
Sony ‘held back’ on E3 2017 announcements, admits Shuhei Yoshida

The PlayStation Experience 2017 could be an exciting place to be for new PS4 game news. According to Shuhei Yoshida, Sony held back from some big announcements at E3 2017.

chrisx2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Just as I thought. We know that some amazing unannounced games are coming! This year is already stacked with great games and more incoming on the Ps4

_-EDMIX-_2658d ago

Well of course you have to consider that they have so many teams with games unannounced that they easily could have talked about something but chose not to.

Maybe they just want to space out their announcements for PlayStation experience, Tokyo game show what have you

naruga2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

this is clever advertising managment ...last year had to promote the PS4 rpo and PSVr , the systems cant be sold alone (hey XoneX) is gaming business need games, so the made simultaneously huge announcements to support these systems to newcomers ...things that PHil should have done in the first place with their powerful new system but ....... ok ok i liked at least LUcky s Tale ...this year obviously hold back the games no need to spoil all things they r working while their business are exploding

MegamanXXX2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

It's obvious because Sucker Punch new IP has been in development for a while now and they didn't even show that

NewMonday2658d ago

as everyone expected Sony held off megaton announcements after the underwhelming Xbox show.

Army_of_Darkness2658d ago

Of course they held back. That was very obvious. Not as mind blowing as the previous events, but still way better than Ms and Nintendo in terms of quality games.

4Sh0w2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

'meh poor excuse, by the same logic EVERYONE is holding back because they are ALL still working on games that they didnt show on the biggest gaming stage. E3 is where you "wow" gamers with new content and announcements. Simply put if both Microsoft and Sony planned accordingly they could show what's coming in the very near future (this year), they could show what's coming next year (2018) AND wow us with 1 or 2 new announcements that obviously are 2+ years out. I'm not saying Sony's show was bad just saying you can show current and long-term plans to have a complete show.

darthv722658d ago

So if Sony held back then it's safe to say MS did the same. Phil did say that there are other games being worked on but did not want to announce them too soon. He doesn't want to get stuck in that situation again like scalebound.

Sony will have their PSX and MS will have their X17 and both should be on hand for TGS and PGW. Hopefully that is the plan.

b163o12658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

You've got games that weren't shown. Okay...

Sony's got a treasure chest of games they're hiding must be nice.

M$ only game of E3 seem to be about looking for treasure...

Skull5212658d ago

Nothing would really top the reveal of the XBOX, so saving them for another time was probably the right choice.

bouzebbal2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

those bitching about this aren't gamers and don't really get what a gaming show is about.
they showed what PS has in stores until next year. This is no show for muscle flexing, which is what most are expecting.
Those same trolls are crying tht games are revealed way too early, and now that the show is about short term releases they want some massive franchises to be revealed and released the same year???

Monster Hunter
Lost Legacy
Days Gone
God of War
The Inpatient
Knack 2
MvC: Infinite
Star Child
SuperHot VR
Lost Sphear
Ninokuni 2
Yakuza 6

ALL of this is exclusive, and i know i am missing some titles.

nX2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

You're trying really hard don't you? If you still haven't understood that and most importantly WHY Sony has much more to offer than Nintendo and Microsoft you might want to educate yourself on the matter.

Gazondaily2656d ago

I love people saying people shouldn't moan about this and they aren't gamers when some of the same so called gamers gunned Microsoft but now these Indies are great! The hypocrisy is mind boggling. I see some true culprits here though lol. Wouldn't know a good game if it smacked them in the face but would go to the ends of the earth to defend Knack 😂😂😂

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2656d ago
xfiles20992658d ago

I have been saying this since Monday PSX is important to them because it is for the fans in front of the fans. Not a bunch of journalists. They want PSX to be like E3 going forward expect this to be a trend for them

Uken122658d ago

Sorry but wrong. E3 is always important. They just didn't have much to show. Except it, it isn't a big deal. But disappointing. Yoshida is just talking out of his ass because people were disappointed.

Omnisonne2658d ago


Why would they host separate events but not plan anything for them? Doesn't make alot of sense does it.

BenRC012658d ago

No tlou2 or gt sport. Deffo held back.
Why go all out when 50% power can win e3? lol

zaherdab2658d ago

@uken12 u except it ... ur trolling but i except u as u are... e3 totally met my exceptation ...

jmac532658d ago

E3 is not about journalists anymore

Uken122658d ago

Just remember these comments the next time Sony comes in big during e3. The next time they "Win" e3.
Also all you down voters and repliers seemed to have missed my point.

