
PlayStation Nixes PSN Account Linking Requirement for Helldivers 2

PlayStation tweets: "Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward.

We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans."

Christopher142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Now, will gamers take all this fervor and aim it at the likes of EA, Ubisoft, Take2, and others who have way more invasive and problem-causing apps for Steam games?

142d ago
Eonjay142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Sony is like a whipping boy for the industry and it's just lame at this point. This is like my Activision account I use for Call of Duty. I'm not a 'fan'' of Activision but it's free and it comes in handy. The PSN account would come handy if they decide to do cross saves and I'm sure some other stuff too. I have an account for practically everything, including this site. I need a Microsoft account to play some PS5 games. No one has been able to explain what the big problem with a PSN account was.

blackblades142d ago

They dont want one because they cant trust them with all the times Sony got hacked which makes no sense cause steam got hacked so does everythinv else in this world. Been with playstation and i never had a problem security wise. PlayStation doesnt hold SSN and you dont have to put you credit card on it either. Pc users just wanna cry, its a PlayStation game they should be happy Sony putting games on pc to begin with. Also funny they dont trust Sony but yet would play there games when on pc.

redknight80142d ago

Yes, people have explained the problem with a PSN account...there has been 15 million articles on it and surely you read a few and saw some comments...it is because PSN is not supported in a lot of countries meaning people in those countries can't create a PSN account and therefore would be unable to play the game at all.

ChronoJoe142d ago

On PS5 even crossplay doesn’t work with all PC accounts. I have plenty of PC friends where the invites never go through and theirs aren’t received. Crossplay without a unified account system is always a nightmare, none of us should be punching in friend codes in 2024.

They shouldn’t have tried to change this post launch but they should have had it in on day 1.

VenomUK142d ago

@redknight80. If the main complaint is that people in over 150 countries cannot create PSN accounts then Sony needs to get its programming/logistics/legal team to make it available. If that happens, the next time Sony releases a multiplayer game on Steam with a PSN account requirement would this stop a repeat of this backlash?

thesoftware730142d ago

Did they sell you CoD initially without needing an Activision account, and then locked you out of it because you could not get an Activision account where you lived?


141d ago
WelkinCole141d ago

I see it as more like they listen to gamers complaint

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 141d ago
H9142d ago

Christopher with all I do respect, your bias is showing heavily, be positive, congratulate people and ask for them to do more, no need for this passive aggressive bitterness

jambola142d ago

if they do he'll probably make the same comment but put world hunger in there

Zeref142d ago

He has literally failed articles based on whether or not it will upset Sony fanboys lol. We know where he stands and it's not neutral.

Brazz142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

You are the one showing bias. Christopher is 100% right here, all this HDII and PSN linking is a gigantic hypocrisy.

Christopher142d ago

Much need for it, because I know no one is going to turn any of this attention anywhere and it will just die out until the next Internet band wagon pops up. Gamers are proven to have power, they will then squander it rather than utilize it where it matters.

thesoftware730142d ago (Edited 142d ago )


Hahaha, His bias shows in every one of his post, anyone with half a brain can see his awful attempts to not come off like a Sony superfan.

It so cringy at times, like his above comment, Instead of saying good,Sony should learn from this, and not lock out players who already paid for their product and helped to make it a successful game, he points the finger at other companies who has nothing to do with Sony's terrible decision to screw customers over.

141d ago
141d ago
H9141d ago

@Swooldys did they just mark your previous reply as spam?

141d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 141d ago
notachance142d ago

I’d argue there’s a better softer approach they could do, just make it optional with bonus for people who did it like some free cosmetics and make it required only for cross-play and cross-save purposes. That way the people who can do it have bonus incentives and people in countries without psn can still play without problems.

142d ago Replies(5)
Angyobangyo142d ago

The difference is EA, Ubisoft, Take2, etc didn't release their games and then down the line implement forced account linkage under the guise of "security". Gamers know from when they buy EA and Ubisoft games that you'll need an account with those companies. Also when was the last time a company delisted an extremely popular game from over 100 countries?

Extermin8or3_142d ago

It was listed on the game as a requirement and it was a decision by arrowhead so that people could get into the game. In future companies won't be able to make such decisions and you will simply be left unable to play the game.

Christopher142d ago

Actually, all of them did this by adding their apps to existing games once they released their apps. So, no, they're not any different.

-Foxtrot142d ago

May aswell strike while the fire is hot

If not….then people are a bunch of hypocrites

thesoftware730142d ago

No, no, it's not about it having to be linked to PSN. The problem was that they initially sold it to customers, without the need for PSN(supposedly due to technical problems at launch), then added the PSN requirement for people they sold it to, that could not get PSN, essentially locking people out of somethin they already bought. Sony even delisted the game in a lot of places, what kind of fuckey is that?

And you response to them rolling back some BS, is to point the finger at other companies. That's the problem, it's always a finger pointing baby ass mentality with some people, oh, they did it so you should look at someone else, grow up. HD2 is huge right now, and many many people are playing it, and we are talking about SONY right now, not UBI, EA or anyone else, but Sony. The players of this wildly successful game is complaining, even the dev was clearly against what Sony was doing, so the uproar is from HD2 fans, not assasins creed or GTA fans.

derek142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Nonsense this is just another extension of the console war bs now with the rage mob from the pc community. No you have playstation apologizing for putting their games on pc on their terms, lol. Sony made a fool of themselves by backing off this minor requirement.

thesoftware730142d ago

@ derek,

See you are missing the point.

It is not about PSN, it is that people bought the fucking game, and now with the PSN requirement cant play it at all! You know why?, because PSN don't exist where they live, not because they don't wanna sign up, they cant! Why do you people keep defending selling a product that people cant use?

