
Helldivers 2 Devs Apologize for Snarky Reply to PSN Issue, Adds "Internal Discussions are Ongoing"

The Helldivers 2 PSN controversy has been addressed in more detail by Arrowhead's Community Manager, stating that "discussions are ongoing."

thorstein140d ago

I don't think they should apologize. It is evident that this is a response to the abuse that many users are sending their way.

maelstromb140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Disagree. Arrowhead knew full well what type of contractual obligations they were signing onto when they penned the deal with Sony as their publishing partner. They share 50% of the blame in this situation and based on past situations with other devs trapped in the same/similar legal obligations to Sony, there is likely very little/next to nothing they can do to change this. They should have communicated this information upfront to PC players and they dropped the ball so they need to own the situation and make it right somehow. The ball is in their court now.

Giga_Gaia140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

They did communicate with PC players upfront, it was on the Steam page that it would require a PSN account.

Also, people are angry over nothing, even the ones living in a country without PSN. You can literally make a PSN account from another region and no you will not get banned for this. I have no idea where the ban thing comes from, but it's just not true. I am in Canada and I have a JP, UK and US account as well that I use regularly for 10 years and none were banned.

thorstein140d ago

What are you disagreeing with?

The vitriol aimed at them from toxic people? Because that did happen.

That a PSN account was required at launch? Because it was then was removed because launch was so rocky.

dumahim140d ago

"Arrowhead knew full well what type of contractual obligations they were signing onto when they penned the deal with Sony as their publishing partner."

Using that logic, the players knew full well what they agreed to when they signed up since it said right from the start that a PSN account would be required.

redknight80139d ago

I'm sorry but I don't accept such an excuse as that. Professionals who receive trolls and abuse from random online people/fans, etc should hold the moral high ground and not respond like babies. I am a Bucks fan and one player threw a basketball at a fan whom he said was talking trash and used that as an excuse...that doesn't fly, he should have been the professional and not responded like a little baby and this situation with Arrowhead is very similar, there are a million things they could have said initially but they chose "snark" haha, that doesn't work and the VERY least they should do is apologize.

CornholioX139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

Devs don't need to apologize. The game is published by playstation and it is normal to require a PSN account to make. They were some technical issues so it wasn't need it yet if i'm right. If people buy games on Steam that comes from EA or Ubisoft, you also need an account to play. This is just the same with PSN and it's not new. I do understand some regions aren't available but the consumers bought the game and agreed the TOS. That's their own choice.

Yeah i know, 99% don't read the TOS but all multiplayer games has it.

RaidenBlack140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Spritz : “Yeah, I was completely unaware how many countries didn’t have the ability to make a PSN account when I made that statement. I deeply regret implying that it was so easy for everyone to just sign up and not have to worry about it. It’s absolutely not our intention to force people to break Sony Terms of Services or just not play the game if they’re in a restricted region. There needs to be a better solution.”

Its not the fact that you need to create a new account to play the game ... its that fact that it was added later.
If it requires, it should've been there day 1, so that the players were aware day 1 what they are getting into. Not every PC gamer appreciates juggling multiple accounts/logins to play one damn game. So players who are not into this could've stayed away rather than sinking hundreds of hours into this good game.
^ ~ this is the part every other gamers are missing while dissing the PC helldivers community.

rippermcrip140d ago

The requirement has been there since day 1. Then they had some issues and they temporarily allowed it without an account, but also specifically stated that it was a temporary measure and would be required in the future.

Christopher140d ago

***Its not the fact that you need to create a new account to play the game ... its that fact that it was added later. ***

To note and be somewhat of a Devil's Advocate, the steam page did note that you would eventually need one. It was on PSN pages that they said one wasn't required.

Still not a good way for Sony to handle this. But, I feel like the reaction to this is quite extreme and wish people cared about EA, UConnect, Take2, Bethesda, and other required login services for games or features in the past. Perhaps we would live in a world where all these logins weren't required if gamers didn't just overreact 10 years later to one game.

maelstromb140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

My opinion likely won't be a popular one with all the Sony fanboys, but it's the truth.
Firstly, 50% of the fault is with Arrowhead here and they must own that. This is the price you pay when you sign a deal with Sony as your partner. I've said it before and I'll say it again - signing a deal with Sony is like signing a deal with the devil. I'm sure the funding and exposure is excellent, but it's the contractual stuff that creates strife for the devs. Just look at From - Sony has effectively screwed over the Bloodborne fans by completely ignoring calls for an HD remaster or PC port or sequel. Same situation concerning a Days Gone sequel... they screwed Bend Studio over and the fact that we likely will never see a sequel is a complete travesty. This situation and the other aforementioned are all prime reasons for why devs should never enter into a contract with Sony as publishing partner. They've proven many times to be a horrible business partner and gamers and fans continue to pay the price. They just can't help themselves by ruining good things.

Hypertension140140d ago


What about the micotransactions? Do you really think helldivers 2 would be the same if it was published by someone else? Same with Stellar Blade, and all its outfits.
What I've noticed is Sony is the only one of the big 3 without a game having predatory micotransactions. They always give you complete game from day one, I don't think Sony get enough credit for that.

140d ago
P_Bomb140d ago

“…signing a deal with Sony is like signing a deal with the devil.”