All I am saying is that e3 is important for the fans/consumer. And that they didn't have anything that they wanted to show as of yet. And that it is NOT a big deal. But disappointing to us consumers/fans.

Yoshida is just responding to the fact people are saying it was lackluster. If Reggie or Phil Spencer did it, you people would be saying how horrible MS and Nintendo are.

"Except it" as in except the fact that this is what they had to show for e3 and that it is not a big deal they didn't live up to expectations. I didn't say it was bad. I am not trolling.

iceman062658d ago

@Uken12...Funny that you doubt what Sony has in store when just last year they killed E3 and still held out heavy hitters like TLOU 2 for PSX. Add to this that devs praised them for having PSX for the ability to not have to "rush" something for E3 to get onstage.
I think a couple things are in play. First, as Xfiles stated, E3 is not purely gamer focused. It's an industry trade event for business execs, media, and consumers. So, while it is important, Sony is in a pretty safe spot. With that safety, they felt like they didn't have to come out swinging so much as continue momentum from E3 last year. Secondly, they really want PSX to have a higher profile. Hell, they dropped the TLOU 2 trailer at last years conference. It's kinda parochial to think that Sony just ran out of games. When has Sony not had anything in progress? Even in the "drought" times, they've had something. I'll take Shu at his word.

JackStraw2658d ago

You're right. It isn't 2005 anymore. E3 doesn't have the same weight that it used to, which is probably why it was open to public this year. It's cool, though. We'll always have those special E3 moments. I just wish PSX wasn't at the very end of the year.

Rimeskeem2658d ago


E3 is important but PSX is where PlayStation fans can play and interact with all things PlayStation. The Fact Naughty Dog announced TLOU2 there and Troy Baker specifically said they wanted to because of the fans really means PSX is where big bombs can be dropped.

OB1Biker2658d ago

'Yoshida is just talking out of his ass'
haha that guy is killing me

We all know Sony has other events in the year but its often just before an event like E3 people make sort of Xmas lists with awesome announcements and all. Like the journalists from PushSquare who were saying Sony will show all they have. Come on now how people lose their mind. Thing is this time Sony had at least 4 hugely expected games that needed to be showed in lenght and deliver on gameplay.

Uken122657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )


I don't doubt Sony. I just think e3 means more to gamers than what we got this year as a whole. It was a lackluster e3 altogether.
I am sure Sony will show great stuff in the near future. But saying e3 isn't important to them is wrong. They have had great e3 showings in the past years. Are those not important to them? Do people not get excited when they show new stuff at e3?
And honestly I don't think it is a big deal that their e3 wasn't that huge. It had some cool stuff. And I never said they ran out of games. I said they didn't have much that they wanted to show. Meaning they probably have plenty in development but didn't want to show any of it just yet.

But overall people were disappointed.

I also feel like Nintendo and Microsoft didn't show much. Does that mean they have nothing in development? No.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
2658d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2658d ago

Just confirms what I was thinking. They're saving some announcements for TGS and PlayStation Experience.

Uken122658d ago

Lol of course you fanboys are like "I knew Sony was holding back, best system ever!"

The fact of the matter is this, they didn't have anything ready to show. If they were holding back then why did they show a remake of Shadow of the Colossus? A game that has already had an HD Remaster.
God of War was mostly enhanced Cutscenes, because the gameplay didn't look as good. Not saying it doesn't look amazing but again Sony using enhanced scenes to promote it like that is in game (Really for no reason).
The Sony cult following on here really needs to look at the absurd claims they make.

Omnisonne2658d ago

Sony has delivered in the past regarding first party titles, there's little reason to suspect they are pulling wool over people's eyes.
Ofcourse they aim to impress with nice camera angles and action sequences, but doesn't every game reveal do that?

ILostMyMind2658d ago

lol. Your desperation is evident.

Sevir2658d ago

Lol stil riding high off the Xbox One X that barely shows its power?

The same thing was said in 2015 when Sony seemingly focused on 3rd party titles, only to announce games at TGS,Paris games week, and PSX that year.

