d 16h ago

As much as I want Silksong, adding it to the BEST is a little premature. It's not even out yet.

Guybrush1d 14h ago

this article seems like it was written by an artificial intelligence.


Madden NFL 25 New Gameplay Features for PS5, Xbox Series and PC Revealed, Closed Beta Kicks Off

EA has revealed the Madden NFL 25 new gameplay features incoming for the PS5, Xbox Series and PC versions, as the closed beta kicks off today.

GamerRN3d ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken3d ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.

GamerRN3d ago

Because there is no competition

just_looken3d ago


There was a CFL game to be tossed out crashed and burned but there is other football games just none are official nfl stuff.

CobraKai2d ago

NFL Gameday and NFL 2K really pushed Madden to be better

badboyz092d ago (Edited 2d ago )

NFL gamers need to boycott which is very easy with the social media age we live in until than no. EA has a monopoly you want a better product to end the monopoly. get on twitter trending daily to the NFL.


Man I quit playing madden back in 2004 that was my boycott because I just got tired of the same thing, updated rosters. My boys still play Madden I'll pick up the sticks every now and then when I'm chilling at their houses but at my house, EA gets none of my money for Madden.