LOL @ the drama!

maelstromb140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

It may be a tad dramatic, but Sony are the ones bringing the drama to this game w/ the PSN account requirement. Besides that, the two other examples I gave DO matter and showcase my point. Sony is not always a friend to its fans or its devs. And for those who try to bring the argument that they're running a business and they're beholden to their shareholders, I also call BS there - if that's the case, where are the Bloodborne remakes/remasters and/or sequels? They must know they would make a BOATLOAD of money just on that one IP alone and yet fans are met with deafening silence for years.

maelstromb139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

Not sure why there are all these Sony defenders out there down-voting mine and others' comments which are shining a light on Sony's actions. At this point, Sony's silence is deafening. Believe it or choose not to, but what I and others in this thread are saying about Sony is fact. They are 100% a corporate entity with one goal in mind - make $$$ and take $$$ - just as every other corpo entity out there. If a company isn't doing something you like, your only options are to speak out and vote with your wallets.

Now, I appreciate AH's community manager coming out and suggesting players leave negative Steam reviews because they (AH) realize they have no direct leverage with Sony themselves due to their legal obligations. Effectively, AH is desperately trying to grip onto any goodwill they have left with their player base, so I would say at this stage, the ball is completely in Sony's court and I'd be mildly amused if Sony back-peddles... however, history has shown that to be a rare occurrence so I won't hold my breath.

140d ago
CantThinkOfAUsername140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Who else would have funded and developed a SONY-OWNED IP? You'd rather not get Helldivers 2 at all over account creation?

I get that Sony didn't think this through since they support fewer countries than Steam does. They also removed the sale of the game from any unsupported country which is a far worse decision.

Regarding Bloodborne and Days Gone, which are good examples, Shuhei Yoshida is the reason Bloodborne exists. I'm willing to bet the rest of the board didn't like or want it after the Demon's Souls debacle. Same with Days Gone. Their Executives seem not to care about anything that doesn't get 80+ Metacritic and sell 10M at the very least because of 'their image and standard.'

-Foxtrot139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

The devil?

Jeez...how over the top

I don't agree with whats happening but come on, if you think Sony are the devil then what are Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft etc

Lightning77139d ago

Nobody is your friend. They're a company who only cares about your money, that's it.

Gotta stop looking at these faces as celebrities cuz they're not they're corpo buissness men and woman finding ways to extract money from us. Ppl Cheering Phil at these Xbox events is cringe and dumb, he only wants your money nothing more.

maelstromb139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

How over the top? Literal much? It's called a turn of phrase. I think it perfectly summarizes the situation based on the reasons I've given.

Also, we're not talking about MS, EA, Ubi, Activision/Blizzard, and others, we're specifically speaking about the current situation unfolding with AH and Sony's ill-considered decision making. But if you want to go there, sure I would totally agree with you - that is, those other corpos are all in it to make money and recent history has given us plenty of prime examples as to how low these companies will stoop to "survive" and what these companies value to be most important, and news flash, it isn't their employees even though it should be. Instead, 2023 ended as a spit-in-the-face to thousands of talented devs and industry professionals tossed out like day old coffee. Meanwhile, these same companies allowed sexual harassment and exploitation of their staff to run amok for years, and then chose to reward offending executive leaders with golden parachutes. It's disgusting and horrifying at best and ethically and morally incomprehensible at worst. But I digress...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 139d ago
CrimsonWing69140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Love these “internal discussions,” why not just say they’re talking to Sony about not doing what fans are telling them they don’t want? Same with Shift Up, let’s be real these are Sony decisions at the end of the day.

derek140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

I hope Sony doesn't give in to the phony rage mob, especially the cheating game stealing community of pc gamers. Most of these rageaholics don't even know what exactly they're angry about. Arrowhead needs to be upfront with this frustrated mob and tell them that's the policy going forward and not to expect a change to it. It was stellar blade just a few days ago now it's latched onto hd2 let the toxic mob move on to the next game to rage on about.

140d ago Replies(2)
babadivad140d ago

Yeah, Sony should never listen to their audience. I mean, the paying customer is the only reason a company like Sony can exist any way but you're right. Fuck em.

UltimateOwnage140d ago

Yep, entitled consumers are "always" in the right to rage mob and throw a fit. Steam is offering refunds if anyone got their feelings hurt over it, so I don't see the issue here. It's a Sony published game, already noted as requiring PSN to sign in. Where is the rage when Microsoft requires an XBOX Live sign-in for a PC game sold on Steam? It's not exactly a new concept.

derek140d ago

@babadivad im a paying Sony customer, much more so than most of the pc crowd. There's nothing wrong with this requirement at all certainly not something that warrants this childish reaction from the usual trolls and pc/console warriors we see weekly. You have dummies saying they're going to sue Sony over this or some comparing it to nazism, lol. You can't make this nonsense up. I don't particularly like signing in to separate accounts for a bunch of different games but I hate this trend of fake outrage campaigns more.

Sephiroushin140d ago

Yeah great suggestion or not… well they banned it on 177 locations and steam is giving refunds to anyone who asks it by the way 42% of the sales come from countries were they cant create a psn account so basically half of the steam sales… and people started refunding preorders of GoT just because Sony …

CantThinkOfAUsername140d ago

Yeah, this is the real decision to get fussed over, not creating accounts. Removing a game from sale instead of offering support is one of the most baffling things I've ever seen.

derek140d ago

@Sephiroushin 42% of sales? Lol. Stop making stuff up, I'll need to see proof of that.

Sephiroushin138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

no my fault your info is wrong, i’d look it up and send you a link but you need the info not me so look it up, most of the steam sales comes from here the US and EU but almost the other half comes from everywhere else, even sony had to step back on their retard take on mandatory linking accounts so huh yeah 😂

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