Shu is the president of Sony's world wide first party operations he's the one making the decisions on what studios get there games shown at trade show events. So when he says they held back on announcements, he's the one who made that decision. So whatever it is you're smoking, get off it

HeisenbergX2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

@IvanSF lol desperation or pure stupidity? probably both

OB1Biker2658d ago

If your telling us they didn't have anything to show then that s got to be true I guess and Shu is some random guy talking out of his @ss like you said XD
Seriously get some coffee, put your feet up and ponder a minute about all of us absurd fanatics following the Sony cult maybe we don't deserve your showing us the light in the dark.

rainslacker2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

If GOW was mostly enhanced cutscenes, then so was FM7. You think it's a sin to mix in different aspects of the game to show it off? Was Day's Gone also just enhanced cut scenes? SOTC looked great. UC:TLL looked great, and the game play looked as good as the cut scenes. What about Spider-Man? Was that just one long cut scene?

Sony has been delivering on games since at least the middle of last gen. Why presume they are lying now when we already know several things they have which didn't even make an appearance. GT:S, That Sucker Punch game. Dreams. TLOU2. So on and so forth. Sony's showing was good. If we didn't know about any of the games they showed, then it would have been amazing, but since we did somehow it wasn't a great showing? Where's the logic in that? Are we less excited to see games just because we know about them?

In constrast, MS had a lot of games we didn't know about, or didn't know much about. Outside of their big 3rd party announcements, what was all that exciting about it? Forza looked good. SoT was passable. CD3 looked terrible. The rest of the stuff was rather ho-hum, with a few gems thrown in that no one will ever talk about because they aren't the kinds of games that people really go on about.

Uken122657d ago

You people don't read.

God of War looks amazing! I as I stated before. It isn't desperation. What do I need to be desperate for? I'm not a fanboy of PC, Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony. I own all big three consoles.

Saying they didn't have anything to SHOW isn't stating they didn't have anything. Nothing to show for e3, that isn't a big deal because there was still a decent amount even they people would like more.

All companies were holding back because they all have games in development.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
Ceaser98573612658d ago

Thats what i said Sony dialed it back because they didn't need to come out firing this year. There is nothing that Microsoft did that make me take notice of anything in their conference.

S2Killinit2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Because of PSX, and the fact that xbox basically showed more multiplatform games than anything.

butchertroll2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Yep, first half of the year was full of great games. 2nd also. I found some weird topic on Gamespot :

Till end of `17. PS4 will get 15 exclusives and 2 big DLC's vs. Xbones.....duh, 5 exclusives

Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy (June 30)
Syndrome (PSVR, June 30)
That's You (with PlayLink, July 4)
Pyre (July 25)
Hellblade (Aug 8)
MatterFall (Aug 15)
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy DLC (Aug 22)
Everybody's Golf (Aug 29)
Yakuza Kiwami ( Aug 29 )
Warriors All-Stars ( August 29 )
Undertale (PS4/Vita, Summer 2017)
Knack 2 (Sept 5)
Danganronpa ( Sep 29th )
Ni No Kuni II (Nov 10)
Gran Turismo Sport (2017)
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds DLC (2017)
Hidden Agendas (with PlayLink, 2017)


Tacoma ( Aug 2nd )
Forza Motorsport 7 (Oct 3rd)
Crackdown 3 (Nov 7th)
Super Luckys Tale (Nov 7th )
Cuphead (Sep 29)

Well, looks like maker of that thread didn't counted 22 "console launch exclusives" for Xbone, maybe because the reason is those 22 "console launch exclusives" will be on PS4 sooner or later.

Forn2658d ago

I think there's even more for PS, like Nex Machina releasing next week.

2658d ago
XanderZane2658d ago

Well if they did, they held back to much as their E3 was not great. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft has held back unannounced games as well. Especially since Phil said they have developers working on a large number of 1st party games. Who's to say that those games just aren't ready to be shown yet? We'll see what's shown at GamesCom and XBox/PS4 Experience shows.

rainslacker2657d ago

If MS held back it was a bad decision. They had to deliver this conference, and it makes no sense to hold back. Even if they held back, they should have at least shown more than they did. Sony may have held back, but what they showed made MS conference look absolutely pathetic in comparison. People's biggest gripe about Sony's conference, if they had any problem at all, was that we knew most of what was shown. Some through prior E3's, other through leaks and rumors. MS show showed a bunch of new stuff that while maybe cool at times, is not the kind of stuff that people get overly excited for in a big way. When it comes to the difference, the 1st party stuff shown at MS was more known about than what we saw at Sony's conference.

