
What is the point of Xbox?

Xbox has repeated the same terrible mistakes for over a decade. The reason is simple: its priorities are back-to-front.

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purple10141d ago

ohhh man, the press really did not like those last closures, their having a field day bashing xbox,

anyway, ive got to nip off to the shops now, i've run out of microwave popcorn.

Jingsing41d ago

Apparently the last 10 years wasn't enough to get the gaming press to notice but as soon as they touch Bethesda it is full on nuclear war. A lot of people in the gaming press seem to have this irrational hard on for Fallout and Skyrim despite the fact they are low quality poor buggy games.
I've grown tiresome of the unbalanced fandom in the gaming press for fantasy games and their ability to just forgive crap so long as it's a fantasy game RPG game all quality concerns are not an issue for them,

anast41d ago

Popcorn has been good lately.

PapaBop41d ago

Clearly this is just a big conspiracy orchestrated by the popcorn industry, Microsoft are just their puppets, every time they open their mouths, I'm forced to stock up on popcorn.

TheEroica40d ago

Yep, Microsoft and Sony are a mess. Neither have a compelling business strategy and they're not making bangers anymore.

anast40d ago

Which Sony games are you talking about?

PhillyDonJawn40d ago

You enjoying all the bs Sony and MS been doing? Shame on you

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 40d ago
XiNatsuDragnel41d ago

Xbox is getting rightfully roasted here

Einhander197241d ago

The only point to xbox is and always has been to take market share and money from PlayStation and Nintendo, but mostly PlayStation. It's been the goal since sweaty Steve Balmer said it himself.

41d ago
ApocalypseShadow41d ago

Yup. To put Sony out of business because they thought they were a threat to their Windows business.

solideagle41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Genuinely curious: how is Sony (hardware company) threat to Windows (operating system/software company) business?

isarai41d ago

I mean the motto "xbox, the most optional console ever made" was peaked years ago, people are just now taking a step back from deepthroating Phil to see what we've all been seeing for a long time now.

Ra303040d ago

The current Microsoft Xbox motto is .....We're Microsoft Xbox, and we don't care and it shows!

P_Bomb41d ago

I’ve still got friends that main on XB. For their sake, I hope it sticks around. They’ve put everything into that ecosystem. It’s all or nothing.

I wonder if we’ll ever get back the level of competition seen during the 360/PS3 era?

NotoriousWhiz41d ago

Seems like Daddy Microsoft is trying to shut it down. Or at least bring costs under control. On the bright side, it seems likely that acquisitions are going to stop.

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Evercade Reveals Data East Claasics And More

Looks like more retro classics are coming. Toaplan Arcade 3 brings 7 great arcade games to Evercade including the much-requested Batsugun and Out Zone. Data East returns to Evercade with 12 Arcade classics including Joe and Mac Returns, Super BurgerTime, and more.

darthv721d ago

the Toaplan cart is a nice surprise. Batsugun, Truxton 2... great stuff. I keep hoping to see Robocop on a Data East arcade cart but licensing is a bitch. I'll just play it on my xbox via coinops.

Garethvk1d ago

There are so many fun games from Data East. I am sure rights would be a mess but it would be nice to see more.


Lords of the Fallen 2 PC release will be handled by Epic Games, which is bad news for Steam gamers

A sequel to the excellent action RPG Lords of the Fallen is coming in 2026 to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. The game will be published by Epic Games on PC, which means it probably won't be coming to Steam.


Evercade Piko Interactive Collection 4 review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "As Forest Gump once mumbled, “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” The same is also true for Piko Interactive collections, with Piko merely being a license holder – whenever they’re involved, you never know which games are going to appear. It’s a very different case from something like Worms Collection, or the Bitmap Brothers Collection – a five game cart with three of those being iterations of Speedball. Yeah, we’re still bitter."

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darthv721d 21h ago

I really like what evercade is doing with these compilation carts. I cant quite get behind their new alpha tabletop units though... maybe they will grow on me.