Do you not see why this is wrong? They sold them a product that they cannot use, it's not fake outrage, it's literally fucking people over.

--Onilink--142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

They already do, its the reason why the Epic Games store is still losing money, why Origin failed, etc

This whole idea that PC gamers havent been fighting against separate launchers, mandatory accounts, etc up until now just because its Sony is just dumb

Christopher142d ago

Origin didn't fail, it's EA app now.

Ubisoft Connect/UPlay have been around since 2009.

Rockstar Game Launcher is required to play their games.

2k Launcher is required to play their games.

Kalypso launcher.

Red Launcher (CDPR)

Creative Assembly launcher

Bethesda accounts the exact same as PSN

Gearbox accounts the exact same as PSN

Microsoft games the exact same as PSN

What are you on about? PC gamers have been sleeping on this since 2009.

--Onilink--141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

Yes, and how many people dont play any game that forces those launchers?

How many people avoid any other store other than Steam or GoG like its the plague?

Yes, of course there will always be people that use then because they would rather play the games.

But the idea that its just now that PC gamers have complained or “boycotted” a game because it forces the use of another app/login/launcher is completely ridiculous, it has been happening since a long time ago.

And really? Origin didnt fail? It was supposed to eventually rival Steam. It was a complete failure as a storefront, all of them (EA, MS, Ubi, etc) all ditched making the games exclusive to those stores and put them on Steam precisely because they failed as storefronts because many people in the PC space are already against these kind of practices

Goodguy01142d ago

God I'd love it if the same would work for ubi, ea, and the likes

FPS_D3TH142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Probably not because this was more about selling a game to countries they never intended on supporting than about forcing a new account registration on players.

darthv72142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Sony should have limited the steam page to flag those countries where this issue would be a problem as "not available in your region". That would at least have been an up front addressing of the situation. But.... they took people's $$ anyway and let them play for the first 2-3 months before fixing their issues regarding linking.

141d ago
Inverno141d ago

I hope so, I'm hoping they can get Valve involved to force this sort of stuff to end all together. I've only 1 game that requires me to log into the EA app and it's a more miss than hit so I uninstalled it, I'm playing on the Deck btw. Something else we should take aim at is having to accept a TOS after purchase to be able to install a game. And push these companies to stop taking away access to games bought just cause servers are being taken down!

Tedakin141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

Those other companies didn't make logging in a requirement 3 months after the game came out in regions where they sold they game and you literally can't log in. Then they stripped the game from 177 countries. What Sony did was the most boneheaded thing.

Spenok141d ago


You expect fickle gamers to be intellectually consistent? I'm confident they will not.

(I also realize you're being satirical with this comment)

rlow1141d ago

The fervor was because people in over a 100 countries don’t have access to PSN because Sony has no presence there. I would be pissed had I bought a game and couldn’t access it because I would have to move to another country just to continue to play it. Especially after a long playing it for months prior.

It was justified and Sony listened.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 141d ago
Snookies12142d ago

Thank you! I have a PS account, but bought this on PC. I just hate having to do stupid stuff like this just to get into the game I bought.

just_looken142d ago

You should try getting a resident evil MP working not as bad as making a sony account but its right up there i tried with a fake dump email holy spam batman. I never finished the account creation

XiNatsuDragnel142d ago

Good stuff this is what the power of gamers can do.

buffig142d ago

I wonder if that "power" could do something useful?

XiNatsuDragnel142d ago

Lol it's useful that we can change stuff about these greedy companies

Man_Among_Mice142d ago

Yet this "power" hasn't changed any of the actually greedy stuff these greedy companies do...

FinalFantasyFanatic142d ago

Now if only it would show up more often, unfortunately the majority do not make a fuss often enough, hence why the industry is where it is now.

Kinza55012141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

But that power hasn't changed much see: online gaming behind paywalls, expensive DLCs, games being released unfinished day one, cut content being sold as DLCs, Games going digital, gacha games... i could go on.
Congrats on your "small" victory, I guess.

XiNatsuDragnel141d ago

Sounds like we need to do more, gamers we got united lol

__SteakDeck__141d ago

@XiNatsuDragnel Lol That wasn’t Gamers. That was whiney PC fans.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 141d ago
Chocoburger142d ago

Crisis averted, now we can all move on.

Show all comments (141)

Helldivers 2 community wants some boosters to be merged

Some boosters in Helldivers 2 aren't strong enough on their own, so the community proposed that some get combined instead.

Bathyj19h ago

I want some backpacks to be merged.
And to spend samples on gun upgrades.
Higher level.players (100plus) should get some.perks.


Kick option exists for a reason, you don’t have to put up with insufferable Helldivers 2 players

Sometimes you just have to kick players who don't cooperate, troll, or steal from the team while playing Helldivers 2. There's no other way.

M_Prime1d 9h ago

I kick people out of my game all the time, the worst for me is when my team is trying to get samples and a high level player extracts solo. If they are high level and call in the pelican without a mic to communicate i just kick. If they are on mic and tell me they will wait its one thing, but i see a lot of these guys just wanting XP because they have everything unlocked, where players like me still need lots of samples to max everything out.

Bathyj1d 8h ago

I'm completely maxed out but I still collect samples to help and I'll sometimes run off to call the extraction in if I see were running out of time.or reinforcements but I don't leave until everyone is on the pad.

It's what good Helldivers do.
For democracy.


Support-oriented Helldivers 2 players clamor for aim lock-on for the Stim Pistol

The new Stim Pistol added to Helldivers 2 seems like a dead ringer for a lock-on aim mechanic, and many players agree.