XanderZane2657d ago

LOL!! No. Sony's crowd seemed bored out of their minds from watching the same games they saw at last years E3. The only time they clapped happily was during God of War & Spiderman. The show was bad and not much better then Microsoft. Only ones who are saying it won and was great are biased fanboys like yourself. There are a LOT of them on N4G. Sony saying they held back is just damage control at this point. Sure Microsoft didn't really deliver either, but neither did Sony. No Bloodborne 2, Knack 2, GT Sport, Kingdom Hearts 3, Shenmue 3, FF VII Remake, Deep Down, etc.. etc..,etc.. They just didn't deliver. Period!! ** Mic drop**

Tussin1872658d ago

They seen what MS did and did some adjustments. If people think that they just have one presentation to go and that's it are crazy. They played it safe and will likely show more titles later at other shows. Let's see if MS will do the same...

rainslacker2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

I'm a little disappointed, but the games I'll play this year will make up for it.:)

Maybe they could have dropped one big game, but my life will go on either way.

Guess I can't blame them though. Between having a pretty big schedule of games they want to market that will be released soon, the fact that their closest competition didn't really bring much to the table to be concerned over, and the fact they get accused all the time of announcing too early, I'd imagine it's a fine balance on dishing out the announcements at the proper pace.

bigevil1x2657d ago

Man gtfoh you ppl pissing n cry a bout exclusive this and exclusive that when Sony best game horizon zero dawn Is not in The top 10 you Sony fan girls not even supporting most of there exclusive. this is why PC gamers step on the consoles because ppl that's 25+ years old egging on a console war like school girls


+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2656d ago
Krangs_Uncle2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Sorry to sound in anyway defensive here, but I'm just responding to the MS fans ridiculous gloating to an all round diabolical E3, and let's be honest, MS needed it more.. What they seem to forget, is that outside of other conventions throughout the year, we get this wonderful thing called Playstation Experience.. YEARLY. The last one happened to trump the MS show, and the Sony E3 showing combined (in my opinion).

So when you guys claim glory for this E3, which is ridiculous anyway I might add, you will be twiddling your thumbs come December, when we get more mega ton Christmas treats in the form of announcements.

You guys are way behind, and the gloating about games is just delusion, especially when you guys have just had the quietest year known to man.. Back to reality.

moegooner882658d ago

That and Tokyo Game Show. Sony attends at least 3 major events per year. So it is no surprise, that they space out the announcements. It is rather funny however saying the haters trying to downplay the games portfolio shown at E3, then complain somewhere else about the lack of announced games footage, and VR titles support.

Why o why2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Nobody should downplay anything unless their manufacturer of choice have more or at least a comparable amount of projects pending or further down the pipeline. I've heard people lauding the art of padding in regards to counting multiplatform reveals as some kind of gold star. When you have very little of your own to show you're left with little choice but to hype what isn't yours. . . We all know Sony have things in the pipeline that were absent but given Sony's track record the likelihood of these games getting released is high. Definitely higher than ms given their recent track record. Only Nintendo seem to release everything they reveal.

Uken122658d ago

Sony's track record is that they have survived 20 years in the industry solely off of 3rd party. Not their exclusives. They still couldn't make a PS All Star game. Their exclusives are icing on the cake. Sony isn't Nintendo when it comes to exclusive in house IP. They rely on bought rights to titles such as Nier, Destiny Exclusive content and much more. When other companies do it they are the devil.

Sony highly relies on 3rd party support. Microsoft used to have Halo backing it, but Halo has gone the rout of Michael Bay style and NFL inspired armor, which is awful. And MS doesn't have Halo to push it forward. And yes, Halo's online was amazing back in the Halo 2 days and set the standard for console gaming.

4Sh0w2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Why o Why,

-nah I don't mind the criticism at all that Microsoft needed to SHOW more 1st party exclusives but at the same time that doesn't mean I can't say imo Sony didn't have ANY big announcements for new games, I talked about the good games Sony showed, while also saying they lacked a big announcement on n4g right after their show= these comments from Yoshida only confirm I was right(many others too). I mean of course Sony has games they didn't show, no shiiii....but what E3 is about is OK its let's see what you got for me now, soon, and in the future. Now the goal post seems to be moving to "well we know their working on games"...I mean does that same theory apply to E3 2018?

Why o why2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

I'm not a part of the post shifting squad. MS showed other peoples games that were multiplats and that was never ever the barometer for a successful E3

Sony showed games they had and ones closer to release that we all knew about so unfortunately no real surprises. I'm not going to laud them for revealing destiny 2 or whatever 3rd party multiplat they're plugging or made deals with. Did MS show more 'windows 10 ' exclusives.... not from what I've heard ..please correct me if I'm way off the mark though. My foot note was that we all know whats in the pipeline for sony. It wasn't my main point but it was in within the realms of the article which is about Shu stating sony held back. MS needed to show more.. Collectively over the past e3s sony have shown and released more. Couple games on mad hiatus like deep down and a few others but the release schedule has been and is still strong. Are MS holding back or was that it....you bet your bottom dollar there's some double standards at play if its ok for fans to speculate and claim 'that's not all ms have' ... I've been hearing..scratch that...we've all been hearing ms has more games to show leading up to e3 so either they have very little in the pipeline, projects pending but very little to show or are holding back full stop because that showing was weak for W10 exclusives. Its not even just fanboys saying this. For me its more a case of get your house in order before you chastise others. Ill accept some guys critique as not everyone is a twit and some can critique their own... you're on the safe list ;)

jeremyj29132658d ago

Gamescom, PGW, and TGS all come before PSX. That's 4 more chances for Sony to announce more games.

4Sh0w2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Why o Why

Yeah I'm definitely smelling a double standard there indeed. If you're conference is good in some areas and lacking in some areas then it is what it is. That goes for both Microsoft and Sony. I could literally sit here and say yeah but I know Microsoft has over 20 other games in the pipeline they just need *more time since Phil had to make a fresh start on many projects when he took over....OK but in the meantime this is E3 games you have in dev is great but if you cant show them they don't magically make your E3 conference more succesful because "we know their working on other games". I'm just being straight up whether it's Sony or Microsoft that sounds like a BS excuse, every company could say every time fans critique them. Ideally all they need to do is work on their scheduling so every show they can show all 3 phases, wash rinse and repeat so by the 3rd E3 those big announcements form 3 yrs ago or so are part of what will releasing soon, of course Microsoft has the most work to do in this department.

Forn2658d ago

I honestly believe that From Software will reveal their next major PS exclusive at TGS, along with some other developers.

XanderZane2657d ago

Who's to say Nintendo & Microsoft aren't doing the same thing. No one really knows. Honestly, Sony has so many games to show that it shouldn't have been a problem for them to show are large number of them at each and every event they attend. Especially since E3 is one of their biggest. Their PS Experience is their 2nd biggest. GamesCom and TGS aren't as huge or as important as the other two. What they showed at the E3 I would expected to see at GamesCom or TGS.

rainslacker2657d ago

They tend to have a strong presence at Paris Game Week as well. Complete with a conference.

FinalFantasyFanatic2657d ago

@ Uken12

I remember when me and my friends back in high school had massive LAN parties with the first few Halos (I wish people still did that, but LAN gaming has pretty much died off now).

Microsoft really need some Killer titles like the old Halo game that made people NEED to have an Xbox because they can't play said game anywhere else. They're gutting their own sales porting games to PC alongside Xbox, not that I'm complaining since I own a high end PC, they negates any reason for me to purchase an Xbox at the moment.


I hope it's a new Armored Core game, the souls series needs a rest for a while and we haven't had a new Armored Core since Verdict Day.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
_-EDMIX-_2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

I would argue that Nintendo needed this trade show to go off without a hitch far more than Microsoft.

Mean I fully get what you mean as Microsoft game studios is in all sorts of shambles right now but in regards to their Hardware Division I mean they're going to move lots of Xbox units this fall because they still have a very strong third-party relationship someone's buying these things lol

But I definitely agree with you that Microsoft still needs this trade show and I believe they could have had a way better showing but at the same time I don't really know what they have in development or lack thereof.

I know it's really bad there but I just don't know how bad.

If a responsible consumer is looking at the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One I just think I have a hard time believing that they overlook Uncharted and horizon in favor of Crackdown 3.

Microsoft press announcements were just absolutely horrid in regards some Microsoft the publisher they basically had almost nothing new in regards to significant announcements and they've literally made me worry even more about the company's future.

Jeff2572658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Never mind Uncharted and HZD over Crackdown 3. How can someone look forward and think Crackdown 3 would be a better choice than Spider-Man? Granted Spider-Man is a bit far out still but looking at them side by side you'd be hard pressed to say why you should spend an extra $100 for a XBO X and Crackdown 3 over a PS4 Pro and Spider-Man. I am saying that strictly if someone was looking at a more powerful system and not just a XBox One S or standard PS4.

XanderZane2657d ago

Microsoft is holding back for GamesCom and XBox Experience.
True, you don't know what they have and Phil isn't spilling all the beans in one show.

rainslacker2657d ago

Different strokes though. Some people may be more into CD3's game play or premise than they are into UC or Spider-man. However, i do believe many gamers aren't really that myopic in their preferences to pick and choose a console over one game. While there certainly are games that can push people over the fence(system sellers), I believe that most people do actually need more incentive than a single game.

In this vein, I think MS kind of failed at E3, because I don't think they showed enough of the big games to really sway the people on the fence. CD3 though, I'll say likely isn't something that is going to push people over the fence. At least not on the MS side. SoT has better potential IMO, and their presentation of that was just childish. All the other interesting games for me at the conference aren't likely the kinds of things that entice people either. The 3rd party stuff may help them if people really do want the more powerful version of it, but again, it's hard to generalize this as one thing or the other, because all the potential customers are all different.

MyPersonalFactinion2658d ago

Most gamers will just be playing Destiny,COD,Fifa, etc. Pretty sure 95% of gamers arent going to miss out on anything. That includes Xbox gamers.

UCForce2658d ago

The thing is that PSX is now major part of PlayStation Community.

2658d ago
GamePeace2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Those who you call "gamers" are nothing more than trend whores and hacks, more informed and commited "gamers" know that there are other franchises on the market ... other than your "Destiny,COD, Fifa, etc." That's why I would choose Sony over most others, no matter how "devilish" they seem in the eyes of many so-called "gamers" ... really bad troll attempt by you, use your irony better next time, it's waaaay too predictable ...

rainslacker2657d ago

Those people playing Destiny, COD, Fifa, etc, also play other games too. Maybe not as much as some of us around here, but I'm sure there are plenty who still find the appeal of the other games on the system.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2657d ago
MyPersonalFactinion2658d ago ShowReplies(2)
Sitdown2658d ago

What's ridiculous is you saying "we get more mega ton". Unless you work for Sony, or have stock in them, you are not on their team.....you are just a groupie that keeps their bank account healthy. You are in the trenches gloating for what? At anytime someone can go purchase a ps4 if they desire.....you lose out on being a gamer because of extreme brand loyalty. Here is a secret, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo only care for you to the extent that they can continue to get your money. In addition, do you not think Microsoft held back some games? Geez, grow up..... those of us who have been with gaming pretty much from the start are disgusted with your imaginary battles while the corporations laugh all the way to the bank and back.

Krangs_Uncle2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Saying 'we' as sole console owners of the PS4, is completely applicable with regards to 'mega ton announcements', compared to sole owners of an Xbox for whom the announcement does not involve.

Man, I think you need to relax.. I just like debating about one of my hobbies. Sorry to offend your really serious circle of extreme gamers who can't possibly criticise another product or fanbase, who have been gaming from 'the start'.. My apologies o wise grown up gamer.

Jeff2572658d ago

If you have really been with gaming from the beginning then you'd know that of course companies want our money. Do you know how they get it? I only ask because it seems like you don't. Well I will tell you. They get our money when they put out games we want to play. Fact is Sony right now is the company that listens more to the fans and gives the fans content they want to play. PSX is a testament to that as it is strictly for the fans and not for the media as E3 usually is.

Microsoft has one time during the year they showcase new games and if they held back anything then they are doing a disservice not only to gamers but to themselves. yes they want people's money too but they are doing a piss poor job of showing why anyone should invest in their systems currently and that shows in the fact Sony has sold over 60 million consoles while Microsoft sits at 20 million.

Now stop whining when people want to praise a company for doing well because they have a vested interest in seeing it do well. It may not be a return in money but it can be a return in countless hours of enjoyment playing a product that they want to play.

VoiceMale2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Sitdown u are right....when diagrees ratio is lower on ^ side here ur usually right
Gamers act like gaming is like sports where u rally for a team of ur choice to win it all and take home the gold......
unlike sports its not the team that suppose to win its the consumers...
we say its all about the games but at every step xbox fanboys and Sony fanboys seek to downplay and damage the games they cant play on their console of choice instead of celebrating them and the experience it could or should give to its audience even if it is not you.....
Preferences are great but brand loyalty in gaming is a open door to fanboyism
E3 is not at award show...its a celebration of games...practice what u preach and talk about the games we keep saying its all about the games...right?......right?

truth is we only have about 5% indifferent and 95% in common ..why? because thats about the ration of games both sides of the two major player base of the opposing war console warriors have access to which are multiplats...imagine we are more in common than not but still we cant come together we let that 5% divide us to a drastic point of death threaths....WTF

dont have a small closed mind and focus on people and wars and company and who wins...its the same every year xbox fanboys will say xbox win each year sony fanboys will say ps wins....and you guys will fight to the virtual death with list and who has what and who doesnt.....it is sickening in every comment section to cant even discuss games and not quarrel over Brand....
is it going to change? hell no because the ppl who have any power to do so wont....am looking at u moderators., journalist, gaming media, youtubers, developers, and above all GAMERS

dont belive me...look at the disagrees...........

KickSpinFilter2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Honestly of all the times to hold back on games this was not it for MS, sorry. MS needs to build major hype for a mid gen system they have personally hyped to the max. Was looking to be a major get with Metro. Battlegrounds, and Anthum until it came clear that those games will also come out for PS4. Ya the Pro release was a mess also, but due to either a bad message or deliberately not pushing the Pro as the second coming or both. It felt much more like a soft roll out of what it exactly is a mid gen system.

I go where the games interest me: From Atari, to Sega, to Sony. I've never been on the "popular side" of what ever system except this time with the PS4, it's odd. No one out side of this .5% who post on these websites care. They are just happy they ran into another gamer no matter what system. After all it's a hobby not a presidential run. God Help US for the next 4 years!

UCForce2658d ago

Sure, but your opinion and your statement are poorly executed.

2658d ago
Sitdown2657d ago

Please hire a ghost writer. No duh companies get your money by offering a product that consumers want..... It's called supply and demand. Thought that was pretty obvious, but next time I will reduce stuff to your level. How about you stop whining because I challenged someone's post. His post was more about bashing another company then praising his preferred console, hence why he just said he was responding to the gloating. But whatever, I know my words are wasted on you, as you have already established poor reading comprehension.

Sitdown2657d ago

As much as you would like to think, you are not a we. But I'm pretty sure Sony appreciates your undying loyalty. Since I'm not a sole owner of just a ps4 does that discount me from being a part of the we?

I know this might be hard for you to understand, but just because somebody challenges it doesn't mean they are not relaxed or that they become offended. Hopefully as an adult you will realize that people can exchange ideas with a criticism hurting feelings. No need to apologize, you can't help who you are.

Krangs_Uncle2657d ago

When you declare that you are 'disgusted', it negates any sense of calm. No one here is buying your story, the truth is, is that this original comment hit a nerve for you for some unknown reason, while you do no attempt to refute other extreme fanboyism (way worse than my original comment) from people like Moldy etc.

You seem to have a deep superiority complex with concerns to gaming which is akin to console fanboyism, and everyone can see it - look around, lol, no one agrees with you. It's all got to you, don't fight it, mr condescending big adult man.

Sitdown2657d ago

Haha😂😂😂 ;😂. Since you hang with the word "disgusted", when people post "rotflmao" do you really think they be rolling on the floor and laughing there butts off? 🤣🤣🤣 29315; It's sad you think I need to sell a story to strangers. Who cares what people are buying, all I need to make is an extreme Sony fanboy post like you and the agrees will come. Buy you continue to use random strangers in a jaded website to justify you....Slavery got agrees to, that must mean it was right too huh?😂😂 But please check my posts, it's usually against people such as yourself. But continue to project your feelings on my though, I know you world is crumbling because somebody spoke out against you, and you don't know to appropriately handle rejection. Come on everybody agree with me, it helps mean that I'm right. 😂😂

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
2658d ago Replies(1)
Wallstreet372658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Delusional gloating. No way Microsofts was better than Sony lol it was muddled and fluffed with console launch exclusives but hardly any real ones. The fanatics that were ignorant about the matter finally found out that the "true 4k"games are bs and mostly all those games are using checkerboard rendering like pro lol, the games that seem to be" native " are all non graphical indie looking games. Crackdown was watered down now using the term " arena" area because "cloud" destruction obviously isn't what Microsoft made it out to be. And my favorite! "high fidelity vr" lol that never existed.

If it wasn't for Ori and that show would be abysmal. Their highlight was showing a Porsche lol gtfo

Jaypi032658d ago

"You guys" What's with all this division? We're all game enthusiast, so the need to divide one another based on console seems really pointless.

Krangs_Uncle2658d ago

Yet I read your comment history, and you are biased to the same degree. Moving on..

UCForce2658d ago

Competition is still need to maintain.

The7Reaper2658d ago

They shouldn't be doing a lot if gloating because Ubisoft had a better conference then Microsoft

*Comment provided in 4K because did you hear the Xbox One X can do 4K oh my god 4K 4K 4K oh my god lol

killswitch802658d ago

I wouldn't call horizon zero dawn, Nioh and Persona 5 and Uncharted being quiet.

Saijahn2657d ago

it's not ridiculous when Sony claims glory fro E3 though huh... that's always the conversation in the gaming community, who won e3. And you boast of the playstation experience to gloat, exactly what MS fans are doing.

Anywho, I look forward to seeing what Sony has to offer at this year's event because their e3 was lackluster honestly. I also hope MS has something planned to announce some better games, because their e3 was just as bad aside from the glorious unveiling of X.

FinalFantasyFanatic2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

I'm just going to trust Sony's word since they've provided me a steady stream of games to the point I can't even keep up anymore (lack of money/time to play, being an adult is suffering). This year's E3 was pretty mediocre from most participants, (I still think Nintendo did best, Ubisoft was pretty great too), no point anyone claiming they won the weakest E3 we've ever had. Personally I hope Sony makes up for it late with their other events like E3.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
Nyxus2658d ago

Yep, this comes as no surprise. Sucker Punch's new game still hasn't been revealed, The Last of Us II was held back for Uncharted The Lost Legacy, and who knows what else they're working on. I do wonder about FF7 Remake though, I kinda expected that to make an appearance.

Jeff2572658d ago

I don't even need to see more of The Last Of Us 2 except a release date. I am already sold based on how good the first one was and ND's track record of always doing better. I do really want to see just what Sucker Punch is working on though. They have been silent since First Light but I wouldn't be surprised if what ever they are doing will bring them similar attention that HZD brought to Guerrilla Games.

EatCrow2658d ago

Yea. That Shenmue and FF7 didnt make a showing speaks volumes of the announcement previous e3.

UCForce2658d ago

Can you be more specific with that comment ?

EatCrow2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )


Announced much to early. That is all. Huge announcements that will not bear any fruit until 2019 or later.
Kickstarters dont have a place in E3. Terrible idea.

saint_seya2658d ago

Yeah better do like MS with Fable or Scalebound, right ?

EatCrow2657d ago


I mentioned somewhere else, not sure if this article, about that very same thing. Dont put words in my mouth.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2657d ago
Rimeskeem2658d ago

TGS seems like the most logical place to show more FF7

ps360s2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

As I have thought...after the MS conference, Sony held back from E3 for their other conferences :)

Software_Lover2658d ago

So you guys now agree that Sony changes their E3 depending on what Microsoft does?

I just don't get the beliefs of either side anymore, unless I missed the sarcasm.

Chumdiddy2658d ago

Simply posted that an insider (by name) said Sony hels back, pulled 3 major annoucements after the MS show I the Sony E3 show artice section.

Eaten alive lol. Called a liar, etc. Just reported news, no personal stakes. People are crazy.

MyPersonalFactinion2658d ago

Every year we say E3 will be the greatest ever, and every year we are disappointed. Not saying this was a BAD E3, just underwhelming and meh..

LoveSpuds2658d ago

Don't know what shows you have been watching because the general consensus is that Sony's previous E3s have been spectacularly successful

2658d ago
ninsigma2658d ago

Sonys e3s have been incredible 3 years running. First year this gen where I thought e3 was disappointing.

SirBradders2658d ago

As a whole E3 is great each device and hardware manufacturer showed great things.

Liqu1d2658d ago

We? Speak for yourself, I haven't been disappointed by E3 every year at all.

Dragonscale2658d ago

Underwhelming and meh for xbox more like. Lol.

Why o why2658d ago

I see that good ol grouping raring its head

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2658d ago
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